def test_reals(exclude_zero, shape, dtype):
    strategy = testing.reals(min_value=None,
    for _ in range(10):
    assert True
Пример #2
import numpy as np
from hypothesis import given

from crowddynamics.core.motion.adjusting import force_adjust, torque_adjust
from import force_contact
from crowddynamics.core.motion.fluctuation import force_fluctuation, \
from crowddynamics.testing import reals

SIZE = 10

@given(mass=reals(min_value=0, shape=SIZE),
       scale=reals(min_value=0, shape=SIZE))
def test_force_fluctuation(mass, scale):
    ans = force_fluctuation(mass, scale)
    assert isinstance(ans, np.ndarray)
    assert ans.dtype.type is np.float64
    assert ans.shape == (SIZE, 2)

       tau_adj=reals(min_value=0, exclude_zero='near'),
def test_force_adjust(mass, tau_adj, v0, e0, v):
    ans = force_adjust(mass, tau_adj, v0, e0, v)
    assert isinstance(ans, np.ndarray)
    assert ans.dtype.type is np.float64
    assert ans.shape == (2,)
Пример #3
import hypothesis.strategies as st
import numpy as np
from hypothesis import given

from crowddynamics.core.distance import distance_circles, \
    distance_three_circles, distance_circle_line, distance_three_circle_line
from crowddynamics.testing import reals

@given(x0=reals(-10, 10, shape=2),
       r0=reals(0.0, 1.0),
       x1=reals(-10, 10, shape=2),
       r1=reals(0.0, 1.0))
def test_distance_circle_circle(x0, r0, x1, r1):
    h, n = distance_circles(x0, r0, x1, r1)
    x = x0 - x1
    r_tot = r0 + r1

    assert isinstance(h, float)
    assert isinstance(n, np.ndarray)
    assert n.dtype.type is np.float64

    assert h >= -r_tot

@given(x0=st.tuples(*3 * [reals(-10, 10, shape=2)]),
       r0=st.tuples(*3 * [reals(0.0, 1.0)]),
       x1=st.tuples(*3 * [reals(-10, 10, shape=2)]),
       r1=st.tuples(*3 * [reals(0.0, 1.0)]))
def test_distance_three_circle(x0, r0, x1, r1):
    h, n, r_moment0, r_moment1 = distance_three_circles(x0, r0, x1, r1)

def all_unique(data: np.ndarray) -> bool:
    """Test that all data rows have unique data"""
    ncols = data.shape[1]
    dtype = data.dtype.descr * ncols
    struct = data.view(dtype)
    return len(np.unique(struct)) == len(data)

def does_not_raise_Qhull_error(points):
    """Test that Voronoi tesselation does raise errors"""
        vor = Voronoi(points)
        return True
    except QhullError:
        return False

# @given(points=reals(1, 10, shape=(3, 2)))
@given(points=reals(1, 10, shape=(10, 2)))
# @given(points=reals(1, 10, shape=(100, 2)))
def test_density_voronoi_1(points):

    cell_size = 0.1
    density = density_voronoi_1(points, cell_size=cell_size)
    assert True
Пример #5
import hypothesis.strategies as st
from hypothesis.core import given
from hypothesis.extra.numpy import arrays

import crowddynamics.testing as testing
from crowddynamics.core.interactions import (
    interaction_agent_agent_circular, interaction_agent_agent_three_circle,
    agent_agent_block_list, agent_circular_obstacle,
from crowddynamics.core.structures import obstacle_type_linear
from crowddynamics.simulation.agents import Circular, ThreeCircle

agent_attributes = {
    'radius': testing.reals(0, 1.0, exclude_zero='near'),
    'mass': testing.reals(0, 1.0, exclude_zero='near'),
    'positions': testing.reals(-10, 10, shape=2),
    'velocity': testing.reals(-1, 1, shape=2),
    'body_type': st.just('adult')

# Agent-agent

def test_agent_interactions_circular(agents):
    interaction_agent_agent_circular(0, 1, agents)
    assert True
import hypothesis.strategies as st
import numpy as np
from hypothesis import given, assume
from hypothesis.extra.numpy import arrays

from crowddynamics.core.rand import poisson_clock, poisson_timings
from crowddynamics.testing import reals

