def _write_cremi_data(self, cremi_data, path, mode="a", **kwargs): raw_vol = Volume(cremi_data.raw_data, resolution=cremi_data.res_list) clefts_vol = Volume( np.zeros(cremi_data.raw_data.shape, dtype=np.uint64), resolution=cremi_data.res_list, ) annotations = Annotations() for annotation_tuple in cremi_data.annotation_tuples: annotations.add_annotation(*annotation_tuple) annotations.set_pre_post_partners(*cremi_data.annotation_partners) def key(id_, **kwargs): return (kwargs["type"], -id_) annotations.sort(key_fn=key, reverse=True) with closing(CremiFile(path, mode)) as f: f.write_raw(raw_vol) f.write_clefts(clefts_vol) f.write_annotations(annotations) f.h5file.attrs["project_offset"] = cremi_data.offset_nm.to_list() f.h5file.attrs["stack_offset"] = cremi_data.offset_px.to_list() for key, value in kwargs.items(): f.h5file.attrs[key] = value
def cremi_score(gt, seg, return_all_scores=False, border_threshold=None): if cremi is None: raise ImportError("The cremi package is necessary to run cremi_score()") # # the zeros must be kept in the gt since they are the ignore label gt = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(gt.astype(np.uint32)) # seg = vigra.analysis.labelVolume(seg.astype(np.uint32)) seg = np.array(seg) seg = np.require(seg, requirements=['C']) # Make sure that all labels are strictly positive: seg = seg.astype('uint32') # FIXME: it seems to have some trouble with label 0 in the segmentation: seg += 1 gt = np.array(gt) gt = np.require(gt, requirements=['C']) gt = (gt - 1).astype('uint32') # assert gt.min() >= -1 gt_ = Volume(gt) seg_ = Volume(seg) metrics = NeuronIds(gt_, border_threshold=border_threshold) arand = metrics.adapted_rand(seg_) vi_s, vi_m = metrics.voi(seg_) cs = np.sqrt(arand * (vi_s + vi_m)) # cs = (vi_s + vi_m + arand) / 3. if return_all_scores: return {'cremi-score': cs.item(), 'vi-merge': vi_m.item(), 'vi-split': vi_s.item(), 'adapted-rand': arand.item()} else: return cs
def check_ccs(): binary = z5py.File('./binary_volume.n5')['data'][:] ccs_vi = vigra.analysis.labelVolumeWithBackground(binary) ccs = z5py.File('./ccs.n5')['data'][:] print("Start comparison") metric = NeuronIds(Volume(ccs_vi)) print("Arand", metric.adapted_rand(Volume(ccs)))
def eval_block(block_id, res_prefix): gt = Volume(vigra.readHDF5('/home/papec/Work/neurodata_hdd/fib25/gt/gt_block%i.h5' % block_id, 'data')) res = Volume(vigra.readHDF5('%s_%i.h5' % (res_prefix, block_id), 'data')) metrics = NeuronIds(gt) are = metrics.adapted_rand(res) vi_s, vi_m = metrics.voi(res) return are, vi_s, vi_m
def evaluate(gt, segmentation): gt, _, _ = vigra.analysis.relabelConsecutive(gt, start_label=1) evaluate = NeuronIds(Volume(gt)) segmentation = Volume(segmentation) vi_split, vi_merge = evaluate.voi(segmentation) ri = evaluate.adapted_rand(segmentation) return vi_split, vi_merge, ri
def cremi_scores(seg, gt): gt[gt == 0] = -1 seg = Volume(seg) metric = NeuronIds(Volume(gt)) vis, vim = metric.voi(seg) are = metric.adapted_rand(seg) cs = (are + vis + vim) / 3 return { 'cremi-score': cs, 'vi-merge': vim, 'vi-split': vis, 'adapted-rand': are }
def cremi_scores(seg, gt): gt[gt == 0] = -1 seg = Volume(seg) metric = NeuronIds(Volume(gt)) vis, vim = metric.voi(seg) are = metric.adapted_rand(seg) # cremi uses the geometric mean of rand and vi ! cs = sqrt(are * (vis + vim)) return { 'cremi-score': cs, 'vi-merge': vim, 'vi-split': vis, 'adapted-rand': are }
def make_groundtruth(correct_resolution = True): # fill gt with ignore labels (for whatever reason this is not 0...) gt = 0xffffffffffffffff * np.ones(shape, dtype = 'uint64') # make one gt synapse rr, cc = circle(20, 20, syn_radius) gt[0, rr, cc] = 1 if correct_resolution: vol = Volume(gt, resolution = (40.,4.,4.) ) gt_name = 'gt_correct_res.h5' else: vol = Volume(gt) gt_name = 'gt_incorrect_res.h5' cremi_f = io.CremiFile('../data/%s' % gt_name, 'w') cremi_f.write_clefts(vol) return cremi_f
