Пример #1
def get_diffie_config(analyst, type_, id_, data=None):
    Return DiffieConfigForm for diffie service.

    Must make sure user has source access to requested type and id.

    :param analyst: The username.
    :type analyst: str
    :param type_: CRITs type.
    :type type_: str
    :param id_: CRITs ID.
    :type id_: str
    :param data: Dictionary with submitted data.
    :type data: dict
    :returns: DiffieConfigForm

    results = {'success': False}

    sources = user_sources(analyst)
    klass = class_from_type(type_)
    obj = klass.objects(source__name__in=sources, id=id_).first()
    if not obj:
            'message'] = "Either no data exists for this object or you do not have permission to view it."
        return results
    results['success'] = True
    results['form'] = forms.DiffieConfigForm(type_=type_, id_=id_, data=data)
    return results
Пример #2
def get_diffie_config(analyst, type_, id_, data=None):
    Return DiffieConfigForm for diffie service.

    Must make sure user has source access to requested type and id.

    :param analyst: The username.
    :type analyst: str
    :param type_: CRITs type.
    :type type_: str
    :param id_: CRITs ID.
    :type id_: str
    :param data: Dictionary with submitted data.
    :type data: dict
    :returns: DiffieConfigForm

    results = {'success': False}

    sources = user_sources(analyst)
    klass = class_from_type(type_)
    obj = klass.objects(source__name__in=sources, id=id_).first()
    if not obj:
        results['message'] = "Either no data exists for this object or you do not have permission to view it."
        return results
    results['success'] = True
    results['form'] = forms.DiffieConfigForm(type_=type_, id_=id_, data=data)
    return results
Пример #3
    def get_crits_type(self, c_obj):
        Get the class that the given cybox object should be interpreted as during import.

        :param c_obj: A CybOX object.
        :type c_obj: An instance of one of the various CybOX object classes.
        :returns: The CRITs class to use to import the given CybOX object.
        if isinstance(c_obj, Address):
            imp_type = "IP"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, DomainName):
            imp_type = "Domain"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, Artifact):
            imp_type = "RawData"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, File) and c_obj.custom_properties and c_obj.custom_properties[0].name == "crits_type" and c_obj.custom_properties[0]._value == "Certificate":
            imp_type = "Certificate"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, File) and self.has_network_artifact(c_obj):
            imp_type = "PCAP"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, File):
            imp_type = "Sample"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, EmailMessage):
            imp_type = "Email"
        else: # try to parse all other possibilities as Indicator
            imp_type = "Indicator"
        return class_from_type(imp_type)
Пример #4
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        Script Execution.

        buckets = {}

        types = [
            'Actor', 'Campaign', 'Certificate', 'Domain', 'Email', 'Event',
            'Indicator', 'IP', 'PCAP', 'RawData', 'Sample', 'Target'

        for otype in types:
            klass = class_from_type(otype)
            if not klass:
            objs = klass.objects().only('bucket_list')
            for obj in objs:
                for bucket in obj.bucket_list:
                    if not bucket:
                        continue  # Avoid empty strings
                    if bucket not in buckets:
                        buckets[bucket] = Bucket()
                        buckets[bucket].name = bucket
                        setattr(buckets[bucket], otype, 1)
                        buckets[bucket][otype] += 1

        # Drop all existing buckets

        for bucket in buckets.values():
Пример #5
def filter_and_format_choices(choice_opts, item, _type):
    Given a list of CRITs options, filter out options matching the given item
    and format those options for display as a choice in a multi-select box.

    :param choice_opts A dict of CRITs objects in (id, json_repr) format
    :param item The item being viewed for TAXII service
    :param _type The type of objects represented in the choice_opts dict

    from .handlers import has_cybox_repr

    ret_opts = [] # return storage array
    item_type = item._meta['crits_type'] # get the type of the subject
    choice_fmt = formats.get_format(_type) # get formatting option for current CRITs type
    ind_crits_type = class_from_type("Indicator")._meta['crits_type']
    for choice in choice_opts:
        obj = choice_opts.get(choice)[1]
        if _type == ind_crits_type and not has_cybox_repr(obj):
            # this indicator can't currently be converted to CybOX, so don't offer as option in UI
        if item.id != obj.id or item_type != _type:
            # only process if the item isn't the current context crits item
            ret_opts.append((choice, choice_fmt.format(obj).encode('utf-8')))
    return ret_opts
Пример #6
    def _analysis_exists(self, context, service_name, version=None):
        Check for existing analysis results

        If the item of `crits_type` identified by `identifier` contains an
        analysis result produced by service_name, return True. If version is
        specified, only return True if there is an existing analysis result
        using this version or later.

        obj_class = class_from_type(context.crits_type)
        query = self.get_db_query(context)

        obj = obj_class.objects(__raw__=query).first()
        for analysis in obj.analysis:
            if analysis.service_name == service_name:
                if version is None:
                    return True
                    result_version = StrictVersion(analysis.version)
                    result_version = 0
                if result_version >= version:
                    return True
        return False
Пример #7
def campaign_addto_related(crits_object, campaign, analyst):
    Add this Campaign to all related top-level objects.

    :param crits_object: The top-level object to get relationships for.
    :type crits_object: class which inherits from
    :param campaign: The campaign to add to all related top-level objects.
    :type campaign: :class:`crits.core.crits_mongoengine.EmbeddedCampaign`
    :param analyst: The user adding this Campaign to the related top-level objects.
    :type analyst: str

    for r in crits_object.relationships:
        klass = class_from_type(r.rel_type)
        if not klass:
        robj = klass.objects(id=str(r.object_id)).first()
        if not robj:
        except ValidationError:
Пример #8
def update_analysis_results(task):
    Update analysis results for this task.

    # If the task does not currently exist for the given sample in the
    # database, add it.

    obj_class = class_from_type(task.obj._meta['crits_type'])

    obj = obj_class.objects(id=task.obj.id).first()
    obj_id = obj.id
    found = False
    for a in obj.analysis:
        if str(a.analysis_id) == task.task_id:
            found = True

    if not found:
        logger.warning("Tried to update a task that didn't exist.")
        # Otherwise, update it.
        ear = EmbeddedAnalysisResult()
        tdict = task.to_dict()
        tdict['analysis_id'] = tdict['id']
        del tdict['id']
Пример #9
 def inner_collect(obj_type, obj_id, sources, depth):
     if obj_id in objects:
     klass = class_from_type(obj_type)
     if not klass:
     if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
         obj = klass.objects(id=obj_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
         obj = klass.objects(id=obj_id).first()
     if not obj:
     objects[obj_id] = obj
     if depth == 0:
     depth -= 1
     for r in obj.relationships:
         #if r.rel_type=='Sample':
         inner_collect(r.rel_type, str(r.object_id), sources, depth)
Пример #10
    def _analysis_exists(self, context, service_name, version=None):
        Check for existing analysis results

        If the item of `crits_type` identified by `identifier` contains an
        analysis result produced by service_name, return True. If version is
        specified, only return True if there is an existing analysis result
        using this version or later.

