def eval_special_form(h, l, e): if is_empty(l): return None val = get_value(h) if val == 'def': t = get_type(car(l)) if t != 'Symbol': raise Exception('Cant assign to {}. Symbol required.'.format(t)) k = get_value(car(l)) v = eval_lisp(car(cdr(l)), e) def_env(e, k, v) elif val == 'defn': name = car(l) args = car(cdr(l)) body = car(cdr(cdr(l))) k = get_value(name) lmbd = Lambda(args, body, e) def_env(e, k, lmbd) elif val == 'lambda': args = car(l) body = cdr(l) return Lambda(args, body, e) elif val == 'macro': args = car(l) body = cdr(l) return Macro(args, body) elif val == 'if': pred = eval_lisp(car(l), e) t = car(cdr(l)) f = car(cdr(cdr(l))) if pred: return eval_lisp(t, e) else: return eval_lisp(f, e) elif val == 'car': h = car(l) return eval_lisp(car(eval_lisp(h, e)), e) elif val == 'cdr': return cdr(eval_lisp(car(l), e)) elif val == 'cons': h = eval_lisp(car(l), e) t = eval_lisp(car(cdr(l)), e) return cons(h, t) elif val == '`': return car(l) elif val == 'cond': return eval_cond(l, e) elif val == 'print': while not is_empty(l): r = eval_lisp(car(l), e) print(r) l = cdr(l) return OK_symbol elif val == 'eval': a = eval_lisp(car(l), e) return eval_lisp(a, e) elif val == 'typeof': return get_type(car(l)) return OK_symbol
def eval_bin_op(h, l, e): if is_empty(l): return None result = eval_lisp(car(l), e) l = cdr(l) while not is_empty(l): right_operand = eval_lisp(car(l), e) result = realize_bin_op(get_value(h), result, right_operand) l = cdr(l) return result
def eval_macro(mcr, args, e): sub_args = mcr.args se = sub_env(e) while not is_empty(sub_args): if is_empty(args): raise Exception('not enough args!') arg = car(args) k = get_value(car(sub_args)) def_env(se, k, arg) sub_args = cdr(sub_args) args = cdr(args) body = macro_expand(mcr.body, se) return eval_lisp(body, e)
def eval_lambda(lmbd, args, e): se = sub_env(lmbd.env) sub_args = lmbd.args while not is_empty(sub_args): if is_empty(args): raise Exception('not enough args!') arg = eval_lisp(car(args), e) k = eval_lisp(car(sub_args), se) def_env(se, k, arg) sub_args = cdr(sub_args) args = cdr(args) body = lmbd.body return eval_lisp(body, se)
def eval_pred_op(h, l, e): if is_empty(l): return None left_operand = eval_lisp(car(l), e) l = cdr(l) result = True while not is_empty(l): right_operand = eval_lisp(car(l), e) result = result and realize_pred_op(get_value(h), left_operand, right_operand) if not result: return False left_operand = right_operand l = cdr(l) return True
def eval_cond(l, e): while not is_empty(l): cond = car(l) pred = car(cond) res = car(cdr(cond)) if pred == 'else': return eval_lisp(res, e) if eval_lisp(pred, e): return eval_lisp(res, e) l = cdr(l) return None
def show(l, start_of_list=True): type = get_type(l) new_list = True if type == 'ConsList': if is_empty(l): return '()' if get_type(car(l)) != 'ConsList': new_list = False if start_of_list: return "({} {})".format(show(car(l)), show(cdr(l), new_list)) else: return "{} {}".format(show(car(l)), show(cdr(l), False)) if type == "<class 'str'>": return '"{}"'.format(l) return get_value(l)
def eval_lisp(l, e): type = get_type(l) if type == 'ConsList': if is_empty(l): return l head_form = eval_lisp(car(l), e) tail = cdr(l) if head_form == OK_symbol: res = eval_lisp(tail, e) return res head_form_type = get_type(head_form) if head_form_type == 'BinOp': res = eval_bin_op(head_form, tail, e) return res if head_form_type == 'PredOp': res = eval_pred_op(head_form, tail, e) return res if head_form_type == 'SpecialForm': res = eval_special_form(head_form, tail, e) return res if head_form_type == 'Symbol': res = eval_symbol(head_form, e) return res if head_form_type == 'Lambda': res = eval_lambda(head_form, tail, e) return res if head_form_type == 'Macro': res = eval_macro(head_form, tail, e) return res return head_form if type == 'Symbol': if get_value(l) == 'None': return None return eval_symbol(l, e) return l