@given(interval=reals(0.001, 0.01), dt=reals(0.001, 0.01))
def test_poisson_clock(interval, dt):
    # Limit the ratio so test doesn't run forever
    assume(1/100 < interval / dt < 100)

    time_prev = 0.0
    for time in poisson_clock(interval, dt):
        assert isinstance(time, float)
        assert time_prev < time < dt
        time_prev = time

@given(players=arrays(elements=st.integers(0, 10 ** 7), shape=10,
       interval=reals(0.001, 0.01),
       dt=reals(0.001, 0.01))
def test_poisson_timings(players, interval, dt):
    # Limit the ratio so test doesn't run forever
    assume(1 / 100 < interval / dt < 100)

    for index in poisson_timings(players, interval, dt):
        assert isinstance(index, int)
import numpy as np
import pytest
from hypothesis import given, assume
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, LineString

from crowddynamics.core.geom2D import polygon_area, line_intersect
from crowddynamics.core.vector2D import length
from crowddynamics.testing import reals

@given(reals(-10.0, 10.0, shape=(5, 2)))
def test_polygon_area(vertices):
    poly = Polygon(vertices).convex_hull
    assume(poly.area > 0.0)
    area = polygon_area(np.asarray(poly.exterior))
    assert np.isclose(area, poly.area)

# @pytest.mark.skip('Fix line_intersect function')
@given(x0=reals(0.0, 1.0, shape=2, exclude_zero='near'),
       x1=reals(0.0, 1.0, shape=2, exclude_zero='near'),
       y0=reals(0.0, 1.0, shape=2, exclude_zero='near'),
       y1=reals(0.0, 1.0, shape=2, exclude_zero='near'))
def test_line_intersect(x0, x1, y0, y1):
    assume(not np.isclose(length(x1 - x0), 0.0))
    assume(not np.isclose(length(y1 - y0), 0.0))

    res = line_intersect(x0, x1, y0, y1)
    correct = LineString([x0, x1]).intersects(LineString([y0, y1]))
    assert res == correct
import numpy as np
import pytest
from hypothesis.core import given
from hypothesis.extra.numpy import arrays

from crowddynamics.core.steering.quickest_path import direction_map, \
    distance_map, meshgrid
from crowddynamics.testing import reals

@given(step=reals(0.1, 1))
def test_meshgrid(step):
    mgrid = meshgrid(step, minx=0.0, miny=0.0, maxx=10.0, maxy=10.0)
    assert True

def test_distance_map(mgrid, targets, obstacles):
    dmap = distance_map(mgrid, targets, obstacles)
    assert True

@given(dmap=arrays(dtype=np.float64, shape=(5, 5),
                   elements=reals(-10, 10, exclude_zero=True)))
def test_direction_map(dmap):
    u, v = direction_map(dmap)
    assert u.shape == dmap.shape
    assert v.shape == dmap.shape
import hypothesis.strategies as st
import numpy as np
from hypothesis import given, assume

from crowddynamics.core.evacuation import agent_closer_to_exit, \
from crowddynamics.testing import reals

@given(c_door=reals(shape=2), position=reals(shape=(10, 2)))
def test_agent_closer_to_exit(c_door, position):
    indices = agent_closer_to_exit(c_door, position)
    assert isinstance(indices, np.ndarray)
    assert indices.dtype.type is np.int64

@given(d_door=reals(0.0, 3.0, exclude_zero='near'),
       d_agent=reals(0.0, 3.0, exclude_zero='near'),
       d_layer=reals(0.0, 1.0, exclude_zero='near') | st.none(),
       coeff=reals(0.0, 3.0, exclude_zero='near'))
def test_narrow_exit_capacity(d_door, d_agent, d_layer, coeff):
    assume(d_door >= d_agent)
    capacity = narrow_exit_capacity(d_door, d_agent, d_layer, coeff)
    assert isinstance(capacity, float)
    assert capacity >= 0.0
Пример #10
from hypothesis import given, assume

from crowddynamics.core.integrator import adaptive_timestep, \
    euler_integrator, velocity_verlet_integrator
from crowddynamics.testing import reals

