Пример #1
class Sample(CritsBaseAttributes, CritsSourceDocument, CritsActionsDocument,
    """Sample object"""

    meta = {
        "collection": settings.COL_SAMPLES,
        "crits_type": 'Sample',
        "latest_schema_version": 4,
        "shard_key": ('md5',),
        "schema_doc": {
            'filename': 'The name of the last file that was uploaded with this'\
            'filenames': 'A list of filenames this binary has gone by.',
            'filetype': 'The filetype of the file',
            'mimetype': 'The mimetype of the file',
            'size': 'The size of the file',
            'md5': 'The MD5 of the file',
            'sha1': 'The SHA1 of the file',
            'sha256': 'The SHA256 of the file',
            'ssdeep': 'The ssdeep of the file',
            'campaign': 'List [] of campaigns using this file',
            'source': 'List [] of sources that provided this file',
            'created': 'ISODate of when this file was uploaded',
            'modified': 'ISODate of when the file metadata was last modified',
            'filedata': 'The ObjectId of the file in GridFS'
        "jtable_opts": {
                         'details_url': 'crits.samples.views.detail',
                         'details_url_key': 'md5',
                         'default_sort': "created DESC",
                         'searchurl': 'crits.samples.views.samples_listing',
                         'fields': [ "filename", "size", "filetype",
                                     "created", "modified", "campaign",
                                     "source", "md5", "id", "status"],
                         'jtopts_fields': [ "details",
                         'hidden_fields': ["md5"],
                         'linked_fields': ["filename", "source", "campaign",
                         'details_link': 'details',
                         'no_sort': ['details', 'id']

    filedata = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_SAMPLES)
    filename = StringField(required=True)
    filenames = ListField(StringField())
    filetype = StringField()
    md5 = StringField(required=True)
    mimetype = StringField()
    sha1 = StringField()
    sha256 = StringField()
    size = IntField(default=0)
    ssdeep = StringField()

    def migrate(self):

    def add_file_data(self, file_data):
        self.filedata = file_data

    def add_file_obj(self, file_obj):
        data = file_obj.read()
        self.filedata = data

    def _generate_file_metadata(self, data):
        import pydeep
        import magic
        from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
            self.filetype = magic.from_buffer(data)
            self.filetype = "Unavailable"
            mimetype = magic.from_buffer(data, mime=True)
            if mimetype:
                self.mimetype = mimetype.split(";")[0]
            if not mimetype:
                self.mimetype = "unknown"
            self.mimetype = "Unavailable"
        self.size = len(data)
        # this is a shard key. you can't modify it once it's set.
        # MongoEngine will still mark the field as modified even if you set it
        # to the same value.
        if not self.md5:
            self.md5 = md5(data).hexdigest()
        self.sha1 = sha1(data).hexdigest()
        self.sha256 = sha256(data).hexdigest()
            self.ssdeep = pydeep.hash_bytes(data)
            self.ssdeep = None

    def is_pe(self):
        Is this a PE file.

        return self.filedata.grid_id != None and self.filedata.read(2) == "MZ"

    def is_pdf(self):
        Is this a PDF.

        return self.filedata.grid_id != None and "%PDF-" in self.filedata.read(

    def discover_binary(self):
            Queries GridFS for a matching binary to this sample document.

        from crits.core.mongo_tools import mongo_connector

        fm = mongo_connector("%s.files" % self._meta['collection'])
        objectid = fm.find_one({'md5': self.md5}, {'_id': 1})
        if objectid:
            self.filedata.grid_id = objectid['_id']

    def set_filenames(self, filenames):
        Set the Sample filenames to a specified list.

        :param filenames: The filenames to set.
        :type filenames: list


        if isinstance(filenames, list):
            self.filenames = filenames
Пример #2
class Sample(CritsBaseAttributes, CritsSourceDocument, Document):
    """Sample object"""

    meta = {
        "collection": settings.COL_SAMPLES,
        "crits_type": 'Sample',
        "latest_schema_version": 4,
        "shard_key": ('md5',),
        "schema_doc": {
            'filename': 'The name of the last file that was uploaded with this'\
            'filenames': 'A list of filenames this binary has gone by.',
            'filetype': 'The filetype of the file',
            'mimetype': 'The mimetype of the file',
            'size': 'The size of the file',
            'md5': 'The MD5 of the file',
            'sha1': 'The SHA1 of the file',
            'sha256': 'The SHA256 of the file',
            'ssdeep': 'The ssdeep of the file',
            'campaign': 'List [] of campaigns using this file',
            'source': 'List [] of sources that provided this file',
            'created': 'ISODate of when this file was uploaded',
            'modified': 'ISODate of when the file metadata was last modified',
            'filedata': 'The ObjectId of the file in GridFS'
        "jtable_opts": {
                         'details_url': 'crits.samples.views.detail',
                         'details_url_key': 'md5',
                         'default_sort': "created DESC",
                         'searchurl': 'crits.samples.views.samples_listing',
                         'fields': [ "filename", "size", "filetype",
                                     "created", "modified", "campaign",
                                     "source", "md5", "id", "status"],
                         'jtopts_fields': [ "details",
                         'hidden_fields': ["md5"],
                         'linked_fields': ["filename", "source", "campaign",
                         'details_link': 'details',
                         'no_sort': ['details', 'id']