        obj_class = class_from_type(context.crits_type)
        query = self.get_db_query(context)

        obj = obj_class.objects(__raw__=query).first()
        for analysis in obj.analysis:
            if analysis.service_name == service_name:
                if version is None:
                    return True
                    result_version = StrictVersion(analysis.version)
                    result_version = 0
                if result_version >= version:
                    return True
        return False
Пример #11
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        Script Execution.

        sectors = {}

        types = ['Actor', 'Campaign', 'Certificate', 'Domain', 'Email', 'Event',
                 'Indicator', 'IP', 'PCAP', 'RawData', 'Sample', 'Signature', 'Target']

        for otype in types:
            klass = class_from_type(otype)
            if not klass:
            objs = klass.objects().only('sectors')
            for obj in objs:
                for sector in obj.sectors:
                    if not sector:
                        continue # Avoid empty strings
                    if sector not in sectors:
                        sectors[sector] = Sector()
                        sectors[sector].name = sector
                        setattr(sectors[sector], otype, 1)
                        sectors[sector][otype] += 1

        # Drop all existing sectors

        for sector in sectors.values():
Пример #12
def add_results(object_type, object_id, analysis_id, result, type_, subtype,
    Add multiple results to an analysis task.

    :param object_type: The top-level object type.
    :type object_type: str
    :param object_id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type object_id: str
    :param analysis_id: The ID of the task to update.
    :type analysis_id: str
    :param result: The list of result to append.
    :type result: list of str
    :param type_: The list of result types.
    :type type_: list of str
    :param subtype: The list of result subtypes.
    :type subtype: list of str
    :param analyst: The user updating the results.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    res = {'success': False}
    if not object_type or not object_id or not analysis_id:
        res['message'] = "Must supply object id/type and analysis id."
        return res

    # Validate user can add service results to this TLO.
    klass = class_from_type(object_type)
    sources = user_sources(analyst)
    obj = klass.objects(id=object_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
    if not obj:
        res['message'] = "Could not find object to add results to."
        return res

    if not(result and type_ and subtype):
        res['message'] = "Need a result, type, and subtype to add a result."
        return res

    if not(len(result) == len(type_) == len(subtype)):
        res['message'] = "result, type, and subtype need to be the same length."
        return res

    # Update analysis results
    final_list = []
    for key, r in enumerate(result):
        final = {}
        final['subtype'] = subtype[key]
        final['result'] = r
        tmp = ast.literal_eval(type_[key])
        for k in tmp:
            final[k] = tmp[k]

    ar = AnalysisResult.objects(analysis_id=analysis_id).first()
    if ar:
    res['success'] = True
    return res
Пример #13
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        Script Execution.

        sectors = {}

        types = [
            'Actor', 'Campaign', 'Certificate', 'Domain', 'Email', 'Event',
            'Indicator', 'IP', 'PCAP', 'RawData', 'Sample', 'Signature',

        for otype in types:
            klass = class_from_type(otype)
            if not klass:
            objs = klass.objects().only('sectors')
            for obj in objs:
                for sector in obj.sectors:
                    if not sector:
                        continue  # Avoid empty strings
                    if sector not in sectors:
                        sectors[sector] = Sector()
                        sectors[sector].name = sector
                        setattr(sectors[sector], otype, 1)
                        sectors[sector][otype] += 1

        # Drop all existing sectors

        for sector in sectors.values():
Пример #14
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        Script Execution.

        buckets = {}

        types = ['Actor', 'Campaign', 'Certificate', 'Domain', 'Email', 'Event',
                 'Indicator', 'IP', 'PCAP', 'RawData', 'Sample', 'Target']

        for otype in types:
            klass = class_from_type(otype)
            if not klass:
            objs = klass.objects().only('bucket_list')
            for obj in objs:
                for bucket in obj.bucket_list:
                    if not bucket:
                        continue # Avoid empty strings
                    if bucket not in buckets:
                        buckets[bucket] = Bucket()
                        buckets[bucket].name = bucket
                        setattr(buckets[bucket], otype, 1)
                        buckets[bucket][otype] += 1

        # Drop all existing buckets

        for bucket in buckets.values():
Пример #15
def campaign_addto_related(crits_object, campaign, analyst):
    Add this Campaign to all related top-level objects.

    :param crits_object: The top-level object to get relationships for.
    :type crits_object: class which inherits from
    :param campaign: The campaign to add to all related top-level objects.
    :type campaign: :class:`crits.core.crits_mongoengine.EmbeddedCampaign`
    :param analyst: The user adding this Campaign to the related top-level objects.
    :type analyst: str

    for r in crits_object.relationships:
        klass = class_from_type(r.rel_type)
        if not klass:
        robj = klass.objects(id=str(r.object_id)).first()
        if not robj:
        except ValidationError:
Пример #16
def add_results(object_type, object_id, analysis_id, result, type_, subtype,
    Add multiple results to an analysis task.

    :param object_type: The top-level object type.
    :type object_type: str
    :param object_id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type object_id: str
    :param analysis_id: The ID of the task to update.
    :type analysis_id: str
    :param result: The list of result to append.
    :type result: list of str
    :param type_: The list of result types.
    :type type_: list of str
    :param subtype: The list of result subtypes.
    :type subtype: list of str
    :param analyst: The user updating the results.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    res = {'success': False}
    if not object_type or not object_id or not analysis_id:
        res['message'] = "Must supply object id/type and analysis id."
        return res

    # Validate user can add service results to this TLO.
    klass = class_from_type(object_type)
    sources = user_sources(analyst)
    obj = klass.objects(id=object_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
    if not obj:
        res['message'] = "Could not find object to add results to."
        return res

    if not(result and type_ and subtype):
        res['message'] = "Need a result, type, and subtype to add a result."
        return res

    if not(len(result) == len(type_) == len(subtype)):
        res['message'] = "result, type, and subtype need to be the same length."
        return res

    # Update analysis results
    final_list = []
    for key, r in enumerate(result):
        final = {}
        final['subtype'] = subtype[key]
        final['result'] = r
        tmp = ast.literal_eval(type_[key])
        for k in tmp:
            final[k] = tmp[k]

    ar = AnalysisResult.objects(analysis_id=analysis_id).first()
    if ar:
    res['success'] = True
    return res
Пример #17
    def get_crits_type(self, c_obj):
        Get the class that the given cybox object should be interpreted as during import.

        :param c_obj: A CybOX object.
        :type c_obj: An instance of one of the various CybOX object classes.
        :returns: The CRITs class to use to import the given CybOX object.
        if isinstance(c_obj, Address):
            imp_type = "IP"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, DomainName):
            imp_type = "Domain"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, Artifact):
            imp_type = "RawData"
        elif isinstance(
                File) and c_obj.custom_properties and c_obj.custom_properties[
                    0].name == "crits_type" and c_obj.custom_properties[
                        0]._value == "Certificate":
            imp_type = "Certificate"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, File) and self.has_network_artifact(c_obj):
            imp_type = "PCAP"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, File):
            imp_type = "Sample"
        elif isinstance(c_obj, EmailMessage):
            imp_type = "Email"
        else:  # try to parse all other possibilities as Indicator
            imp_type = "Indicator"
        return class_from_type(imp_type)
Пример #18
def filter_and_format_choices(choice_opts, item, _type):
    Given a list of CRITs options, filter out options matching the given item
    and format those options for display as a choice in a multi-select box.

