Пример #1
def SetUserPassword(UserName, ExistingPassword, NewPassword, ConfirmPassword):

    # Is the form empty? Return no error...
    if not ExistingPassword and not NewPassword and not ConfirmPassword:
        return ""

        # Is the form partially filled?
    elif not ExistingPassword:
        return "Error: Missing existing password."
    elif not NewPassword:
        return "Error: Missing new password."
    elif not ConfirmPassword:
        return "Error: Missing confirmation password."

        # Get existing user
    ExistingUsers = Session.query(UsersTable).filter(UsersTable.UserName == UserName).all()
    if len(ExistingUsers) <= 0:
        return "Error: User name does not exist."
    ExistingUser = ExistingUsers[0]

    # Is the given password the active password?
    ExistingHash = __GeneratePasswordHash(ExistingPassword)
    if ExistingUser.UserPassword != ExistingHash:
        return "Error: Old password is not correct."

        # Check password lengths
    if len(NewPassword) <= 5:
        return "Error: New password is not long enough. Must be at least 6 characters long."
    if len(NewPassword) > 32:
        return "Error: New password is too long. May be at most 32 characters long."

        # Validate against whitelist to make sure these are valid characters
    if h.string_check_whitelist(NewPassword, h.string_whitelist_password) == False:
        return "Error: New password contains invalid characters."

        # Confirm the passwords are the same...
    if NewPassword != ConfirmPassword:
        return "Error: New passwords do not match."

        # All good to go - commit password changes
    ExistingUser.UserPassword = __GeneratePasswordHash(NewPassword)

    # Done!
    return "Success: Password has changed!"
Пример #2
def SetUserPassword(UserName, ExistingPassword, NewPassword, ConfirmPassword):
	# Is the form empty? Return no error...
	if not ExistingPassword and not NewPassword and not ConfirmPassword:
		return ""
	# Is the form partially filled?
	elif not ExistingPassword:
		return "Error: Missing existing password."
	elif not NewPassword:
		return "Error: Missing new password."
	elif not ConfirmPassword:
		return "Error: Missing confirmation password."
	# Get existing user
	ExistingUsers = Session.query(UsersTable).filter(UsersTable.UserName == UserName).all()
	if len(ExistingUsers) <= 0:
		return "Error: User name does not exist."
	ExistingUser = ExistingUsers[0]
	# Is the given password the active password?
	ExistingHash = __GeneratePasswordHash(ExistingPassword)
	if ExistingUser.UserPassword != ExistingHash:
		return "Error: Old password is not correct."
	# Check password lengths
	if len(NewPassword) <= 5:
		return "Error: New password is not long enough. Must be at least 6 characters long."
	if len(NewPassword) > 32:
		return "Error: New password is too long. May be at most 32 characters long."
	# Validate against whitelist to make sure these are valid characters
	if h.string_check_whitelist(NewPassword, h.string_whitelist_password) == False:
		return "Error: New password contains invalid characters."
	# Confirm the passwords are the same...
	if NewPassword != ConfirmPassword:
		return "Error: New passwords do not match."
	# All good to go - commit password changes
	ExistingUser.UserPassword = __GeneratePasswordHash(NewPassword)
	# Done!
	return "Success: Password has changed!"
Пример #3
def UserRegister(UserName, UserEMail, UserPassword, UserPasswordConfirm):

    # Check for cookies - are we already logged in?
    if session.get("UserName"):
        return "redirect"

        # Did we get the entire form correctly?
    if not UserName or not UserEMail or not UserPassword or not UserPasswordConfirm:
        return "Error: Missing fields. Please fill out all fields completely."

        # Check username lengths
    if len(UserName) <= 5:
        return "Error: User name is not long enough. Must be at least 6 characters long."
    if len(UserName) > 32:
        return "Error: User name is too long. May be at most 32 characters long."

        # Check email lengths
    if len(UserEMail) <= 5:
        return "Error: User e-mail is not long enough. Must be at least 6 characters long."
    if len(UserEMail) > 32:
        return "Error: User e-mail is too long. May be at most 32 characters long."

