class TACourseForm(forms.ModelForm): def __init__(self, semester, *args, **kwargs): super(TACourseForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields['course'].widget.semester = semester course = OfferingField() class Meta: model = TACourse
class SessionalContractForm(forms.ModelForm): person = PersonField() offering = OfferingField() def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(SessionalContractForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) unit_ids = [ for unit in request.units] units = Unit.objects.filter(id__in=unit_ids) accounts = SessionalAccount.objects.visible(units) self.fields['account'].queryset = accounts self.fields['account'].empty_label = None self.fields['unit'].queryset = units self.fields['unit'].empty_label = None class Meta: exclude = ['sessional'] model = SessionalContract widgets = { 'pay_start': CalendarWidget, 'pay_end': CalendarWidget, 'appointment_start': CalendarWidget, 'appointment_end': CalendarWidget, 'contract_hours': forms.NumberInput(attrs={'class': 'smallnumberinput'}), 'total_salary': DollarInput, 'appt_guarantee': forms.RadioSelect, 'appt_type': forms.RadioSelect } help_texts = { 'notes': 'These will appear in the "Remarks" field of the payroll form.' } fields = ['person', 'account', 'unit', 'sin', 'visa_verified', 'appointment_start', 'appointment_end', 'pay_start', 'pay_end', 'offering', 'course_hours_breakdown','appt_guarantee', 'appt_type', 'contact_hours', 'total_salary', 'notes'] def is_valid(self, *args, **kwargs): PersonField.person_data_prep(self) return super(SessionalContractForm, self).is_valid(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(SessionalContractForm, self).clean() appointment_start = cleaned_data.get("appointment_start") appointment_end = cleaned_data.get("appointment_end") if appointment_end < appointment_start: raise forms.ValidationError({'appointment_end': "Appointment end date cannot be before appointment start " "date.", 'appointment_start': "Appointment end date cannot be before appointmentstart " "date."}) pay_start = cleaned_data.get("pay_start") pay_end = cleaned_data.get("pay_end") if pay_end < pay_start: raise forms.ValidationError({'pay_end': "Pay end date cannot be before pay start date.", 'pay_start': "Pay end date cannot be before pay start date."}) sin = cleaned_data.get("sin") if sin and len(sin) != 9: raise forms.ValidationError({'sin': "SIN has to be exactly 9 digits."})