Пример #1
    def _record_item(self,view,complete,alarm_name):
        if view.get('Disable',False):          return
        if view.get('Dummy',False):            return
        my_completes = view.get_complete_dep()

        if my_completes is not FALSE_DEPENDENCY:
            complete=complete | my_completes
            self.__completes[view.path]=[view, complete]

        if 'AlarmName' in view:
            if alarm_name:
                raise ValueError('{view.task_path_var}: nested alarms are not supported in crow.metascheduler.to_rocoto()')

        if view.is_task():


        for key,child in view.items():
            if key in [ 'up', 'this' ]: continue
            if not isinstance(child,SuiteView):
            if child.path[1:] == ['final']:
                if not child.is_task():
                    raise RocotoConfigError(
                        'The "final" task must be a Task, not a '
Пример #2
    def _rocotoify_dep_impl(self, dep, defining_path):
        if isinstance(dep, StateDependency):
            dep_path = SuitePath([_ZERO_DT] + dep.view.path[1:])
            if dep_path not in self.__all_defined:
                #f'/{"/".join(defining_path[1:])}: '
                #'has a dependency on undefined task '

                return TRUE_DEPENDENCY

        if isinstance(dep,StateDependency) and not dep.view.is_task() and \
            deplist = list()
            for t in dep.view.walk_task_tree():
                if t.is_task():
            if not deplist: return FALSE_DEPENDENCY  # no tasks
            return _dep_rel(dep.view.path[0], OrDependency(*deplist))
        elif isinstance(dep, StateDependency) and dep.state == COMPLETED:
            zero_path = SuitePath([_ZERO_DT] + dep.view.path[1:])
            if dep.view.is_task():
                completes = self._completes_for(dep.view)
                return dep | _dep_rel(dep.view.path[0], completes)
            elif SuitePath(
                    dep.view.path[1:]) in self.__families_with_completes:
                deplist = TRUE_DEPENDENCY
                for t in dep.view.walk_task_tree():
                    if t.is_task():
                        deplist = deplist & \
                deplist = deplist  | _dep_rel(dep.path[0], \
                return deplist
        elif isinstance(dep, NotDependency):
            return NotDependency(self._rocotoify_dep(dep.depend,
        elif isinstance(dep, OrDependency) or isinstance(dep, AndDependency):
            cls = type(dep)
            for i in range(len(dep.depends)):
                dep.depends[i] = self._rocotoify_dep(dep.depends[i],
        return dep
Пример #3
    def _completes_for(self, item):
        dep = FALSE_DEPENDENCY
        for i in range(1, len(item.path)):

            zero_path = SuitePath([_ZERO_DT] + item.path[1:i + 1])
            #                                                   item_path=SuitePath(item.path[0:i+1])
            if zero_path in self.__completes:
                dep = dep | self.__completes[zero_path][1]
        return dep
Пример #4
    def make_task_xml(self, indent=1):
        fd = StringIO()
        self._record_item(self.suite, FALSE_DEPENDENCY, '')

        # Find all families that have tasks with completes:
        for path, view_condition in self.__completes.items():
            (view, condition) = view_condition
            for i in range(1, len(path)):
                family_path = SuitePath(path[1:i])

        for path, alarm_name in self.__alarms.items():
            for i in range(1, len(path)):
                family_path = SuitePath(path[1:i])

        self._convert_item(fd, max(0, indent - 1), self.suite, TRUE_DEPENDENCY,
                           FALSE_DEPENDENCY, timedelta.min, '')
        self._handle_final_task(fd, indent)
        result = fd.getvalue()
        return result
Пример #5
 def remove_undefined_tasks(self, tree):
     typecheck('tree', tree, LogicalDependency)
     # NOTE: Do not remove event dependencies for undefined tasks.
     # They are critical to allow ecflow to use a task that waits
     # for data and sets an event while rocoto uses a data event
     # with no task.
     if isinstance(tree, StateDependency):
         # Node is not defined, so assume it is complete
         dep_path = SuitePath([_ZERO_DT] + tree.view.path[1:])
         if dep_path not in self.__all_defined:
             tree = TRUE_DEPENDENCY
     elif isinstance(tree, NotDependency):
         tree = ~self.remove_undefined_tasks(tree.depend)
     elif isinstance(tree, AndDependency) or isinstance(tree, OrDependency):
         deplist = [self.remove_undefined_tasks(t) for t in tree]
         tree = type(tree)(*deplist)
     return tree
Пример #6
    def _final_task_deps_no_alarms(self, item):
        path = SuitePath(item.path[1:])
        with_completes = self.__families_with_completes

        if 'Disable' in item and item.Disable:
            return TRUE_DEPENDENCY
        if 'Dummy' in item and item.Dummy:
            return TRUE_DEPENDENCY

        if item.is_task():
            dep = item.is_completed()
            if item.path in self.__completes:
                dep = dep | self.__completes[item.path][1]
            return dep

        # Initial completion dependency is the task or family
        # completion unless this item is the Suite.  Suites must be
        # handled differently.
        if path:
            dep = item.is_completed()  # Family SuiteView
            dep = FALSE_DEPENDENCY  # Suite

        if path and path not in with_completes:
            # Families with no "complete" dependency in their entire
            # tree have no further dependencies to identify.  Their
            # own completion is the entirety of the completion
            # dependency.
            return dep

        subdep = TRUE_DEPENDENCY
        for subitem in item.child_iter():
            if not path and subitem.path[1:] == ['final']:
                # Special case.  Do not include final task's
                # dependency in the final task's dependency.
            if not subitem.is_task() and not subitem.is_family():
            subdep = subdep & self._final_task_deps_no_alarms(subitem)
        if dep is FALSE_DEPENDENCY:
            dep = subdep
            dep = dep | subdep

        return dep
Пример #7
    def _handle_final_task(self, fd, indent):
        # Find and validate the "final" task:
        final = None
        if 'final' in self.suite:
            final = self.suite.final
            if not final.is_task():
                raise RocotoConfigError(
                    'For a workflow suite to be expressed in Rocoto, it '
                    'must have a "final" task')
            for elem in ['Trigger', 'Complete', 'Time']:
                if elem in final:
                    raise RocotoConfigError(
                        f'{elem}: In a Rocoto workflow, the "final" task '
                        'must have no dependencies.')

