Пример #1
    def post(self):
        """Publish an API token for administrators"""

        if Utils.is_source_ip_permitted(request.access_route[0]) == False:
            abort(403, "Not allowed to access from your IP address")

        params, errors = AuthInputSchema().load(request.json)
        if errors:
            abort(400, errors)

        if params["password"] != app.config["ADMIN_PASSWORD"]:
            abort(401, "Invalid password")

        token = create_access_token(identity={"scope": "*", "restricted": False})
        return {"token": token}, 200
Пример #2
    def post(self, audit_uuid):
        """Publish an API token for the specified audit"""
        audit = AuditResource.get_by_id(audit_uuid=audit_uuid,

        if audit["ip_restriction"] == True:
            if Utils.is_source_ip_permitted(request.access_route[0]) == False:
                abort(403, "Not allowed to access from your IP address")

        if audit["password_protection"] == True:
            params, errors = AuditTokenInputSchema().load(request.json)
            if errors:
                abort(400, errors)

            if Utils.get_password_hash(
                    params["password"]) != audit["password"]:
                abort(401, "Invalid password")

        token = create_access_token(identity={
            "scope": audit_uuid,
            "restricted": False
        return {"token": token}, 200