    filedata = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_SAMPLES)
    filename = StringField(required=True)
    filenames = ListField(StringField())
    filetype = StringField()
    md5 = StringField(required=True)
    mimetype = StringField()
    sha1 = StringField()
    sha256 = StringField()
    size = IntField(default=0)
    ssdeep = StringField()

    def migrate(self):

    def add_file_data(self, file_data):
        self.filedata = file_data

    def add_file_obj(self, file_obj):
        data = file_obj.read()
        self.filedata = data

    def _generate_file_metadata(self, data):
        import pydeep
        import magic
        from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
            self.filetype = magic.from_buffer(data)
            self.filetype = "Unavailable"
            mimetype = magic.from_buffer(data, mime=True)
            if mimetype:
                self.mimetype = mimetype.split(";")[0]
            if not mimetype:
                self.mimetype = "unknown"
            self.mimetype = "Unavailable"
        self.size = len(data)
        # this is a shard key. you can't modify it once it's set.
        # MongoEngine will still mark the field as modified even if you set it
        # to the same value.
        if not self.md5:
            self.md5 = md5(data).hexdigest()
        self.sha1 = sha1(data).hexdigest()
        self.sha256 = sha256(data).hexdigest()
            self.ssdeep = pydeep.hash_bytes(data)
            self.ssdeep = None

    def is_pe(self):
        Is this a PE file.

        return self.filedata.grid_id != None and self.filedata.read(2) == "MZ"

    def is_pdf(self):
        Is this a PDF.

        return self.filedata.grid_id != None and "%PDF-" in self.filedata.read(

    def to_cybox_observable(self, exclude=None, bin_fmt="raw"):
        if exclude == None:
            exclude = []

        observables = []
        f = File()
        for attr in ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha256']:
            if attr not in exclude:
                val = getattr(self, attr, None)
                if val:
                    setattr(f, attr, val)
        if self.ssdeep and 'ssdeep' not in exclude:
            f.add_hash(Hash(self.ssdeep, Hash.TYPE_SSDEEP))
        if 'size' not in exclude and 'size_in_bytes' not in exclude:
            f.size_in_bytes = UnsignedLong(self.size)
        if 'filename' not in exclude and 'file_name' not in exclude:
            f.file_name = self.filename
        # create an Artifact object for the binary if it exists
        if 'filedata' not in exclude and bin_fmt:
            data = self.filedata.read()
            if data:  # if sample data available
                a = Artifact(data,
                             Artifact.TYPE_FILE)  # create artifact w/data
                if bin_fmt == "zlib":
                elif bin_fmt == "base64":
                f.add_related(a, "Child_Of")  # relate artifact to file
        if 'filetype' not in exclude and 'file_format' not in exclude:
            #NOTE: this doesn't work because the CybOX File object does not
            #   have any support built in for setting the filetype to a
            #   CybOX-binding friendly object (e.g., calling .to_dict() on
            #   the resulting CybOX object fails on this field.
            f.file_format = self.filetype
        return (observables, self.releasability)

    def from_cybox(cls, cybox_obs):
        Convert a Cybox DefinedObject to a MongoEngine Sample object.

        :param cybox_obs: The cybox object to create the Sample from.
        :type cybox_obs: :class:`cybox.core.Observable``
        :returns: :class:`crits.samples.sample.Sample`

        cybox_object = cybox_obs.object_.properties
        if cybox_object.md5:
            db_obj = Sample.objects(md5=cybox_object.md5).first()
            if db_obj:  # if a sample with md5 already exists
                return db_obj  # don't modify, just return

        sample = cls()  # else, start creating new sample record
        sample.filename = str(cybox_object.file_name)
        sample.size = cybox_object.size_in_bytes.value if cybox_object.size_in_bytes else 0
        for hash_ in cybox_object.hashes:
            if hash_.type_.value.upper() in [
                    Hash.TYPE_MD5, Hash.TYPE_SHA1, Hash.TYPE_SHA256,
                setattr(sample, hash_.type_.value.lower(),
        for obj in cybox_object.parent.related_objects:  # attempt to find data in cybox
            if isinstance(
                    Artifact) and obj.properties.type_ == Artifact.TYPE_FILE:

        return sample

    def discover_binary(self):
            Queries GridFS for a matching binary to this sample document.

        from crits.core.mongo_tools import mongo_connector

        fm = mongo_connector("%s.files" % self._meta['collection'])
        objectid = fm.find_one({'md5': self.md5}, {'_id': 1})
        if objectid:
            self.filedata.grid_id = objectid['_id']

    def set_filenames(self, filenames):
        Set the Sample filenames to a specified list.

