Пример #1
def test_inheritance_priority():
    """Test priority when inheriting

       When inheritance is a list, the first item has priority over
       the last one.
    def walk_and_check(cfg, cfg2):
        for c in cfg:
            assert c in cfg2, "Missing %s in inherited cfg2" % c
            if not isinstance(cfg[c], dict):
                assert cfg[c] == cfg2[c], \
                        "Missing %s in cfg2" % c
                walk_and_check(cfg[c], cfg2[c])

    cfg = load_cfg('cotede')
    # If is a list, the last is the lowest priority
    cfg2 = load_cfg({'inherit': ['cotede', 'gtspp']})
    walk_and_check(cfg, cfg2)

        cfg2 = load_cfg({'inherit': ['gtspp', 'cotede']})
        walk_and_check(cfg, cfg2)
        failed = False
        failed = True
    assert failed, "It should fail in inverse priority"
Пример #2
def test_inheritance():
    """Test inheritance
    cfg = load_cfg('cotede')
    cfg2 = load_cfg({'inherit': 'cotede'})
    for c in cfg:
        assert c in cfg
        assert cfg[c] == cfg2[c]
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, input, cfg=None, saveauxiliary=True, verbose=True,
            attributes=None, logger=None):
            Input: dictionary with data.
                - pressure[\d]:
                - temperature[\d]:
                - salinity[\d]:

            cfg: Check cotede.utils.load_cfg() for the possible input formats
                   for cfg.

            - Must have a log system
            - Probably accept incomplete cfg. If some threshold is
                not defined, take the default value.
            - Is the best return another dictionary?
        # self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger or 'cotede.ProfileQC')

            self.name = input.filename
            self.name = None
        self.verbose = verbose

        if attributes is None:
            assert (hasattr(input, 'attributes'))
        assert (hasattr(input, 'keys')) and (len(input.keys()) > 0)

        self.cfg = load_cfg(cfg)
        module_logger.debug("Using cfg: {}".format(self.cfg))

        self.input = input
        if attributes is None:
            self.attrs = input.attributes
            self.attrs = attributes
        self.flags = {}
        self.saveauxiliary = saveauxiliary
        if saveauxiliary:
            #self.auxiliary = {}
            # build_auxiliary is not exactly the best way to do it.

        if 'common' in self.cfg:

        for v in self.input.keys():
            if v == 'TEMP':
                vv = 'sea_water_temperature'
            elif v == 'PSAL':
                vv = 'sea_water_salinity'
                vv = v
            for c in self.cfg['variables']:
                if re.match("(%s)2?$" % c, vv):
                    module_logger.debug(" %s - evaluating: %s, as type: %s" %
                                            (self.name, v, c))
                    self.evaluate(v, self.cfg['variables'][c])
Пример #4
def test_dict_input():
    """Test a dictionary input, i.e. manually defined config

       It should return the same dictionary
    cfg = {'temperature': {'global_range': 'test'}}
    cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
    assert cfg_out['variables']['temperature'] == cfg['temperature']
Пример #5
def test_factory_cfgs():
    for cfg in CFG:
        print("Loading %s" % cfg)
            cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
            assert False, "Couldn't load: %s" % cfg
        assert type(cfg_out) is dict
        assert len(cfg_out) > 0
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, input, cfg=None, saveauxiliary=True, verbose=True,
            attributes=None, logger=None):
            Input: dictionary with data.
                - pressure[\d]:
                - temperature[\d]:
                - salinity[\d]:

            cfg: Check cotede.utils.load_cfg() for the possible input formats
                   for cfg.

            - Must have a log system
            - Probably accept incomplete cfg. If some threshold is
                not defined, take the default value.
            - Is the best return another dictionary?
        #self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logging.getLogger(logger or __name__)

            self.name = input.filename
            self.name = None
        self.verbose = verbose

        if attributes is None:
            assert (hasattr(input, 'attributes'))
        assert (hasattr(input, 'keys')) and (len(input.keys()) > 0)

        self.cfg = load_cfg(cfg)

        self.input = input
        if attributes is None:
            self.attributes = input.attributes
            self.attributes = attributes
        self.flags = {}
        self.saveauxiliary = saveauxiliary
        if saveauxiliary:
            #self.auxiliary = {}
            # build_auxiliary is not exactly the best way to do it.