    :param choice_opts A dict of CRITs objects in (id, json_repr) format
    :param item The item being viewed for TAXII service
    :param _type The type of objects represented in the choice_opts dict

    from .handlers import has_cybox_repr

    ret_opts = []  # return storage array
    item_type = item._meta['crits_type']  # get the type of the subject
    choice_fmt = formats.get_format(
        _type)  # get the formatting option for the current CRITs type
    for choice in choice_opts:
        obj = choice_opts.get(choice)[1]
        if _type == class_from_type(
                "Indicator")._meta['crits_type'] and not has_cybox_repr(obj):
            # this indicator can't currently be converted to CybOX, so don't offer as option in UI
        if item.id != obj.id or item_type != _type:
            # only process if the item isn't the current context crits item
            ret_opts.append((choice, choice_fmt.format(obj).encode('utf-8')))
    return ret_opts
Пример #19
def add_result(object_type, object_id, analysis_id, result, type_, subtype,
    Add a result to an analysis task.

    :param object_type: The top-level object type.
    :type object_type: str
    :param object_id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type object_id: str
    :param analysis_id: The ID of the task to update.
    :type analysis_id: str
    :param result: The result to append.
    :type result: str
    :param type_: The result type.
    :type type_: str
    :param subtype: The result subtype.
    :type subtype: str
    :param analyst: The user updating the results.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    res = {'success': False}
    if not object_type or not object_id or not analysis_id:
        res['message'] = "Must supply object id/type and analysis id."
        return res
    klass = class_from_type(object_type)
    sources = user_sources(analyst)
    obj = klass.objects(id=object_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
    if not obj:
        res['message'] = "Could not find object to add results to."
        return res
    found = False
    c = 0
    for a in obj.analysis:
        if str(a.analysis_id) == analysis_id:
            found = True
        c += 1
    if not found:
        res['message'] = "Could not find an analysis task to update."
        return res
    if result and type_ and subtype:
        final = {}
        final['subtype'] = subtype
        final['result'] = result
        tmp = ast.literal_eval(type_)
        for k in tmp:
            final[k] = tmp[k]
        res['message'] = "Need a result, type, and subtype to add a result."
        return res
    res['success'] = True
    return res
Пример #20
def get_supported_types():
    Get a list of supported types for TAXII service.
    supported_types = []
    for ctype in settings.CRITS_TYPES:
        cls = class_from_type(ctype)
        if hasattr(cls, "to_stix_indicator") or hasattr(cls, "to_cybox_observable"):
    return supported_types
Пример #21
def get_user_allowed_comments(comments, sources):
    Limit the comments to those a user should have access to see.

    :param comments: The list of comments.
    :type comments: list
    :param sources: The sources the user has access to.
    :type sources: list
    :returns: list of :class:`crits.comments.comment.Comment`

    docs = {
        'Actor': {},
        'Campaign': {},
        'Certificate': {},
        'Domain': {},
        'Email': {},
        'Event': {},
        'Indicator': {},
        'IP': {},
        'PCAP': {},
        'RawData': {},
        'Sample': {},
        'Target': {}
    for c in comments:
        except KeyError:
            docs[c.obj_type][c.obj_id] = [c]

    final_comments = []
    for key, val in docs.items():
        cls = class_from_type(key)
        obj_ids = [v for v in val]  #get keys
        query = {
            '_id': {
                '$in': obj_ids
            '$or': [{
                'source.name': {
                    '$in': sources
            }, {
                'source': {
                    '$exists': 0
        result = cls.objects(__raw__=query).only('id')
        for r in result:
            final_comments += val[r.id]
    final_comments.sort(key=lambda x: x.created, reverse=True)
    return final_comments
Пример #22
    def get_parent(self):
        Get the parent CRITs object.

        :returns: class which inherits from

        col_obj = class_from_type(self.obj_type)
        doc = col_obj.objects(id=self.obj_id).first()
        return doc
Пример #23
def get_supported_types():
    Get a list of supported types for TAXII service.
    supported_types = []
    for ctype in settings.CRITS_TYPES:
        cls = class_from_type(ctype)
        if hasattr(cls, "to_stix_indicator") or hasattr(
                cls, "to_cybox_observable"):
    return supported_types
Пример #24
    def inner_collect(obj_type, obj_id, sources, depth):
        # Don't keep going if we've already processed this object
        if obj_id in objects:

        klass = class_from_type(obj_type)
        if not klass:

        if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
            obj = klass.objects(id=obj_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
            obj = klass.objects(id=obj_id).first()
        if not obj:

        objects[obj_id] = obj

        if depth == 0:

        depth -= 1
        for r in obj.relationships:
            inner_collect(r.rel_type, str(r.object_id), sources, depth)

        # If we traverse into a Campaign object, walk everything tagged
        # with that campaign along with related objects.
        if obj_type == 'Campaign':
            for c in field_dict.keys():
                klass = class_from_type(c)
                # Not every object in field_dict can be tagged with a campaign.
                # For example, comments.
                if not hasattr(klass, 'campaign'):
                tagged_objs = klass.objects(campaign__name=obj.name)
                for tobj in tagged_objs:
Пример #25
def insert_analysis_results(task):
    Insert analysis results for this task.

    obj_class = class_from_type(task.obj._meta['crits_type'])

    ear = EmbeddedAnalysisResult()
    tdict = task.to_dict()
    tdict['analysis_id'] = tdict['id']
    del tdict['id']
Пример #26
def refresh_services(request, crits_type, identifier):
    Refresh the Analysis tab with the latest information.

    response = {}

    # Verify user can see results.
    sources = user_sources(request.user.username)
    klass = class_from_type(crits_type)
    if not klass:
        msg = 'Could not find object to refresh!'
        response['success'] = False
        response['html'] = msg
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), mimetype="application/json")
    if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
        obj = klass.objects(id=identifier, source__name__in=sources).first()
        obj = klass.objects(id=identifier).first()
    if not obj:
        msg = 'Could not find object to refresh!'
        response['success'] = False
        response['html'] = msg
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), mimetype="application/json")

    # Get analysis results.
    results = AnalysisResult.objects(object_type=crits_type,

    relationship = {
        'type': crits_type,
        'value': identifier,
        'url_key': obj.get_url_key()

    subscription = {'type': crits_type, 'id': identifier}

    service_list = get_supported_services(crits_type)

    response['success'] = True
    response['html'] = render_to_string(
        "services_analysis_listing.html", {
            'relationship': relationship,
            'subscription': subscription,
            'service_results': results,
            'crits_type': crits_type,
            'identifier': identifier,
            'service_list': service_list
        }, RequestContext(request))

