Пример #1
    def __load_macro_instance(MacroModule, MacroFactoryFunction, args=None):
             Dynamically call a factory function of a python module
             The factory function should return an instance of a local class of this module.
        :param MacroModule: python module from the macro library
        :param MacroFactoryFunction: function we want to call to get the macro object
        :param args: String arguments passed to the MacroFactoryFunction 
        instance = None
        # the arguments of the MacroFactoryFunction can be a grinder placeholder
        if args:
            # New: default value management
            props = loadProps()
            args = CachedMacros.__manageDefaultValue(args, props)

            # First try, ignore any substitution error (safe_substitute does the job)
            args = ExtendedTemplate(args).safe_substitute(props)

            # Still a template variable ?
            if args.find('${') >= 0:
                    # Any not substituted key raise an error (paranoid mode)
                    args = ExtendedTemplate(args).substitute(props)
                except KeyError, e:
                        '__load_macro_instance() - KeyError raise, reason: %s'
                        % str(e))
                    raise SyntaxError(
                        '__load_macro_instance() - KeyError raise, reason: %s'
                        % str(e))
Пример #2
 def __maySubstituteTemplate(cls, param, templateDict):
     if (cls.placeholderPattern.matcher(param)).find():
             return (ExtendedTemplate(param).substitute(templateDict))
         except KeyError:
             raise SyntaxError('Unable to find "%s" in the context' %
     return param
Пример #3
    def getNextScenario(self):
          Switch to the next scenario. 
          Localization is done by scenario and indexScenario attributes
          TODO: check if self.stored is still used ...
        self.indexScenario += 1
        self.macros = None

        # Check we don't reach the last scenario
        if self.indexScenario >= self.scenarioListSize:
                'getNextScenario() - End Of Scenario - indexScenario=%s, Number of scenario=%d'
                % (self.indexScenario, self.scenarioListSize))
            self.scenario = None
            self.indexScenario = -1

        # An Unique Identifier aimed at giving an identification of the UC
        self.uid = '%01d%02d%03d%05d%03d' % (
            grinder.agentNumber, Configuration.processNumber,
            grinder.threadNumber, grinder.runNumber, self.indexScenario)
        MDC.put('uid', '[uid=%s]' % (self.uid))

        # Manage current scenario variables
        self.scenario = self.scenarioList[self.indexScenario]
        self.scenarioSize = len(self.scenario.lines)
        if self.macrosAllScenario:
            if self.indexScenario in self.macrosAllScenario:
                self.macros = self.macrosAllScenario[self.indexScenario]

        # get immutable information from scenario object
        self.__initial_context = self.scenario.getContextDefinition()
        logger.debug('getNextScenario() - [scenario:%s] [initialContext:%s] ' %
                     (self.scenario, self.__initial_context))
        self.stored = dict(self.__initial_context)
        self.indexLine = -1

        # Update the Context cache for the new scenario

        # add the unique identifier for implementation relying on a static session cache
        self.cacheKeys.set('grindertool.transactionId', self.uid)

        # Add all the context evaluated keys
        if len(self.__initial_context) > 0:
            if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                    '-- Begin context evaluation [context="%s"][size=%d]' %
                    (self, len(self.__initial_context)))

            # Evaluate macros in context
            temp_dict = dict(self.__initial_context)

            # TODO : recursive
            nbRetryLoop = 4
            for i in range(1, nbRetryLoop):
                needSubstitutionCount = 0
                for k, v in dict(temp_dict).iteritems():
                    if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                        logger.trace('[loop=%d][key=%s][value=%s]' % (i, k, v))
                    v = ExtendedTemplate(v).safe_substitute(
                     newValue) = self.__substitute_in_value(v)
                    if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                            % (k, v, stillPlaceholder, newValue))
                    needSubstitutionCount += int(stillPlaceholder)
                    temp_dict[k] = newValue
                    if not stillPlaceholder and newValue:
                        if type(newValue) is dict:
                            for key, val in newValue.iteritems():
                                if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                                        'Adding key "%s.%s" value %s to scenario context'
                                        % (k, key, val))
                                self.cacheKeys.set('%s.%s' % (k, key), val)
                            self.cacheKeys.set(k, newValue)