        # I should use common or main, but must be consistent
        #   between defaults and flags.keys()
        # Think about it

        for v in self.input.keys():
            for c in self.cfg.keys():
                if re.match("(%s)2?$" % c, v):
                    logging.debug(" %s - evaluating: %s, as type: %s" %
                            (self.name, v, c))
                    self.evaluate(v, self.cfg[c])
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, input, cfg=None, saveauxiliary=True, verbose=True,
            attributes=None, logger=None):
            Input: dictionary with data.
                - pressure[\d]:
                - temperature[\d]:
                - salinity[\d]:

            cfg: Check cotede.utils.load_cfg() for the possible input formats
                   for cfg.

            - Must have a log system
            - Probably accept incomplete cfg. If some threshold is
                not defined, take the default value.
            - Is the best return another dictionary?
        #self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
        logging.getLogger(logger or __name__)

            self.name = input.filename
            self.name = None
        self.verbose = verbose

        if attributes is None:
            assert (hasattr(input, 'attributes'))
        assert (hasattr(input, 'keys')) and (len(input.keys()) > 0)

        self.cfg = load_cfg(cfg)

        self.input = input
        if attributes is None:
            self.attributes = input.attributes
            self.attributes = attributes
        self.flags = {}
        self.saveauxiliary = saveauxiliary
        if saveauxiliary:
            #self.auxiliary = {}
            # build_auxiliary is not exactly the best way to do it.

        # I should use common or main, but must be consistent
        #   between defaults and flags.keys()
        # Think about it

        for v in self.input.keys():
            for c in self.cfg.keys():
                if re.match("%s\d?$" % c, v):
                    logging.debug(" %s - evaluating: %s, as type: %s" %
                            (self.name, v, c))
                    self.evaluate(v, self.cfg[c])
Пример #8
def test_dict_input():
    """Test a dictionary input, i.e. manually defined config

       The output configuration can't miss anything given in the input but
       can have extra content.
    # Scalar argument
    cfg = {'temperature': {'spike': 1234}}
    cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
    assert cfg_out['variables']['temperature']['spike']['threshold'] == 1234

    # Dictionary argument
    cfg = {'temperature': {'global_range': {'minvalue': 0, 'maxvalue': 60}}}
    cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
    assert 'global_range' in cfg_out['variables']['temperature']
    tmp = cfg_out['variables']['temperature']['global_range']
    for v in cfg['temperature']['global_range']:
        assert v in tmp
        assert cfg['temperature']['global_range'][v] == tmp[v]
Пример #9
def test_dict():
    """Test a user dict config

       It is possible to define a full config instead of choosing one of the
         builtins. This is done by giving a dictionary with the correct
    cfg = {'common': {'valid_datetime': None}}
    cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
    assert 'common' in cfg_out, "Missing 'common' in load_cfg output"
    assert cfg_out['common'] == cfg['common']
Пример #10
def test_factory_cfgs():
    """Load all available configs, one at a time

       CoTeDe comes with builtin config. This test checks if can
         load all those available configs.
    for cfg in CFG:
        print("Loading %s" % cfg)
            cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
            assert False, "Couldn't load: %s" % cfg
        assert isinstance(cfg_out, dict)
        assert len(cfg_out) > 0
Пример #11
def test_default():
    cfg_out = load_cfg()
    assert type(cfg_out) is dict
    assert len(cfg_out) > 0
Пример #12
def test_default():
    cfg_out = load_cfg()
    assert isinstance(cfg_out, dict)
    assert len(cfg_out) > 0
Пример #13
def test_inout():
    """ load_cfg shouldn't modify input variable cfg
    cfg = 'cotede'
    out = load_cfg(cfg)
    assert out != cfg
Пример #14
def test_dict():
    cfg = {'main': {'valid_datetime': None}}
    cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
    assert cfg_out == cfg
Пример #15
def test_default():
    cfg_out = load_cfg()
    assert type(cfg_out) is dict
    assert len(cfg_out) > 0
Пример #16
def get_qc(p, config, test):
    '''Wrapper for running and returning results of CoTeDe tests.
       Inputs are:
         p is a wodpy profile object.
         config is the suite of tests that test comes from e.g. gtspp.
         test is the specific test to get the results from.

    global cotede_results

    # Disable logging messages from CoTeDe unless they are more
    # severe than a warning.

    # Create a dummy results variable if this is the first call.
    except NameError:
        cotede_results = [-1, '', {}, None]

    var = 'TEMP'