def _populate_clefts(self, unpadded_shape_px, padding_low_px, skip_if_exists): """ Parameters ---------- unpadded_shape_px : CoordZYX padding_low_px : CoordZYX skip_if_exists Returns ------- """ if self.has_clefts(): if skip_if_exists:"Cleft data already exists, skipping") return else: raise RuntimeError("Cleft data already exists") logger.debug("generating cleft volume") cleft_volume = Volume( np.zeros(unpadded_shape_px.to_list(), dtype=np.uint64), resolution=self.resolution, offset=(padding_low_px * CoordZYX(self.resolution)).to_list(), ) logger.debug("writing clefts") with self: self._cremi_file.write_clefts(cleft_volume) self._cremi_file.h5file["volumes/labels/clefts"].attrs[ "refreshed_on"] = self.timestamp
def make_seg_submission(seg_valume_dict): submission_folder = 'submission' if not os.path.exists(submission_folder): os.makedirs(submission_folder) for name, seg_v in seg_valume_dict.iteritems(): seg_v = seg_v.astype(np.uint64) neuron_ids = Volume(seg_v, resolution=(40.0, 4.0, 4.0), comment="Second submission in 2018") file = CremiFile(submission_folder + '/' + name + '.hdf', "w") file.write_neuron_ids(neuron_ids)
def make_predictions(fp_pos, correct_resolution = True): prediction = 0xffffffffffffffff * np.ones(shape, dtype = 'uint64') # make tp synapse prediction rr, cc = circle(22, 18, syn_radius) prediction[0, rr, cc] = 1 # make fp synapse prediction rr, cc = circle(fp_pos[1], fp_pos[2], syn_radius) prediction[fp_pos[0], rr, cc] = 2 if correct_resolution: vol = Volume(prediction, resolution = (40.,4.,4.) ) prediction_name = 'prediction_correct_res_%s.h5' % '_'.join(map(str, fp_pos)) else: vol = Volume(prediction) prediction_name = 'prediction_incorrect_res_%s.h5' % '_'.join(map(str, fp_pos)) cremi_f = io.CremiFile('../data/%s' % prediction_name, 'w') cremi_f.write_clefts(vol) return cremi_f
def prepare_submission(sample, path_segm, inner_path_segm, path_bbox_slice, ds_factor=None): """ :param path_segm: :param inner_path_segm: :param path_bbox_slice: path to the csv file :param ds_factor: for example (1, 2, 2) """ segm = segm_utils.readHDF5(path_segm, inner_path_segm) bbox_data = np.genfromtxt(path_bbox_slice, delimiter=';', dtype='int') assert bbox_data.shape[0] == segm.ndim and bbox_data.shape[1] == 2 # bbox_slice = tuple(slice(b_data[0], b_data[1]) for b_data in bbox_data) if ds_factor is not None: assert len(ds_factor) == segm.ndim segm = zoom(segm, ds_factor, order=0) padding = tuple( (slc[0], shp - slc[1]) for slc, shp in zip(bbox_data, shape_padded_aligned_datasets[sample])) padded_segm = np.pad(segm, pad_width=padding, mode="constant") # Apply Constantin crop and then backalign: cropped_segm = padded_segm[magic_bboxes[sample]] tmp_file = path_segm.replace(".h5", "_submission_temp.hdf") backalign_segmentation(sample, cropped_segm, tmp_file, key="temp_data", postprocess=False) # Create a CREMI-style file ready to submit: final_submission_path = path_segm.replace(".h5", "_submission.hdf") file = CremiFile(final_submission_path, "w") # Write volumes representing the neuron and synaptic cleft segmentation. backaligned_segm = segm_utils.readHDF5(tmp_file, "temp_data") neuron_ids = Volume(backaligned_segm.astype('uint64'), resolution=(40.0, 4.0, 4.0), comment="Emb-submission") file.write_neuron_ids(neuron_ids) file.close() os.remove(tmp_file)
