Пример #1
    def get(self, idx):
        API method to get the data of the instance that is going to be executed
        It requires authentication to be passed in the form of a token that has to be linked to
        an existing session (login) made by the superuser created for the airflow webserver

        :param str idx: ID of the execution
        :return: the execution data (body) in a dictionary with structure of :class:`ConfigSchema`
          and :class:`DataSchema` and an integer for HTTP status code
        :rtype: Tuple(dict, integer)
        execution = ExecutionModel.get_one_object(user=self.get_user(),
        if execution is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist(error="The execution does not exist")
        instance = InstanceModel.get_one_object(user=self.get_user(),
        if instance is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist(error="The instance does not exist")
        config = execution.config
        return {
            "id": instance.id,
            "data": instance.data,
            "config": config
        }, 200
Пример #2
    def put(self, user_id, make_admin):
        API method to make admin or take out privileges.
        It requires authentication to be passed in the form of a token that has to be linked to
        an existing session (login) made by a user. Only an admin can change this.

        :param int user_id: id of the user
        :param make_admin: 0 if the user is not going to be made admin, 1 if the user has to be made admin
        :return: A dictionary with a message (error if authentication failed, or the execution does not exist or
          a message) and an integer with the HTTP status code.
        :rtype: Tuple(dict, integer)
        user_obj = UserModel.get_one_user(user_id)
        if user_obj is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
        if make_admin:
                "user_id": user_id,
                "role_id": ADMIN_ROLE
            except IntegrityError as e:
                log.error(f"Integrity error on privileges: {e}")
            except DBAPIError as e:
                log.error(f"Unknown error on privileges: {e}")

        return user_obj, 200
Пример #3
 def get_instance_data(instance_id):
     instance = InstanceModel.get_one_object(user=user, idx=instance_id)
     if instance is None:
         raise ObjectDoesNotExist("Instance does not exist")
     return dict(data=instance.data,
Пример #4
 def get_execution_data(execution_id):
     execution = ExecutionModel.get_one_object(user=user,
     if execution is None:
         raise ObjectDoesNotExist("Execution does not exist")
     data = get_instance_data(execution.instance_id)
     data["solution"] = execution.data
     data["solution_checks"] = execution.checks
     return data
Пример #5
 def from_parent_id(cls, user, data):
     if data.get("parent_id") is None:
         # we assume at root
         return cls(data, parent=None)
     # we look for the parent object
     parent = cls.get_one_object(user=user, idx=data["parent_id"])
     if parent is None:
         raise ObjectDoesNotExist("Parent does not exist")
     if parent.data is not None:
         raise InvalidData("Parent cannot be a case")
     return cls(data, parent=parent)
Пример #6
        def decorated_func(*args, **kwargs):
            The function being decorated

            :param args: the arguments of the decorated function
            :param kwargs: the keyword arguments of the decorated function
            :return: the result of the decorated function or it raises an exception of type :class:`ObjectDoesNotExist`
            data = func(*args, **kwargs)
            if data is None:
                raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
            return data
Пример #7
    def get(self, idx1, idx2, **kwargs):
        API method to generate the json patch of two cases given by the user
        It requires authentication to be passed in the form of a token that has to be linked to
        an existing session (login) made by a user

        :param int idx1: ID of the base case for the comparison
        :param int idx2: ID of the case that has to be compared
        :return:an object with the instance or instance and execution ID that have been created and the status code
        :rtype: Tuple (dict, integer)
        if idx1 == idx2:
            raise InvalidData("The case identifiers should be different", 400)
        case_1 = self.model.get_one_object(user=self.get_user(), idx=idx1)
        case_2 = self.model.get_one_object(user=self.get_user(), idx=idx2)

        if case_1 is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist(
                "You don't have access to the first case or it doesn't exist")
        elif case_2 is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist(
                "You don't have access to the second case or it doesn't exist")
        elif case_1.schema != case_2.schema:
            raise InvalidData(
                "The cases asked to compare do not share the same schema")