                        if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                                'Removing key from temporary context: %s' %
                if not needSubstitutionCount:
                    if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                            'No more substitution needed [Exit at loop %d/%d]'
                            % (i, nbRetryLoop))

        # We define the context cache keys
        if logger.isTraceEnabled():
            logger.trace('-- End context evaluation --')
Пример #4
    def processNew(self):
           Process a ***template**** line with dynamic substitutions and memorization
        # To be sure that we won't have some side effect with fields and memory cache

        if logger.isTraceEnabled():
            logger.trace('>>> processNew(): cachekeys: %s' %

        # Necessary to have a thread local copy of immutable line object
        localFields = copy.deepcopy(self.line.fieldsNew)

        # Update the cacheKeys with <<<literal values>>> (values without function and without template ${template} )
        subsDict = {}
        for elem in localFields.getLiterral():
            subsDict[elem.name] = elem.value
            logger.trace('********** literal field:%s' % (elem))

        # Then substitute all <<<template strings>>> found in the fields to allow function execution
        for elem in localFields.getTemplate():

        # Dynamic function call in the field itself is marked for the whole line (optimization)
        if localFields.isFunction:
            logger.debug('processLine() - Dynamic fields substitution')
            for elem in localFields.getFunction():
                m = (GlobalPattern.dynFieldPattern).matcher(elem.value)
                while m.find():
                    (module, method, param) = (m.group(1), m.group(2),
                                               m.group(3) or None)
                    if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                        logger.trace('%s[module=%s][method=%s][param=%s]' %
                                     (elem, module, method, param))
                        valueToReplace = getattr(
                            method)(param) if param else getattr(
                                self.macros[module], method)()
                        if logger.isDebugEnabled():
                            logger.debug('valueToReplace=%s' %
                        if not valueToReplace:
                                'valueToReplace is null. REVIEW YOUR TEST DEFINITION. Context is [module=%s][method=%s][param=%s]'
                                % (module, method, param))
                            raise SyntaxError(
                                'valueToReplace is null. REVIEW YOUR TEST DEFINITION. Context is [module=%s][method=%s][param=%s]'
                                % (module, method, param))
                    except KeyError:
                            'FATAL: Macro call "%s.%s(%s)" is not defined in your scenario "%s" macros section'
                            % (module, method, param, self.scenario.getName()))
                        raise SyntaxError(
                            'FATAL: Macro call "%s.%s(%s)" is not defined in your scenario "%s" macros section'
                            % (module, method, param, self.scenario.getName()))
                    except Exception, x:
                        if not self.macros:
                                'FATAL: your forget to define the macros section in your scenario "%s"'
                                % (self.scenario.getName()))
                            raise SyntaxError(
                                'FATAL: your forget to define the macros section in your scenario "%s"'
                                % (self.scenario.getName()))
                                'FATAL: when calling macro: %s, cause=%s' %
                                (elem, x))
                            raise SyntaxError(
                                'FATAL: when calling macro: %s, cause=%s' %
                                (elem, x))

                    m = (GlobalPattern.dynFieldPattern).matcher(elem.value)
Пример #5
class Context:
       A context maintains the :
       - Yaml context execution value between RUN
       - all the cached values during a scenario lifecycle
          keys are ** unknown ** - they are pushed in the context environment and reused in the scenario
          ** coherence of keys ** are the sole responsibility of the tester
    def __init__(self, macrosAllScenario):

        # =========== IMMUTABLE attributes =================
        # we reverse because we will use a pop() to traverse the scenario
        self.scenarioList = Configuration.getScenarioList()
        self.scenarioListSize = len(self.scenarioList)
        self.macrosAllScenario = macrosAllScenario
        self.templateManager = Configuration.cmdMgr