        # Check password lengths
    if len(UserPassword) <= 5:
        return "Error: User password is not long enough. Must be at least 6 characters long."
    if len(UserPassword) > 32:
        return "Error: User password is too long. May be at most 32 characters long."

        # Validate against whitelist to make sure these are valid characters
    if h.string_check_whitelist(UserName, h.string_whitelist) == False:
        return "Error: User name contains invalid characters."
    if h.string_check_whitelist(UserEMail, h.string_whitelist) == False:
        return "Error: User e-mail contains invalid characters."
    if h.string_check_whitelist(UserPassword, h.string_whitelist_password) == False:
        return "Error: Password contains invalid characters."

        # Confirm the passwords are the same...
    if UserPassword != UserPasswordConfirm:
        return "Error: Passwords do not match."

        # Finally, make sure no other users with the same name exist..
    ExistingUsers = Session.query(UsersTable).filter(UsersTable.UserName == UserName).all()
    if len(ExistingUsers) > 0:
        return "Error: User name already exists! Please select a new user name."

        # Register this new user into the database
    NewUser = UsersTable()

    # Note that the user ID will auto-increment
    NewUser.UserName = UserName
    NewUser.UserEMail = UserEMail
    NewUser.UserPoints = 0
    NewUser.UserPassword = __GeneratePasswordHash(UserPassword)
    NewUser.LogInCount = 0
    NewUser.LastLogin = datetime.datetime.now()
    NewUser.IsAdmin = False
    NewUser.IconID = 0

    # Commit to DB

    # Special achivement earned by people who register now - alpha testers
    UserAddAchievement(NewUser.UserID, 0)

    # All done
    return ""
Пример #4
def UserRegister(UserName, UserEMail, UserPassword, UserPasswordConfirm):
	# Check for cookies - are we already logged in?
	if session.get("UserName"):
		return "redirect"
	# Did we get the entire form correctly?
	if not UserName or not UserEMail or not UserPassword or not UserPasswordConfirm:
		return "Error: Missing fields. Please fill out all fields completely."
	# Check username lengths
	if len(UserName) <= 5:
		return "Error: User name is not long enough. Must be at least 6 characters long."
	if len(UserName) > 32:
		return "Error: User name is too long. May be at most 32 characters long."
	# Check email lengths
	if len(UserEMail) <= 5:
		return "Error: User e-mail is not long enough. Must be at least 6 characters long."
	if len(UserEMail) > 32:
		return "Error: User e-mail is too long. May be at most 32 characters long."
	# Check password lengths
	if len(UserPassword) <= 5:
		return "Error: User password is not long enough. Must be at least 6 characters long."
	if len(UserPassword) > 32:
		return "Error: User password is too long. May be at most 32 characters long."
	# Validate against whitelist to make sure these are valid characters
	if h.string_check_whitelist(UserName, h.string_whitelist) == False:
		return "Error: User name contains invalid characters."
	if h.string_check_whitelist(UserEMail, h.string_whitelist) == False:
		return "Error: User e-mail contains invalid characters."
	if h.string_check_whitelist(UserPassword, h.string_whitelist_password) == False:
		return "Error: Password contains invalid characters."
	# Confirm the passwords are the same...
	if UserPassword != UserPasswordConfirm:
		return "Error: Passwords do not match."
	# Finally, make sure no other users with the same name exist..
	ExistingUsers = Session.query(UsersTable).filter(UsersTable.UserName == UserName).all()
	if len(ExistingUsers) > 0:
		return "Error: User name already exists! Please select a new user name."
	# Register this new user into the database
	NewUser = UsersTable()
	# Note that the user ID will auto-increment
	NewUser.UserName = UserName
	NewUser.UserEMail = UserEMail
	NewUser.UserPoints = 0
	NewUser.UserPassword = __GeneratePasswordHash(UserPassword)
	NewUser.LogInCount = 0
	NewUser.LastLogin = datetime.datetime.now()
	NewUser.IsAdmin = False
	NewUser.IconID = 0
	# Commit to DB
	# Special achivement earned by people who register now - alpha testers
	UserAddAchievement(NewUser.UserID, 0)
	# All done
	return ""