        :param filenames: The filenames to set.
        :type filenames: list


        if isinstance(filenames, list):
            self.filenames = filenames
Пример #3
class Certificate(CritsBaseAttributes, CritsSourceDocument,
                  CritsActionsDocument, Document):
    Certificate Class.

    meta = {
        "collection": settings.COL_CERTIFICATES,
        "crits_type": 'Certificate',
        "latest_schema_version": 2,
        "schema_doc": {
            'The filename of the certificate',
            'The filetype of the certificate',
            'The MD5 of the certificate file',
            'The filesize of the certificate',
            'List [] of source information about who provided the certificate'
        "jtable_opts": {
            "modified DESC",
            'fields': [
                "filename", "description", "filetype", "size", "modified",
                "source", "campaign", "id", "md5", "status"
            'jtopts_fields': [
                "details", "filename", "description", "filetype", "size",
                "modified", "source", "campaign", "status", "md5", "favorite",
            'hidden_fields': ["md5"],
            'linked_fields': ["source", "campaign"],
            'no_sort': ['details']

    filedata = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_CERTIFICATES)
    filename = StringField(required=True)
    filetype = StringField(required=True)
    size = IntField(default=0)
    md5 = StringField()

    def migrate(self):
        Migrate the Certificate tot he latest schema version.

    def add_file_data(self, file_data):
        Add the Certificate to GridFS.

        :param file_data: The Certificate.
        :type file_data: str

        self.filedata = file_data

    def add_file_obj(self, file_obj):
        Add the Certificate to GridFS.

        :param file_obj: The Certificate.
        :type file_data: file handle

        data = file_obj.read()
        self.filedata = data

    def _generate_file_metadata(self, data):
        Set the filetype, size, and MD5 of the Certificate.

        :param data: The Certificate.
        :type data: str

        import magic
        from hashlib import md5
        self.filetype = magic.from_buffer(data)
        self.size = len(data)
        # this is a shard key. you can't modify it once it's set.
        # MongoEngine will still mark the field as modified even if you set it
        # to the same value.
        if not self.md5:
            self.md5 = md5(data).hexdigest()

    def discover_binary(self):
        Queries GridFS for a matching binary to this Certificate document.

        from crits.core.mongo_tools import mongo_connector

        fm = mongo_connector("%s.files" % self._meta['collection'])
        objectid = fm.find_one({'md5': self.md5}, {'_id': 1})
        if objectid:
            self.filedata.grid_id = objectid['_id']
Пример #4
class Screenshot(CritsBaseDocument, CritsSourceDocument, CritsSchemaDocument,
                 CritsDocument, Document):
    Screenshot Class.

    meta = {
        "collection": settings.COL_SCREENSHOTS,
        "crits_type": 'Screenshot',
        "latest_schema_version": 1,
        "schema_doc": {
            'The name of the screenshot',
            'Thumbnail of screenshot',
            'The screenshot',
            'The width in pixels',
            'The height in pixels',
            'Description of the screenshot',
            'List of tags about this screenshot',
            'List [] of source information about who provided the screenshot'
        "jtable_opts": {
            "created DESC",
            ["thumb", "description", "created", "source", "id", "md5", "tags"],
            'jtopts_fields': [
                "details", "thumb", "description", "created", "source", "md5",
                "tags", "favorite"
            'hidden_fields': ["md5"],
            'linked_fields': ["source", "tags"],
            'no_sort': ['details']

    analyst = StringField()
    description = StringField()
    filename = StringField()
    height = IntField()
    md5 = StringField()
    screenshot = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_SCREENSHOTS,
    tags = ListField(StringField())
    thumb = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_SCREENSHOTS,
    width = IntField()

    def migrate(self):
        Migrate the Screenshot to the latest schema version.

    def add_screenshot(self, screenshot=None, tags=None):
        Add the screenshot to the class. This will write the screenshot to
        GridFS, set the filename, width, height, and generate the thumbnail.

        :param screenshot: The screenshot to add.
        :type screenshot: file handle
        :param tags: A tag or list of tags for this screenshot
        :type param: str, list

        if not screenshot:
        self.filename = screenshot.name
        im = Image.open(screenshot)
        self.width, self.height = im.size
        fs = StringIO.StringIO()
        im.save(fs, "PNG")
        self.screenshot = fs.read()
        if isinstance(tags, basestring):
            tlist = tags.split(',')
            self.tags = [t.strip() for t in tlist if len(t.strip())]
        elif isinstance(tags, list):
            self.tags = tags

    def add_tags(self, tags):
        Add tags to a screenshot.

