def process_bulk_add_usernames(request, formdict): """ Performs the bulk add of usernames by parsing the request data. Batches some data into a cache object for performance by reducing large amounts of single database queries. :param request: Django request. :type request: :class:`django.http.HttpRequest` :param formdict: The form representing the bulk uploaded data. :type formdict: dict :returns: :class:`django.http.HttpResponse` """ username_names = [] cached_results = {} cleanedRowsData = convert_handsontable_to_rows(request) for rowData in cleanedRowsData: if rowData != None and rowData.get(form_consts.UserName.NAME) != None: username_names.append(rowData.get(form_consts.UserName.NAME).lower()) username_results = UserName.objects(username__in=username_names) for username_result in username_results: cached_results[username_result.username] = username_result cache = {form_consts.UserName.CACHED_RESULTS: cached_results, 'cleaned_rows_data': cleanedRowsData} response = parse_bulk_upload(request, parse_row_to_bound_username_form, add_new_username_via_bulk, formdict, cache) return response
def process_bulk_add_usernames(request, formdict): """ Performs the bulk add of usernames by parsing the request data. Batches some data into a cache object for performance by reducing large amounts of single database queries. :param request: Django request. :type request: :class:`django.http.HttpRequest` :param formdict: The form representing the bulk uploaded data. :type formdict: dict :returns: :class:`django.http.HttpResponse` """ username_names = [] cached_results = {} cleanedRowsData = convert_handsontable_to_rows(request) for rowData in cleanedRowsData: if rowData != None and rowData.get(form_consts.UserName.NAME) != None: username_names.append( rowData.get(form_consts.UserName.NAME).lower()) username_results = UserName.objects(username__in=username_names) for username_result in username_results: cached_results[username_result.username] = username_result cache = { form_consts.UserName.CACHED_RESULTS: cached_results, 'cleaned_rows_data': cleanedRowsData } response = parse_bulk_upload(request, parse_row_to_bound_username_form, add_new_username_via_bulk, formdict, cache) return response
def class_from_id(type_, _id): """ Return an instantiated class object. :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type. :type type_: str :param _id: The ObjectId to search for. :type _id: str :returns: class which inherits from :class:`cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine.CriptsBaseAttributes` """ #Quick fail if not _id or not type_: return None # doing this to avoid circular imports from cripts.comments.comment import Comment from cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine import Action from cripts.core.source_access import SourceAccess from cripts.core.user_role import UserRole from import Event from cripts.usernames.username import UserName from import Target from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress # make sure it's a string _id = str(_id) # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception. if not ObjectId.is_valid(_id.decode('utf8')): return None if type_ == 'Comment': return Comment.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Event': return Event.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Action': return Action.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'SourceAccess': return SourceAccess.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'UserRole': return UserRole.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'UserName': return UserName.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Target': return Target.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Hash': return Hash.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'Dataset': return Dataset.objects(id=_id).first() elif type_ == 'EmailAddress': return EmailAddress.objects(id=_id).first() else: return None
def class_from_value(type_, value): """ Return an instantiated class object. :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type. :type type_: str :param value: The value to search for. :type value: str :returns: class which inherits from :class:`cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine.CriptsBaseAttributes` """ #Quick fail if not type_ or not value: return None # doing this to avoid circular imports from cripts.comments.comment import Comment from import Event from cripts.usernames.username import UserName from import Target from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress # Make sure value is a string... value = str(value) # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception. if (type_ in [ 'Comment', 'Event', 'UserName', 'Target', 'Hash', 'Dataset', 'EmailAddress' ] and not ObjectId.is_valid(value.decode('utf8'))): return None if type_ == 'Comment': return Comment.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Event': return Event.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'UserName': return UserName.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Target': return Target.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Hash': return Hash.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Dataset': return Dataset.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'EmailAddress': return EmailAddress.objects(id=value).first() else: return None
