Пример #1
Файл: run.py Проект: msarch/py
def create_chase():
    p = Creature(pacman, (+30, 0))
    p.dx = -0.4
    g = Creature(ghost, (+50, 0))
    g.dx = -0.4
class CreatureAttachTest(unittest.TestCase):

	# Make the things and do the setup that every test 
	# in the TestCase need.
	def setUp(self):
		"""Create an instance of the Creature class that we 
		can leverage it's functions in our tests.
		self.creature = Creature()

	# Undos everything that your setUp function did
	def tearDown(self):
		"""Delete the Creature instamce we made in the setUp.

		del self.creature

	def test_attack_return_int(self):
		"""Ensure that when attack is called, an int is returned.
		# Call the attack function of our creature,
		# and catch what it returns in value.
		value = self.creature.attack()

		self.assertIsInstance(value, int, "Returned attack value is not an int")

	def test_no_weapon_return_base_damage(self):
		"""Ensure that with no weapon equipped, the creature does its 
		base damage.
		# Manually set the base damage to 2 
		self.creature.attack_points = 2

		# Get the creature's attack value
		value = self.creature.attack()

		self.assertEqual(value, 2, "Expected base attack value not given")

	def test_with_weapon_return_damage(self):
		"""Ensure that with a weapon, the creature does base damage + weapon
		# Make a weapon to give to the creature
		weapon = Weapon(3)

		# Give the weapon to the creature
		self.creature.weapon = weapon

		# Set the creature's base attack value
		self.creature.attack_points = 2

		# Get the creature's total attack value
		value = self.creature.attack()
		# Assert the attack value is the base + weapon damage
		self.assertEqual(value, 5, "Computed attack value is not correct.")
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, **kwargs):
     Creature.__init__(self, movable = True, **kwargs)
     self.moves = {
         'Stop': self.set_velocity_xy,
         'Jump': self.set_vertical_velocity,
         'Fall': self.set_vertical_velocity,
         'Left': self.set_horizontal_velocity,
         'Right': self.set_horizontal_velocity,
Пример #4
 def randomiseCreatures(self, mother=None, father=None):
     self.creatures = []
     for i in range(10):
         if (mother==None) or (father==None):
             c = Creature(DNA=brainUtils.randBinary((5 + 6*5+3*5)*8))
             c = mother.breed(father)
         c.x = (random.random()*(self.ARENA_WIDTH-50) + 50)
         c.y = (random.random()*(self.ARENA_HEIGHT-50) + 50)
Пример #5
 def __init__(self, name):
     Creature.__init__(self, name, 11, 20, 1, 1, 1)
     self.inventory = []
     self._equipped = {"Sword": None, "Shield": None}
     self.xp = 0
     self.max_hp = 11
     self.level = 1
     self._core_strength = 1
     self._core_intelligence = 1
     self._core_dexterity = 1
Пример #6
def generate_dungeon(w, h, difficulty=1):
	level = Level(w, h)

	new_map = [[0 for _ in xrange(h)] for _ in xrange(w)]
	# initialize new_map to noise (0.43% filled)
	for x,y in range2d(w, h):
		if random.random() < 0.43:
			new_map[x][y] = 1

	# apply cellular automation
	for i in xrange(2):
		temp_map = [[0 for _ in xrange(h)] for _ in xrange(w)]
		for x,y in range2d(w, h):
			wall_count = 0
			for i,j in box2d(x-1, y-1, 3, 3):
				if 0 <= i < w and 0 <= j < h:
					wall_count += new_map[i][j]
					# sides = instawall
					wall_count += 3

			if wall_count >= 5:
				temp_map[x][y] = 1

		new_map = temp_map

	# apply changes to actual map
	for x,y in range2d(w, h):
		tile = level.tiles[x][y]
		if new_map[x][y] == 1:
			tile.img = spr.ROCK
			tile.blocking = True
			tile.transparent = False
			tile.img = spr.MUD_FLOOR
			tile.blocking = False
			tile.transparent = True