        :param tags: The tags to add.
        :type tags: str, list

        if isinstance(tags, basestring):
            tag_list = [t.strip() for t in tags.split(',') if len(t.strip())]
        if isinstance(tags, list):
            tag_list = [t.strip() for t in tags if len(t.strip())]
        for t in tag_list:
            if t not in self.tags:

    def generate_thumbnail(self, im=None):
        Generate a thumbnail out of a screenshot. Will write the thumbnail to

        :param im: The PIL Image.
        :type im: :class:`PIL.Image`

        if not im:
        size = (128, 128)
        im.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
        im.save(self.thumb, "PNG")
        fs = StringIO.StringIO()
        im.save(fs, "PNG")
        self.thumb = fs.read()

    def sanitize(self, username=None, sources=None, rels=None):
        Sanitize the source list down to only those a user has access to see.
        This was sniped from core/crits_mongoengine.

        :param username: The user requesting this data.
        :type username: str
        :param sources: A list of sources the user has access to.
        :type sources: list

        if username and hasattr(self, 'source'):
            length = len(self.source)
            if not sources:
                sources = user_sources(username)
            # use slice to modify in place in case any code is referencing
            # the source already will reflect the changes as well
            self.source[:] = [s for s in self.source if s.name in sources]
            # a bit of a hack but we add a poorly formatted source to the
            # source list which has an instances length equal to the amount
            # of sources that were sanitized out of the user's list.
            # not tested but this has the added benefit of throwing a
            # ValidationError if someone were to try and save() this.
            new_length = len(self.source)
            if length > new_length:
                i_length = length - new_length
                s = EmbeddedSource()
                s.name = "Other"
                s.instances = [0] * i_length
Пример #5
class PCAP(CritsBaseAttributes, CritsSourceDocument, CritsActionsDocument,
    PCAP class.

    meta = {
        "collection": settings.COL_PCAPS,
        "auto_create_index": False,
        "crits_type": 'PCAP',
        "latest_schema_version": 3,
        "shard_key": ('md5',),
        "schema_doc": {
            'filename': 'The filename of the PCAP',
            'md5': 'The MD5 of the PCAP file',
            'length': 'The filesize of the PCAP',
            'uploadDate': 'The ISODate when the PCAP was uploaded',
            'contentType': 'The filetype of the PCAP',
            'source': 'List [] of source information about who provided the PCAP'
        "jtable_opts": {
                         'details_url': 'crits-pcaps-views-pcap_details',
                         'details_url_key': 'md5',
                         'default_sort': "modified DESC",
                         'searchurl': 'crits-pcaps-views-pcaps_listing',
                         'fields': [ "filename", "description", "length",
                                     "modified", "source", "campaign", "id",
                                     "md5", "status"],
                         'jtopts_fields': [ "details",
                         'hidden_fields': ['md5'],
                         'linked_fields': ["source", "campaign"],
                         'details_link': 'details',
                         'no_sort': ['details']

    contentType = StringField()
    filedata = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_PCAPS)
    filename = StringField(required=True)
    length = IntField(default=0)
    md5 = StringField()

    def migrate(self):
        Migrate to the latest schema version.


    def add_file_data(self, file_data):
        Add filedata to this PCAP.

        :param file_data: The filedata to add.
        :type file_data: str

        self.filedata = file_data

    def add_file_obj(self, file_obj):
        Add filedata to this PCAP.

        :param file_data: The filedata to add.
        :type file_data: file handle

        data = file_obj.read()
        self.filedata = data

    def _generate_file_metadata(self, data):
        Generate metadata from the file data. Will add content-type, length, and

        :param data: The data to generate metadata from.
        :type data: str

        import magic
        from hashlib import md5
        self.contentType = magic.from_buffer(data)
        self.length = len(data)
        # this is a shard key. you can't modify it once it's set.
        # MongoEngine will still mark the field as modified even if you set it
        # to the same value.
        if not self.md5:
            self.md5 = md5(data).hexdigest()

    def discover_binary(self):
        Queries GridFS for a matching binary to this pcap document.

        from crits.core.mongo_tools import mongo_connector

        fm = mongo_connector("%s.files" % self._meta['collection'])
        objectid = fm.find_one({'md5': self.md5}, {'_id': 1})
        if objectid:
            self.filedata.grid_id = objectid['_id']
Пример #6
class Sample(CritsBaseAttributes, CritsSourceDocument, Document):
    """Sample object"""

