Пример #1
    def createProblem(self, x0, comGoTo, timeStep, numKnots):
        # Compute the current foot positions
        q0 = a2m(x0[:self.rmodel.nq])
        pinocchio.forwardKinematics(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0)
        pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(self.rmodel, self.rdata)
        com0 = m2a(pinocchio.centerOfMass(self.rmodel, self.rdata, q0))

        # Defining the action models along the time instances
        comModels = []

        # Creating the action model for the CoM task
        comForwardModels = [
                [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            ) for k in range(numKnots)
        comForwardTermModel = self.createModels(
            [self.lfFootId, self.rfFootId, self.lhFootId, self.rhFootId],
            com0 + [comGoTo, 0., 0.])
        comForwardTermModel.differential.costs['comTrack'].weight = 1e6

        # Adding the CoM tasks
        comModels += comForwardModels + [comForwardTermModel]

        # Defining the shooting problem
        problem = ShootingProblem(x0, comModels, comModels[-1])
        return problem
 def createEESplines(self, rmodel, rdata, xs, t_sampling=0.005):
     N = len(xs)
     abscissa = a2m(np.linspace(0., t_sampling * (N - 1), N))
     self.ee_splines = EESplines()
     for patch in self.ee_map.keys():
         p = np.zeros((3, N))
         m = np.zeros((3, N))
         for i in range(N):
             q = a2m(xs[i][:rmodel.nq])
             v = a2m(xs[i][-rmodel.nv:])
             pinocchio.forwardKinematics(rmodel, rdata, q, v)
             p[:, i] = m2a(
                 pinocchio.updateFramePlacement(rmodel, rdata, rmodel.getFrameId(self.ee_map[patch])).translation)
             m[:, i] = m2a(pinocchio.getFrameVelocity(rmodel, rdata, rmodel.getFrameId(self.ee_map[patch])).linear)
             self.ee_splines.update([[patch, CubicHermiteSpline(abscissa, p, m)]])
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, rmodel, lfFoot, rfFoot, lhFoot, rhFoot):
     self.rmodel = rmodel
     self.rdata = rmodel.createData()
     self.state = StatePinocchio(self.rmodel)
     # Getting the frame id for all the legs
     self.lfFootId = self.rmodel.getFrameId(lfFoot)
     self.rfFootId = self.rmodel.getFrameId(rfFoot)
     self.lhFootId = self.rmodel.getFrameId(lhFoot)
     self.rhFootId = self.rmodel.getFrameId(rhFoot)
     # Defining default state
     self.rmodel.defaultState = np.concatenate([
Пример #4
    class Weights:
        com = 1e1
        regx = 1e-3
        regu = 0.
        swing_patch = 1e6
        forces = 0.
        contactv = 1e3
        # Define state cost vector for WeightedActivation
        ff_orientation = 1e1
        xweight = np.array([0] * 3 + [ff_orientation] * 3 + [1.] * (rmodel.nv - 6) + [1.] * rmodel.nv)
        xweight[range(18, 20)] = ff_orientation
        # for patch in swing_patch:  w.swing_patch.append(100.);
        # Define weights for the impact costs.
        imp_state = 1e2
        imp_com = 1e2
        imp_contact_patch = 1e6
        imp_act_com = m2a([0.1, 0.1, 3.0])

        # Define weights for the terminal costs
        term_com = 1e8
        term_regx = 1e4
Пример #5
def impactModel(contactIds, effectors):
    State = StatePinocchio(rmodel)

    # Creating a 6D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting foot
    impulseModel = ImpulseModelMultiple(
        {"impulse%d" % cid: ImpulseModel6D(rmodel, cid)
         for cid in contactIds})

    # Creating the cost model for a contact phase
    costModel = CostModelSum(rmodel, nu=0)
    wx = np.array([0] * 6 + [.1] * (rmodel.nv - 6) + [10] * rmodel.nv)
                              m2a([.1, .1, 3.]))))
    for fid, ref in effectors.items():
        costModel.addCost("track%d" % fid,
                          cost=CostModelFramePlacement(rmodel, fid, ref, nu=0))
        # costModel.addCost("vel%d"%fid, weight=0.,
        #                   cost = CostModelFrameVelocity(rmodel,fid,nu=0))