        # =========== MUTABLE attributes =================
        self.uid = None
        self.macros = None
        # expiration time = infinite by default
        self.expirationTime = -1
        self.indexScenario = -1
        self.scenario = None
        self.line = None
        self.indexLine = -1
        self.scenarioSize = 0

        # For async hardening
        self.locked = False
        self.flagged = False
        self.contextKey = None
        self.contextValue = None

        # A flag to indicates that the scenario must be continued on resume
        # Bug in Rev373 - the default value was True
        self.scenarioContinue = False

        # The initial context is the "meta" definition of the context
        self.__initial_context = None

        # This is the living context with substitution
        self.stored = None

        # A thread context cache
        self.cacheKeys = CacheKey()

    def copy(self, __ctx):
           ATTENTION: must copy all the mutable attributes (see above) 
           :param __ctx: the context object to copy
        self.uid = __ctx.uid
        self.macros = __ctx.macros
        self.expirationTime = __ctx.expirationTime
        self.indexScenario = __ctx.indexScenario
        self.scenario = __ctx.scenario
        # take care ... Line must be immutable !
        self.line = __ctx.line
        self.indexLine = __ctx.indexLine
        self.scenarioSize = __ctx.scenarioSize
        self.contextKey = __ctx.contextKey
        self.contextValue = __ctx.contextValue

        self.scenarioContinue = __ctx.scenarioContinue

        # The initial context is the "meta" definition of the context
        self.__initial_context = __ctx.__initial_context

        # This is the living context with substitution
        self.stored = __ctx.stored

        # A thread context cache
        self.cacheKeys = copy.deepcopy(__ctx.cacheKeys)

       #### BEGIN - applicative locks used for asynchronous processing

    def unlock(self):
        self.locked = False

    def setLock(self):
        self.locked = True

    def isLocked(self):
        return self.locked

    def setFlag(self):
        self.flagged = True

    def isFlagged(self):
        return self.flagged

       #### END - applicative locks used for asynchronous processing

    def __repr__(self):
        s = ''
        s += '\n<%s.%s object at %s>\n' % (
            self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, hex(id(self)))
        s += 'scenario: %s\n' % (hex(id(self.scenario))
                                 if self.scenario else 'None')
        s += 'line(%d): %s\n' % (self.indexLine,
                                 hex(id(self.line)) if self.line else 'None')
        s += 'scenarioList(%d): %s\n' % (self.indexScenario,
                                         if self.scenarioList else 'None')
        return s

    def getIndexScenario(self):
        return self.indexScenario

    def getNextScenario(self):
          Switch to the next scenario. 
          Localization is done by scenario and indexScenario attributes
          TODO: check if self.stored is still used ...
        self.indexScenario += 1
        self.macros = None

        # Check we don't reach the last scenario
        if self.indexScenario >= self.scenarioListSize:
                'getNextScenario() - End Of Scenario - indexScenario=%s, Number of scenario=%d'
                % (self.indexScenario, self.scenarioListSize))
            self.scenario = None
            self.indexScenario = -1

        # An Unique Identifier aimed at giving an identification of the UC
        self.uid = '%01d%02d%03d%05d%03d' % (
            grinder.agentNumber, Configuration.processNumber,
            grinder.threadNumber, grinder.runNumber, self.indexScenario)
        MDC.put('uid', '[uid=%s]' % (self.uid))

        # Manage current scenario variables
        self.scenario = self.scenarioList[self.indexScenario]
        self.scenarioSize = len(self.scenario.lines)
        if self.macrosAllScenario:
            if self.indexScenario in self.macrosAllScenario:
                self.macros = self.macrosAllScenario[self.indexScenario]

        # get immutable information from scenario object
        self.__initial_context = self.scenario.getContextDefinition()
        logger.debug('getNextScenario() - [scenario:%s] [initialContext:%s] ' %
                     (self.scenario, self.__initial_context))
        self.stored = dict(self.__initial_context)
        self.indexLine = -1

        # Update the Context cache for the new scenario

        # add the unique identifier for implementation relying on a static session cache
        self.cacheKeys.set('grindertool.transactionId', self.uid)