        if final is None:
            if self.__completes:
                raise RocotoConfigError(
                    'If a workflow suite has any "complete" conditions, '
                    'then it must have a "final" task with no dependencies.')
                return  # No final task, and no need to generate one

        if len(self.__alarms_used) < 2:
            # There are no alarms in use, so there is only one final task.
            # Generate dependency for it:
                f'\n{self.__spacing*indent}<!-- The final task dependencies are automatically generated to handle Complate and Trigger conditions. -->\n\n'
            dep = self._final_task_deps_no_alarms(self.suite)
            self._write_task_text(fd, ' final="true"', indent, final, dep,
                                  timedelta.min, '')

            f'\n{self.__spacing*indent}<!-- These final tasks are automatically generated to handle Complate and Trigger conditions, and alarms. -->\n\n'

        # There are alarms, so things get... complicated.
        manual_dependency = f'''<dependency>
{self.__spacing*(indent+1)}<!-- All tasks must be complete or invalid for this cycle -->\n'''
        alarms = set(self.__alarms_used)
        # Reverse-sort the alarm names so the final tasks show up in
        # the same order each time, with the task "final" at the end.
        for alarm_name in reversed(sorted(alarms)):
            #print(f'find final for {alarm_name}')
            dep = self._final_task_deps_for_alarm(self.suite, alarm_name)
            dep = simplify(dep)
            task_name = f'final_for_{alarm_name}' if alarm_name else 'final_no_alarm'
            new_task = copy(self.suite.final.viewed)
            new_task['_is_final_'] = True
            new_task['AlarmName'] = alarm_name
            invalidate_cache(self.suite, recurse=True)
            self.suite.viewed[task_name] = new_task
            new_task_view = self.suite[task_name]
            del new_task
                SuitePath([_ZERO_DT] + new_task_view.path[1:]))
            assert (dep is not FALSE_DEPENDENCY)
            self._write_task_text(fd, '', indent, new_task_view, dep,
                                  timedelta.min, alarm_name)

            manual_dependency += f'''{self.__spacing*(indent+1)}<or>
{self.__spacing*(indent+2)}<taskdep task="{task_name}"/>
{self.__spacing*(indent+2)}<not><taskvalid task="{task_name}"/></not>
        manual_dependency += f'{self.__spacing*indent}</and>\n</dependency>\n'
                              ' final="true"',
Пример #8
    def _final_task_deps_for_alarm(self, item, for_alarm, alarm_name=''):
        # For tasks:
        #   item is not in alarm
        #     OR
        #   item is complete
        #     OR
        #   item completion condition is met
        #     OR
        #   item is disabled
        # For families:
        #   item completion condition is met
        #     OR
        #   item is disabled
        #     OR
        #   entirety of family is not in alarm
        #     OR
        #   final_task_deps... for any children are not met
        if 'AlarmName' in item:
            alarm_name = item.AlarmName

        path = SuitePath(item.path[1:])
        with_completes = self.__families_with_completes
        with_alarms = self.__families_with_alarms

        # Disabled applies recursively to families, so if this node is
        # disabled, the netire tree is done:
        if 'Disable' in item and item.Disable:
            #print(f'{path}: disabled')
            return TRUE_DEPENDENCY
        if 'Dummy' in item and item.Dummy:
            #print(f'{path}: dummy')
            return TRUE_DEPENDENCY

        # If nothing in the entire tree is in the alarm, then we're done.
        if _none_are_in_alarm(item, for_alarm, alarm_name):
            #print(f'{path}: entire tree is not in alarm')
            return TRUE_DEPENDENCY

        if len(path) == 1 and '_is_final_' in path:
            # Do not have final tasks depend on one another
            return TRUE_DEPENDENCY
        elif path:
            dep = item.is_completed()
            if item.path in self.__completes:
                dep = dep | self.__completes[item.path][1]

            if item.is_task():
                # No children.  We're done.
                #print(f'{path}: task dep {dep}')
                return dep
            # This is a suite.
            dep = FALSE_DEPENDENCY

        if path and _entirely_in_alarm(item,for_alarm,alarm_name) and \
           path not in with_completes:
            # Families with no "complete" dependency in their entire
            # tree have no further dependencies to identify.  Their
            # own completion is the entirety of the completion
            # dependency.
            return dep

        subdep = TRUE_DEPENDENCY
        for subitem in item.child_iter():
            dep2 = self._final_task_deps_for_alarm(subitem, for_alarm,
            subdep = subdep & dep2
            del dep2

        if subdep is not TRUE_DEPENDENCY:
            dep = subdep
            if item.path in self.__completes:
                dep = self.__completes[item.path][1] | subdep
        #print(f'{path}: family or suite dep {dep}')
        return dep
Пример #9
 def _has_completes(self, item):
     for i in range(2, len(item)):
         path = SuitePath([_ZERO_DT] + item.path[1:i])
         if path in self.__completes:
             return True
     return False