    # Creating the action model for the KKT dynamics with simpletic Euler
    # integration scheme
    model = ActionModelImpact(rmodel, impulseModel, costModel)
    return model
Пример #6

rmodel = robot.model
rdata = rmodel.createData()

# Setting up the 3d walking problem
rightFoot = 'right_sole_link'
leftFoot = 'left_sole_link'

rightId = rmodel.getFrameId(rightFoot)
leftId = rmodel.getFrameId(leftFoot)

# Create the initial state
q0 = rmodel.referenceConfigurations['half_sitting'].copy()
v0 = zero(rmodel.nv)
x0 = m2a(np.concatenate([q0, v0]))
rmodel.defaultState = x0.copy()

# Solving the 3d walking problem using DDP
stepLength = 0.2
swingDuration = 0.75
stanceDurantion = 0.1

def dodisp(xs, dt):
    return displayTrajectory(robot, xs, dt)

disp = dodisp if WITHDISPLAY else lambda xs, dt: 0
disp.__defaults__ = (.1, )
Пример #7
        dmodel = DifferentialActionModelFloatingInContact(
            self.rmodel, actModel, contactModel, costModel)
        model = IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel)
        model.timeStep = timeStep
        return model

# Loading the HyQ model
robot = loadHyQ()
rmodel = robot.model
rdata = rmodel.createData()

# Defining the initial state of the robot
q0 = rmodel.referenceConfigurations['half_sitting'].copy()
v0 = pinocchio.utils.zero(rmodel.nv)
x0 = m2a(np.concatenate([q0, v0]))

# Setting up the 3d walking problem
lfFoot = 'lf_foot'
rfFoot = 'rf_foot'
lhFoot = 'lh_foot'
rhFoot = 'rh_foot'
walk = SimpleQuadrupedProblem(rmodel, lfFoot, rfFoot, lhFoot, rhFoot)

# Setting up the walking variables
comGoTo = 0.1  # meters
timeStep = 5e-2  # seconds
supportKnots = 2

# Creating the CoM problem and solving it
ddp = SolverDDP(walk.createProblem(x0, comGoTo, timeStep, supportKnots))
Пример #8
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
robot = loadTalosArm(freeFloating=True)

qmin = robot.model.lowerPositionLimit
qmin[:7] = -1
robot.model.lowerPositionLimit = qmin
qmax = robot.model.upperPositionLimit
qmax[:7] = 1
robot.model.upperPositionLimit = qmax

rmodel = robot.model
rdata = rmodel.createData()

actModel = ActuationModelFreeFloating(rmodel)
model = DifferentialActionModelActuated(rmodel, actModel)
data = model.createData()

q = pinocchio.randomConfiguration(rmodel)
v = rand(rmodel.nv)
x = m2a(np.concatenate([q, v]))
u = m2a(rand(rmodel.nv - 6))
model.calcDiff(data, x, u)

mnum = DifferentialActionModelNumDiff(model)
dnum = mnum.createData()
mnum.calcDiff(dnum, x, u)
assertNumDiff(data.Fx, dnum.Fx,
              NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * mnum.disturbance)  # threshold was 2.7e-2, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)
assertNumDiff(data.Fu, dnum.Fu,
              NUMDIFF_MODIFIER * mnum.disturbance)  # threshold was 7e-3, is now 2.11e-4 (see assertNumDiff.__doc__)
Пример #9
rmodel = robot.model
rdata = rmodel.createData()
rmodel.q0 = rmodel.referenceConfigurations['half_sitting'].copy()

# Setting up the 3d walking problem
rightFoot = 'right_sole_link'
leftFoot = 'left_sole_link'

rightId = rmodel.getFrameId(rightFoot)
leftId = rmodel.getFrameId(leftFoot)

