def updateChunk(self, obj): """ Updates the hight of a lod chunk from the disk. """ lod = int([15:]) x, y = (obj.worldPosition.x / Tile.size, obj.worldPosition.y / Tile.size) msx, msy = self.terrain_file._msx, self.terrain_file._msy chunkpos = (int(x) + int(msx / 2), int(y) + int(msy / 2)) vlist = self.terrain_file.getChunkArray(lod, chunkpos) i = 0 cn = False mesh = obj.meshes[0] for vertex in vlist: z, nx, ny, nz = vertex v = mesh.getVertex(0, i) v.XYZ = (v.x, v.y, z) #if nx != None: v.setNormal((nx, ny, nz)) #else: cn = True i += 1 if True: utils.recalculateNormals(obj)
def onKeyPressed(self, keys): if not (key.LEFTMOUSE in keys or key.RIGHTMOUSE in keys): return hitobj = module.window.hitobj hitpoly = module.window.hitpoly if not hitobj or not"DYN_Terrain."): return v = utils.getNearestVertexToPoly(hitobj, hitpoly, self.obj.worldPosition) if key.LEFTMOUSE in keys: v.XYZ = [v.x, v.y, v.z+self.force] if key.RIGHTMOUSE in keys: v.XYZ = [v.x, v.y, v.z-self.force] self.obj.worldPosition = module.window.hitobj.worldPosition + v.XYZ utils.recalculateNormals(hitobj) hitobj.reinstancePhysicsMesh(hitobj, hitobj.meshes[0])
def onKeyPressed(self, keys): if not (key.LEFTMOUSE in keys or key.RIGHTMOUSE in keys): return hitobj = module.window.hitobj hitpoly = module.window.hitpoly if not hitobj or not"DYN_Terrain."): return v = utils.getNearestVertexToPoly(hitobj, hitpoly, self.obj.worldPosition) if key.LEFTMOUSE in keys: v.XYZ = [v.x, v.y, v.z + self.force] if key.RIGHTMOUSE in keys: v.XYZ = [v.x, v.y, v.z - self.force] self.obj.worldPosition = module.window.hitobj.worldPosition + v.XYZ utils.recalculateNormals(hitobj) hitobj.reinstancePhysicsMesh(hitobj, hitobj.meshes[0])
def updateChunk(self, obj): """ Updates the hight of a lod chunk from the disk. """ lod = int([15:]) x, y = (obj.worldPosition.x/Tile.size, obj.worldPosition.y/Tile.size) msx, msy = self.terrain_file._msx, self.terrain_file._msy chunkpos = (int(x)+int(msx/2), int(y)+int(msy/2)) vlist = self.terrain_file.getChunkArray(lod, chunkpos) i = 0 cn = False mesh = obj.meshes[0] for vertex in vlist: z, nx, ny, nz = vertex v = mesh.getVertex(0, i) v.XYZ = (v.x, v.y, z) #if nx != None: v.setNormal((nx, ny, nz)) #else: cn = True i += 1 if True: utils.recalculateNormals(obj)