Пример #1
    def _env_convert(self, value):
        Converts the following type tags when parsing environment variables:

        * ``!!bool``
        * ``!!float``
        * ``!!int``
        * ``!!str``
        * ``!!timestamp``

        The tag ``!!timestamp`` uses :mod:`python-dateutil` to parse date/time

        :param value: to parse
        :return: parsed value if any of the listed tags applies, else the
                 original value is returned
        if value is None:
            return None
        converter = {
            "!!bool": lambda r: parse_boolean(r),
            "!!float": lambda r: float(r),
            "!!int": lambda r: int(r),
            "!!str": lambda r: str(r),
            "!!timestamp": lambda r: dateutil.parser.parse(r)
        for typ, conv in converter.items():
            if value.startswith(typ + " "):
                upd = value[len(typ) + 1:]
                return conv(upd)
        return value
Пример #2
    def get_argument(self,
        Returns the value of the argument with the given name.

        If default is not provided, the argument is considered to be
        required, and we raise a `MissingArgumentError` if it is missing.

        If the argument appears in the url more than once, we return the
        last value.

        If ``as_type`` is provided, then the variable type is converted. The
        method supports the following variable types:

        * int
        * float
        * bool - using :meth:`parse_boolean <core4.util.data.parse_boolean>`
        * str
        * dict - using :mod:`json.loads`
        * list - using :mod:`json.loads`
        * datetime - using :meth:`dateutil.parser.parse`

        :param name: variable name
        :param default: value
        :param as_type: Python variable type
        :param remove: remove parameter from request arguments, defaults to
        :param dict_decode: custom function for dict decoding

        :return: value
        kwargs["default"] = kwargs.get("default", ARG_DEFAULT)

        ret = self._get_argument(name,
        if as_type and ret is not None:
                if as_type == bool:
                    if isinstance(ret, bool):
                        return ret
                    return parse_boolean(ret, error=True)
                if as_type == dict:
                    if isinstance(ret, dict):
                        return ret
                    return json_decode(ret, object_hook=dict_decode)
                if as_type == list:
                    if isinstance(ret, list):
                        return ret
                    return json_decode(ret)
                if as_type == datetime.datetime:
                    if isinstance(ret, datetime.datetime):
                        dt = ret
                        dt = dateutil.parser.parse(ret)
                    if dt.tzinfo is None:
                        return dt
                    utc_struct_time = time.gmtime(time.mktime(dt.timetuple()))
                    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
                if as_type == ObjectId:
                    if isinstance(ret, ObjectId):
                        return ret
                    return ObjectId(ret)
                return as_type(ret)
                raise core4.error.ArgumentParsingError(
                    "parameter [%s] expected as_type [%s]", name,
                    as_type.__name__) from None
        if remove and name in self.request.arguments:
            del self.request.arguments[name]
        return ret