    # Check if we need to perform the quality control.
    if (p.uid() != cotede_results[0] or config != cotede_results[1]
            or test not in cotede_results[2] or p.uid() is None):
        inputs = Wod4CoTeDe(p)
        dt = inputs.attributes['datetime']
        if dt.year < 1900:
            inputs.attributes['datetime'] = dt.replace(year=1900)

        # If config is a dictionary, use it.
        if type(config) is not dict:
                # Load config from CoTeDe
                cfg = load_cfg(config)

                if test == config:
                    # AutoQC runs only on TEMP, so clean the rest.
                    for v in list(cfg):
                        if v not in ['main', var]:
                            del (cfg[v])
                # If is a specific test,
                elif test != config:
                    # Load from TEMP,
                        cfg = {var: {test: cfg[var][test]}}
                    # otherwise load it from main.
                        # The dummy configuration ensures that the results from
                        # 'main' is copied into the results for var.
                        cfg = {
                            'main': {
                                test: cfg['main'][test]
                            var: {
                                'dummy': None
                with open('cotede_qc/qc_cfg/' + config + '.json') as f:
                    cfg = json.load(f)

        pqc = ProfileQC(inputs, cfg=cfg)

        cotede_results = [p.uid(), config, pqc.flags[var].keys(), pqc]

    # Get the QC results, which use the IOC conventions.
    qc_returned = cotede_results[3].flags[var][test]

    # It looks like CoTeDe never returns a QC decision
    # of 2. If it ever does, we need to decide whether
    # this counts as a pass or reject.
    # Gui: Yes, some tests can return 2. My suggestions is to flag as good.
    qc = np.ma.zeros(p.n_levels(), dtype=bool)
    qc[np.logical_or(qc_returned == 3, qc_returned == 4)] = True

    return qc
Пример #17
def test_dict():
    cfg = {'main': {'valid_datetime': None}}
    cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
    assert cfg_out == cfg
Пример #18
def test_inout():
    """ load_cfg shouldn't overwrite input variable cfg
    cfg = 'cotede'
    out = load_cfg(cfg)
    assert out != cfg
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, input, cfg=None, saveauxiliary=True, verbose=True,
        """A procedure to QC a hydrographic profile

        input: dict-like
            An object with the data to be evaluated that responds like a
            dictionary. For instance, a variable pressure should be acessible
            as input['pressure'], or temperature as input['temperature'].
            This input object could have attrs, with global attributes for
            the whole dataset. For instance, input.attrs['lat'] would give the
            nominal latitude of the dataset input.

        cfg: dict-like or str
            The QC configuration to be used in the current profile. If a
            string, it should be the name of a JSON QC configuration. Check
            the manual for the available options.

        saveauxiliary: bool
            Save features as .features

        verbose: bool
            Show extra information

        attributes: dict-like, optional
            If given, append/overwirte the input.attrs

        keys(self): List of input contents
        # self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger or 'cotede.ProfileQC')

            self.name = input.filename
            self.name = None
        self.verbose = verbose

        assert (hasattr(input, 'keys')) and (len(input.keys()) > 0)

        self.cfg = load_cfg(cfg)
        module_logger.debug("Using cfg: {}".format(self.cfg))

        self.input = deepcopy(input)
        self.flags = {}
        self.saveauxiliary = saveauxiliary
        if saveauxiliary:
            #self.auxiliary = {}
            # build_auxiliary is not exactly the best way to do it.

        if 'common' in self.cfg:

        for v in self.input.keys():
            if v == 'TEMP':
                vv = 'sea_water_temperature'
            elif v == 'PSAL':
                vv = 'sea_water_salinity'
                vv = v
            for c in self.cfg['variables']:
                if re.match("(%s)2?$" % c, vv):
                    module_logger.debug(" %s - evaluating: %s, as type: %s" %
                                            (self.name, v, c))
                    self.evaluate(v, self.cfg['variables'][c])
Пример #20
def test_factory_cfgs():
    for cfg in CFG:
        print("Loading %s" % cfg)
        cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
        assert type(cfg_out) is dict
        assert len(cfg_out) > 0
Пример #21
def test_factory_cfgs():
    for cfg in CFG:
        print("Loading %s" % cfg)
        cfg_out = load_cfg(cfg)
        assert type(cfg_out) is dict
        assert len(cfg_out) > 0