    meta = {
        "collection": settings.COL_SAMPLES,
        "crits_type": 'Sample',
        "latest_schema_version": 2,
        "shard_key": ('md5',),
        "schema_doc": {
            'filename': 'The name of the last file that was uploaded with this'\
            'filetype': 'The filetype of the file',
            'mimetype': 'The mimetype of the file',
            'size': 'The size of the file',
            'md5': 'The MD5 of the file',
            'sha1': 'The SHA1 of the file',
            'sha256': 'The SHA256 of the file',
            'ssdeep': 'The ssdeep of the file',
            'exploit': [
                    'cve': 'The CVE of the exploit used by this file'
            'backdoor': {
                'name': 'The name of the backdoor used by this file',
                'version': 'The version of the backdoor used by this file',
                'analyst': 'The analyst who added this backdoor',
                'date': 'The date this backdoor was added'
            'campaign': 'List [] of campaigns using this file',
            'analysis': 'List [] of analysis results from tools for this file',
            'source': 'List [] of sources that provided this file',
            'created': 'ISODate of when this file was uploaded',
            'modified': 'ISODate of when the file metadata was last modified',
            'filedata': 'The ObjectId of the file in GridFS'
        "jtable_opts": {
                         'details_url': 'crits.samples.views.detail',
                         'details_url_key': 'md5',
                         'default_sort': "created DESC",
                         'searchurl': 'crits.samples.views.samples_listing',
                         'fields': [ "filename", "size", "filetype",
                                     "created", "modified", "exploit",
                                     "campaign", "source", "md5", "id",
                         'jtopts_fields': [ "details",
                         'hidden_fields': ["md5"],
                         'linked_fields': ["filename", "source", "campaign",
                         'details_link': 'details',
                         'no_sort': ['details', 'id']

    backdoor = EmbeddedDocumentField(EmbeddedBackdoor)
    exploit = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(EmbeddedExploit))
    filedata = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_SAMPLES)
    filename = StringField(required=True)
    filetype = StringField()
    md5 = StringField(required=True)
    mimetype = StringField()
    sha1 = StringField()
    sha256 = StringField()
    size = IntField(default=0)
    ssdeep = StringField()

    def migrate(self):

    def add_file_data(self, file_data):
        self.filedata = file_data

    def add_file_obj(self, file_obj):
        data = file_obj.read()
        self.filedata = data

    def _generate_file_metadata(self, data):
        import pydeep
        import magic
        from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
            self.filetype = magic.from_buffer(data)
            self.filetype = "Unavailable"
            mimetype = magic.from_buffer(data, mime=True)
            if mimetype:
                self.mimetype = mimetype.split(";")[0]
            if not mimetype:
                self.mimetype = "unknown"
            self.mimetype = "Unavailable"
        self.size = len(data)
        # this is a shard key. you can't modify it once it's set.
        # MongoEngine will still mark the field as modified even if you set it
        # to the same value.
        if not self.md5:
            self.md5 = md5(data).hexdigest()
        self.sha1 = sha1(data).hexdigest()
        self.sha256 = sha256(data).hexdigest()
            self.ssdeep = pydeep.hash_bytes(data)
            self.ssdeep = None

    def to_cybox(self, exclude=None):
        if exclude == None:
            exclude = []

        observables = []
        f = File()
        for attr in ['md5', 'sha1', 'sha256']:
            if attr not in exclude:
                val = getattr(self, attr, None)
                if val:
                    setattr(f, attr, val)
        if self.ssdeep and 'ssdeep' not in exclude:
            f.add_hash(Hash(self.ssdeep, Hash.TYPE_SSDEEP))
        if 'size' not in exclude and 'size_in_bytes' not in exclude:
            f.size_in_bytes = UnsignedLong(self.size)
        if 'filename' not in exclude and 'file_name' not in exclude:
            f.file_name = self.filename
        # create an Artifact object for the binary if it exists
        if 'filedata' not in exclude:
            data = self.filedata.read()
            if data:
                data = base64.b64encode(data)
                a = Artifact(data=data, type_=Artifact.TYPE_FILE)
        #if 'filetype' not in exclude and 'file_format' not in exclude:
        #NOTE: this doesn't work because the CybOX File object does not
        #   have any support built in for setting the filetype to a
        #   CybOX-binding friendly object (e.g., calling .to_dict() on
        #   the resulting CybOX object fails on this field.
        #f.file_format = self.filetype
        return (observables, self.releasability)

    def from_cybox(cls, cybox_object, source, filedata=None):
            Convert a Cybox DefinedObject to a MongoEngine Sample object.

        sample = cls(source=source)

        #TODO: we need to find all *required* fields and check for them
        # and handle optional fields accordingly.
        if cybox_object.size_in_bytes:
            sample.size = cybox_object.size_in_bytes.value
            sample.size = 0
        sample.filename = str(cybox_object.file_name)
        for hash_ in cybox_object.hashes:
            if hash_.type_.value.upper() in [
                    Hash.TYPE_MD5, Hash.TYPE_SHA1, Hash.TYPE_SHA256,
                setattr(sample, hash_.type_.value.lower(),
        if filedata:
            if isinstance(filedata, file):
                sample.filedata = filedata.read()
                sample.filedata = filedata

        return sample

    def discover_binary(self):
            Queries GridFS for a matching binary to this sample document.