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), mimetype="application/json")
Пример #27
def execute_yargen(relatedSamples, user):
	scount = 0
	yargen_array = {}
	critsMessage = ""
	#critsMessage = str(relatedSamples)
	#response = {"success": True, "message": critsMessage}
	#return response
	message = {}
	for key, val in relatedSamples.iteritems():
		newkey = key.replace(']','')
		newkeylist = newkey.split('[')
		keyCheck = message.get(int(newkeylist[1]), 'none')
		if keyCheck=='none':
	#critsMessage = str(message)
	#response = {"success": True, "message": critsMessage}
	#return response
	for sample in message:
		#critsMessage+="\r\nsample [id] - "
		#yargen_array[scount]['id'] = sample.id
		yargen_array[scount]['id'] = message[sample]['id']
		#yargen_array[scount]['filename'] = sample.label
		yargen_array[scount]['filename'] = message[sample]['label']
		#klass = class_from_id(sample.type, sample.id)
		#klass = class_from_id(message[sample]['type'], message[sample]['id'])
		klass = class_from_type(message[sample]['type'])
		#obj = klass.objects(id=sample.id).first()
		obj = klass.objects(id=message[sample]['id']).first()
		filedata = obj.filedata.read()
		yargen_array[scount]['filedata'] = filedata
		#critsMessage+="\r\n-------END FILE------\r\n"
		yargen_array[scount]['size'] = getattr(obj, 'size', '')
		scount += 1
	import yarGen
	critsMessage = yarGen.runMain(yargen_array, critsMessage)
	response = {"success": True, "message": critsMessage}
	return response
Пример #28
def update_dependency(type_, id_, dep, user, append=False, **kwargs):
    Change the dependencies needed for a signature

    :param type_: The CRITs type of the top-level object.
    :type type_: str
    :param id_: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type id_: str
    :param data_type_dependency: The new list of dependencies
    :type data_type_dependency: list
    :param user: The user setting the dependency.
    :type user: str
    :param append: Should be appended to dependency list?
    :type append: boolean
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str)

    klass = class_from_type(type_)
    if not klass:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
        sources = user_sources(user)
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_, source__name__in=sources).first()
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_).first()
    if not obj:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    # Have to unescape the submitted data. Use unescape() to escape
    # < and friends. Use urllib2.unquote() to escape %3C and friends.
    h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
    data_type_dependency = h.unescape(dep)
        deps = data_type_dependency.split(',')
        if append is False:
            del obj.data_type_dependency[:]
        for item in deps:
            item = item.strip()
            item = str(item)
            if item:
                add_new_signature_dependency(item, user)

        return {'success': True, 'message': "Data type dependency set."}
    except ValidationError, e:
        return {'success': False, 'message': e}
Пример #29
def refresh_services(request, crits_type, identifier):
    Refresh the Analysis tab with the latest information.

    response = {}

    # Verify user can see results.
    sources = request.user.get_sources_list()
    klass = class_from_type(crits_type)
    if not klass:
        msg = 'Could not find object to refresh!'
        response['success'] = False
        response['html'] = msg
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type="application/json")
    if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
        obj = klass.objects(id=identifier,source__name__in=sources).first()
        obj = klass.objects(id=identifier).first()
    if not obj:
        msg = 'Could not find object to refresh!'
        response['success'] = False
        response['html'] = msg
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type="application/json")

    # Get analysis results.
    results = AnalysisResult.objects(object_type=crits_type,

    relationship = {'type': crits_type,
                    'value': identifier}

    subscription = {'type': crits_type,
                    'id': identifier}

    service_list = get_supported_services(crits_type)

    response['success'] = True
    response['html'] = render_to_string("services_analysis_listing.html",
                                        {'relationship': relationship,
                                         'subscription': subscription,
                                         'service_results': results,
                                         'crits_type': crits_type,
                                         'identifier': identifier,
                                         'service_list': service_list},

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type="application/json")
Пример #30
def add_log(object_type, object_id, analysis_id, log_message, level, analyst):
    Add a log entry to an analysis task.

    :param object_type: The top-level object type.
    :type object_type: str
    :param object_id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type object_id: str
    :param analysis_id: The ID of the task to update.
    :type analysis_id: str
    :param log_message: The log entry to append.
    :type log_message: dict
    :param level: The log level.
    :type level: str
    :param analyst: The user updating the log.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    results = {'success': False}
    if not object_type or not object_id or not analysis_id:
        results['message'] = "Must supply object id/type and analysis id."
        return results
    klass = class_from_type(object_type)
    sources = user_sources(analyst)
    obj = klass.objects(id=object_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
    if not obj:
        results['message'] = "Could not find object to add log to."
        return results
    found = False
    c = 0
    for a in obj.analysis:
        if str(a.analysis_id) == analysis_id:
            found = True
        c += 1
    if not found:
        results['message'] = "Could not find an analysis task to update."
        return results
    le = EmbeddedAnalysisResult.EmbeddedAnalysisResultLog()
    le.message = log_message
    le.level = level
    le.datetime = str(datetime.datetime.now())
    results['success'] = True
    return results
Пример #31
def add_log(object_type, object_id, analysis_id, log_message, level, analyst):
    Add a log entry to an analysis task.

    :param object_type: The top-level object type.
    :type object_type: str
    :param object_id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type object_id: str
    :param analysis_id: The ID of the task to update.
    :type analysis_id: str
    :param log_message: The log entry to append.
    :type log_message: dict
    :param level: The log level.
    :type level: str
    :param analyst: The user updating the log.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    results = {'success': False}
    if not object_type or not object_id or not analysis_id:
        results['message'] = "Must supply object id/type and analysis id."
        return results
    klass = class_from_type(object_type)
    sources = user_sources(analyst)
    obj = klass.objects(id=object_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
    if not obj:
        results['message'] = "Could not find object to add log to."
        return results
    found = False
    c = 0
    for a in obj.analysis:
        if str(a.analysis_id) == analysis_id:
            found = True
        c += 1
    if not found:
        results['message'] = "Could not find an analysis task to update."
        return results
    le = EmbeddedAnalysisResult.EmbeddedAnalysisResultLog()
    le.message = log_message
    le.level = level
    le.datetime = str(datetime.datetime.now())
    results['success'] = True
    return results
Пример #32
    def run(self, argv):
        parser = OptionParser()
        parser.add_option('-s', '--services', dest='services', help='Service list')
        parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true',
                            help='Verbose mode')
        parser.add_option('-f', '--filter', dest='query_filter',
                            help='Query filter')
        parser.add_option('-T', '--type', dest='type_', default='Sample',
                            help='CRITs type query for (default: Sample)')
        parser.add_option('-i', '--identifier', dest='identifier',
                            help='Identifier for type (NOT OBJECT ID)')
        parser.add_option('-c', '--config', dest='config', default={},
                            help='Service configuration')
        (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv)

        service_list = []
        if opts.services:
            service_list = opts.services.split(',')
            if opts.verbose:

        if opts.query_filter:
            query = ast.literal_eval(opts.query_filter)
            klass = class_from_type(opts.type_)
            if not klass:
                print "[-] Invalid type."
            obj_list = klass.objects(__raw__=query)
            if opts.verbose:
                self.print_object_stats(obj_list, opts.query_filter)

        if opts.identifier:
            obj = class_from_value(opts.type_, opts.identifier)
            if not obj:
                print "[-] Unable to find object."