        # Add all the context evaluated keys
        if len(self.__initial_context) > 0:
            if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                    '-- Begin context evaluation [context="%s"][size=%d]' %
                    (self, len(self.__initial_context)))

            # Evaluate macros in context
            temp_dict = dict(self.__initial_context)

            # TODO : recursive
            nbRetryLoop = 4
            for i in range(1, nbRetryLoop):
                needSubstitutionCount = 0
                for k, v in dict(temp_dict).iteritems():
                    if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                        logger.trace('[loop=%d][key=%s][value=%s]' % (i, k, v))
                    v = ExtendedTemplate(v).safe_substitute(
                     newValue) = self.__substitute_in_value(v)
                    if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                            % (k, v, stillPlaceholder, newValue))
                    needSubstitutionCount += int(stillPlaceholder)
                    temp_dict[k] = newValue
                    if not stillPlaceholder and newValue:
                        if type(newValue) is dict:
                            for key, val in newValue.iteritems():
                                if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                                        'Adding key "%s.%s" value %s to scenario context'
                                        % (k, key, val))
                                self.cacheKeys.set('%s.%s' % (k, key), val)
                            self.cacheKeys.set(k, newValue)

                        if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                                'Removing key from temporary context: %s' %
                if not needSubstitutionCount:
                    if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                            'No more substitution needed [Exit at loop %d/%d]'
                            % (i, nbRetryLoop))

        # We define the context cache keys
        if logger.isTraceEnabled():
            logger.trace('-- End context evaluation --')

    def getScenario(self, asyncCallback=False):
        return self.scenario if asyncCallback else self.getNextScenario()

    def setExpirationTime(self, expirationTime):
        Expiration is set when executing at runtime an async step
        :param expirationTime: a future date in second for expiration including the timeout initialized in Line class
        self.expirationTime = expirationTime

    def getCacheKeys(self):
        return self.cacheKeys

    def getNextLine(self):
          go to the scenario next line (step) of it exists
        self.indexLine += 1
        if self.indexLine >= self.scenarioSize:
            # VIRTUALRUN END #
            self.indexLine = -1
            self.line = None
            return False

        self.line = self.scenario.lines[self.indexLine]

        # To avoid side effect
        if self.line.async_step:
            self.line.contextValue = self.line.initialContextValue
            if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                    '[ASYNC] restoring initialContextValue definition: %s' %
        return True

    def getCurrentLines(self):
        return self.scenario.lines

    def getCurrentLineIndex(self):
        return self.indexLine

    def getCurrentLine(self):
        return self.line

    def endAsyncScenarioTimeout(self):
           Case where we consider a timeout as a normal behavior
           timeout_success: True in the "async" tag
           default ( timeout_success: False )
        # Special case : timeout EXPIRED is a success
        if self.line.isTimeoutSuccess():
                'endAsyncScenarioTimeout - considering a timeout as a SUCCESS')
            self.scenarioContinue = True

        # Nominal UC: timeout is a failure.
        # ome,29/02: removed the last parameter of report_step_status to raise the flag error in the grindertool GUI
        # ome, 10/07/17: removing last parameter was not a good idea as it raise a "InvalidContextException"
                                     cause='Timeout error triggered',
        #         reporting.report_step_status(success=False, context=self, cause='Timeout error triggered', state='stepTimeoutKO')

    def endAsyncScenario(self):

        # There is another scenario behind, we increase the scenario index and put it in the queue
        if self.indexScenario < (self.scenarioListSize - 1):
                'endAsyncScenario: case indexScenario[%d] < number of scenario minus one[%d]'
                % (self.indexScenario, self.scenarioListSize - 1))
            # We take care to remove any promised async call of the stopped scenario
            for i, line in enumerate(self.scenario.lines[self.indexLine:]):
                # ignore the current expired one
                if i == 0 and line.isAsynchronous(): continue
                if line.isAsynchronous() and line.asyncBlocking():
                        'endAsyncScenario: adding extra AbortRunToken for scenario[%d]:%s'
                        % (self.indexScenario, self.scenario.getName()))
                'endAsyncScenario: adding context in the GrinderQueue()')