	# spawn treasures and creatures
	mr = level.get_main_region()

	treasures = random.sample(mr, difficulty)
	for loc in treasures:
		level.add_item(loc, Item(spr.GOLD_NUGGET, name="gold nugget", value=50+difficulty*25))

	mobs = random.sample(mr, difficulty)
	for loc in mobs:
		c = Creature(level, *loc, hp=difficulty*10, maxhp=difficulty*10, name="malicious slime", gold=10+difficulty*5)
		c.min_atk = difficulty
		c.max_atk = difficulty*2

	return level
class CreatureAttackTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # built in Python setUp function
        """Create an instance of the Creature class so that we can leverage its functions in our tests.
        self.creature = Creature()

    def tearDown(self):
        # undoes everything that your setUp function did
        # built in Python tearDown function
        """Delete the Creature instance we made in the setUp.
        del self.creature

    def test_attack_return_int(self):
        # begin every test function name with test_
        """Ensure that when attack is called, an int is returned.
        # Call the attack  function of our creature and return an integer
        value = self.creature.attack()

            value, int, "Returned Attack value is not an int"
        )  # wrote comment here to personalize error message

    def test_no_weapon_return_base_damage(self):
        """Ensure that with no weapon equipped, the creature does its base damage.
        # Manually set the base damage to something we know (in this case: 3)
        self.creature.attack_points = 2

        # Get the creature's attack value
        value = self.creature.attack()

        self.assertEqual(value, 2, "Expected base attack value not given.")

    def test_with_weapon_return_damage(self):
        """Ensure that with a weapon, the creature does base damage + Weapon damage.
        # Make a weapon to give creature
        weapon = Weapon(3)

        # Give the weapon to the creature
        self.creature.weapon = weapon

        # Set creature's base attack value
        self.creature.attack_points = 2

        # Get the creature's total attack value
        value = self.creature.attack()

        # Assert the attack value is the base + weapon damage
        self.assertEqual(value, 5, "Computed attack value is not correct.")
Пример #8
Файл: run.py Проект: msarch/py
def make_army(size, menagerie):
    army = []
    for col in range(size):
        for row in range(size):
            creature_type = menagerie[randint(0, len(menagerie)-1)]
            x = (col+0.5)*16 - size * 8
            y = (row+0.5)*16 - size * 8
            creature = Creature(creature_type, (x, y))
            creature.da = uniform(-0.1, +0.1)
            creature.velocity = uniform(0, +0.5)
    return army
class CreatureAttackTest(unittest.TestCase):

	#make the things and so the setUp that every test in the test case needs 
	def setUp (self):
		"""Creature an instance of the creature class that we can leverage its functin in our test 
		self.creature = Creature()
	#undoes everhting that your setup function did.
	def tearDown(self):
		"""Delete the creature
		del self.creature

	def test_attack_return_int(self):
		"""Ensure that when attack is called, an int is returned.
		#call the attack function of our creature, and catch what it returns 
		#in value
		value = self.creature.attack()

		self.assertIsInstance(value, int, "Returned atk value is not an int")

	def test_no_weapon_return_base_damage(self):
		"""Ensure that with no weapon equiped, the creature does its base damage
		#manually set the base damge to 3 
		self.creature.attack_points = 2 

		#get the creatures attack value 
		value = self.creature.attack()

		self.assertEqual(value, 2, "Excepted based attack value")

	def test_with_weapon_return_damage(self):
		"""Ensure that with a weapon, the creature does base damage = weapon damage

		#make a weapon and give to creature
		weapon = Weapon(3)

		#give the weapon to the creature
		self.creature.weapon = weapon

		#set creature's base attack value 
		self.creature.attack_points =2

		#get the creature's total attack value 
		value = self.creature.attack()
		#Assert the attack value is the base + weapon damage 
		self.assertEqual (value,5, "computed attack value is not correct")
Пример #10
 def __init__(self, g_player, team, enemy,  pos, layer, when, main, inActiveLayer, maxHitPoints = 8):
     Creates a new scout creature (including the libAVG nodes).
     g_player: the global player instance.
     team: the team, the creature should belong to.
     pos: the initial position.
     layer: the layer to put the creature on.
     when: the moment, the creation has been started.
     Creature.__init__(self, g_player, team, enemy, pos, layer, when, main, inActiveLayer, maxHitPoints)
     self.speed = self.speed * 2
     if self.team.name == "Team2":
         self.creature.filltexhref = os.path.join(getMediaDir(__file__, "resources"), "triangleEvil.png")
         self.creature.filltexhref = os.path.join(getMediaDir(__file__, "resources"), "triangleGood.png")
class CreatureAttackTest(unittest.TestCase): 

	def setUp(self):
		self.creature = Creature()

	def tearDown(self):
		del self.creature

	"""Do we get an int returned? Without weapon do wedo base damage? With weapon do we do expected damage? When weakend do we do 1/2 damage? Same for weapon?"""