def class_from_value(type_, value): """ Return an instantiated class object. :param type_: The CRIPTs top-level object type. :type type_: str :param value: The value to search for. :type value: str :returns: class which inherits from :class:`cripts.core.cripts_mongoengine.CriptsBaseAttributes` """ #Quick fail if not type_ or not value: return None # doing this to avoid circular imports from cripts.comments.comment import Comment from import Event from cripts.usernames.username import UserName from import Target from cripts.hashes.hash import Hash from cripts.datasets.dataset import Dataset from cripts.email_addresses.email_address import EmailAddress # Make sure value is a string... value = str(value) # Use bson.ObjectId to make sure this is a valid ObjectId, otherwise # the queries below will raise a ValidationError exception. if (type_ in ['Comment','Event','UserName','Target','Hash','Dataset','EmailAddress'] and not ObjectId.is_valid(value.decode('utf8'))): return None if type_ == 'Comment': return Comment.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Event': return Event.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'UserName': return UserName.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Target': return Target.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Hash': return Hash.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'Dataset': return Dataset.objects(id=value).first() elif type_ == 'EmailAddress': return EmailAddress.objects(id=value).first() else: return None
def get_username_details(username_id, analyst): """ Generate the data to render the UserName details template. :param username_id: The id of the username to get details for. :type username_id: str :param analyst: The user requesting this information. :type analyst: str :returns: template (str), arguments (dict) """ template = None allowed_sources = user_sources(analyst) username_object = UserName.objects(username_id=username_id, source__name__in=allowed_sources).first() if not username_object: error = ("Either no data exists for this username" " or you do not have permission to view it.") template = "error.html" args = {'error': error} return template, args username_object.sanitize_sources(username="******" % analyst, sources=allowed_sources) # remove pending notifications for user remove_user_from_notification("%s" % analyst,, 'UserName') # subscription subscription = { 'type': 'UserName', 'id':, 'subscribed': is_user_subscribed("%s" % analyst, 'UserName',, } #objects objects = username_object.sort_objects() #relationships relationships = username_object.sort_relationships("%s" % analyst, meta=True) # relationship relationship = { 'type': 'UserName', 'value': } #comments comments = {'comments':username_object.get_comments(), 'url_key':username_object.username_id} # favorites favorite = is_user_favorite("%s" % analyst, 'UserName', # services service_list = get_supported_services('UserName') # analysis results service_results = username_object.get_analysis_results() args = {'username': username_object, 'objects': objects, 'relationships': relationships, 'comments': comments, 'favorite': favorite, 'relationship': relationship, 'subscription': subscription, 'name':, 'service_list': service_list, 'service_results': service_results} return template, args
def username_add_update(name, description, source=None, method='', reference='', analyst=None, datasets=None, bucket_list=None, ticket=None, is_validate_only=False, cache={}, related_id=None, related_type=None, relationship_type=None): retVal = {} if not source: return {"success" : False, "message" : "Missing source information."} is_item_new = False username_object = None cached_results = cache.get(form_consts.UserName.CACHED_RESULTS) if cached_results != None: username_object = cached_results.get(username) else: username_object = UserName.objects(name=name).first() if not username_object: username_object = UserName() = name username_object.description = description is_item_new = True if cached_results != None: cached_results[username] = username_object if not username_object.description: username_object.description = description or '' elif username_object.description != description: username_object.description += "\n" + (description or '') if isinstance(source, basestring): source = [create_embedded_source(source, reference=reference, method=method, analyst=analyst)] if source: for s in source: username_object.add_source(s) else: return {"success" : False, "message" : "Missing source information."} if bucket_list: username_object.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, analyst) if ticket: username_object.add_ticket(ticket, analyst) related_obj = None if related_id: related_obj = class_from_id(related_type, related_id) if not related_obj: retVal['success'] = False retVal['message'] = 'Related Object not found.' return retVal resp_url = reverse('cripts.usernames.views.username_detail', args=[username_object.username_id]) if is_validate_only == False: #set the URL for viewing the new data if is_item_new == True: # Update the username stats counts = mongo_connector(settings.COL_COUNTS) count_stats = counts.find_one({'name': 'counts'}) if not count_stats or ('counts' not in count_stats): count_stats = {'counts':{}} if 'UserNames' not in count_stats['counts']: count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] = 0 else: count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] = count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] + 1 counts.update({'name': "counts"}, {'$set': {'counts': count_stats['counts']}}, upsert=True) retVal['message'] = ('Success! Click here to view the new UserName: '******'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, else: message = ('Updated existing UserName: '******'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, retVal['message'] = message retVal['status'] = form_consts.Status.DUPLICATE retVal['warning'] = message elif is_validate_only == True: if != None and is_item_new == False: message = ('Warning: UserName already exists: ' '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, retVal['message'] = message retVal['status'] = form_consts.Status.DUPLICATE retVal['warning'] = message if related_obj and username_object and relationship_type: relationship_type=RelationshipTypes.inverse(relationship=relationship_type) username_object.add_relationship(related_obj, relationship_type, analyst=analyst, get_rels=False) # run username triage if is_item_new and is_validate_only == False: username_object.reload() run_triage(username_object, analyst) retVal['success'] = True retVal['object'] = username_object return retVal