def agglomerate_sp_eval(ws_path, gt_path, prob_path): probs = vigra.readHDF5(prob_path, 'data') ws = vigra.readHDF5(ws_path, 'data') n_nodes = int(ws.max()) + 1 rag = nrag.gridRag(ws, numberOfLabels=n_nodes) # _, node_sizes = np.unique(ws, return_counts=True) # edge_sizes = nrag.accumulateEdgeMeanAndLength(rag, np.zeros(rag.shape, dtype='float32'))[:, 1] graph = nifty.graph.undirectedGraph(n_nodes) graph.insertEdges(rag.uvIds()) gt = Volume(vigra.readHDF5(gt_path, 'data')) # node_factor = [0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.1][::-1] node_factor = [.025, .05, .075, .1, .15, .2, .25, .4, .5] for nf in node_factor: # FIXME agglomerative clustering segfaults # n_target_nodes = int(nf * n_nodes) # agglomerator = cseg.AgglomerativeClustering(n_target_nodes) # node_labeling = agglomerator(graph, probs, edge_sizes=edge_sizes, node_sizes=node_sizes) agglomerator = cseg.MalaClustering(nf) node_labeling = agglomerator(graph, probs) vigra.analysis.relabelConsecutive(node_labeling, out=node_labeling) seg = nrag.projectScalarNodeDataToPixels(rag, node_labeling) seg = Volume(seg) metrics = NeuronIds(gt) vi_s, vi_m = metrics.voi(seg) are = metrics.adapted_rand(seg) print("Evaluation for reduction", nf) print("Voi - Split ", vi_s) print("Voi - Merge ", vi_m) print("Adapted Rand", are) print("N-Nodes:", int(node_labeling.max() + 1), '/', n_nodes)
def gt_projection(block_id): ws_path = '/home/papec/Work/neurodata_hdd/fib25/watersheds/watershed_block%i.h5' % block_id ws = vigra.readHDF5(ws_path, 'data') ws = vigra.analysis.labelVolume(ws.astype('uint32')) gt = vigra.readHDF5('/home/papec/Work/neurodata_hdd/fib25/gt/gt_block%i.h5' % block_id, 'data') rag = nrag.gridRag(ws, numberOfLabels=int(ws.max()) + 1) labeling = nrag.gridRagAccumulateLabels(rag, gt) projected = Volume(nrag.projectScalarNodeDataToPixels(rag, labeling)) metrics = NeuronIds(Volume(gt)) vi_s, vi_m = metrics.voi(projected) are = metrics.adapted_rand(projected) print(vi_s) print(vi_m) print(are) print() os.remove(ws_path) vigra.writeHDF5(ws, ws_path, 'data', compression='gzip')
def cremi_score(gt, seg, return_all_scores=True, b_thresh=2, data_resolution=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)): """compute cremi scores from np.array""" if len(gt.shape) == 2: gt = gt[None, :, :] seg = seg[None, :, :] gt_ = Volume(gt, resolution=data_resolution) seg_ = Volume(seg, resolution=data_resolution) metrics = NeuronIds(gt_, b_thresh) arand = metrics.adapted_rand(seg_) vi_s, vi_m = metrics.voi(seg_) # official cremi score cs = np.sqrt(vi_s * (vi_m + arand)) if return_all_scores: return cs, vi_s, vi_m, arand else: return cs
def _populate_raw(self, padded_offset_from_stack_px, padded_shape_px, skip_if_exists): """ Parameters ---------- padded_offset_from_stack_px : CoordZYX padded_shape_px : CoordZYX skip_if_exists Returns ------- """ if self.has_raw(): if skip_if_exists:"Raw data already exists, skipping") return else: raise RuntimeError("Raw data already exists") logger.debug("reading raw volume") raw_data = self.get_raw(padded_offset_from_stack_px, padded_shape_px) raw_volume = Volume(raw_data, resolution=self.resolution) logger.debug("writing raw volume") with self: self._cremi_file.write_raw(raw_volume) self._cremi_file.h5file["volumes/raw"].attrs[ "data_source"] = self.data_source self._cremi_file.h5file["volumes/raw"].attrs[ "populated_on"] = self.timestamp self._cremi_file.h5file.attrs["roi_offset_from_stack"] = ( padded_offset_from_stack_px * CoordZYX(self.resolution)).to_list()
random.randint(0, 100)) annotations.add_annotation(id, "presynaptic_site", location) for id in [4, 5, 6, 7]: location = (random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100), random.randint(0, 100)) annotations.add_annotation(id, "postsynaptic_site", location) for (pre, post) in [(0, 4), (1, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7)]: annotations.set_pre_post_partners(pre, post) annotations.add_comment(6, "unsure") # Open a file for writing (deletes previous file, if exists) file = CremiFile("example.hdf", "w") # Write the raw volume. This is given here just for