	def test_attack_return_int(self):

		#Call and catch
		value = self.creature.attack()

		#use python's assertIs to make sure the value is an integer
		self.assertIsInstance(value, int, "Returned attack value is not an int.")

	def test_no_weapon_return_base_damage(self):
		"""Ensure a weaponless creature does only base damage."""

		self.creature.attack_points = 2

		value = self.creature.attack()

		self.assertEqual(value, 2, "Excepted base attack value not given")

	def test_with_weapon_return_damage(self):
		"""Ensure that with a weapon the creature does the base damage + weapon damage."""

		# Make a weapon
		weapon = Weapon(3)
		# Give it
		self.creature.weapon = weapon
		# Set base attack
		self.creature.attack_points = 3
		# Get total attack value
		an_attack = self.creature.attack()
		# Assert the attack value is base + weapon
		self.assertEqual(an_attack, 6, "Expected attack value wrong.")
Пример #12
	def move (self, dx = 0, dy = 0):
		"""	Move the player object

			Attempting to move into the same space as another
			object will attempt to push it out of the way """
		x, y = self.x + dx, self.y + dy

		# If there is an object in the location the player
		# attempts to move to, try and push it
		target = self.map.is_blocked_by_object(x,y)
		if target and hasattr(target, 'push'):
				return target.push(dx, dy)
			except CouldNotMove:
				print "Can't shove the target in this direction."
			except AttributeError:
				print "The target cannot be pushed."

		# Otherwise, move normally
		Creature.move(self, dx, dy)
Пример #13
 def __init__(self, g_player, team, enemy,  pos, layer, when, main, inActiveLayer, maxHitPoints = 8):
     Creates a new wizard creature (including the libAVG nodes).
     g_player: the global player instance.
     team: the team, the creature should belong to.
     pos: the initial position.
     layer: the layer to put the creature on.
     when: the moment, the creation has been started.
     self.maxJumpDistance = util.halfwidth // 2
     self.goalXPos = self.maxJumpDistance
     self.freezed = False
     self.shouldDie = False
     self.firstJump = True
     self.appearAnim = None
     self.disappearAnim = None
     Creature.__init__(self, g_player, team, enemy, pos, layer, when, main, inActiveLayer, maxHitPoints)
     if self.team.name == "Team2":
         self.creature.filltexhref = os.path.join(getMediaDir(__file__, "resources"), "circleEvil.png")
         self.creature.filltexhref = os.path.join(getMediaDir(__file__, "resources"), "circleGood.png")
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, base, position, cid=None):
     Creature.__init__(self, base.data.copy(), position, cid)
     self.base = base
     self.creatureType = 1
     self.spawnPosition = position.copy()
     self.lastStep = 0
     self.speed = float(base.speed)
     self.lastMelee = 0
     self.lastDistance = 0
     self.walkPer = base.walkPer
     self.brainEvent = None
     self.spawnTime = None
     self.radius = 5
     self.master = None
     self.respawn = True
     self.skull = base.skull # We make a copy of the int so we might set a skull in scripts later.
     self.canWalk = base.walkable
     self.intervals = {}
     self.defaultSpeakType = MSG_SPEAK_MONSTER_SAY
     self.defaultYellType = MSG_SPEAK_MONSTER_YELL
     self.lastRetarget = 0
class CreatureAttackTest(unittest.TestCase): 

    #Make the things and do the setup that every test in the TestCase
    #two functions recommended that you do: set up and tear down 
    #when python runs the test file, it will run each test in the test file, 
        #it will run the set up before every test and tear down after every test
    def setUp(self): 
        """Create an instance of the Creature class that we can leverage its 
            functions in our tests. """

        self.creature = Creature()

    def tearDown(self):
        """ Delete the Creature instance we made in the setUp.""" 

        del self.creature

    #attack():int (<-damage)
    #do we get an intager back? 
    #without weapon, does it do base damamge?
    #with weapon, does it do expected damage? 
    #when WEAKENED, does it do half damage?
    #when WEAKENED with weapon, does it do half damage 

    def test_attack_return_int(self):
        """Ensure that when attack is called, an int is returned."""

