seddata = np.loadtxt('../sed_data/El_B2004a.sed')

# turn into SED object
sed = sedFilter.SED(seddata[:,0], seddata[:,1])

# instantiate photometry calculations

# need cosmological model
cosmoModel = cosmo.cosmologyCalculator(h, omegamat, omegaDE, wX, wXa)

# need error model

# fractional flux error = 10%
pars = {}
pars["fracError"] = 0.1
errorModel = ephot.FractionalErrorModel(pars)

# LSST errors, default parameters (=median observing conditions and 1yr of observations)
LsstErrorModel = ephot.LSSTErrorModel()

# Now can instantiate ObsMag class
p = phot.ObsMag(sed, filterDict, cosmoModel, errorModel)
pLSST = phot.ObsMag(sed, filterDict, cosmoModel, LsstErrorModel)
# filter set of choice is the LSST filters
listOfFilters = 'LSST.filters'
pathToFilters = '../filter_data'

# create a dictionary: keyword is filter name, value is a Filter object
filterDict = sedFilter.createFilterDict(listOfFilters, pathToFilters)

# load in elliptical SED (1st col: wavelength in A, 2nd col: fluxes in wl units)
seddata = np.loadtxt('../sed_data/El_B2004a.sed')
testsed = sedFilter.SED(seddata[:,0], seddata[:,1])

# need cosmological model (with default parameter values)
cosmomodel = cosmo.cosmologyCalculator() 

# Notice that the API for both the python and cython modules is the same: only difference is the import
calcMagCython = cphot.CalcMag(testsed, filterDict, cosmomodel)
calcMagPython =  phot.CalcMag(testsed, filterDict, cosmomodel)

# calculate magntidude in the LSST g band for a galaxy with M_r=-20 at different redshifts
nz = 100
for i in range(nz):
    z = i*0.01

    start_time = time.time()
    cython_result = calcMagCython.getMag("LSST_g", z, ("LSST_r", -20.))
    end_time = time.time()
# List of filters for testing
listOfFilters = 'LSST.filters'
pathToFilters = '../filter_data'
TEST_FILTERDICT = sedFilter.createFilterDict(listOfFilters, pathToFilters)
FILTERLIST = sedFilter.orderFiltersByLamEff(TEST_FILTERDICT)

# List of SEDs for testing
sedfiles = ['../sed_data/El_B2004a.sed','../sed_data/Sbc_B2004a.sed','../sed_data/Scd_B2004a.sed',
for name in sedfiles:
    seddata = np.loadtxt(name)
    SEDLIST.append(sedFilter.SED(seddata[:,0], seddata[:,1]))

# Cosmological model
COSMOMODEL = cosmo.cosmologyCalculator()

class TestPhotCalcs(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        """Load in the test SED and filters"""
        self.testsed = TEST_SED
        self.testfilters = TEST_FILTERDICT
        self.filterlist = FILTERLIST
    def tearDown(self):
        """Delete test SED and filters"""
        del self.testsed
# load in elliptical SED (1st col: wavelength in A, 2nd col: fluxes in wl units)
seddata = np.loadtxt('../sed_data/El_B2004a.sed')

# turn into SED object
sed = sedFilter.SED(seddata[:, 0], seddata[:, 1])

# instantiate photometry calculations

# need cosmological model
h = 1.
omegamat = 0.3
omegaDE = 0.7
wX = -1.
wXa = 0.
cosmoModel = cosmo.cosmologyCalculator(h, omegamat, omegaDE, wX, wXa)

# need error model

# fractional flux error = 10%
pars = {}
pars["fracError"] = 0.1
errorModel = ephot.FractionalErrorModel(pars)

# LSST errors, default parameters (=median observing conditions and 1yr of observations)
LsstErrorModel = ephot.LSSTErrorModel()

# Now can instantiate ObsMag class
p = phot.ObsMag(sed, filterDict, cosmoModel, errorModel)
pLSST = phot.ObsMag(sed, filterDict, cosmoModel, LsstErrorModel)
Пример #5
pathToFilters = '../filter_data'
TEST_FILTERDICT = sedFilter.createFilterDict(listOfFilters, pathToFilters)
FILTERLIST = sedFilter.orderFiltersByLamEff(TEST_FILTERDICT)

# List of SEDs for testing
sedfiles = [
    '../sed_data/El_B2004a.sed', '../sed_data/Sbc_B2004a.sed',
    '../sed_data/Scd_B2004a.sed', '../sed_data/Im_B2004a.sed'
for name in sedfiles:
    seddata = np.loadtxt(name)
    SEDLIST.append(sedFilter.SED(seddata[:, 0], seddata[:, 1]))

# Cosmological model
COSMOMODEL = cosmo.cosmologyCalculator()

class TestPhotCalcs(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """Load in the test SED and filters"""
        self.testsed = TEST_SED
        self.testfilters = TEST_FILTERDICT
        self.filterlist = FILTERLIST

    def tearDown(self):
        """Delete test SED and filters"""
        del self.testsed
        del self.testfilters

    def test_throw_no_filter_error(self):
Пример #6
import time
import cosmo

# filter set of choice is the LSST filters
listOfFilters = 'LSST.filters'
pathToFilters = '../filter_data'

# create a dictionary: keyword is filter name, value is a Filter object
filterDict = sedFilter.createFilterDict(listOfFilters, pathToFilters)

# load in elliptical SED (1st col: wavelength in A, 2nd col: fluxes in wl units)
seddata = np.loadtxt('../sed_data/El_B2004a.sed')
testsed = sedFilter.SED(seddata[:, 0], seddata[:, 1])

# need cosmological model (with default parameter values)
cosmomodel = cosmo.cosmologyCalculator()

# Notice that the API for both the python and cython modules is the same: only difference is the import
calcMagCython = cphot.CalcMag(testsed, filterDict, cosmomodel)
calcMagPython = phot.CalcMag(testsed, filterDict, cosmomodel)

# calculate magntidude in the LSST g band for a galaxy with M_r=-20 at different redshifts
nz = 100
for i in range(nz):
    z = i * 0.01

    start_time = time.time()
    cython_result = calcMagCython.getMag("LSST_g", z, ("LSST_r", -20.))
    end_time = time.time()
    cython_time = end_time - start_time