illustration. For your # submission, you don't need to store the raw data. We have it already. raw = Volume(np.zeros((10, 100, 100), dtype=np.uint8), resolution=(40.0, 4.0, 4.0)) file.write_raw(raw) # Write volumes representing the neuron and synaptic cleft segmentation. neuron_ids = Volume(np.ones((10, 100, 100), dtype=np.uint64), resolution=(40.0, 4.0, 4.0), comment="just ones") clefts = Volume(np.zeros((10, 100, 100), dtype=np.uint64), resolution=(40.0, 4.0, 4.0), comment="just zeros") file.write_neuron_ids(neuron_ids) file.write_clefts(clefts) # Write synaptic partner annotations. file.write_annotations(annotations)
def roi_and_rand_general( sample, half, defect_correct, project_folder, source_folder, result_file, caching=False, debug=False ): print '\nEvaluating spl{}_z{}'.format(sample, half) print 'Result file: {}'.format(result_file) experiment_folder = os.path.join(project_folder, 'spl{}_z{}/'.format(sample, half)) if caching: cache_filepath = os.path.join( experiment_folder, re.sub('.h5$', '', result_file) + '_roi_and_rand_cache.pkl' ) else: cache_filepath = None if caching and os.path.isfile(cache_filepath): with open(cache_filepath, mode='r') as f: voi_split, voi_merge, adapted_rand = pickle.load(f) else: if defect_correct: defect_correct_str = '_defect_correct' else: defect_correct_str = '' mc_result_key = 'z/{}/data'.format(half) # # Load stuff # source_folder = '/mnt/localdata02/jhennies/neuraldata/cremi_2016/170321_resolve_false_merges/' # # TODO: Change here when switching sample # ref_result_filepath = os.path.join(source_folder, 'cremi.spl{}.train.mcseg_betas.crop.axes_xyz.split_z.h5'.format(sample)) # # TODO: Change here when switching half # ref_result_key = 'z/{}/beta_0.5'.format(half) gt_filepath = os.path.join(source_folder, 'cremi.spl{}.train.raw_neurons{}.crop.axes_xyz.split_z.h5'.format(sample, defect_correct_str)) gt_key = 'z/{}/neuron_ids'.format(half) # ref_result, _, _ = vigra.analysis.relabelConsecutive(vigra.readHDF5(ref_result_filepath, ref_result_key), start_label=1, keep_zeros=True) if not debug: gt = vigra.readHDF5(gt_filepath, gt_key) vol_gt = Volume(gt) neuron_ids_evaluation = NeuronIds(vol_gt) mc_result_filepath = os.path.join(experiment_folder, result_file) if not debug: # Evaluate baseline mc_result = vigra.readHDF5(mc_result_filepath, mc_result_key) vol_mc_result = Volume(mc_result) (voi_split, voi_merge) = neuron_ids_evaluation.voi(vol_mc_result) adapted_rand = neuron_ids_evaluation.adapted_rand(vol_mc_result) else: voi_split = 1.09 voi_merge = 0.70 adapted_rand = 0.23 if caching: with open(cache_filepath, mode='w') as f: pickle.dump((voi_split, voi_merge, adapted_rand), f) print "\tvoi split : " + str(voi_split) print "\tvoi merge : " + str(voi_merge) print "\tadapted RAND: " + str(adapted_rand) return (voi_split, voi_merge, adapted_rand)
def write_multicremi(self, rows, path, mode="w-"): offset_shapes = [] for _, row in rows.iterrows(): offset_px, shape_px = self.row_to_offset_shape_px(row) offset_shapes.append( (np.array(offset_px.to_list()), np.array(shape_px.to_list()))) super_offset_px, super_shape_px = get_superroi(*offset_shapes) super_offset_nm = super_offset_px * RESOLUTION.to_list( ) + TRANSLATION.to_list() raw_data = np.zeros(super_shape_px, dtype=np.uint8) cleft_data = np.zeros(super_shape_px, dtype=np.uint64) res_list = RESOLUTION.to_list() id_gen = IdGenerator() for col in [ "conn_id", "pre_tnid", "post_tnid", "pre_skid", "post_skid" ]: id_gen.exclude.update(int(item) for item in rows[col]) annotations = Annotations() zipped = list(zip(rows.iterrows(), offset_shapes)) pre_to_conn = dict() for (_, row), (offset_px, shape_px) in tqdm(zipped, desc="fetching data"): raw_slicing = tuple( slice(o - sup_o, o - sup_o + s) for sup_o, o, s in