Пример #1
def get_docs(schema_index, previous_export=None, filter=None):
    def _filter(results):
        if filter is None:
            return results
        return [doc for doc in results if filter(doc)]
    db = Database(settings.COUCH_DATABASE)
    if previous_export is not None:
        consumer = Consumer(db)
        view_results = consumer.fetch(since=previous_export.seq)
        if view_results:
                include_ids = set([res["id"] for res in view_results["results"]])
                possible_ids = set([result['id'] for result in \
                ids_to_use = include_ids.intersection(possible_ids)
                return _filter(res["doc"] for res in \
                               db.all_docs(keys=list(ids_to_use), include_docs=True).all())
            except Exception:
                import logging
                logging.exception("export failed! results: %s" % view_results) 
            # sometimes this comes back empty. I think it might be a bug
            # in couchdbkit, but it's impossible to consistently reproduce.
            # For now, just assume this is fine.
            return []
        return _filter([result['doc'] for result in \
                                key=schema_index, include_docs=True).all()])
Пример #2
def get_pats_with_updated_cases(clinic_id, zone, last_seq):
    Given a clinic, zone, and last_seq id from couch, get the patients whose
    cases have been updated, returning a tuple of updated ids (in a list) and
    the last seq number.
    CACHE_TIME = 4 * 60 * 60 # cache for 4 hours, in seconds
    # first try to get this from the cache
    def _build_cache_key(clinic_id, zone, last_seq):
        return "sync_patient_list:%s:%s:%s" % (clinic_id, zone, last_seq)
    cached_data = cache.get(_build_cache_key(clinic_id, zone, last_seq))
    if cached_data:
        return cached_data
    # first get the patient list of potential matches.  use the open case
    # list to get patient ids
    potential_case_list = get_db().view("case/open_for_chw_for_phone", key=[clinic_id, zone])
    possible_pat_ids = []
    for row in potential_case_list:
        if row["id"] not in possible_pat_ids:
    # new consumer
    consumer = Consumer(get_db())
    view_results = consumer.fetch(since=last_seq)
    pats_with_open_cases = []
    for res in view_results["results"]:
        id = res["id"]
        if id in possible_pat_ids and not id in pats_with_open_cases:
    updated_last_seq = view_results["last_seq"]
    ret = (pats_with_open_cases, updated_last_seq)
    cache.set(_build_cache_key(clinic_id, zone, last_seq), ret, CACHE_TIME)
    return ret
Пример #3
    def _ids_by_seq(self, database):
        if self.seq == "0" or self.seq is None:
            return self.get_all_ids()

        consumer = Consumer(database)
        view_results = consumer.fetch(since=self.seq)
        if view_results:
            include_ids = set([res["id"] for res in view_results["results"]])
            return include_ids.intersection(self.get_all_ids())
            # sometimes this comes back empty. I think it might be a bug
            # in couchdbkit, but it's impossible to consistently reproduce.
            # For now, just assume this is fine.
            return set()
Пример #4
    def _ids_by_seq(self, database):
        if self.seq == "0" or self.seq is None:
            return self.get_all_ids()

        consumer = Consumer(database)
        view_results = consumer.fetch(since=self.seq)
        if view_results:
            include_ids = set([res["id"] for res in view_results["results"]])
            return include_ids.intersection(self.get_all_ids())
            # sometimes this comes back empty. I think it might be a bug
            # in couchdbkit, but it's impossible to consistently reproduce.
            # For now, just assume this is fine.
            return set()
Пример #5
    def _potentially_relevant_ids(self):
        if self.previous_export is not None:
            consumer = Consumer(self.database)
            view_results = consumer.fetch(since=self.previous_export.seq)
            if view_results:
                    include_ids = set([res["id"] for res in view_results["results"]])
                    possible_ids = set(self._all_ids())
                    return list(include_ids.intersection(possible_ids))
                except Exception:
                    import logging

                    logging.exception("export failed! results: %s" % view_results)
                # sometimes this comes back empty. I think it might be a bug
                # in couchdbkit, but it's impossible to consistently reproduce.
                # For now, just assume this is fine.
                return []
            return self._all_ids()