# Create the initial state
q0 = rmodel.q0
v0 = zero(rmodel.nv)
x0 = m2a(np.concatenate([q0, v0]))
rmodel.defaultState = x0.copy()

def runningModel(contactIds, effectors, com=None, integrationStep=1e-2):
    Creating the action model for floating-base systems. A walker system
    is by default a floating-base system.
    contactIds is a list of frame Ids of points that should be in contact.
    effectors is a dict of key frame ids and SE3 values of effector references.
    actModel = ActuationModelFreeFloating(rmodel)
    State = StatePinocchio(rmodel)

    # Creating a 6D multi-contact model, and then including the supporting foot
    contactModel = ContactModelMultiple(rmodel)
Пример #10
from pinocchio.utils import rand, zero
from testutils import NUMDIFF_MODIFIER, assertNumDiff

robot = loadTalosArm()
qmin = robot.model.lowerPositionLimit
qmin[:7] = -1
robot.model.lowerPositionLimit = qmin
qmax = robot.model.upperPositionLimit
qmax[:7] = 1
robot.model.upperPositionLimit = qmax
rmodel = robot.model
rdata = rmodel.createData()

q = pinocchio.randomConfiguration(rmodel)
v = rand(rmodel.nv)
x = m2a(np.concatenate([q, v]))
u = m2a(rand(rmodel.nv))

costModel = CostModelFrameTranslation(rmodel, rmodel.getFrameId('gripper_left_fingertip_2_link'),
                                      np.array([.5, .4, .3]))

costData = costModel.createData(rdata)

pinocchio.forwardKinematics(rmodel, rdata, q, v)
pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(rmodel, rdata, q)
pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(rmodel, rdata)

costModel.calcDiff(costData, x, u)

costModelND = CostModelNumDiff(
    def createCentroidalPhi(self, rmodel, rdata):
        # centroidal planar (muscod) returns the forces in the sequence RF,LF,RH,LH.
        # TODO: make more generic
        range_def = OrderedDict()
        range_def.update([["RF_patch", range(0, 6)]])
        range_def.update([["LF_patch", range(6, 12)]])
        range_def.update([["RH_patch", range(12, 18)]])
        range_def.update([["LH_patch", range(18, 24)]])

        patch_names = self.ee_map.keys()
        mass = pinocchio.crba(rmodel, rdata, pinocchio.neutral(rmodel))[0, 0]
        t_traj = None
        # -----Get Length of Timeline------------------------
        t_traj = []
        for spl in self.cs.ms_interval_data[:-1]:
            t_traj += list(spl.time_trajectory)
        t_traj = np.array(t_traj)
        N = len(t_traj)

        # ------Get values of state and control--------------
        class PhiC:
            f = OrderedDict()
            df = OrderedDict()
            for patch in patch_names:
                f.update([[patch, np.zeros((N, 6))]])
                df.update([[patch, np.zeros((N, 6))]])

            com_vcom = np.zeros((N, 6))
            vcom_acom = np.zeros((N, 6))
            hg = np.zeros((N, 6))
            dhg = np.zeros((N, 6))

        phi_c_ = PhiC()

        n = 0
        for i, spl in enumerate(self.cs.ms_interval_data[:-1]):
            x = m2a(spl.state_trajectory)
            dx = m2a(spl.dot_state_trajectory)
            u = m2a(spl.control_trajectory)
            nt = len(x)

            tt = t_traj[n:n + nt]
            phi_c_.com_vcom[n:n + nt, :] = x[:, :6]
            phi_c_.vcom_acom[n:n + nt, :] = dx[:, :6]
            phi_c_.hg[n:n + nt, 3:] = x[:, -3:]
            phi_c_.dhg[n:n + nt, 3:] = dx[:, -3:]
            phi_c_.hg[n:n + nt, :3] = mass * x[:, 3:6]
            phi_c_.dhg[n:n + nt, :3] = mass * dx[:, 3:6]

