def launchFile(self): ## Prompts a file dialog with only 2 available file types ## Once file is selected, dialog returns the file's path (filename) filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( filetypes=[('word files', '.docx'), ('text files', '.txt')]) ## Splits file's path into a tuple of directory string and extension string filepath, file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if filename: if file_ext == ".txt": ## Executable file for notepad program filepath = "C:/Windows/notepad.exe" elif file_ext == ".docx": ## Executable file for Microsoft Word program filepath = "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Office/root/Office16/WINWORD.EXE" try: ## Create sub process proc = subprocess.Popen([filepath, filename]) proc.wait() except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError): return "Failed, file is damaged or program has crashed!" ## Prompts dialog for user to input revision message message = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("Commit message", "What are the changes?") rcsFile = File(filename, Database()) rcsFile.add(message) ## Update file list with the new changes self.updatefileList()
def addFile(self): ## Prompts a file dialog with only 2 available file types filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename( filetypes=[('text files', '.txt'), ('word files', '.docx')]) ## Prompts dialog for user to input revision message message = tkSimpleDialog.askstring("First commit", "What are the details?") rcsFile = File(filename, Database()) rcsFile.add(message) ## Update file list with the new changes self.updatefileList()