            obj_list = [obj]
            if opts.verbose:

        config = {}
        if opts.config:
            config = ast.literal_eval(opts.config)

        if obj_list and service_list:
            self.run_services(service_list, obj_list, opts.verbose, config)
Пример #33
    def _insert_analysis_results(self, task):
        Insert analysis results for this task.

        obj_class = class_from_type(task.context.crits_type)
        query = self.get_db_query(task.context)

        ear = EmbeddedAnalysisResult()
        tdict = task.to_dict()
        tdict['analysis_type'] = tdict['type']
        tdict['analysis_id'] = tdict['id']
        del tdict['type']
        del tdict['id']
        ear.config = AnalysisConfig(**tdict['config'])
Пример #34
    def _insert_analysis_results(self, task):
        Insert analysis results for this task.

        obj_class = class_from_type(task.context.crits_type)
        query = self.get_db_query(task.context)

        ear = EmbeddedAnalysisResult()
        tdict = task.to_dict()
        tdict['analysis_type'] = tdict['type']
        tdict['analysis_id'] = tdict['id']
        del tdict['type']
        del tdict['id']
        ear.config = AnalysisConfig(**tdict['config'])
Пример #35
def delete_object_file(value):
    In the event this is a file (but not PCAP), clean up after ourselves when
    deleting an object.

    :param value: The value of the object we are deleting.
    :type value: str

    if not re.match(r"^[a-f\d]{32}$", value, re.I):

    #XXX: MongoEngine provides no direct GridFS access so we
    #     need to use pymongo directly.
    obj_list = (
    # In order to make sure this object isn't tied to more than one top-level
    # object, we need to check the rest of the database. We will at least find
    # one instance, which is the one we are going to be removing. If we find
    # another instance, then we should not remove the object from GridFS.
    count = 0
    query = {'objects.value': value}
    for obj in obj_list:
        obj_class = class_from_type(obj)
        count += len(obj_class.objects(__raw__=query))
        if count > 1:
        col = settings.COL_OBJECTS
        grid = mongo_connector("%s.files" % col)
        grid.remove({'md5': value})
Пример #36
def get_actor_tags_by_type(tag_type):
    Get Actor tags based on type. These are tags that could be used for

    :param tag_type: The type of tags to get.
    :type tag_type: str
    :return: list

    tags = []
    if tag_type in ('ActorIntendedEffect', 'ActorMotivation',
                    'ActorSophistication', 'ActorThreatType'):
        obj = class_from_type(tag_type)
        results = obj.objects()
        tags = [t.name for t in results]
    return tags
Пример #37
def finish_task(object_type, object_id, analysis_id, status, analyst):
    Finish a task by setting its status to "completed" and setting the finish

    :param object_type: The top-level object type.
    :type object_type: str
    :param object_id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type object_id: str
    :param analysis_id: The ID of the task to update.
    :type analysis_id: str
    :param status: The status of the task.
    :type status: str ("error", "completed")
    :param analyst: The user updating the log.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    results = {'success': False}
    if not status:
        status = "completed"
    if status not in ('error', 'completed'):
        status = "completed"
    if not object_type or not object_id or not analysis_id:
        results['message'] = "Must supply object id/type and analysis id."
        return results

    # Validate user can add service results to this TLO.
    klass = class_from_type(object_type)
    params = {'id': object_id}
    if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
        params['source__name__in'] = user_sources(analyst)
    obj = klass.objects(**params).first()
    if not obj:
        results['message'] = "Could not find object to add results to."
        return results

    # Update analysis log
    date = str(datetime.datetime.now())
    ar = AnalysisResult.objects(analysis_id=analysis_id).first()
    if ar:
    results['success'] = True
    return results
Пример #38
def finish_task(object_type, object_id, analysis_id, status, analyst):
    Finish a task by setting its status to "completed" and setting the finish

    :param object_type: The top-level object type.
    :type object_type: str
    :param object_id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type object_id: str
    :param analysis_id: The ID of the task to update.
    :type analysis_id: str
    :param status: The status of the task.
    :type status: str ("error", "completed")
    :param analyst: The user updating the log.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    results = {'success': False}
    if not status:
        status = "completed"
    if status not in ('error', 'completed'):
        status = "completed"
    if not object_type or not object_id or not analysis_id:
        results['message'] = "Must supply object id/type and analysis id."
        return results

    # Validate user can add service results to this TLO.
    klass = class_from_type(object_type)
    params = {'id': object_id}
    if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
        params['source__name__in'] = user_sources(analyst)
    obj = klass.objects(**params).first()
    if not obj:
        results['message'] = "Could not find object to add results to."
        return results

    # Update analysis log
    date = str(datetime.datetime.now())
    ar = AnalysisResult.objects(analysis_id=analysis_id).first()
    if ar:
    results['success'] = True
    return results
Пример #39
def delete_object_file(value):
    In the event this is a file (but not PCAP), clean up after ourselves when
    deleting an object.

    :param value: The value of the object we are deleting.
    :type value: str

    if not re.match(r"^[a-f\d]{32}$", value, re.I):

    #XXX: MongoEngine provides no direct GridFS access so we
    #     need to use pymongo directly.
    obj_list = ('Actor',
    # In order to make sure this object isn't tied to more than one top-level
    # object, we need to check the rest of the database. We will at least find
    # one instance, which is the one we are going to be removing. If we find
    # another instance, then we should not remove the object from GridFS.
    count = 0
    query = {'objects.value': value}
    for obj in obj_list:
        obj_class = class_from_type(obj)
        count += len(obj_class.objects(__raw__=query))
        if count > 1:
        col = settings.COL_OBJECTS
        grid = mongo_connector("%s.files" % col)
        grid.remove({'md5': value})
Пример #40
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        Script Execution.

        buckets = {}

        types = [

        for otype in types:
            klass = class_from_type(otype)
            if not klass:
            objs = klass.objects().only("bucket_list")
            for obj in objs:
                for bucket in obj.bucket_list:
                    if not bucket:
                        continue  # Avoid empty strings
                    if bucket not in buckets:
                        buckets[bucket] = Bucket()
                        buckets[bucket].name = bucket
                        setattr(buckets[bucket], otype, 1)
                        buckets[bucket][otype] += 1

        # Drop all existing buckets

        for bucket in buckets.values():
Пример #41
def add_log(object_type, object_id, analysis_id, log_message, level, user):
    Add a log entry to an analysis task.