def get_username_details(username_id, analyst): """ Generate the data to render the UserName details template. :param username_id: The id of the username to get details for. :type username_id: str :param analyst: The user requesting this information. :type analyst: str :returns: template (str), arguments (dict) """ template = None allowed_sources = user_sources(analyst) username_object = UserName.objects( username_id=username_id, source__name__in=allowed_sources).first() if not username_object: error = ("Either no data exists for this username" " or you do not have permission to view it.") template = "error.html" args = {'error': error} return template, args username_object.sanitize_sources(username="******" % analyst, sources=allowed_sources) # remove pending notifications for user remove_user_from_notification("%s" % analyst,, 'UserName') # subscription subscription = { 'type': 'UserName', 'id':, 'subscribed': is_user_subscribed("%s" % analyst, 'UserName',, } #objects objects = username_object.sort_objects() #relationships relationships = username_object.sort_relationships("%s" % analyst, meta=True) # relationship relationship = {'type': 'UserName', 'value':} #comments comments = { 'comments': username_object.get_comments(), 'url_key': username_object.username_id } # favorites favorite = is_user_favorite("%s" % analyst, 'UserName', # services service_list = get_supported_services('UserName') # analysis results service_results = username_object.get_analysis_results() args = { 'username': username_object, 'objects': objects, 'relationships': relationships, 'comments': comments, 'favorite': favorite, 'relationship': relationship, 'subscription': subscription, 'name':, 'service_list': service_list, 'service_results': service_results } return template, args
def username_add_update(name, description, source=None, method='', reference='', analyst=None, datasets=None, bucket_list=None, ticket=None, is_validate_only=False, cache={}, related_id=None, related_type=None, relationship_type=None): retVal = {} if not source: return {"success": False, "message": "Missing source information."} is_item_new = False username_object = None cached_results = cache.get(form_consts.UserName.CACHED_RESULTS) if cached_results != None: username_object = cached_results.get(username) else: username_object = UserName.objects(name=name).first() if not username_object: username_object = UserName() = name username_object.description = description is_item_new = True if cached_results != None: cached_results[username] = username_object if not username_object.description: username_object.description = description or '' elif username_object.description != description: username_object.description += "\n" + (description or '') if isinstance(source, basestring): source = [ create_embedded_source(source, reference=reference, method=method, analyst=analyst) ] if source: for s in source: username_object.add_source(s) else: return {"success": False, "message": "Missing source information."} if bucket_list: username_object.add_bucket_list(bucket_list, analyst) if ticket: username_object.add_ticket(ticket, analyst) related_obj = None if related_id: related_obj = class_from_id(related_type, related_id) if not related_obj: retVal['success'] = False retVal['message'] = 'Related Object not found.' return retVal resp_url = reverse('cripts.usernames.views.username_detail', args=[username_object.username_id]) if is_validate_only == False: #set the URL for viewing the new data if is_item_new == True: # Update the username stats counts = mongo_connector(settings.COL_COUNTS) count_stats = counts.find_one({'name': 'counts'}) if not count_stats or ('counts' not in count_stats): count_stats = {'counts': {}} if 'UserNames' not in count_stats['counts']: count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] = 0 else: count_stats['counts'][ 'UserNames'] = count_stats['counts']['UserNames'] + 1 counts.update({'name': "counts"}, {'$set': { 'counts': count_stats['counts'] }}, upsert=True) retVal['message'] = ( 'Success! Click here to view the new UserName: '******'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, else: message = ('Updated existing UserName: '******'<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, retVal['message'] = message retVal['status'] = form_consts.Status.DUPLICATE retVal['warning'] = message elif is_validate_only == True: if != None and is_item_new == False: message = ('Warning: UserName already exists: ' '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (resp_url, retVal['message'] = message retVal['status'] = form_consts.Status.DUPLICATE retVal['warning'] = message if related_obj and username_object and relationship_type: relationship_type = RelationshipTypes.inverse( relationship=relationship_type) username_object.add_relationship(related_obj, relationship_type, analyst=analyst, get_rels=False) # run username triage if is_item_new and is_validate_only == False: username_object.reload() run_triage(username_object, analyst) retVal['success'] = True retVal['object'] = username_object return retVal