        data = kwargs.get("data", True)
        solution = kwargs.get("solution", True)
        payload = dict()

        if data:
            payload["data_patch"] = jsonpatch.make_patch(
                case_1.data, case_2.data).patch
        if solution:
            payload["solution_patch"] = jsonpatch.make_patch(
                case_1.solution, case_2.solution).patch

        payload["schema"] = case_1.schema
        log.info(f"User {self.get_user()} compared cases {idx1} and {idx2}")
        return payload, 200
Пример #8
 def post(self, idx):
     execution = ExecutionModel.get_one_object(user=self.get_user(),
     if execution is None:
         raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
     af_client = Airflow.from_config(current_app.config)
     if not af_client.is_alive():
         raise AirflowError(error="Airflow is not accessible")
     response = af_client.set_dag_run_to_fail(
         dag_name=execution.schema, dag_run_id=execution.dag_run_id)
     log.info(f"User {self.get_user()} stopped execution {idx}")
     return {"message": "The execution has been stopped"}, 200
Пример #9
    def get(self, idx):
        API method to get the status of the execution created by the user
        It requires authentication to be passed in the form of a token that has to be linked to
        an existing session (login) made by a user.

        :param str idx:  ID of the execution
        :return: A dictionary with a message (error if the execution does not exist or status of the execution)
            and an integer with the HTTP status code.
        :rtype: Tuple(dict, integer)
        execution = self.data_model.get_one_object(user=self.get_user(),
        if execution is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
        if execution.state not in [EXEC_STATE_RUNNING, EXEC_STATE_UNKNOWN]:
            # we only care on asking airflow if the status is unknown or is running.
            return execution, 200

        def _raise_af_error(execution, error, state=EXEC_STATE_UNKNOWN):
            message = EXECUTION_STATE_MESSAGE_DICT[state]
            raise AirflowError(error=error,
                               payload=dict(message=message, state=state))

        dag_run_id = execution.dag_run_id
        if not dag_run_id:
            # it's safe to say we will never get anything if we did not store the dag_run_id
                error="The execution has no dag_run associated",

        af_client = Airflow.from_config(current_app.config)
        if not af_client.is_alive():
            _raise_af_error(execution, "Airflow is not accessible")

            # TODO: get the dag_name from somewhere!
            response = af_client.get_dag_run_status(dag_name=execution.schema,
        except AirflowError as err:
                            f"Airflow responded with an error: {err}")

        data = response.json()
        state = AIRFLOW_TO_STATE_MAP.get(data["state"], EXEC_STATE_UNKNOWN)
        return execution, 200
Пример #10
    def put(self, idx, **req_data):
        API method to write the results of the execution
        It requires authentication to be passed in the form of a token that has to be linked to
        an existing session (login) made by the superuser created for the airflow webserver

        :param str idx: ID of the execution
        :return: A dictionary with a message (body) and an integer with the HTTP status code
        :rtype: Tuple(dict, integer)
        solution_schema = req_data.pop("solution_schema", "pulp")
        # TODO: the solution_schema maybe we should get it from the created execution_id?
        #  at least, check they have the same schema-name
        # Check data format
        data = req_data.get("data")
        checks = req_data.get("checks")
        if data is None:
            # only check format if executions_results exist
            solution_schema = None
        if solution_schema == "pulp":
            validate_and_continue(DataSchema(), data)
        elif solution_schema is not None:
            config = current_app.config
            marshmallow_obj = get_schema(config, solution_schema,
            validate_and_continue(marshmallow_obj(), data)
            # marshmallow_obj().fields['jobs'].nested().fields['successors']
        execution = ExecutionModel.get_one_object(user=self.get_user(),
        if execution is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
        state = req_data.get("state", EXEC_STATE_CORRECT)
        new_data = dict(
            # because we do not want to store airflow's user:

        # newly validated data from marshmallow
        if data is not None:
            new_data["data"] = data
        if checks is not None:
            new_data["checks"] = checks
        # TODO: is this save necessary?
        return {"message": "results successfully saved"}, 200
Пример #11
    def delete(self, user_id):

        :param int user_id: User id.
        :rtype: Tuple(dict, integer)
        if self.get_user_id() != user_id and not self.is_admin():
            raise NoPermission()
        user_obj = UserModel.get_one_user(user_id)
        if user_obj is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
        # Service user can not be deleted
        if user_obj.is_service_user():
            raise NoPermission()
        log.info(f"User {user_obj.id} was deleted by user {self.get_user()}")
        return self.delete_detail(idx=user_id)
Пример #12
    def delete_detail(self, **kwargs):
        Method to DELETE an object from the database

        :param kwargs: the keyword arguments to identify the object
        :return: a message if everything went well and a status code.
        item = self.data_model.get_one_object(**kwargs)
        if item is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist(
                "The data entity does not exist on the database")
        if self.dependents is not None:
            for element in getattr(item, self.dependents):

        return {"message": "The object has been deleted"}, 200
Пример #13
    def get_user_from_header(self, headers: Headers = None) -> UserBaseModel:
        Gets the user represented by the token that has to be in the request headers.

        :param headers: the request headers
        :type headers: `Headers`
        :return: the user object
        :rtype: `UserBaseModel`
        if headers is None:
            raise InvalidUsage(
                "Headers are missing from the request. Authentication was not possible to perform"
        token = self.get_token_from_header(headers)
        data = self.decode_token(token)
        user_id = data["user_id"]
        user = self.user_model.get_one_user(user_id)
        if user is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist("User does not exist, invalid token")
        return user
Пример #14
    def post_list(self, data, trace_field="user_id"):
        Method to POST one object

        :param dict data: the data to create a new object
        :param str trace_field: the field that tracks the used that created the object
        :return: the newly created item and a status code
        data = dict(data)
        data[trace_field] = self.get_user_id()
        item = self.data_model(data)
        if self.foreign_data is not None:
            for fk in self.foreign_data:
                owner = self.foreign_data[fk].query.get(getattr(item, fk))
                if owner is None:
                    raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
                if self.user.id != owner.user_id:
                    raise NoPermission()
        return item, 201
Пример #15
    def put_detail(self, data, track_user: bool = True, **kwargs):
        Method to PUT one object

        :param dict data: a dict with the data used for updating the object
        :param bool track_user: a control value if the user has to be updated or not
        :param kwargs: the keyword arguments to identify the object
        :return: a message if everything went well and a status code.
        item = self.data_model.get_one_object(**kwargs)
        if item is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist(
                "The data entity does not exist on the database")

        data = dict(data)

        if track_user:
            user_id = kwargs.get("user").get("id") or self.get_user_id()
            data["user_id"] = user_id

        return {"message": "Updated correctly"}, 200
Пример #16
    def post(self, idx):
        API method to copy the information stored in a case to a new instance
        It requires authentication to be passed in the form of a token that has to be linked to
        an existing session (login) made by a user

        :param int idx: ID of the case that has to be copied to an instance or instance and execution
        :return: an object with the instance or instance and execution ID that have been created and the status code
        :rtype: Tuple (dict, integer)
        case = CaseModel.get_one_object(user=self.get_user(), idx=idx)

        if case is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist()

        schema = case.schema
        payload = {
            "name": "instance_from_" + case.name,
            "description": "Instance created from " + case.description,
            "data": case.data,
            "schema": case.schema,

        if schema is None:
            return self.post_list(payload)

        if schema == "pulp" or schema == "solve_model_dag":
            validate_and_continue(DataSchema(), payload["data"])
            return self.post_list(payload)

        config = current_app.config
        marshmallow_obj = get_schema(config, schema)
        validate_and_continue(marshmallow_obj(), payload["data"])
        response = self.post_list(payload)
            f"User {self.get_user()} creates instance {response[0].id} from case {idx}"
        return response
Пример #17
    def put(self, user_id, **data):
        API method to edit an existing user.
        It requires authentication to be passed in the form of a token that has to be linked to
        an existing session (login) made by a user. Only admin and service user can edit other users.