        from crits.core.mongo_tools import mongo_connector

        fm = mongo_connector("%s.files" % self._meta['collection'])
        objectid = fm.find_one({'md5': self.md5}, {'_id': 1})
        if objectid:
            self.filedata.grid_id = objectid['_id']

    def set_backdoor(self, name, version, analyst):
        if self.backdoor:
            bd = Backdoor.objects(name=self.backdoor.name).first()
        eb = EmbeddedBackdoor()
        eb.name = name
        eb.version = version
        eb.analyst = analyst
        self.backdoor = eb
        bd = Backdoor.objects(name=name).first()

    def add_exploit(self, cve):
        found = False
        for e in self.exploit:
            if e.cve == cve:
                found = True
        if not found:
            ee = EmbeddedExploit()
            ee.cve = cve

    def delete_exploit(self, cve):
        c = 0
        for e in self.exploit:
            if e.cve == cve:
                del self.exploit[c]
            c += 0
Пример #7
class Certificate(CritsBaseAttributes, CritsSourceDocument, Document):
    Certificate Class.

    meta = {
        "collection": settings.COL_CERTIFICATES,
        "crits_type": 'Certificate',
        "latest_schema_version": 1,
        "schema_doc": {
            'The filename of the certificate',
            'The filetype of the certificate',
            'The MD5 of the certificate file',
            'The filesize of the certificate',
            'Description of what the certificate contains',
            'List [] of source information about who provided the certificate'
        "jtable_opts": {
            "modified DESC",
            'fields': [
                "filename", "description", "filetype", "size", "modified",
                "source", "campaign", "id", "md5", "status"
            'jtopts_fields': [
                "details", "filename", "description", "filetype", "size",
                "modified", "source", "campaign", "status", "md5", "favorite",
            'hidden_fields': ["md5"],
            'linked_fields': ["source", "campaign"],
            'no_sort': ['details']

    description = StringField()
    filedata = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_CERTIFICATES)
    filename = StringField(required=True)
    filetype = StringField(required=True)
    size = IntField(default=0)
    md5 = StringField()

    def migrate(self):
        Migrate the Certificate tot he latest schema version.

    def add_file_data(self, file_data):
        Add the Certificate to GridFS.

        :param file_data: The Certificate.
        :type file_data: str

        self.filedata = file_data

    def add_file_obj(self, file_obj):
        Add the Certificate to GridFS.

        :param file_obj: The Certificate.
        :type file_data: file handle

        data = file_obj.read()
        self.filedata = data

    def _generate_file_metadata(self, data):
        Set the filetype, size, and MD5 of the Certificate.

        :param data: The Certificate.
        :type data: str

        import magic
        from hashlib import md5
        self.filetype = magic.from_buffer(data)
        self.size = len(data)
        # this is a shard key. you can't modify it once it's set.
        # MongoEngine will still mark the field as modified even if you set it
        # to the same value.
        if not self.md5:
            self.md5 = md5(data).hexdigest()

    def discover_binary(self):
        Queries GridFS for a matching binary to this Certificate document.

        from crits.core.mongo_tools import mongo_connector

        fm = mongo_connector("%s.files" % self._meta['collection'])
        objectid = fm.find_one({'md5': self.md5}, {'_id': 1})
        if objectid:
            self.filedata.grid_id = objectid['_id']

    def to_cybox_observable(self):
            Convert a Certificate to a CybOX Observables.
            Returns a tuple of (CybOX object, releasability list).

            To get the cybox object as xml or json, call to_xml() or
            to_json(), respectively, on the resulting CybOX object.
        custom_prop = Property(
        )  # make a custom property so CRITs import can identify Certificate exports
        custom_prop.name = "crits_type"
        custom_prop.description = "Indicates the CRITs type of the object this CybOX object represents"
        custom_prop._value = "Certificate"
        obj = File()  # represent cert information as file
        obj.md5 = self.md5
        obj.file_name = self.filename
        obj.file_format = self.filetype
        obj.size_in_bytes = self.size
        obj.custom_properties = CustomProperties()
        obs = Observable(obj)
        obs.description = self.description
        data = self.filedata.read()
        if data:  # if cert data available
            a = Artifact(data, Artifact.TYPE_FILE)  # create artifact w/data
            obj.add_related(a, "Child_Of")  # relate artifact to file
        return ([obs], self.releasability)

    def from_cybox(cls, cybox_obs, source):
        Convert a Cybox DefinedObject to a MongoEngine Indicator object.

