Пример #1
    def run_task(self):
        # TODO: add log / pk
        source = {}
        #data = {}
        fields = []

        # group fields by table
        for i in self.task_action_ids:
            if not source.has_key(i.source):
                source[i.source] = []

        for source, actions in source.items():
            if source.source_type == 'csv':
                db = coredb.DB(source.source_type, data=source.data)
                conn = db.connect()
                rows = db.get_rows()
                for row in rows.dicts():
                    # d = {model: {data fields}}
                    d = {}
                    for action in actions:
                        if not d.has_key(action.odoo_model.model):
                            d[action.odoo_model.model] = {}
                        d[action.odoo_model.model][action.odoo_field_id.name] = row[action.field_id.name]

                    for model, data in d.items():
            elif source.source_type in ['pymssql', 'psycopg2']:
                # get tables and fields
                tables = {}
                for action in actions:
                    if not tables.has_key(action.table):
                        tables[action.table.name] = []

                # connect with database
                db = coredb.DB(source.source_type)
                conn = db.connect(source.host, source.port, source.database, source.username, source.password)
                if not conn:
                    print 'ERROR'

                # get rows from tables
                for table, fields in tables.items():
                    rows = db.get_rows(table=table, fields=fields)

                    for row in rows:
                        d = {}
                        for action in actions:
                            if not d.has_key(action.odoo_model.model):
                                d[action.odoo_model.model] = {}
                            d[action.odoo_model.model][action.odoo_field_id.name] = row[action.field_id.name]

                        for model, data in d.items():
                            print model, data
Пример #2
 def refresh(self):
     db = coredb.DB(self.source_type, data=self.data)
     conn = db.connect(self.host, self.port, self.database, self.username, self.password)
     if not conn:
         raise Exception("I can't connect with this source: %s" % self.name)
     for table in self.table_ids:
         print 'Refreshing %s...' % table.name
         data = {
             'rows': db.refresh(table.name)
         print data
Пример #3
    def _get_rows_related(self):
        if self.env['etileno.field'].search_count([('table_id', '=', self.id)]) <= 10:
            fields = [i.name for i in self.env['etileno.field'].search([('table_id', '=', self.id)])]
            fields = [i.name for i in self.env['etileno.field'].search([('table_id', '=', self.id), ('visible', '=', True)])]
        if fields:
            # TODO: to keep simple connections
            db = coredb.DB(self.source_id.source_type)
            conn = db.connect(self.source_id.host, self.source_id.port, self.source_id.database, self.source_id.username, self.source_id.password)
            rows = db.get_data(self.name, fields)

            # add column name
            #data = dict([(F[i], fields[i]) for i in xrange(len(fields))])
            #self.row_ids |= self.env['etileno.row'].create(data)

            # add data rows
            for row in rows:
                data = {}
                for i in xrange(len(fields)):
                    data[F[i]] = row[fields[i]]
                self.row_ids |= self.env['etileno.row'].create(data)
Пример #4
    def search_match(self):
        rows = {}

        # get codes from source
        db = coredb.DB(self.source.source_type, data=self.source.data)
        conn = db.connect(self.source.host, self.source.port, self.source.database, self.source.username, self.source.password)
        if not conn:
            raise Exception("I can't connect with this source: %s" % self.name)
        rows_source = db.get_rows(table=self.table_id.name, fields=self.table_id.pks.split(',') + [self.field_match_id.name])
        for row in rows_source:
            #print '>>', row
            if rows.has_key(row[-1]) or row[-1] == None:
                if self.test:
                    raise Exception("Code repeated at source: %s with id %s" % (row[-1], ','.join(map(str, row[0:-1]))))
            rows[row[-1]] = { 'id_source': ','.join(map(str, row[0:-1])) }

        # get codes from odoo
        rows_odoo = self.env[self.odoo_match_id.model_id.model].search([])
        for row in rows_odoo:
            #if not rows.has_key(getattr(row, self.odoo_match_id.name)):
            #    if self.test:
            #        raise Exception("Code repeated at odoo: %s" % getattr(row, self.odoo_match_id.name))
            #    else:
            #        print 'continue'
            #        continue
            rows[getattr(row, self.odoo_match_id.name)]['id_odoo'] = str(row.id)

        codes = dict([i.code, i] for i in self.code_ids)

        for k, v in rows.items():
            if not codes.has_key(k):
                data = {
                    'translate_id': self.id,
                    'code': k,
                    'id_source': v['id_source'],
                    'id_odoo': v['id_odoo']
                codes['k'] = self.env['etileno.table.translate.code'].create(data)
Пример #5
 def introspection(self):
     db = coredb.DB(self.source_type, data=self.data)
     conn = db.connect(self.host, self.port, self.database, self.username, self.password)
     tables = db.show_tables()
     table = self.env['etileno.table']
     for k,v in tables.items():
         print v
         # get fields
         fields = []
         for i in v['fields']:
             fields.append((0,0, {
                 'name': i[0],
                 'field_type': i[1],
                 'pk': i[0] in v['pk'] and (v['pk'].index(i[0]) + 1)
         # create table and fields
         data = {
             'source_id': self.id,
             'name': k,
             'rows': v['count'],
             'field_ids': fields
Пример #6
 def verify_connection(self):
     db = coredb.DB(self.source_type, data=self.data)
     conn = db.connect(self.host, self.port, self.database, self.username, self.password)
     if conn:
         self.state = 'verified'
Пример #7
    def run_task(self):
        # TODO: add log / pk
        source = {}
        #data = {}
        fields = []

        # group fields by table
        for i in self.task_action_ids:
            if not source.has_key(i.source):
                source[i.source] = []

        for source, actions in source.items():
            if source.source_type == 'csv':
                db = coredb.DB(source.source_type, data=source.data)
                conn = db.connect()
                rows = db.get_rows()
                for row in rows.dicts():
                    # d = {model: {data fields}}
                    d = {}
                    for action in actions:
                        if not d.has_key(action.odoo_model.model):
                            d[action.odoo_model.model] = {}
                        d[action.odoo_model.model][action.odoo_field_id.name] = row[action.field_id.name]

                    for model, data in d.items():
            elif source.source_type in ['pymssql', 'psycopg2']:
                # get tables and fields
                tables = {}
                for action in actions:
                    if not tables.has_key(action.table.name):
                        tables[action.table.name] = []

                # connect with database
                db = coredb.DB(source.source_type)
                conn = db.connect(source.host, source.port, source.database, source.username, source.password)
                if not conn:
                    print 'ERROR'

                # get rows from tables
                for table, fields in tables.items():
                    #print table, fields
                    rows = db.get_rows(table=table, fields=fields)

                    for row in rows:
                        #print row
                        d = {}
                        create = True
                        for action in actions:
                            # prepare data for create
                            if action.action in ['c', 'cr']:
                                if not d.has_key(action.odoo_model.model):
                                    d[action.odoo_model.model] = {}

                            # checks
                            if action.action == 'pk': # primary key
                                field_pk = row[action.field_id.name]
                            elif action.action == 'C': # check value
                                print '>', row[action.field_id.name], action.action_value
                                # TODO: cast action_value right
                                if not row[action.field_id.name] == int(action.action_value):
                                    create = False
                            elif action.action == 'c': # create
                                d[action.odoo_model.model][action.odoo_field_id.name] = row[action.field_id.name]

                        print '+++', create, d
                        # create register
                        if create:
                            for model, data in d.items():
                                #print model, data
                                pk_id = self.env[model].create(data)
                                log_data = {
                                    'task_id': self.id,
                                    'table_row_pk': field_pk,
                                    'model_row_pk': pk_id