            # --Control output of MUSCOD is a discretized piecewise polynomial.
            # ------Convert the one piece to Points and Derivatives.
            poly_u, dpoly_u = polyfitND(tt, u, deg=3, full=True, eps=1e-5)

            def f_poly(t, r):
                return np.array([poly_u[i](t) for i in r])

            def f_dpoly(t, r):
                return np.array([dpoly_u[i](t) for i in r])

            for patch in patch_names:
                phi_c_.f[patch][n:n + nt, :] = np.array([f_poly(t, range_def[patch]) for t in tt])
                phi_c_.df[patch][n:n + nt, :] = np.array([f_dpoly(t, range_def[patch]) for t in tt])

            n += nt

        duplicates = findDuplicates(t_traj)

        class PhiC2:
            f = OrderedDict()
            df = OrderedDict()
            for patch in patch_names:
                f.update([[patch, removeDuplicates(phi_c_.f[patch], duplicates)]])
                df.update([[patch, removeDuplicates(phi_c_.df[patch], duplicates)]])

            com_vcom = removeDuplicates(phi_c_.com_vcom, duplicates)
            vcom_acom = removeDuplicates(phi_c_.vcom_acom, duplicates)
            hg = removeDuplicates(phi_c_.hg, duplicates)
            dhg = removeDuplicates(phi_c_.dhg, duplicates)

        phi_c_2 = PhiC2()

        t_traj = removeDuplicates(t_traj, duplicates)

        self.phi_c.com_vcom = CubicHermiteSpline(a2m(t_traj), a2m(phi_c_2.com_vcom), a2m(phi_c_2.vcom_acom))
        self.phi_c.hg = CubicHermiteSpline(a2m(t_traj), a2m(phi_c_2.hg), a2m(phi_c_2.dhg))

        for patch in patch_names:
            self.phi_c.forces[patch] = CubicHermiteSpline(a2m(t_traj), a2m(phi_c_2.f[patch]), a2m(phi_c_2.df[patch]))
Пример #12
import conf_talos_warm_start as conf
import numpy as np
import pinocchio
from crocoddyl import (ActionModelImpact, CallbackDDPVerbose,
                       CallbackSolverDisplay, ShootingProblem, SolverDDP,
                       StatePinocchio, a2m, m2a)
from crocoddyl.locomotion import ContactSequenceWrapper, createMultiphaseShootingProblem
from multicontact_api import ContactSequenceHumanoid, CubicHermiteSpline

np.set_printoptions(linewidth=400, suppress=True)
robot = conf.robot
rmodel = robot.model
rdata = robot.data
rmodel.defaultState = np.concatenate([m2a(robot.q0), np.zeros(rmodel.nv)])

# ----------------Load Contact Phases and PostProcess-----------------------
cs = ContactSequenceHumanoid(0)
csw = ContactSequenceWrapper(cs, conf.contact_patches)
csw.createCentroidalPhi(rmodel, rdata)
csw.createEESplines(rmodel, rdata, conf.X_init, 0.005)

# ----------------Define Problem----------------------------
models = createMultiphaseShootingProblem(rmodel, rdata, csw, conf.DT)

# disp = lambda xs: disptraj(robot, xs)

problem = ShootingProblem(m2a(conf.X_init[0]), models[:-1], models[-1])

# Set contacts in the data elements. Ugly.
# This is defined for IAMEuler. If using IAMRK4, differential is a list. so we need to change.
Пример #13
def get_y(q, v):
    x_ = np.vstack([q, v])
    model.calc(data, m2a(x_), u)
    return [a2m(y) for y in data.y]
Пример #14
def get_au(u):
    a, _ = model.differential.calc(data.differential[0], x, m2a(u))
    return a2m(a)
Пример #15
def get_xn(u):
    model.calc(data, x, m2a(u))
    return a2m(data.xnext)  # .copy()
Пример #16
def get_ku(u):
    model.calc(data, x, m2a(u))
    return [a2m(ki) for ki in data.ki]
Пример #17
def get_k(q, v):
    x_ = np.vstack([q, v])
    model.calc(data, m2a(x_), u)
    return [a2m(ki) for ki in data.ki]
Пример #18
def get_attr_analytical(x, u, attr):
    _u = m2a(u)
    _x = m2a(x)
    model.calcDiff(data, _x, _u)
    return a2m(getattr(data, attr))  # .copy()
Пример #19
def createMultiphaseShootingProblem(rmodel, rdata, csw, timeStep):
  Create a Multiphase Shooting problem from the output of the centroidal solver.