        :param cybox_obs: The cybox object to create the indicator from.
        :type cybox_obs: :class:`cybox.core.Observable``
        :param source: The source list for the Indicator.
        :type source: list
        :returns: :class:`crits.indicators.indicator.Indicator`
        cybox_object = cybox_obs.object_.properties
        if cybox_object.md5:
            db_obj = Certificate.objects(md5=cybox_object.md5).first()
            if db_obj:
                return db_obj

        cert = cls(source=source)
        cert.md5 = cybox_object.md5
        cert.filename = cybox_object.file_name
        cert.filetype = cybox_object.file_format
        cert.size = cybox_object.size_in_bytes.value if cybox_object.size_in_bytes else 0
        cert.description = cybox_obs.description
        for obj in cybox_object.parent.related_objects:  # attempt to find data in cybox
            if isinstance(obj.properties, Artifact):
        return cert
Пример #8
Файл: pcap.py Проект: he0x/crits
class PCAP(CritsBaseAttributes, CritsSourceDocument, Document):
    PCAP class.

    meta = {
        "collection": settings.COL_PCAPS,
        "crits_type": 'PCAP',
        "latest_schema_version": 3,
        "shard_key": ('md5', ),
        "schema_doc": {
            'filename': 'The filename of the PCAP',
            'md5': 'The MD5 of the PCAP file',
            'length': 'The filesize of the PCAP',
            'uploadDate': 'The ISODate when the PCAP was uploaded',
            'contentType': 'The filetype of the PCAP',
            'List [] of source information about who provided the PCAP'
        "jtable_opts": {
            "modified DESC",
            'fields': [
                "filename", "description", "length", "modified", "source",
                "campaign", "id", "md5", "status"
            'jtopts_fields': [
                "details", "filename", "description", "length", "modified",
                "source", "campaign", "status", "md5", "favorite", "id"
            'hidden_fields': ['md5'],
            'linked_fields': ["source", "campaign"],
            'no_sort': ['details']

    contentType = StringField()
    filedata = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_PCAPS)
    filename = StringField(required=True)
    length = IntField(default=0)
    md5 = StringField()

    def migrate(self):
        Migrate to the latest schema version.


    def add_file_data(self, file_data):
        Add filedata to this PCAP.

        :param file_data: The filedata to add.
        :type file_data: str

        self.filedata = file_data

    def add_file_obj(self, file_obj):
        Add filedata to this PCAP.

        :param file_data: The filedata to add.
        :type file_data: file handle

        data = file_obj.read()
        self.filedata = data

    def _generate_file_metadata(self, data):
        Generate metadata from the file data. Will add content-type, length, and

        :param data: The data to generate metadata from.
        :type data: str

        import magic
        from hashlib import md5
        self.contentType = magic.from_buffer(data)
        self.length = len(data)
        # this is a shard key. you can't modify it once it's set.
        # MongoEngine will still mark the field as modified even if you set it
        # to the same value.
        if not self.md5:
            self.md5 = md5(data).hexdigest()

    def discover_binary(self):
        Queries GridFS for a matching binary to this pcap document.

        from crits.core.mongo_tools import mongo_connector

        fm = mongo_connector("%s.files" % self._meta['collection'])
        objectid = fm.find_one({'md5': self.md5}, {'_id': 1})
        if objectid:
            self.filedata.grid_id = objectid['_id']

    def to_cybox_observable(self):
            Convert a PCAP to a CybOX Observables.
            Returns a tuple of (CybOX object, releasability list).

            To get the cybox object as xml or json, call to_xml() or
            to_json(), respectively, on the resulting CybOX object.
        obj = File()
        obj.md5 = self.md5
        obj.file_name = self.filename
        obj.file_format = self.contentType
        obj.size_in_bytes = self.length
        obs = Observable(obj)
        obs.description = self.description
        art = Artifact(self.filedata.read(), Artifact.TYPE_NETWORK)
        obj.add_related(art, "Child_Of")  # relate artifact to file
        return ([obs], self.releasability)

    def from_cybox(cls, cybox_obs):
        Convert a Cybox Artifact to a CRITs PCAP object.

        :param cybox_obs: The cybox object to create the PCAP from.
        :type cybox_obs: :class:`cybox.core.Observable`
        :returns: :class:`crits.pcaps.pcap.PCAP`
        cybox_object = cybox_obs.object_.properties
        if cybox_object.md5:
            db_obj = PCAP.objects(md5=cybox_object.md5).first()
            if db_obj:
                return db_obj
        pcap = cls()
        pcap.description = str(cybox_obs.description)
        pcap.md5 = cybox_object.md5
        pcap.filename = str(cybox_object.file_name)
        pcap.contentType = cybox_object.file_format
        pcap.length = cybox_object.size_in_bytes.value if cybox_object.size_in_bytes else 0
        for obj in cybox_object.parent.related_objects:  # attempt to find data in cybox
            if isinstance(obj.properties, Artifact
                          ) and obj.properties.type_ == Artifact.TYPE_NETWORK:
        return pcap
Пример #9
class Sample(CritsBaseAttributes, CritsSourceDocument, CritsActionsDocument,
    """Sample object"""

