Пример #1
def extract_hsv_features(ifile, pfile):
    """ Given img file, and patched img file, return hue-sat 2Dhist and
    val hist for each patch (10x10 + 10 = 110 dim feats)  """

    img = get_RGB(ifile)
    p_img = get_RGB(pfile)
    hsv_img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)

    pi = Image.open(pfile)

    n_patches = defaultdict(int)
    for pixel in pi.getdata():
        n_patches[pixel] += 1

    if n_patches is None:
        print("\nNo patches:", pfile)
        return None

    hsv_feats = []
    patch_colors = []
    for p in n_patches:
        patch_pixels = np.where((p_img == p).all(axis=2))
        hsv_values = hsv_img[patch_pixels[0], patch_pixels[1], :]
        hs, _, _ = np.histogram2d(hsv_values[:, 0], hsv_values[:, 1], [10, 10])
        v, _ = np.histogram(hsv_values[:, 2], bins=10)
        hist_fea = np.concatenate((hs.reshape(100, ), v))

    return np.asarray(hsv_feats), patch_colors
def get_gt_label_info(fid_box, fid_obj):
    """ Ground truth patch color (RGB) to label mapping """

    gt_files = os.listdir(SEG_DIR)
    gp_label = defaultdict(int)

    for gt_file in gt_files:

        if gt_file[-4:] != EXT:

        fid = gt_file.split(".")[0]
        gt_file = SEG_DIR + gt_file

        # 1. read the ground truth segmented file
        gt_patches = get_patch_info(gt_file)
        g_img = get_RGB(gt_file)

        for gp in gt_patches:
            if gp == CREAM:
            elif gp == BGR:
                label = BGR_LABEL
                gt_pixels = np.where((g_img == gp).all(axis=2))
                box = fid_box[fid]
                labs = fid_obj[fid]
                label = get_me_the_label(gt_pixels, box, labs)

            if label is not None:
                gp_label[gp] = label

    return gp_label
def parallel_data_prep_svm(lst_fids):
    """ Save label information for each patch at each scale level.
    Parallel execution """

    info_dir = FEAT_DIR + "patch_label_info/"
    patch_subd = os.listdir(PATCH_DIR)

    for fid in lst_fids:

        patch_label_lst = []
        for pd in patch_subd:

            pfile = PATCH_DIR + pd + "/" + fid + EXT
            p_part = "/".join(pfile.replace(EXT, "").split("/")[-2:])
            p_img = get_RGB(pfile)
            n_patches = get_patch_info(pfile)

            for p in n_patches:

                patch_pixels = np.where((p_img == p).all(axis=2))

                # find out the label of this patch_pixels
                # using manual segmentation info
                patch_label = find_overlap_with_gt(patch_pixels, GP_LABEL, fid)
                patch_label_lst.append([patch_label, p, p_part])

                # print(patch_label, p, p_part)

        pickle.dump(patch_label_lst, open(info_dir + fid + ".pkl", "wb"))
Пример #4
def find_overlap(p1, p2_info, s1_ifile, s2_ifile):

    s1_img = get_RGB(s1_ifile)
    s2_img = get_RGB(s2_ifile)
    p1_pixels = np.where((s1_img == p1).all(axis=2))
    p1_xy = [xy for xy in zip(p1_pixels[0], p1_pixels[1])]
    max_cnt = 0
    max_overlap_patch = None

    for p2 in p2_info:
        p2_pixels = np.where((s2_img == p2).all(axis=2))
        p2_xy = [xy for xy in zip(p2_pixels[0], p2_pixels[1])]

        cnt = len(set(p1_xy) & set(p2_xy))
        if cnt > max_cnt:
            max_overlap_patch = p2
            max_cnt = cnt

    return max_cnt, max_overlap_patch
def compute_patch_sift_hist(ifile, pfile, f_c_ixs):
    """ Given img file, patched img file and corresponding VQ indices of the
    keypoints, return histogram features """
    def is_kp_in_patch(pp, kp_pt):
        """ Check if key point is in patch """
        flag = False
        x_min = pp[0].min()
        x_max = pp[0].max()
        y_min = pp[1].min()
        y_max = pp[1].max()
        if kp_pt[0] >= x_min and kp_pt[0] <= x_max:
            if kp_pt[1] >= y_min and kp_pt[1] <= y_max:
                flag = True
        return flag

    fid = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(ifile))[0]

    kpts = pickle.load(open(FEAT_DIR + "kp/kp_" + fid + ".pkl", "rb"))

    p_img = get_RGB(pfile)

    pi = PIL.Image.open(pfile)
    n_patches = defaultdict(int)
    for pixel in pi.getdata():
        n_patches[pixel] += 1

    if n_patches is None:
        print("\nNo patches:", pfile)
        return None

    hist_feats = []
    patch_colors = []
    for p in n_patches:
        patch_pixels = np.where((p_img == p).all(axis=2))
        patch_cixs = []

        for kp_ix, kp in enumerate(kpts):
            if is_kp_in_patch(patch_pixels, kp):

        # print(patch_cixs)
        if len(patch_cixs) > 0:
            # print(patch_cixs)
            h, _ = np.histogram(patch_cixs, bins=np.arange(0, 1001))
            # print(h.shape)
            # print(h)
            # break

        # break

    hist_feats = np.asarray(hist_feats)
    # print(hist_feats.shape, np.count_nonzero(hist_feats))
    return hist_feats, patch_colors
def find_overlap_with_gt(pt_pixels, gp_label, fid):
    """ Find overlap of unsupervised patch with the ground truth patch """

    patch_label = BGR_LABEL

    pt_xy = [(x, y) for x, y in zip(pt_pixels[0], pt_pixels[1])]
    gt_file = SEG_DIR + fid + EXT

    # 1. read the ground truth segmented file

    gt_patches = get_patch_info(gt_file)
    g_img = get_RGB(gt_file)

    for i, gp in enumerate(gt_patches):

        gt_pixels = np.where((g_img == gp).all(axis=2))

        gt_xy = [xy for xy in zip(gt_pixels[0], gt_pixels[1])]

        cnt = len(set(pt_xy) & set(gt_xy))

        if cnt >= (len(pt_xy) * 0.75):

            if gp == CREAM:
                patch_label = None

            elif gp == BGR:
                patch_label = BGR_LABEL

                patch_label = gp_label[gp]

            break  # if > 75 overlap is found, return the label


            if gp == CREAM:
                patch_label = BGR_LABEL
                patch_label = int(-1 * gp_label[gp])

    return patch_label