@given(dt_min=reals(min_value=0, max_value=10.0, exclude_zero='near'),
       dt_max=reals(min_value=0, max_value=10.0, exclude_zero='near'))
def test_adaptive_timestep1(agents_circular, dt_min, dt_max):
    assume(0 < dt_min < dt_max)
    dt = adaptive_timestep(agents_circular.array, dt_min, dt_max)
    assert 0 < dt_min <= dt <= dt_max

@given(dt_min=reals(min_value=0, max_value=10.0, exclude_zero='near'),
       dt_max=reals(min_value=0, max_value=10.0, exclude_zero='near'))
def test_adaptive_timestep2(agents_three_circle, dt_min, dt_max):
    assume(0 < dt_min < dt_max)
    dt = adaptive_timestep(agents_three_circle.array, dt_min, dt_max)
    assert 0 < dt_min <= dt <= dt_max

@given(dt_min=reals(min_value=0, max_value=10.0, exclude_zero='near'),
       dt_max=reals(min_value=0, max_value=10.0, exclude_zero='near'))
def test_euler_integration1(agents_circular, dt_min, dt_max):
    assume(0 < dt_min < dt_max)
    dt = euler_integrator(agents_circular.array, dt_min, dt_max)
    assert 0 < dt_min <= dt <= dt_max

import numpy as np
from hypothesis import given, assume

from crowddynamics.core.vector2D import cross, wrap_to_pi, truncate, \
    rotate270, normalize, length, angle, rotate90, dot, unit_vector
from crowddynamics.testing import reals

def test_wrap_to_pi(phi):
    ans = wrap_to_pi(phi)
    assert isinstance(ans, float)
    assert -np.pi <= ans <= np.pi
    if (phi + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) == 0.0:
        if phi > 0:
            assert ans == np.pi
            assert ans == -np.pi

def test_rotate90(a):
    ans = rotate90(a)
    assert isinstance(ans, np.ndarray)

def test_rotate270(a):
    ans = rotate270(a)
    assert isinstance(ans, np.ndarray)
    for _ in range(10):
    assert True

@pytest.mark.parametrize('num_verts', (3, 4, 5))
@pytest.mark.parametrize('has_holes', (False, True))
def test_polygons(num_verts, has_holes):
    strategy = testing.polygons(num_verts=num_verts, has_holes=has_holes)
    for _ in range(10):
    assert True

agent_attributes = {
    'radius': testing.reals(0.1, 1.0),
    'mass': testing.reals(0.1, 1.0),
    'body_type': st.sampled_from(('adult', 'male', 'female'))

@pytest.mark.parametrize('agent_type, attributes',
                         [(Circular, agent_attributes),
                          (ThreeCircle, agent_attributes)])
def test_agents(agent_type, attributes):
    agents = testing.agents(size_strategy=st.just(10),
    assert agents.example().shape == (10, )

Пример #13
def test_linestring_sample(poly):
    ls = poly.exterior
    vertices = np.asarray(ls)
    for i, p in zip(range(10), linestring_sample(vertices)):
        assert np.isclose(ls.distance(Point(p)), 0.0)

@given(arrays(np.float64, (10, 3, 2), st.floats(-100, 100, False, False)))
def test_triangle_area_cumsum(trimesh):
    cumsum = triangle_area_cumsum(trimesh)
    assert isinstance(cumsum, np.ndarray)
    assert cumsum.dtype.type is np.float64
    assert np.all(np.sort(cumsum) == cumsum)

@given(reals(min_value=-100, max_value=100, shape=2),
       reals(min_value=-100, max_value=100, shape=2),
       reals(min_value=-100, max_value=100, shape=2))
def test_random_sample_triangle(a, b, c):
    # Assume that the area of the triangle is not zero.
    area = polygon_area(np.stack((a, b, c)))
    assume(not np.isclose(area, 0.0))

    triangle = Polygon((a, b, c))
    p = random_sample_triangle(a, b, c)
    point = Point(p)
    distance = triangle.distance(point)

    assert isinstance(p, np.ndarray)
    assert triangle.intersects(point) or np.isclose(distance, 0.0)