zip(super_offset_px, offset_px, shape_px)) raw_data[raw_slicing] = self.get_raw(CoordZYX(offset_px), CoordZYX(shape_px)) conn_zyx = -super_offset_nm + [row["conn_" + dim] for dim in "zyx"] post_zyx = -super_offset_nm + [ row["post_tn_" + dim] for dim in "zyx" ] post_id = int(row["post_tnid"]) pre_zyx = make_presynaptic_loc(conn_zyx, post_zyx, EXTRUSION_FACTOR) pre_id = pre_to_conn[pre_id] = int(row["conn_id"]) annotations.add_annotation(pre_id, "presynaptic_site", list(pre_zyx)) annotations.add_annotation(post_id, "postsynaptic_site", list(post_zyx)) annotations.set_pre_post_partners(pre_id, post_id) pre_to_conn_arr = np.array(sorted(pre_to_conn.items()), dtype=np.uint64)"writing data") with closing(CremiFile(path, mode)) as f: f.write_raw(Volume(raw_data, resolution=res_list)) f.write_clefts(Volume(cleft_data, resolution=res_list)) f.write_annotations(annotations) f.h5file.attrs["project_offset"] = list(super_offset_nm) f.h5file.attrs["stack_offset"] = list(super_offset_px) f.h5file.attrs["annotation_version"] = ANNOTATION_VERSION f.h5file.attrs["next_id"] = ds = f.h5file.create_dataset(Dataset.PRE_TO_CONN, data=pre_to_conn_arr) ds.attrs["explanation"] = PRE_TO_CONN_EXPL rows.to_hdf(path, "tables/connectors")
def write_monolithic_cremi(self, df, path, mode="a"): # todo: unfinished df = df.copy() xmax, ymax = -1, -1 z_total = 0 offsets = dict()"calculating ROIs") for idx, row in tqdm(df.iterrows(), total=len(df)): if z_total: z_total += 3 offset_px, shape_px = self.row_to_offset_shape_px(row) offset_nm = offset_px * RESOLUTION + TRANSLATION ymax = max(shape_px["y"], ymax) xmax = max(shape_px["x"], xmax) z_total += shape_px["z"] offsets[idx] = { "offset_px": offset_px, "shape_px": shape_px, "offset_nm": offset_nm, } raw = np.zeros((z_total, ymax, xmax), dtype=np.uint8) divider = np.ones((3, ymax, xmax), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 divider[1, :, :] = 0 annotations = Annotations() z_offsets = [] stack_offsets_rows = [] px_shapes_rows = [] project_offsets_rows = [] last_z = 0"fetching and writing data") for idx, row in tqdm(df.iterrows(), total=len(df)): this_offsets = offsets[idx] stack_offsets_rows.append(this_offsets["offset_px"].to_list()) project_offsets_rows.append(this_offsets["offset_nm"].to_list()) px_shapes_rows.append(this_offsets["shape_px"].to_list()) z_offsets.append(last_z) for side in ["pre", "post"]: local_coords = ( CoordZYX({dim: row[side + "_tn_" + dim] for dim in "zyx"}) - this_offsets["offset_nm"]).to_list() local_coords[0] += last_z * RESOLUTION["z"] annotations.add_annotation(int(row[side + "_tnid"]), side + "synaptic_site", local_coords) annotations.set_pre_post_partners(int(row["pre_tnid"]), int(row["post_tnid"])) raw[last_z:last_z + this_offsets["shape_px"]["z"], 0:this_offsets["shape_px"]["y"], 0:this_offsets["shape_px"]["x"], ] = self.get_raw( this_offsets["offset_px"], this_offsets["shape_px"]) last_z += this_offsets["shape_px"]["z"] raw[last_z:last_z + 3, :, :] = divider last_z += 3 clefts = np.zeros(raw.shape, dtype=np.uint64) res_list = RESOLUTION.to_list() with closing(CremiFile(path, mode)) as f: f.write_raw(Volume(raw, resolution=res_list)) f.write_clefts(Volume(clefts, resolution=res_list)) f.write_annotations(annotations) f.h5file.attrs["project_offset"] = offset_nm.to_list() f.h5file.attrs["stack_offset"] = offset_px.to_list() for key, value in row.items(): f.h5file.attrs[key] = value df.to_hdf(path, "tables/connectors") for name, this_table in zip( ["stack_offset", "shape_px", "project_offset"], [stack_offsets_rows, px_shapes_rows, project_offsets_rows], ): this_df = pd.DataFrame(this_table, columns=["z", "y", "x"], index=df.index) this_df.to_hdf(path, "tables/" + name) z_df = pd.DataFrame(z_offsets, index=df.index, columns=["z"]) z_df.to_hdf(path, "tables/z_offset")