  :params rmodel: robot model of type pinocchio::model
  :params rdata: robot data of type pinocchio::data
  :params csw: contact sequence wrapper of type ContactSequenceWrapper
  :params timeStep: Scalar timestep between nodes.

  :returns list of IntegratedActionModels

    # -----------------------
    # Define Cost weights
    class Weights:
        com = 1e1
        regx = 1e-3
        regu = 0.
        swing_patch = 1e6
        forces = 0.
        contactv = 1e3
        # Define state cost vector for WeightedActivation
        ff_orientation = 1e1
        xweight = np.array([0] * 3 + [ff_orientation] * 3 + [1.] * (rmodel.nv - 6) + [1.] * rmodel.nv)
        xweight[range(18, 20)] = ff_orientation
        # for patch in swing_patch:  w.swing_patch.append(100.);
        # Define weights for the impact costs.
        imp_state = 1e2
        imp_com = 1e2
        imp_contact_patch = 1e6
        imp_act_com = m2a([0.1, 0.1, 3.0])

        # Define weights for the terminal costs
        term_com = 1e8
        term_regx = 1e4

    w = Weights()
    # ------------------------

    problem_models = []
    actuationff = ActuationModelFreeFloating(rmodel)
    State = StatePinocchio(rmodel)

    active_contact_patch = set()
    active_contact_patch_prev = set()
    for nphase, phase in enumerate(csw.cs.contact_phases):
        t0 = phase.time_trajectory[0]
        t1 = phase.time_trajectory[-1]
        N = int(round((t1 - t0) / timeStep)) + 1
        contact_model = ContactModelMultiple(rmodel)

        # Add contact constraints for the active contact patches.
        # Add SE3 cost for the non-active contact patches.
        swing_patch = []
        active_contact_patch_prev = active_contact_patch.copy()
        for patch in csw.ee_map.keys():
            if getattr(phase, patch).active:
                active_contact = ContactModel6D(rmodel,
                                                ref=getattr(phase, patch).placement)
                contact_model.addContact(patch, active_contact)
                # print nphase, "Contact ",patch," added at ", getattr(phase,patch).placement.translation.T

        # Check if contact has been added in this phase. If this phase is not zero,
        # add an impulse model to deal with this contact.
        new_contacts = active_contact_patch.difference(active_contact_patch_prev)
        if nphase != 0 and len(new_contacts) != 0:
            # print nphase, "Impact ",[p for p in new_contacts]," added"
            imp_model = ImpulseModelMultiple(
                rmodel, {
                    "Impulse_" + patch: ImpulseModel6D(rmodel, frame=rmodel.getFrameId(csw.ee_map[patch]))
                    for patch in new_contacts
            # Costs for the impulse of a new contact
            cost_model = CostModelSum(rmodel, nu=0)
            # State
            cost_regx = CostModelState(rmodel,
            cost_model.addCost("imp_regx", cost_regx, w.imp_state)
            # CoM
            cost_com = CostModelImpactCoM(rmodel, activation=ActivationModelWeightedQuad(w.imp_act_com))
            cost_model.addCost("imp_CoM", cost_com, w.imp_com)
            # Contact Frameplacement
            for patch in new_contacts:
                cost_contact = CostModelFramePlacement(rmodel,
                                                       ref=SE3(np.identity(3), csw.ee_splines[patch].eval(t0)[0]),
                cost_model.addCost("imp_contact_" + patch, cost_contact, w.imp_contact_patch)

            imp_action_model = ActionModelImpact(rmodel, imp_model, cost_model)

        # Define the cost and action models for each timestep in the contact phase.
        # untill [:-1] because in contact sequence timetrajectory, the end-time is
        # also included. e.g., instead of being [0.,0.5], time trajectory is [0,0.5,1.]
        for t in np.linspace(t0, t1, N)[:-1]:
            cost_model = CostModelSum(rmodel, actuationff.nu)