    :param object_type: The top-level object type.
    :type object_type: str
    :param object_id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type object_id: str
    :param analysis_id: The ID of the task to update.
    :type analysis_id: str
    :param log_message: The log entry to append.
    :type log_message: dict
    :param level: The log level.
    :type level: str
    :param user: The user updating the log.
    :type user: :class:`crits.core.user.CRITsUser`
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    results = {'success': False}
    if not object_type or not object_id or not analysis_id:
        results['message'] = "Must supply object id/type and analysis id."
        return results

    # Validate user can add service results to this TLO.
    klass = class_from_type(object_type)
    sources = user.get_sources_list()
    obj = klass.objects(id=object_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
    if not obj:
        results['message'] = "Could not find object to add results to."
        return results

    # Update analysis log
    le = EmbeddedAnalysisResultLog()
    le.message = log_message
    le.level = level
    le.datetime = str(datetime.datetime.now())
    ar = AnalysisResult.objects(analysis_id=analysis_id).first()
    if ar:
        results['success'] = True
        results['message'] = "Could not find task to add log to."
    return results
Пример #42
def add_log(object_type, object_id, analysis_id, log_message, level, user):
    Add a log entry to an analysis task.

    :param object_type: The top-level object type.
    :type object_type: str
    :param object_id: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type object_id: str
    :param analysis_id: The ID of the task to update.
    :type analysis_id: str
    :param log_message: The log entry to append.
    :type log_message: dict
    :param level: The log level.
    :type level: str
    :param user: The user updating the log.
    :type user: :class:`crits.core.user.CRITsUser`
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    results = {'success': False}
    if not object_type or not object_id or not analysis_id:
        results['message'] = "Must supply object id/type and analysis id."
        return results

    # Validate user can add service results to this TLO.
    klass = class_from_type(object_type)
    sources = user.get_sources_list()
    obj = klass.objects(id=object_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
    if not obj:
        results['message'] = "Could not find object to add results to."
        return results

    # Update analysis log
    le = EmbeddedAnalysisResultLog()
    le.message = log_message
    le.level = level
    le.datetime = str(datetime.datetime.now())
    ar = AnalysisResult.objects(analysis_id=analysis_id).first()
    if ar:
        results['success'] = True
        results['message'] = "Could not find task to add log to."
    return results
Пример #43
def get_user_allowed_comments(comments, sources):
    Limit the comments to those a user should have access to see.

    :param comments: The list of comments.
    :type comments: list
    :param sources: The sources the user has access to.
    :type sources: list
    :returns: list of :class:`crits.comments.comment.Comment`

    docs = {'Actor': {},
    for c in comments:
        except KeyError:
            docs[c.obj_type][c.obj_id] = [c]

    final_comments = []
    for key, val in docs.items():
        cls = class_from_type(key)
        obj_ids = [v for v in val] #get keys
        query = {'_id': {'$in':obj_ids},
                 '$or': [{'source.name': {'$in':sources}},
                         {'source': {'$exists': 0}}
        result = cls.objects(__raw__=query).only('id')
        for r in result:
            final_comments += val[r.id]
    final_comments.sort(key=lambda x: x.created, reverse=True)
    return final_comments
Пример #44
def get_actor_tags_by_type(tag_type):
    Get Actor tags based on type. These are tags that could be used for

    :param tag_type: The type of tags to get.
    :type tag_type: str
    :return: list

    tags = []
    if tag_type in ('ActorIntendedEffect',
        obj = class_from_type(tag_type)
        results = obj.objects()
        tags = [t.name for t in results]
    return tags
Пример #45
def get_user_allowed_comments(comments, sources):
    Limit the comments to those a user should have access to see.

    :param comments: The list of comments.
    :type comments: list
    :param sources: The sources the user has access to.
    :type sources: list
    :returns: list of :class:`crits.comments.comment.Comment`

    docs = {
        "Actor": {},
        "Campaign": {},
        "Certificate": {},
        "Domain": {},
        "Email": {},
        "Event": {},
        "Indicator": {},
        "IP": {},
        "PCAP": {},
        "RawData": {},
        "Sample": {},
        "Target": {},
    for c in comments:
        except KeyError:
            docs[c.obj_type][c.obj_id] = [c]

    final_comments = []
    for key, val in docs.items():
        cls = class_from_type(key)
        obj_ids = [v for v in val]  # get keys
        query = {"_id": {"$in": obj_ids}, "$or": [{"source.name": {"$in": sources}}, {"source": {"$exists": 0}}]}
        result = cls.objects(__raw__=query).only("id")
        for r in result:
            final_comments += val[r.id]
    final_comments.sort(key=lambda x: x.created, reverse=True)
    return final_comments
Пример #46
def update_signature_type(type_, id_, data_type, user, **kwargs):
    Update the Signature data type.

    :param type_: The CRITs type of the top-level object.
    :type type_: str
    :param id_: ObjectId of the Signature to update.
    :type id_: str
    :param data_type: The data type to set.
    :type data_type: str
    :param user: The user updating the data type.
    :type user: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    klass = class_from_type(type_)
    if not klass:
        return {"success": False, "message": "Could not find object."}

    if hasattr(klass, "source"):
        sources = user_sources(user)
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_, source__name__in=sources).first()
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_).first()
    if not obj:
        return {"success": False, "message": "Could not find object."}

    signature = Signature.objects(id=id_).first()
    data_type = SignatureType.objects(name=data_type).first()
    if not data_type:
        return None
        signature.data_type = data_type.name
            return {"success": True}
        except ValidationError, e:
            return {"success": False, "message": str(e)}
Пример #47
def update_signature_type(type_, id_, data_type, user, **kwargs):
    Update the Signature data type.

    :param type_: The CRITs type of the top-level object.
    :type type_: str
    :param id_: ObjectId of the Signature to update.
    :type id_: str
    :param data_type: The data type to set.
    :type data_type: str
    :param user: The user updating the data type.
    :type user: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str) if failed.

    klass = class_from_type(type_)
    if not klass:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
        sources = user_sources(user)
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_, source__name__in=sources).first()
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_).first()
    if not obj:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    signature = Signature.objects(id=id_).first()
    data_type = SignatureType.objects(name=data_type).first()
    if not data_type:
        return None
        signature.data_type = data_type.name
            return {'success': True}
        except ValidationError, e:
            return {'success': False, 'message': str(e)}
Пример #48
    def _update_analysis_results(self, task):
        Update analysis results for this task.

