Пример #1
def process_bulk_add_usernames(request, formdict):
    Performs the bulk add of usernames by parsing the request data. Batches
    some data into a cache object for performance by reducing large
    amounts of single database queries.
    :param request: Django request.
    :type request: :class:`django.http.HttpRequest`
    :param formdict: The form representing the bulk uploaded data.
    :type formdict: dict
    :returns: :class:`django.http.HttpResponse`
    username_names = []
    cached_results = {}

    cleanedRowsData = convert_handsontable_to_rows(request)
    for rowData in cleanedRowsData:
        if rowData != None and rowData.get(form_consts.UserName.NAME) != None:
    username_results = UserName.objects(username__in=username_names)

    for username_result in username_results:
        cached_results[username_result.username] = username_result

    cache = {form_consts.UserName.CACHED_RESULTS: cached_results, 'cleaned_rows_data': cleanedRowsData}

    response = parse_bulk_upload(request, parse_row_to_bound_username_form, add_new_username_via_bulk, formdict, cache)
    return response
Пример #2
def process_bulk_add_usernames(request, formdict):
    Performs the bulk add of usernames by parsing the request data. Batches
    some data into a cache object for performance by reducing large
    amounts of single database queries.
    :param request: Django request.
    :type request: :class:`django.http.HttpRequest`
    :param formdict: The form representing the bulk uploaded data.
    :type formdict: dict
    :returns: :class:`django.http.HttpResponse`
    username_names = []
    cached_results = {}

    cleanedRowsData = convert_handsontable_to_rows(request)
    for rowData in cleanedRowsData:
        if rowData != None and rowData.get(form_consts.UserName.NAME) != None:

    username_results = UserName.objects(username__in=username_names)

    for username_result in username_results:
        cached_results[username_result.username] = username_result

    cache = {
        form_consts.UserName.CACHED_RESULTS: cached_results,
        'cleaned_rows_data': cleanedRowsData

    response = parse_bulk_upload(request, parse_row_to_bound_username_form,
                                 add_new_username_via_bulk, formdict, cache)

    return response
Пример #3
def class_from_id(type_, _id):
    Return an instantiated class object.

    :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param _id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type _id: str
    :returns: class which inherits from

    #Quick fail
    if not _id or not type_:
        return None

    # doing this to avoid circular imports
    from cripts.comments.comment import Comment
    from cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine import Action
    from cripts.core.source_access import SourceAccess
    from cripts.core.user_role import UserRole
    from cripts.events.event import Event
    from cripts.usernames.username import UserName
    from cripts.targets.target import Target
    from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash
    from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset
    from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress

    # make sure it's a string
    _id = str(_id)

    # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise
    # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception.
    if not ObjectId.is_valid(_id.decode('utf8')):
        return None

    if type_ == 'Comment':
        return Comment.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Event':
        return Event.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Action':
        return Action.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'SourceAccess':
        return SourceAccess.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'UserRole':
        return UserRole.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'UserName':
        return UserName.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Target':
        return Target.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Hash':
        return Hash.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Dataset':
        return Dataset.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'EmailAddress':
        return EmailAddress.objects(id=_id).first()
        return None
Пример #4
def class_from_id(type_, _id):
    Return an instantiated class object.

    :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param _id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type _id: str
    :returns: class which inherits from

    #Quick fail
    if not _id or not type_:
        return None

    # doing this to avoid circular imports
    from cripts.comments.comment import Comment
    from cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine import Action
    from cripts.core.source_access import SourceAccess
    from cripts.core.user_role import UserRole
    from cripts.events.event import Event
    from cripts.usernames.username import UserName
    from cripts.targets.target import Target
    from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash
    from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset
    from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress

    # make sure it's a string
    _id = str(_id)

    # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise
    # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception.
    if not ObjectId.is_valid(_id.decode('utf8')):
        return None

    if type_ == 'Comment':
        return Comment.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Event':
        return Event.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Action':
        return Action.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'SourceAccess':
        return SourceAccess.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'UserRole':
        return UserRole.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'UserName':
        return UserName.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Target':
        return Target.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Hash':
        return Hash.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'Dataset':
        return Dataset.objects(id=_id).first()
    elif type_ == 'EmailAddress':
        return EmailAddress.objects(id=_id).first()
        return None
Пример #5
def class_from_value(type_, value):
    Return an instantiated class object.

    :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param value: The value to search for.
    :type value: str
    :returns: class which inherits from

    #Quick fail
    if not type_ or not value:
        return None

    # doing this to avoid circular imports
    from cripts.comments.comment import Comment
    from cripts.events.event import Event
    from cripts.usernames.username import UserName
    from cripts.targets.target import Target
    from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash
    from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset
    from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress

    # Make sure value is a string...
    value = str(value)

    # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise
    # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception.
    if (type_ in [
            'Comment', 'Event', 'UserName', 'Target', 'Hash', 'Dataset',
    ] and not ObjectId.is_valid(value.decode('utf8'))):
        return None

    if type_ == 'Comment':
        return Comment.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'Event':
        return Event.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'UserName':
        return UserName.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'Target':
        return Target.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'Hash':
        return Hash.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'Dataset':
        return Dataset.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'EmailAddress':
        return EmailAddress.objects(id=value).first()
        return None
Пример #6
def class_from_value(type_, value):
    Return an instantiated class object.

