Пример #1
 def test_request_cacheability(self):
     res0 = Response(self.request.url, status=200,
                     headers={'Expires': self.tomorrow})
     req0 = Request('http://example.com')
     req1 = req0.replace(headers={'Cache-Control': 'no-store'})
     req2 = req0.replace(headers={'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'})
     with self._middleware() as mw:
         # response for a request with no-store must not be cached
         res1 = self._process_requestresponse(mw, req1, res0)
         self.assertEqualResponse(res1, res0)
         # Re-do request without no-store and expect it to be cached
         res2 = self._process_requestresponse(mw, req0, res0)
         self.assertNotIn('cached', res2.flags)
         res3 = mw.process_request(req0)
         self.assertIn('cached', res3.flags)
         self.assertEqualResponse(res2, res3)
         # request with no-cache directive must not return cached response
         # but it allows new response to be stored
         res0b = res0.replace(body='foo')
         res4 = self._process_requestresponse(mw, req2, res0b)
         self.assertEqualResponse(res4, res0b)
         self.assertNotIn('cached', res4.flags)
         res5 = self._process_requestresponse(mw, req0, None)
         self.assertEqualResponse(res5, res0b)
         self.assertIn('cached', res5.flags)
Пример #2
 def test_response_cacheability(self):
     responses = [
         # 304 is not cacheable no matter what servers sends
         (False, 304, {}),
         (False, 304, {'Last-Modified': self.yesterday}),
         (False, 304, {'Expires': self.tomorrow}),
         (False, 304, {'Etag': 'bar'}),
         (False, 304, {'Cache-Control': 'max-age=3600'}),
         # Always obey no-store cache control
         (False, 200, {'Cache-Control': 'no-store'}),
         (False, 200, {'Cache-Control': 'no-store, max-age=300'}),  # invalid
         (False, 200, {'Cache-Control': 'no-store', 'Expires': self.tomorrow}),  # invalid
         # Ignore responses missing expiration and/or validation headers
         (False, 200, {}),
         (False, 302, {}),
         (False, 307, {}),
         (False, 404, {}),
         # Cache responses with expiration and/or validation headers
         (True, 200, {'Last-Modified': self.yesterday}),
         (True, 203, {'Last-Modified': self.yesterday}),
         (True, 300, {'Last-Modified': self.yesterday}),
         (True, 301, {'Last-Modified': self.yesterday}),
         (True, 401, {'Last-Modified': self.yesterday}),
         (True, 404, {'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=600'}),
         (True, 302, {'Expires': self.tomorrow}),
         (True, 200, {'Etag': 'foo'}),
     with self._middleware() as mw:
         for idx, (shouldcache, status, headers) in enumerate(responses):
             req0 = Request('http://example-%d.com' % idx)
             res0 = Response(req0.url, status=status, headers=headers)
             res1 = self._process_requestresponse(mw, req0, res0)
             res304 = res0.replace(status=304)
             res2 = self._process_requestresponse(mw, req0, res304 if shouldcache else res0)
             self.assertEqualResponse(res1, res0)
             self.assertEqualResponse(res2, res0)
             resc = mw.storage.retrieve_response(req0)
             if shouldcache:
                 self.assertEqualResponse(resc, res1)
                 self.assertTrue('cached' in res2.flags and res2.status != 304)
                 self.assertNotIn('cached', res2.flags)
Пример #3
 def test_cached_and_stale(self):
     sample_data = [
         (200, {'Date': self.today, 'Expires': self.yesterday}),
         (200, {'Date': self.today, 'Expires': self.yesterday, 'Last-Modified': self.yesterday}),
         (200, {'Expires': self.yesterday}),
         (200, {'Expires': self.yesterday, 'ETag': 'foo'}),
         (200, {'Expires': self.yesterday, 'Last-Modified': self.yesterday}),
         (200, {'Expires': self.tomorrow, 'Age': '86405'}),
         (200, {'Cache-Control': 'max-age=86400', 'Age': '86405'}),
         # no-cache forces expiration, also revalidation if validators exists
         (200, {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'}),
         (200, {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'ETag': 'foo'}),
         (200, {'Cache-Control': 'no-cache', 'Last-Modified': self.yesterday}),
     with self._middleware() as mw:
         for idx, (status, headers) in enumerate(sample_data):
             req0 = Request('http://example-%d.com' % idx)
             res0a = Response(req0.url, status=status, headers=headers)
             # cache expired response
             res1 = self._process_requestresponse(mw, req0, res0a)
             self.assertEqualResponse(res1, res0a)
             self.assertNotIn('cached', res1.flags)
             # Same request but as cached response is stale a new response must
             # be returned
             res0b = res0a.replace(body='bar')
             res2 = self._process_requestresponse(mw, req0, res0b)
             self.assertEqualResponse(res2, res0b)
             self.assertNotIn('cached', res2.flags)
             # Previous response expired too, subsequent request to same
             # resource must revalidate and succeed on 304 if validators
             # are present
             if 'ETag' in headers or 'Last-Modified' in headers:
                 res0c = res0b.replace(status=304)
                 res3 = self._process_requestresponse(mw, req0, res0c)
                 self.assertEqualResponse(res3, res0b)
                 self.assertIn('cached', res3.flags)