            # For the first node of the phase, add cost v=0 for the contacting foot.
            if t == 0:
                for patch in active_contact_patch:
                    cost_vcontact = CostModelFrameVelocity(rmodel,
                    cost_model.addCost("contactv_" + patch, cost_vcontact, w.contactv)

            # CoM Cost
            cost_com = CostModelCoM(rmodel, ref=m2a(csw.phi_c.com_vcom.eval(t)[0][:3, :]), nu=actuationff.nu)
            cost_model.addCost("CoM", cost_com, w.com)

            # Forces Cost
            for patch in contact_model.contacts.keys():
                cost_force = CostModelForce(rmodel,
                cost_model.addCost("forces_" + patch, cost_force, w.forces)
            # Swing patch cost
            for patch in swing_patch:
                cost_swing = CostModelFramePlacement(rmodel,
                                                     ref=SE3(np.identity(3), csw.ee_splines[patch].eval(t)[0]),
                cost_model.addCost("swing_" + patch, cost_swing, w.swing_patch)
                # print t, "Swing cost ",patch," added at ", csw.ee_splines[patch].eval(t)[0][:3].T

            # State Regularization
            cost_regx = CostModelState(rmodel,
            cost_model.addCost("regx", cost_regx, w.regx)
            # Control Regularization
            cost_regu = CostModelControl(rmodel, nu=actuationff.nu)
            cost_model.addCost("regu", cost_regu, w.regu)

            dmodel = DifferentialActionModelFloatingInContact(rmodel, actuationff, contact_model, cost_model)
            imodel = IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel, timeStep=timeStep)

    # Create Terminal Model.
    contact_model = ContactModelMultiple(rmodel)
    # Add contact constraints for the active contact patches.
    swing_patch = []
    t = t1
    for patch in csw.ee_map.keys():
        if getattr(phase, patch).active:
            active_contact = ContactModel6D(rmodel,
                                            ref=getattr(phase, patch).placement)
            contact_model.addContact(patch, active_contact)
    cost_model = CostModelSum(rmodel, actuationff.nu)
    # CoM Cost
    cost_com = CostModelCoM(rmodel, ref=m2a(csw.phi_c.com_vcom.eval(t)[0][:3, :]), nu=actuationff.nu)
    cost_model.addCost("CoM", cost_com, w.term_com)

    # State Regularization
    cost_regx = CostModelState(rmodel,
    cost_model.addCost("regx", cost_regx, w.term_regx)

    dmodel = DifferentialActionModelFloatingInContact(rmodel, actuationff, contact_model, cost_model)
    imodel = IntegratedActionModelEuler(dmodel)
    return problem_models
Пример #20
rmodel = robot.model
rdata = rmodel.createData()

np.set_printoptions(linewidth=400, suppress=True)

contactModel = ContactModel6D(
    gains=[4., 4.])
contactData = contactModel.createData(rdata)

q = pinocchio.randomConfiguration(rmodel)
v = rand(rmodel.nv)
x = m2a(np.concatenate([q, v]))
u = m2a(rand(rmodel.nv - 6))

pinocchio.forwardKinematics(rmodel, rdata, q, v, zero(rmodel.nv))
pinocchio.computeJointJacobians(rmodel, rdata)
pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(rmodel, rdata)
pinocchio.computeForwardKinematicsDerivatives(rmodel, rdata, q, v,
contactModel.calc(contactData, x)
contactModel.calcDiff(contactData, x)

rdata2 = rmodel.createData()
pinocchio.computeAllTerms(rmodel, rdata2, q, v)
pinocchio.updateFramePlacements(rmodel, rdata2)
contactData2 = contactModel.createData(rdata2)
contactModel.calc(contactData2, x)
Пример #21
def x_eval(t):
    return m2a(x_spl.eval(t)[0])
Пример #22
def calcForces(q_, v_, u_):
    model.calc(data, np.concatenate([m2a(q_), m2a(v_)]), m2a(u_))
    return a2m(data.f)