    :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type.
    :type type_: str
    :param value: The value to search for.
    :type value: str
    :returns: class which inherits from

    #Quick fail
    if not type_ or not value:
        return None

    # doing this to avoid circular imports
    from cripts.comments.comment import Comment
    from cripts.events.event import Event
    from cripts.usernames.username import UserName
    from cripts.targets.target import Target
    from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash
    from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset
    from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress

    # Make sure value is a string...
    value = str(value)

    # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise
    # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception.
    if (type_ in ['Comment','Event','UserName','Target','Hash','Dataset','EmailAddress'] and
       not ObjectId.is_valid(value.decode('utf8'))):
        return None
    if type_ == 'Comment':
        return Comment.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'Event':
        return Event.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'UserName':
        return UserName.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'Target':
        return Target.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'Hash':
        return Hash.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'Dataset':
        return Dataset.objects(id=value).first()
    elif type_ == 'EmailAddress':
        return EmailAddress.objects(id=value).first()
        return None
Пример #7
def get_username_details(username_id, analyst):
    Generate the data to render the UserName details template.

    :param username_id: The id of the username to get details for.
    :type username_id: str
    :param analyst: The user requesting this information.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: template (str), arguments (dict)

    template = None
    allowed_sources = user_sources(analyst)
    username_object = UserName.objects(username_id=username_id,
    if not username_object:
        error = ("Either no data exists for this username"
                 " or you do not have permission to view it.")
        template = "error.html"
        args = {'error': error}
        return template, args

    username_object.sanitize_sources(username="******" % analyst,

    # remove pending notifications for user
    remove_user_from_notification("%s" % analyst, username_object.id, 'UserName')

    # subscription
    subscription = {
            'type': 'UserName',
            'id': username_object.id,
            'subscribed': is_user_subscribed("%s" % analyst,

    objects = username_object.sort_objects()

    relationships = username_object.sort_relationships("%s" % analyst, meta=True)

    # relationship
    relationship = {
            'type': 'UserName',
            'value': username_object.id

    comments = {'comments':username_object.get_comments(),

    # favorites
    favorite = is_user_favorite("%s" % analyst, 'UserName', username_object.id)

    # services
    service_list = get_supported_services('UserName')

    # analysis results
    service_results = username_object.get_analysis_results()

    args = {'username': username_object,
            'objects': objects,
            'relationships': relationships,
            'comments': comments,
            'favorite': favorite,
            'relationship': relationship,
            'subscription': subscription,
            'name': username_object.name,
            'service_list': service_list,
            'service_results': service_results}

    return template, args
Пример #8
def username_add_update(name, description, source=None, method='', reference='',
                  analyst=None, datasets=None, bucket_list=None, ticket=None,
                  is_validate_only=False, cache={}, related_id=None,
                  related_type=None, relationship_type=None):

    retVal = {}
    if not source:
        return {"success" : False, "message" : "Missing source information."}              
    is_item_new = False

    username_object = None
    cached_results = cache.get(form_consts.UserName.CACHED_RESULTS)

    if cached_results != None:
        username_object = cached_results.get(username)
        username_object = UserName.objects(name=name).first()
    if not username_object:
        username_object = UserName()
        username_object.name = name
        username_object.description = description
        is_item_new = True

        if cached_results != None:
            cached_results[username] = username_object

    if not username_object.description:
        username_object.description = description or ''
    elif username_object.description != description:
        username_object.description += "\n" + (description or '')

    if isinstance(source, basestring):
        source = [create_embedded_source(source,

    if source:
        for s in source:
        return {"success" : False, "message" : "Missing source information."}

    if bucket_list:
        username_object.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, analyst)

    if ticket:
        username_object.add_ticket(ticket, analyst)

    related_obj = None
    if related_id:
        related_obj = class_from_id(related_type, related_id)
        if not related_obj:
            retVal['success'] = False
            retVal['message'] = 'Related Object not found.'
            return retVal

    resp_url = reverse('cripts.usernames.views.username_detail', args=[username_object.username_id])

    if is_validate_only == False:

        #set the URL for viewing the new data
        if is_item_new == True:
            # Update the username stats
            counts = mongo_connector(settings.COL_COUNTS)
            count_stats = counts.find_one({'name': 'counts'})
            if not count_stats or ('counts' not in count_stats):
                count_stats = {'counts':{}}
            if 'UserNames' not in count_stats['counts']:
                count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] = 0
                count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] = count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] + 1
            counts.update({'name': "counts"}, {'$set': {'counts': count_stats['counts']}}, upsert=True)
            retVal['message'] = ('Success! Click here to view the new UserName: '******'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, username_object.name))
            message = ('Updated existing UserName: '******'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, username_object.name))
            retVal['message'] = message
            retVal['status'] = form_consts.Status.DUPLICATE
            retVal['warning'] = message

    elif is_validate_only == True:
        if username_object.id != None and is_item_new == False:
            message = ('Warning: UserName already exists: '
                                 '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, username_object.name))
            retVal['message'] = message
            retVal['status'] = form_consts.Status.DUPLICATE
            retVal['warning'] = message

    if related_obj and username_object and relationship_type:

    # run username triage
    if is_item_new and is_validate_only == False:
        run_triage(username_object, analyst)

    retVal['success'] = True
    retVal['object'] = username_object

    return retVal
Пример #9
def get_username_details(username_id, analyst):
    Generate the data to render the UserName details template.

    :param username_id: The id of the username to get details for.
    :type username_id: str
    :param analyst: The user requesting this information.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: template (str), arguments (dict)

    template = None
    allowed_sources = user_sources(analyst)
    username_object = UserName.objects(
        username_id=username_id, source__name__in=allowed_sources).first()
    if not username_object:
        error = ("Either no data exists for this username"
                 " or you do not have permission to view it.")
        template = "error.html"
        args = {'error': error}
        return template, args

    username_object.sanitize_sources(username="******" % analyst,

    # remove pending notifications for user
    remove_user_from_notification("%s" % analyst, username_object.id,

    # subscription
    subscription = {
        is_user_subscribed("%s" % analyst, 'UserName', username_object.id),

    objects = username_object.sort_objects()

    relationships = username_object.sort_relationships("%s" % analyst,

    # relationship
    relationship = {'type': 'UserName', 'value': username_object.id}

    comments = {
        'comments': username_object.get_comments(),
        'url_key': username_object.username_id

    # favorites
    favorite = is_user_favorite("%s" % analyst, 'UserName', username_object.id)

    # services
    service_list = get_supported_services('UserName')

    # analysis results
    service_results = username_object.get_analysis_results()

    args = {
        'username': username_object,
        'objects': objects,
        'relationships': relationships,
        'comments': comments,
        'favorite': favorite,
        'relationship': relationship,
        'subscription': subscription,
        'name': username_object.name,
        'service_list': service_list,
        'service_results': service_results

    return template, args
Пример #10
def username_add_update(name,

    retVal = {}

    if not source:
        return {"success": False, "message": "Missing source information."}

    is_item_new = False

    username_object = None
    cached_results = cache.get(form_consts.UserName.CACHED_RESULTS)

    if cached_results != None:
        username_object = cached_results.get(username)
        username_object = UserName.objects(name=name).first()

    if not username_object:
        username_object = UserName()
        username_object.name = name
        username_object.description = description
        is_item_new = True

        if cached_results != None:
            cached_results[username] = username_object

    if not username_object.description:
        username_object.description = description or ''
    elif username_object.description != description:
        username_object.description += "\n" + (description or '')

    if isinstance(source, basestring):
        source = [

    if source:
        for s in source:
        return {"success": False, "message": "Missing source information."}

    if bucket_list:
        username_object.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, analyst)

    if ticket:
        username_object.add_ticket(ticket, analyst)

    related_obj = None
    if related_id:
        related_obj = class_from_id(related_type, related_id)
        if not related_obj:
            retVal['success'] = False
            retVal['message'] = 'Related Object not found.'
            return retVal

    resp_url = reverse('cripts.usernames.views.username_detail',

    if is_validate_only == False:

        #set the URL for viewing the new data
        if is_item_new == True:

            # Update the username stats
            counts = mongo_connector(settings.COL_COUNTS)
            count_stats = counts.find_one({'name': 'counts'})
            if not count_stats or ('counts' not in count_stats):
                count_stats = {'counts': {}}
            if 'UserNames' not in count_stats['counts']:
                count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] = 0
                    'UserNames'] = count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] + 1

            counts.update({'name': "counts"},
                          {'$set': {
                              'counts': count_stats['counts']

            retVal['message'] = (
                'Success! Click here to view the new UserName: '******'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, username_object.name))
            message = ('Updated existing UserName: '******'<a href="%s">%s</a>' %
                       (resp_url, username_object.name))
            retVal['message'] = message
            retVal['status'] = form_consts.Status.DUPLICATE
            retVal['warning'] = message

    elif is_validate_only == True:
        if username_object.id != None and is_item_new == False:
            message = ('Warning: UserName already exists: '
                       '<a href="%s">%s</a>' %
                       (resp_url, username_object.name))
            retVal['message'] = message
            retVal['status'] = form_consts.Status.DUPLICATE
            retVal['warning'] = message

    if related_obj and username_object and relationship_type:
        relationship_type = RelationshipTypes.inverse(

    # run username triage
    if is_item_new and is_validate_only == False:
        run_triage(username_object, analyst)

    retVal['success'] = True
    retVal['object'] = username_object

    return retVal