Пример #1
    def SNR_fun(l, rank):
        n_l = sum(num_ell_array[0: rank]) + l
        ell = l_min + n_l * delta_l
        # put the whole array cij for an given ell into the upper triangle part of the matrix
        cijl_array = Cijl_sets[l*N_dset_ext: (l+1)*N_dset_ext]
        #print(cijl_array, cijl_array.shape)
        cijl_m[iu1] = np.array(cijl_array)
        #print(cijl_m, cijl_m.shape)
        cijl_m_select = np.array(cijl_m[0:red_bin, 0:red_bin])   # select the first red_bin bins of Cij, match the case with T-F
        cijl_true = np.array(cijl_m_select[iu2])                   # convert upper triangle matrix to an array
        cijl_sn = np.array(cijl_true)
        cijl_sn[sn_id] = cijl_true[sn_id] + pseudo_sn              # add shape noise terms in Cii(l) terms

        Cov_cij_cpq = cal_cov_matrix(red_bin, iu2, cijl_sn)        # calculate the covariance matrix of Cij(l), Cpq(l')
        Cov_cij_cpq = Cov_cij_cpq.T + np.triu(Cov_cij_cpq, k=1)    # It's symmetric. From up triangular matrix, construct the whole matrix for inversion.

        #inv_Cov_cij_cpq = linalg.inv(Cov_cij_cpq, overwrite_a=True)
        inv_Cov_cij_cpq = linalg.inv(Cov_cij_cpq)

        inv_Cov_cij_cpq = inv_Cov_cij_cpq * ((2.0*ell+1.0)*delta_l*f_sky)             # Take account of the number of modes (the denominator)
        SN_square_per_ell = reduce(np.dot, [cijl_true, inv_Cov_cij_cpq, cijl_true])
        SN_per_ell = SN_square_per_ell**0.5

        if rank == size-1:
            print('ell from rank', rank, 'is', ell, '\n')
            #print(np.allclose(np.dot(Cov_cij_cpq, inv_Cov_cij_cpq), np.eye(N_dset)))
        return ell, SN_per_ell
    def cal_C_G(l, rank):
        n_l = default_num_l_in_rank * rank + l
        ell = l_min + n_l * delta_l
        #offset_cijl = n_l * N_dset * data_type_size
        #offset_Gm = n_l * N_dset * num_kout * data_type_size

        # put the whole array cij at ell into the upper triangle part of the matrix
        cijl_array = Cijl_sets[l * N_dset_ext:(l + 1) * N_dset_ext]
        #print(cijl_array, cijl_array.shape)
        cijl_m[iu1] = np.array(cijl_array)
        #print(cijl_m, cijl_m.shape)
        cijl_m_select = np.array(
            cijl_m[0:red_bin, 0:red_bin]
        )  # select the first red_bin bins of Cij, match the case with T-F
        cijl_true = np.array(
            cijl_m_select[iu2])  # convert upper triangle matrix to an array
        cijl_sn = np.array(cijl_true)
        cijl_sn[sn_id] = cijl_true[
            sn_id] + pseudo_sn  # add shape noise terms in Cii(l) terms

        Cov_cij_cpq = cal_cov_matrix(
            red_bin, iu2,
            cijl_sn)  # calculate the covariance matrix of Cij(l), Cpq(l')
        # if rank == 0:
        #     rank_matrix = np.linalg.matrix_rank(Cov_cij_cpq)
        #     print('ell, rank of Cov:', ell, rank_matrix)

        Cov_cij_cpq = Cov_cij_cpq / (
            (2.0 * ell + 1.0) * delta_l * f_sky
        )  # account the number of modes for each l with the interval delta_l

        w_ccij, v_ccij = linalg.eigh(
            Cov_cij_cpq, lower=False, overwrite_a=True
        )  # Get eigenvalue and eigenvectors from Scipy routine
        w_inv = 1.0 / w_ccij
        if not np.all(w_inv > 0.0):
            print('w_inv from ell ', ell, ' is negative.'
                  )  # show below which ell, the inverse of Cov_cij_cpq fails
        # If uncomment the below, overwrite_a should be set False in the linalg.eigh()
        # sqrt_w_inv = np.diag(w_inv**0.5)
        # v_inv = np.transpose(v_ccij)
        # Cov_cij_sym = np.triu(Cov_cij_cpq, k=1) + Cov_cij_cpq.T
        # print reduce(np.dot, [np.diag(sqrt_w_inv**2.0), v_inv, Cov_cij_sym, v_inv.T])