        # If the task does not currently exist for the given sample in the
        # database, add it.

        obj_class = class_from_type(task.context.crits_type)
        query = self.get_db_query(task.context)

        obj = obj_class.objects(__raw__=query).first()
        obj_id = obj.id
        found = False
        c = 0
        for a in obj.analysis:
            if str(a.analysis_id) == task.task_id:
                found = True
            c += 1

        if not found:
            logger.warning("Tried to update a task that didn't exist.")
            # Otherwise, update it.
            ear = EmbeddedAnalysisResult()
            tdict = task.to_dict()
            tdict['analysis_type'] = tdict['type']
            tdict['analysis_id'] = tdict['id']
            del tdict['type']
            del tdict['id']
            ear.config = AnalysisConfig(**tdict['config'])
Пример #49
def update_title(type_, id_, title, user, **kwargs):
    Change signature data for the current version

    :param type_: The CRITs type of the top-level object.
    :type type_: str
    :param id_: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type id_: str
    :param title: The new signature title to use.
    :type title: str
    :param user: The user setting the data value.
    :type user: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str)

    klass = class_from_type(type_)
    if not klass:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
        sources = user_sources(user)
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_, source__name__in=sources).first()
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_).first()
    if not obj:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    # Have to unescape the submitted data. Use unescape() to escape
    # < and friends. Use urllib2.unquote() to escape %3C and friends.
    h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
    data = h.unescape(title)
        obj.title = data
        return {'success': True, 'message': "Signature title updated."}
    except ValidationError, e:
        return {'success': False, 'message': e}
Пример #50
def update_max_version(type_, id_, data_type_max_version, user, **kwargs):
    Change the max version of the data tool

    :param type_: The CRITs type of the top-level object.
    :type type_: str
    :param id_: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type id_: str
    :param data_type_max_version: The new max version to use.
    :type data_type_max_version: str
    :param user: The user setting the description.
    :type user: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str)

    klass = class_from_type(type_)
    if not klass:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
        sources = user_sources(user)
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_, source__name__in=sources).first()
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_).first()
    if not obj:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    # Have to unescape the submitted data. Use unescape() to escape
    # < and friends. Use urllib2.unquote() to escape %3C and friends.
    h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
    data_type_max_version = h.unescape(data_type_max_version)
        obj.data_type_max_version = data_type_max_version
        return {'success': True, 'message': "Data type max version set."}
    except ValidationError, e:
        return {'success': False, 'message': e}
Пример #51
def update_max_version(type_, id_, data_type_max_version, analyst):
    Change the max version of the data tool

    :param type_: The CRITs type of the top-level object.
    :type type_: str
    :param id_: The ObjectId to search for.
    :type id_: str
    :param data_type_max_version: The new max version to use.
    :type data_type_max_version: str
    :param analyst: The user setting the description.
    :type analyst: str
    :returns: dict with keys "success" (boolean) and "message" (str)

    klass = class_from_type(type_)
    if not klass:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
        sources = user_sources(analyst)
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_, source__name__in=sources).first()
        obj = klass.objects(id=id_).first()
    if not obj:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'Could not find object.'}

    # Have to unescape the submitted data. Use unescape() to escape
    # < and friends. Use urllib2.unquote() to escape %3C and friends.
    h = HTMLParser.HTMLParser()
    data_type_max_version = h.unescape(data_type_max_version)
        obj.data_type_max_version = data_type_max_version
        return {'success': True, 'message': "Data type max version set."}
    except ValidationError, e:
        return {'success': False, 'message': e}
Пример #52
    def inner_collect(obj_type, obj_id, sources, depth):
        # Don't keep going if we've already processed this object
        if obj_id in objects:

        klass = class_from_type(obj_type)
        if not klass:

        if hasattr(klass, 'source'):
            obj = klass.objects(id=obj_id, source__name__in=sources).first()
            obj = klass.objects(id=obj_id).first()
        if not obj:

        objects[obj_id] = obj

        if depth == 0:

        depth -= 1
        for r in obj.relationships:
            inner_collect(r.rel_type, str(r.object_id), sources, depth)
Пример #53
def generate_timeline(obj_type, obj_id, user):

    users_sources = user_sources(user)
    obj_class = class_from_type(obj_type)
    if hasattr(obj_class, 'source'):
        main_obj = obj_class.objects(id=obj_id,
        main_obj = obj_class.objects(id=obj_id).first()
    if not main_obj:
        return {'success': False, 'message': 'No starting object found.'}

    # timeline is a dictionary.
    # the key is the date with no time allowing us to collect a day's events.
    # the value is a list of tuples.
    # the first item in the tuple should be a datetime string for the event.
    # the second element should be a description of the event that happened.
    timeline = {}

    # creation time
    i = "<b>%s</b> was created" % obj_type
    append_to_timeline(timeline, main_obj.created, i)

    # sources
    if hasattr(main_obj, 'source'):
        for source in main_obj.source:
            if source.name in users_sources:
                name = source.name
                for instance in source.instances:
                    i = "Source <b>%s</b> provided %s with a method of <b>'%s'</b> \
                            and a reference of <b>'%s'</b>" % (
                        name, obj_type, instance.method, instance.reference)
                    append_to_timeline(timeline, instance.date, i)

    # releasability
    for release in main_obj.releasability:
        if release.name in users_sources:
            name = release.name
            for instance in release.instances:
                i = "Release to <b>%s</b> added." % name
                append_to_timeline(timeline, instance.date, i)

    # campaigns
    for campaign in main_obj.campaign:
        name = campaign.name
        confidence = campaign.confidence
        description = campaign.description
        rev = reverse('crits.campaigns.views.campaign_details', args=[
        link = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (rev, name)
        i = "Campaign <b>%s</b> added with a confidence of <b>%s</b> and a \
                description of '%s'" % (link, confidence, description)
        append_to_timeline(timeline, campaign.date, i)

    # objects
    for obj in main_obj.obj:
        name = obj.name
        type_ = obj.object_type
        if name == type_:
            object_type = name
            object_type = "%s - %s" % (name, type_)
        value = obj.value
        rev = '%s?search_type=object&otype=%s&q=%s&force_full=1' \
                % (reverse('crits.core.views.global_search_listing'),
                   "%s - %s" % (type_, name),
        link = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (rev, value)
        i = "<b>%s</b> object added with a value of :<br />%s" % (object_type,
        append_to_timeline(timeline, obj.date, i)

    # relationships
    for rel in main_obj.relationships:
        tobj = class_from_type(rel.rel_type)
        if tobj.objects(id=rel.object_id,
            rev = reverse('crits.core.views.details',
            link = '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (rev, rel.rel_type)
            i = "<b>%s</b> was added with a relationship of <b>%s</b>." % (
                link, rel.relationship)
            append_to_timeline(timeline, rel.date, i)

    # comments
    cobj = class_from_type("Comment")
    comments = cobj.objects(obj_type=obj_type,
    for comment in comments:
        i = "<b>%s</b> made a comment: %s" % (comment.analyst, comment.comment)
        append_to_timeline(timeline, comment.created, i)

    # analysis
    for analysis in main_obj.analysis:
        analyst = analysis.analyst
        service_name = analysis.service_name
        version = analysis.version
        results = len(analysis.results)
        i = "<b>%s</b> ran <b>%s (%s)</b> and got <b>%d</b> results." % (
            analyst, service_name, version, results)
        append_to_timeline(timeline, analysis.start_date, i)

    # tickets
    for ticket in main_obj.tickets:
        i = "<b>%s</b> added Ticket <b>%s</b>" % (ticket.analyst,
        append_to_timeline(timeline, ticket.date, i)

    # raw data specific timeline entries
    if obj_type == "RawData":

        # inline comments
        for inline in main_obj.inlines:
            i = "<b>%s</b> made an inline comment on line <b>%d</b>: %s" % (
                inline.analyst, inline.line, inline.comment)
            append_to_timeline(timeline, inline.date, i)

