def import_module(name_or_path: Union[Path, str]) -> 'module': """Dynamically import a module from a file path or module name. e.g. file path: `/home/user/crawler-cluster/crawler_cluster/examples/data/`. e.g. module name: `` """ name_or_path = str(name_or_path) # file path has '/' separator. module path has '.' seperator. if '/' in name_or_path: # import module from .py file"Importing module from file path: {name_or_path}") module_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( Path(name_or_path).stem, name_or_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(module_spec) try: module_spec.loader.exec_module(module)"Successfully imported: {name_or_path}") return module except FileNotFoundError: logger.error( cowsay.daemon( f"Module not found: {name_or_path}! Make sure file path is valid." )) else: # import module from module path. try:"Importing installed module: {name_or_path}") module = importlib.import_module(name_or_path)"Successfully imported: {name_or_path}") return module except ImportError: logger.error( cowsay.daemon( f"Could not import module {name_or_path}! Make sure module is installed, or provide a valid path to the file." ))
def import_module(module_path: str) -> 'module': """Dynamically import a module from a file path or module name.""" # file path has '/' separator. module path has '.' seperator. if '/' in module_path: # import module from .py file module_spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( Path(module_path).stem, module_path) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(module_spec) try: module_spec.loader.exec_module(module) return module except FileNotFoundError: logging.error(cowsay.daemon(f"Module not found: {module}")) else: # import module from module path. try: return importlib.import_module(module_path) except ImportError: logging.error( cowsay.daemon(f"Could not import module {module_path}!"))
def predict(test_data, checkpoint_dir, target_dict, fun=False): """ Prints out a prediction for a given input. :param test_data: data that you want to make the prediction on :type test_data: numpy :param checkpoint_dir: checkpoint directory :type checkpoint_dir: str :param target_dict: map between int and url :type target_dict: dict :param fun: wanna have fun? :type fun: bool """ model, model_summary = build_model(len(set(test_data[0])), test_data.shape[1]) model = compile_model(model, optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Nadam()) model.load_weights(tf.train.latest_checkpoint(checkpoint_dir)) tf.logging.debug(model_summary) time1 = time.time() predictions = model.predict(test_data) time2 = time.time() tf.logging.debug("time: {}".format(time2 - time1)) result = [] for prediction in predictions: guess = np.argmax(prediction.flatten()) result.append([(guess, target_dict[guess])]) if fun == False: for r in result: print(TermColors.GREEN + "=======================> " + str(r) + " <=======================" + TermColors.ENDC) else: for r in result: print(TermColors.RED) cowsay.daemon("Oh no you found out about:\n " + str(r[0][1])) print(TermColors.ENDC)
import cowsay cowsay.daemon("Hi") cowsay.dragon("Hey") cowsay.cow("Konstantina")
import cowsay cowsay.daemon("I'm an ineffective-image")
import cowsay cowsay.daemon("Greetings!")
import cowsay cowsay.daemon("Acker Code")
UNDERLINE = '\033[4m' start_time = time.time() url = '' cam_list_downloaded = [] cam_list_not_loaded = [] laps = 1 / 100 system('cls') print( f'\n\n\n\n{bcolors.WARNING}Need to to fetch{bcolors.FAIL} {len(cam_list) - len(cam_list_downloaded)} {bcolors.WARNING}files from {url}{bcolors.ENDC}' ) cowsay.daemon( f"{bcolors.WARNING}All is ready to start downloading files.\nPlease press Enter to START.{bcolors.ENDC}" ) input() system('cls') laps = laps check = 0 for camera in cam_list: file = camera + '.jpg' full_path = url + file destination = 'C:/downloaded/' + file print( f"\n\n{bcolors.FAIL}DON'T CLOSE THE APPLICATION OR SHUTDOWN THE COMPUTER{bcolors.ENDC}\n" ) print(
async def daemon(ctx, *, text): await ctx.send('```' + cowsay.daemon(text) + '```')
import cowsay cowsay.daemon("I am the Deamon")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # encoding: utf-8 import cowsay num = int(input("Input a number: ")) if num > 1: for i in range(2, num): if (num % i) == 0: cowsay.beavis(str(num) + " is not a prime number") print(i, "times", num // i, "is", num) break else: cowsay.cheese(str(num) + " is a prime number") else: cowsay.daemon(str(num) + " is not a prime number")
import cowsay cowsay.daemon("Hi Deamon")
import cowsay # print(cowsay.char_names) name = input('Enter your name : ') string = f'Hello {name}' cowsay.daemon(string) cowsay.cow(string) cowsay.dragon(string) cowsay.beavis(string) cowsay.cheese(string) cowsay.ghostbusters(string) cowsay.kitty(string) cowsay.meow(string) cowsay.milk(string) cowsay.pig(string) cowsay.stegosaurus(string) cowsay.stimpy(string) cowsay.turkey(string) cowsay.turtle(string) cowsay.tux(string)