        # Call the attack function of our creature, and catch what it returns in value
        value = self.creature.attack()

        #assertIS -> testing that the first & second is the same type of object
        #tried self.assertIs(value, 2, "Return Atk value is not an int"), did not work. 
        self.assertIsInstance(value, int, "Return Atk value is not an int")

    def test_no_weapon_return_base_damage(self):
        """Ensure that with no weapon equiped, the creature does it base damage"""

        #manually set the base damage to 2
        self.creature.attack_points = 2

        #get the creature's attack value
        value = self.creature.attack()

        self.assertEqual(value, 2, "Expected base attack value not given.")

    def test_with_weapon_return_damage(self):
        """Ensure that with weapon, the creature does base damage + Weapon damage."""

        #Make a weapon to give to creature 
        weapon = Weapon(3)

        #Give the weapon to the creature 
        self.creature.weapon = weapon 

        #set creature's base attack value 
        self.creature.attack_points = 3

        #Get the creature's total attack value 
        value = self.creature.attack()

        #Assert the attack value is the base + weapon damage 
        self.assertEqual(value, 3 + 3)
Пример #16
	def __init__ (self):
		Creature.__init__(self, '@', libtcod.red)
Пример #17
 def __init__(self, x, y,):
     stat_sheet = StatSheet(hp=15, defense=1, power=4)
     Creature.__init__(self, x, y, 't', libtcod.darker_green, 'Troll', stats=stat_sheet, ai=FighterAI())
Пример #18
best = 0                            # index of creature with closest distance
distance = 0                        # distance to target
target = Target(screen, 200, 200)   # target
show_best = True                    # toggle for showing entire population vs only the winner

def dislpay_instructions():
    font = pygame.font.Font(None, 26)
    txt = "Press [SPACE] to move target.  Press [W] to toggle showing the only winner vs. the entire population"
    render = font.render(txt, 0, WHITE, BLACK)
    screen.blit(render, (110, 730))

# create creatures and target
for i in range(population):

# Main loop
while not done:
    n_gens += 1

    # reset breeding variables
    best_distance = BEST_D_RESET
    best = 0

    # Creature wins if it is closest to target
    for i in range(len(creatures)):
        distance = math.sqrt(abs(creatures[i].get_loc()[1] - target.get_loc()[1]) ** 2 +
                             abs(creatures[i].get_loc()[0] - target.get_loc()[0]) ** 2)
        if distance < best_distance:
Пример #19
# Brace for the java
import random as rng

# Our classes
from coordinate import Coordinate
from entity import Entity
from creature import Creature
from tree import *
from world import World

# Display configuration
VISION_WIDTH = 30   # Width of "nearby" 2D map to print out, in tiles
VISION_HEIGHT = 10  # Height of "nearby" 2D map to print out

# Main
world    = World()      # Create an infinite world to live in
creature = Creature()   # And create a creature to watch in it

# Add the creature to the world at (0, 0)
creature.set_location(world, Coordinate(0, 0))

while True:
  world.print2d(creature, VISION_WIDTH, VISION_HEIGHT)
  # Let the viewer progress turn-by-turn
Пример #20
    #add a named plot event to the player
    def AddPlotEvent(self, name, done = False):
        self.plotEvents[name] = done;

    #make the player 'accomplish' a plot event
    def FinishPlotEvent(self, name):
        self.plotEvents[name] = True;

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    # for testing the GetNextMove method
    """from board import Board
    b = Board("test")
    n = NPC("hobo",[0,0],b)
    n._creatures[0]._currentStats[2] = n._creatures[0]._attributes[2]
    print n.GetNextMove(n._creatures[0],Creature("Dog"))
    print n._creatures[0]"""
    #for testing the Apply method of items
    c = Creature("Programmer")
    c._currentStats[2] = 1.0
    print c
    print ""
    print POSSIBLE_INVENTORY_ITEMS["speed"][0].Apply(c, False)
    print ""
    print c
    print ""
    print POSSIBLE_INVENTORY_ITEMS["speed"][0].Apply(c, True)
Пример #21
 def test____repr__(self):
     c = Creature()
     self.assertEqual("Dummymon (HP: 100)", f"{c}")
Пример #22
 def __init__(self, size):
     self.size = size
     self.creatures = [Creature(self) for _ in range((size // 2)**2)]
     self.all_creatures = list(self.creatures)
     self.moves_count = 0
	def setUp(self):
		self.creature = Creature()
Пример #24
	def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
		Creature.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
Пример #25
def orc(x, y):
    return Creature(x, y, Symbol('o', colors.ORC))
    def setUp(self): 
        """Create an instance of the Creature class that we can leverage its 
            functions in our tests. """

        self.creature = Creature()
Пример #27
Файл: main.py Проект: Vulfi/Rise
def get_generic_ac_calc():
    return [i+14 for i in range(1,21)]
def get_generic_ac_real():
    return [i+16 for i in range(1,21)]
def get_generic_hp():
    return [i*7 for i in range(1,21)]