        Cov_inv_half = np.transpose(
            w_inv**0.5 * v_ccij
        )  # Simplify the expression of dot(sqrt_w_inv, v_inv), 05/09/2016
        G_l_array = Gm_sets[l * N_dset_ext * num_kout:(l + 1) * N_dset_ext *
        Gm_l_ext = np.reshape(
            G_l_array, (N_dset_ext, num_kout), 'C'
        )  # In Python, the default storage of a matrix follows C language format.
        Gm_l = np.array(Gm_l_ext[Gmrow_sel_ind, :])
        Gm_l = np.dot(Cov_inv_half, Gm_l)

        cijl_true = np.dot(Cov_inv_half, cijl_true)

        return cijl_true, Gm_l
Пример #3
    def cal_C_G(l, rank):
        n_l = default_num_l_in_rank * rank + l
        ell = l_min + n_l * delta_l

        cijl_true = Cijl_sets[l * N_dset:(l + 1) * N_dset]
        # if rank == 0:
        #     print(cijl_true)
        cijl_sn = np.array(
        )  # Distinguish the observed C^ijl) (denoted by cijl_sn) from the true C^ij(l)
        cijl_sn[sn_id] = cijl_true[
            sn_id] + pseudo_sn  # Add shape noise on C^ii terms to get cijl_sn
        # if rank == 0:
        #     print('cijl_sn:', cijl_sn)
        Cov_cij_cpq = cal_cov_matrix(
            num_rbin, iu1, cijl_sn
        )  # Get an upper-triangle matrix for Cov(C^ij, C^pq) from Fortran subroutine wrapped.
        if rank == 0:
            rank_matrix = np.linalg.matrix_rank(Cov_cij_cpq)
            print('ell, rank of Cov:', ell, rank_matrix)
        #     ofile = ofprefix + "Cov_cij_cpq_ell_{}_{}rbins_{}kbins_snf{}_rank{}.npz".format(ell, num_rbin, num_kin, snf, rank)
        #     np.savez_compressed(ofile, Cov_cij_cpq = Cov_cij_cpq)
        Cov_cij_cpq = Cov_cij_cpq / (
            (2.0 * ell + 1.0) * delta_l * f_sky
        )  # Take account of the number of modes (the denominator)
        # if rank == 0:
        #     print('Cov_cij_cpq:', Cov_cij_cpq)
        w_ccij, v_ccij = linalg.eigh(
            Cov_cij_cpq, lower=False, overwrite_a=True
        )  # Get eigenvalue and eigenvectors from Scipy routine
        w_inv = 1. / w_ccij
        # if rank == 0:
        #     print('w_ccij', w_ccij, 'v_ccij:', v_ccij)
        #--If uncomment the below, overwrite_a should be set False in the linalg.eigh()
        # sqrt_w_inv = np.diag(w_inv**0.5)
        # v_inv = np.transpose(v_ccij)
        # Cov_cij_sym = np.triu(Cov_cij_cpq, k=1) + Cov_cij_cpq.T      # Once Cov_cij_cpq set to be overwriten, the criterion couldn't be used anymore
        # print(reduce(np.dot, [np.diag(w_inv), v_inv, Cov_cij_sym, v_inv.T]))

        Cov_inv_half = np.transpose(
            w_inv**0.5 * v_ccij
        )  # Simplify the expression of dot(sqrt_w_inv, v_inv), 05/09/2016
        # if rank == 0:
        #     print('Cov_inv_half:', Cov_inv_half)
        G_l_array = Gm_sets[l * N_dset * num_kout:(l + 1) * N_dset * num_kout]

        Gm_l = np.reshape(
            G_l_array, (N_dset, num_kout), 'C'
        )  # In Python, the default storage of a matrix follows C language format.
        #print Gm_l[0,:]
        Gm_l = np.dot(Cov_inv_half, Gm_l)

        cijl_true = np.dot(Cov_inv_half, cijl_true)
        # if rank == 0:
        #     print('ell from rank', rank, 'is', ell, '\n')
        return cijl_true, Gm_l
    def SNR_fun(l, rank):
        n_l = default_num_l_in_rank * rank + l
        ell = l_min + n_l * delta_l
        cijl_true = Cijl_sets[l*N_dset: (l+1)*N_dset]
        # if rank == 0:
        #     print(cijl_true)
        cijl_sn = np.array(cijl_true)                                  # Distinguish the observed C^ijl) (denoted by cijl_sn) from the true C^ij(l)
        cijl_sn[sn_id] = cijl_true[sn_id] + pseudo_sn                  # Add shape noise on C^ii terms to get cijl_sn
        # if rank == 0:
        #     print('cijl_sn:', cijl_sn)
        Cov_cij_cpq = cal_cov_matrix(num_rbin, iu1, cijl_sn)           # Get an upper-triangle matrix for Cov(C^ij, C^pq) from Fortran subroutine wrapped.
        Cov_cij_cpq = Cov_cij_cpq.T + np.triu(Cov_cij_cpq, k=1)        # It's symmetric. Construct the whole matrix for inversion.
        inv_Cov_cij_cpq = linalg.inv(Cov_cij_cpq, )
        inv_Cov_cij_cpq = inv_Cov_cij_cpq * ((2.0*ell+1.0)*delta_l*f_sky)             # Take account of the number of modes (the denominator)
        SN_square_per_ell = reduce(np.dot, [cijl_true, inv_Cov_cij_cpq, cijl_true])
        SN_per_ell = SN_square_per_ell**0.5

        if rank == size-1:
            print('ell from rank', rank, 'is', ell, '\n')
        return ell, SN_per_ell