        # There is no more scenario
            'endAsyncScenario: Last scenario - Adding AbortRuntoken when removing context'
        loggerProxy.end_run('end run')
            for line in self.scenario.lines[self.indexLine:]
            if line.isAsynchronous() and line.asyncBlocking()

    def processNew(self):
           Process a ***template**** line with dynamic substitutions and memorization
        # To be sure that we won't have some side effect with fields and memory cache

        if logger.isTraceEnabled():
            logger.trace('>>> processNew(): cachekeys: %s' %

        # Necessary to have a thread local copy of immutable line object
        localFields = copy.deepcopy(self.line.fieldsNew)

        # Update the cacheKeys with <<<literal values>>> (values without function and without template ${template} )
        subsDict = {}
        for elem in localFields.getLiterral():
            subsDict[elem.name] = elem.value
            logger.trace('********** literal field:%s' % (elem))

        # Then substitute all <<<template strings>>> found in the fields to allow function execution
        for elem in localFields.getTemplate():

        # Dynamic function call in the field itself is marked for the whole line (optimization)
        if localFields.isFunction:
            logger.debug('processLine() - Dynamic fields substitution')
            for elem in localFields.getFunction():
                m = (GlobalPattern.dynFieldPattern).matcher(elem.value)
                while m.find():
                    (module, method, param) = (m.group(1), m.group(2),
                                               m.group(3) or None)
                    if logger.isTraceEnabled():
                        logger.trace('%s[module=%s][method=%s][param=%s]' %
                                     (elem, module, method, param))
                        valueToReplace = getattr(
                            method)(param) if param else getattr(
                                self.macros[module], method)()
                        if logger.isDebugEnabled():
                            logger.debug('valueToReplace=%s' %
                        if not valueToReplace:
                                'valueToReplace is null. REVIEW YOUR TEST DEFINITION. Context is [module=%s][method=%s][param=%s]'
                                % (module, method, param))
                            raise SyntaxError(
                                'valueToReplace is null. REVIEW YOUR TEST DEFINITION. Context is [module=%s][method=%s][param=%s]'
                                % (module, method, param))
                    except KeyError:
                            'FATAL: Macro call "%s.%s(%s)" is not defined in your scenario "%s" macros section'
                            % (module, method, param, self.scenario.getName()))
                        raise SyntaxError(
                            'FATAL: Macro call "%s.%s(%s)" is not defined in your scenario "%s" macros section'
                            % (module, method, param, self.scenario.getName()))
                    except Exception, x:
                        if not self.macros:
                                'FATAL: your forget to define the macros section in your scenario "%s"'
                                % (self.scenario.getName()))
                            raise SyntaxError(
                                'FATAL: your forget to define the macros section in your scenario "%s"'
                                % (self.scenario.getName()))
                                'FATAL: when calling macro: %s, cause=%s' %
                                (elem, x))
                            raise SyntaxError(
                                'FATAL: when calling macro: %s, cause=%s' %
                                (elem, x))

                    m = (GlobalPattern.dynFieldPattern).matcher(elem.value)

        # Add all the line fields in the cacheKey cache
        subsDict = {}
        for elem in localFields.getAllFields():
            subsDict[elem.name] = elem.value

        str2Use = None
        if self.line.template:
            # template could be dynamic (depending on context)
            template = self.line.getDynamicTemplate(
                self.macros) if self.line.dynTemplate else self.line.template

            # return the cached template (or store it the first time)
            command = self.templateManager.get_or_load(self.line.template_type,
                                                       template, self.macros)

            # the common case is to have Yaml format
            if command.getStr():
                str2Use = ExtendedTemplate(command.getStr()).safe_substitute(
                logger.debug('[Yaml Template after substitution:%s]' %
                return str2Use

        # No template, return just the fields with substitution applied
        str2Use = localFields.update(self.cacheKeys.get())
        logger.debug('[NoTemplate] str2Use=%s' % (str2Use))

        return str2Use