#set a creature's AC to match generic AC
def normalize_ac(creature):
            get_generic_ac_calc()[creature.level-1] - creature.armor_class.normal())

if __name__ == "__main__":
    args = initialize_argument_parser()
    if args['function'] == CHARACTER:
        creature = Creature.from_creature_name(args['creature_input'],
        print creature
        if args['output'] is not None:
            latex_string = creature.to_latex()
            output_file = open(args['output'], 'w')
    elif args['function'] == MONSTER:
        creature = Monster.from_monster_name(args['creature_input'],
        print creature.to_latex()
        if args['output'] is not None:
            latex_string = creature.to_latex()
            output_file = open(args['output'], 'w')
    elif args['function'] == COMBAT:
        for i in xrange(20):
Пример #28
Файл: run.py Проект: msarch/py
from pyglet.window.key import symbol_string
from army import Army, rand_point
from camera import Camera
from data import all_ghosts, pacman
from creature import Creature
from keyboard import on_key_press, key_handlers
from renderer import Renderer

win = Window(fullscreen=True, visible=False)
camera = Camera((0, 0), 10)
renderer = Renderer()

army_shape = Army.MakeShape(400, 1500, all_ghosts)
armies = []
for i in range(20, 0, -1):
    army = Creature(army_shape, rand_point(500), uniform(-pi, pi))
    army.dx = uniform(-0.4, +0.4)
    army.dy = uniform(-0.4, +0.4)

def update(dt):
    for army in armies:


key_handlers[key.ESCAPE] = win.close
win.on_draw = lambda: renderer.on_draw(armies, camera, win.width, win.height)
win.on_key_press = on_key_press
Пример #29
 def test_basic_init(self):
     c = Creature()
     self.assertEqual("Dummymon", c.name)
Пример #30
def test_creatures_3():
    The student keep using pycharm during lab, and it was caught by the tutor at school.
    The tutor ask student not using pycharm anymore, but tutor has lower terror rating than student.
    So that tutor is trying to make student not to use pycharm, but he can do nothing to abandon. 
    The student is still not being caught, and he is still able to use pycharm. 
    So that the times that tutor catch student about not using pycharm is only once.
    USYD = Location("USYD")
    me = Creature("Me", 5, USYD, "INFO1110 student")
    pycharm = Item("pycharm", "powerful pycharm",
                   "A powerful tool such as pycharm can help you debug", 100)
    tutor = Creature("Tutor", 2, USYD, "INFO1110 tutor")
    assert me.get_terror_rating() == 105 and tutor.get_catch_time(
    ) == 1, "Test 3 failed."
    print("Test 3 passed!")
    def setUp(self):
        # built in Python setUp function
        """Create an instance of the Creature class so that we can leverage its functions in our tests.
        self.creature = Creature()
Пример #32
def test_creatures_2():
    This student is taught to use terminal with atom to write code.
    But after he uses terminal with atom, he find the interface is not very good.
    Cannot compare with pycharm. 
    So that he decide not to listen to teachers, but keep using pycharm. 
    Therefore, the student should still have a terror rating of 105 after he decides not to use terminal.
    USYD = Location("USYD")
    me = Creature("Me", 5, USYD, "INFO1110 student")
    pycharm = Item("pycharm", "powerful pycharm",
                   "A powerful tool such as pycharm can help you debug", 100)
    terminal = Item("terminal", "Mac terminal",
                    "A console to execute commands directly", 1)
    assert me.get_terror_rating() == 105, "Test 2 failed."
    print("Test 2 passed!")
Пример #33
 def __init__(self, x, y):
     stat_sheet = StatSheet(hp=30, defense=2, power=5, max_volume=10, max_carry_weight=100)
     Creature.__init__(self, x, y, '@', libtcod.white, c.player_name, stats=stat_sheet,
Пример #34
 def test_is_fainted(self):
     c = Creature()
     c.current_health = -1