        :param int user_id: id of the user
        :return: A dictionary with a message (error if authentication failed, or the execution does not exist or
          a message) and an integer with the HTTP status code.
        :rtype: Tuple(dict, integer)
        if self.get_user_id() != user_id and not self.is_admin():
            raise NoPermission()
        user_obj = UserModel.get_one_user(user_id)
        if user_obj is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
        # working with a ldap service users cannot be edited.
        if (current_app.config["AUTH_TYPE"] == AUTH_LDAP
                and user_obj.comes_from_external_provider()):
            raise EndpointNotImplemented("To edit a user, go to LDAP server")
        # working with an OID provider users can not be edited
        if (current_app.config["AUTH_TYPE"] == AUTH_OID
                and user_obj.comes_from_external_provider()):
            raise EndpointNotImplemented(
                "To edit a user, go to the OID provider")

        if data.get("password"):
            check, msg = check_password_pattern(data.get("password"))
            if not check:
                raise InvalidCredentials(msg)

        if data.get("email"):
            check, msg = check_email_pattern(data.get("email"))
            if not check:
                raise InvalidCredentials(msg)

        log.info(f"User {user_id} was edited by user {self.get_user()}")
        return self.put_detail(data=data, idx=user_id, track_user=False)
Пример #18
    def post(self, **kwargs):
        API method to create a new execution linked to an already existing instance
        It requires authentication to be passed in the form of a token that has to be linked to
        an existing session (login) made by a user

        :return: A dictionary with a message (error if authentication failed, error if data is not validated or
          the reference_id for the newly created execution if successful) and a integer wit the HTTP status code
        :rtype: Tuple(dict, integer)
        # TODO: should validation should be done even if the execution is not going to be run?
        # TODO: should the schema field be cross valdiated with the instance schema field?
        config = current_app.config

        if "schema" not in kwargs:
            kwargs["schema"] = "solve_model_dag"
        # TODO: review the order of these two operations
        # Get dag config schema and validate it
        marshmallow_obj = get_schema(config, kwargs["schema"], "config")
        validate_and_continue(marshmallow_obj(), kwargs["config"])

        execution, status_code = self.post_list(data=kwargs)
        instance = InstanceModel.get_one_object(user=self.get_user(),

        if instance is None:
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist(
                error="The instance to solve does not exist")

        # this allows testing without airflow interaction:
        if request.args.get("run", "1") == "0":
            return execution, 201

        # We now try to launch the task in airflow
        af_client = Airflow.from_config(config)
        if not af_client.is_alive():
            err = "Airflow is not accessible"
            raise AirflowError(
        # ask airflow if dag_name exists
        schema = execution.schema
        schema_info = af_client.get_dag_info(schema)

        # Validate that instance and dag_name are compatible
        marshmallow_obj = get_schema(config, schema, INSTANCE_SCHEMA)
        validate_and_continue(marshmallow_obj(), instance.data)

        info = schema_info.json()
        if info["is_paused"]:
            err = "The dag exists but it is paused in airflow"
            raise AirflowError(

            response = af_client.run_dag(execution.id, dag_name=schema)
        except AirflowError as err:
            error = "Airflow responded with an error: {}".format(err)
            raise AirflowError(

        # if we succeed, we register the dag_run_id in the execution table:
        af_data = response.json()
        execution.dag_run_id = af_data["dag_run_id"]
        log.info("User {} creates execution {}".format(self.get_user_id(),
        return execution, 201