    meta = {
        "collection": settings.COL_SAMPLES,
        "auto_create_index": False,
        "crits_type": 'Sample',
        "latest_schema_version": 5,
        "shard_key": ('md5',),
        "schema_doc": {
            'filename': 'The name of the last file that was uploaded with this'\
            'filenames': 'A list of filenames this binary has gone by.',
            'filetype': 'The filetype of the file',
            'mimetype': 'The mimetype of the file',
            'size': 'The size of the file',
            'md5': 'The MD5 of the file',
            'sha1': 'The SHA1 of the file',
            'sha256': 'The SHA256 of the file',
            'ssdeep': 'The ssdeep of the file',
            'impfuzzy': 'The impfuzzy of the executable file',
            'campaign': 'List [] of campaigns using this file',
            'source': 'List [] of sources that provided this file',
            'created': 'ISODate of when this file was uploaded',
            'modified': 'ISODate of when the file metadata was last modified',
            'filedata': 'The ObjectId of the file in GridFS'
        "jtable_opts": {
                         'details_url': 'crits-samples-views-detail',
                         'details_url_key': 'md5',
                         'default_sort': "created DESC",
                         'searchurl': 'crits-samples-views-samples_listing',
                         'fields': [ "filename", "size", "filetype",
                                     "created", "modified", "campaign",
                                     "source", "md5", "id", "status"],
                         'jtopts_fields': [ "details",
                         'hidden_fields': ["md5"],
                         'linked_fields': ["filename", "source", "campaign",
                         'details_link': 'details',
                         'no_sort': ['details']

    filedata = getFileField(collection_name=settings.COL_SAMPLES)
    filename = StringField(required=True)
    filenames = ListField(StringField())
    filetype = StringField()
    md5 = StringField(required=True)
    mimetype = StringField()
    sha1 = StringField()
    sha256 = StringField()
    size = IntField(default=0)
    ssdeep = StringField()
    impfuzzy = StringField()

    def migrate(self):

    def add_file_data(self, file_data):
        self.filedata = file_data

    def add_file_obj(self, file_obj):
        data = file_obj.read()
        self.filedata = data

    def _generate_file_metadata(self, data):
        import pydeep
        import magic
        from hashlib import md5, sha1, sha256
            import pyimpfuzzy
        except ImportError:
            self.filetype = magic.from_buffer(data)
            if len(self.filetype) > 1000:
                self.filetype = self.filetype[0:1000] + '<TRUNCATED>'
            self.filetype = "Unavailable"
            mimetype = magic.from_buffer(data, mime=True)
            if mimetype:
                self.mimetype = mimetype.split(";")[0]
            if not mimetype:
                self.mimetype = "unknown"
            self.mimetype = "Unavailable"
        self.size = len(data)
        # this is a shard key. you can't modify it once it's set.
        # MongoEngine will still mark the field as modified even if you set it
        # to the same value.
        if not self.md5:
            self.md5 = md5(data).hexdigest()
        self.sha1 = sha1(data).hexdigest()
        self.sha256 = sha256(data).hexdigest()
            self.ssdeep = pydeep.hash_bytes(data)
            self.ssdeep = None
            self.impfuzzy = pyimpfuzzy.get_impfuzzy_data(data)
            self.impfuzzy = None

    def is_office(self):
        Is this a Office file.

        ret = self.filedata.grid_id != None and self.filedata.read(8) == "\xd0\xcf\x11\xe0\xa1\xb1\x1a\xe1"
        if self.filedata.grid_id:
        return ret

    def is_pe(self):
        Is this a PE file.

        ret = self.filedata.grid_id != None and self.filedata.read(2) == "MZ"
        if self.filedata.grid_id:
        return ret

    def is_pdf(self):
        Is this a PDF.

        ret = self.filedata.grid_id != None and "%PDF-" in self.filedata.read(1024)
        if self.filedata.grid_id:
        return ret

    def discover_binary(self):
            Queries GridFS for a matching binary to this sample document.

        from crits.core.mongo_tools import mongo_connector

        fm = mongo_connector("%s.files" % self._meta['collection'])
        objectid = fm.find_one({'md5': self.md5}, {'_id': 1})
        if objectid:
            self.filedata.grid_id = objectid['_id']

    def set_filenames(self, filenames):
        Set the Sample filenames to a specified list.

        :param filenames: The filenames to set.
        :type filenames: list


        if isinstance(filenames, list):
            self.filenames = filenames

    def _json_yaml_convert(self, exclude=[]):
        Helper to convert to a dict before converting to JSON.

        :param exclude: list of fields to exclude.
        :type exclude: list
        :returns: json

        d = self.to_dict(exclude)
        if 'filedata' not in exclude:
            (d['filedata'], ext) = format_file(self.filedata.read(), 'base64')
        return json.dumps(d, default=json_handler)