        # highlights
        for highlight in main_obj.highlights:
            i = "<b>%s</b> highlighted line <b>%d</b>: %s" % (
                highlight.analyst, highlight.line, highlight.comment)
            append_to_timeline(timeline, highlight.date, i)

        # versions
        robj = class_from_type(obj_type)
        versions = robj.objects(link_id=main_obj.link_id).only(
            'id', 'version', 'created')
        for version in versions:
            rev = reverse('crits.raw_data.views.raw_data_details',
            link = '<a href="%s">%d</a>' % (rev, version.version)
            i = "Version %s was added." % link
            append_to_timeline(timeline, version.created, i)

    # indicator specific timeline entries
    if obj_type == "Indicator":

        # actions
        for action in main_obj.actions:
            i = "<b>%s</b> added action <b>%s</b> to start on <b>%s</b>" \
                % (action.analyst,
            i += ", set to <b>%s</b>, with a reason of: <b>%s</b>" \
                    % (action.active,
            append_to_timeline(timeline, action.date, i)

        # activity
        for activity in main_obj.activity:
            i = "<b>%s</b> noted Indicator activity from <b>%s</b> to <b>%s</b> \
                    and said: %s" % (activity.analyst, activity.start_date,
                                     activity.end_date, activity.description)
            append_to_timeline(timeline, activity.date, i)

    # sort timeline
    sorted_timeline = []
    keys = timeline.keys()
    for key in keys:
        k = timeline[key]
        k.sort(key=lambda tup: tup[0])
        sorted_timeline.append((key, k))

    html = render_to_string('timeline_contents.html',
                            {'timeline': sorted_timeline})

    return {'success': True, 'message': html}
Пример #54
def to_stix(obj, items_to_convert=[], loaded=False, bin_fmt="raw"):
    Converts a CRITs object to a STIX document.

    The resulting document includes standardized representations
    of all related objects noted within items_to_convert.

    :param items_to_convert: The list of items to convert to STIX/CybOX
    :type items_to_convert: Either a list of CRITs objects OR
                            a list of {'_type': CRITS_TYPE, '_id': CRITS_ID} dicts
    :param loaded: Set to True if you've passed a list of CRITs objects as
                    the value for items_to_convert, else leave False.
    :type loaded: bool
    :param bin_fmt: Specifies the format for Sample data encoding.
                    Options: None (don't include binary data in STIX output),
                                "raw" (include binary data as is),
                                "base64" (base64 encode binary data)

    :returns: A dict indicating which items mapped to STIX indicators, ['stix_indicators']
                which items mapped to STIX observables, ['stix_observables']
                which items are included in the resulting STIX doc, ['final_objects']
                and the STIX doc itself ['stix_obj'].

    from cybox.common import Time, ToolInformationList, ToolInformation
    from stix.common import StructuredText, InformationSource
    from stix.core import STIXPackage, STIXHeader
    from stix.common.identity import Identity

    # These lists are used to determine which CRITs objects
    # go in which part of the STIX document.
    ind_list = ['Indicator']
    obs_list = [
        'Certificate', 'Domain', 'Email', 'IP', 'PCAP', 'RawData', 'Sample'
    actor_list = ['Actor']

    # Store message
    stix_msg = {
        'stix_incidents': [],
        'stix_indicators': [],
        'stix_observables': [],
        'stix_actors': [],
        'final_objects': []

    if not loaded:  # if we have a list of object metadata, load it before processing
        items_to_convert = [
            class_from_id(item['_type'], item['_id'])
            for item in items_to_convert

    # add self to the list of items to STIXify
    if obj not in items_to_convert:

    # add any email attachments
    attachments = []
    for obj in items_to_convert:
        if obj._meta['crits_type'] == 'Email':
            for rel in obj.relationships:
                if rel.relationship == RelationshipTypes.CONTAINS:
                    atch = class_from_id('Sample', rel.object_id)
                    if atch not in items_to_convert:

    # grab ObjectId of items
    refObjs = {key.id: 0 for key in items_to_convert}

    relationships = {}
    stix = []
    from stix.indicator import Indicator as S_Ind
    for obj in items_to_convert:
        obj_type = obj._meta['crits_type']
        if obj_type == class_from_type('Event')._meta['crits_type']:
            stx, release = to_stix_incident(obj)
        elif obj_type in ind_list:  # convert to STIX indicators
            stx, releas = to_stix_indicator(obj)
            refObjs[obj.id] = S_Ind(idref=stx.id_)
        elif obj_type in obs_list:  # convert to CybOX observable
            if obj_type == class_from_type('Sample')._meta['crits_type']:
                stx, releas = to_cybox_observable(obj, bin_fmt=bin_fmt)
                stx, releas = to_cybox_observable(obj)

            # wrap in stix Indicator
            ind = S_Ind()
            for ob in stx:
            ind.title = "CRITs %s Top-Level Object" % obj_type
            ind.description = ("This is simply a CRITs %s top-level "
                               "object, not actually an Indicator. "
                               "The Observable is wrapped in an Indicator"
                               " to facilitate documentation of the "
                               "relationship." % obj_type)
            ind.confidence = 'None'
            stx = ind
            refObjs[obj.id] = S_Ind(idref=stx.id_)
        elif obj_type in actor_list:  # convert to STIX actor
            stx, releas = to_stix_actor(obj)

        # get relationships from CRITs objects
        for rel in obj.relationships:
            if rel.object_id in refObjs:
                relationships.setdefault(stx.id_, {})
                relationships[stx.id_][rel.object_id] = (
                    rel.relationship, rel.rel_confidence.capitalize(),


    # set relationships on STIX objects
    for stix_obj in stix:
        for rel in relationships.get(stix_obj.id_, {}):
            if isinstance(refObjs.get(rel), S_Ind):  # if is STIX Indicator
                rel_meta = relationships.get(stix_obj.id_)[rel]
                stix_obj.related_indicators[-1].relationship = rel_meta[0]
                stix_obj.related_indicators[-1].confidence = rel_meta[1]

                # Add any Email Attachments to CybOX EmailMessage Objects
                if isinstance(stix_obj, S_Ind):
                    if 'EmailMessage' in stix_obj.observable.object_.id_:
                        if rel_meta[0] == 'Contains' and rel_meta[
                                2] == 'Sample':
                            email = stix_obj.observable.object_.properties

    tool_list = ToolInformationList()
    tool = ToolInformation("CRITs", "MITRE")
    tool.version = settings.CRITS_VERSION
    i_s = InformationSource(time=Time(produced_time=datetime.now()),

    if obj._meta['crits_type'] == "Event":
        stix_desc = obj.description()
        stix_int = obj.event_type()
        stix_title = obj.title()
        stix_desc = "STIX from %s" % settings.COMPANY_NAME
        stix_int = "Collective Threat Intelligence"
        stix_title = "Threat Intelligence Sharing"
    header = STIXHeader(information_source=i_s,

    stix_msg['stix_obj'] = STIXPackage(incidents=stix_msg['stix_incidents'],

    return stix_msg