Пример #1
    def compute_operator(self,interp_params,inds=None):
        if inds is None:
            theta = self.theta
            theta = self.theta[inds]

        N = interp_params['N']
        kern = interp_params['kern']
        kernsize = interp_params['kernsize']
        rad = interp_params['rad']
        zeropad = interp_params.get('zeropad',0)
        N_src = N if zeropad == 0 else N + 2*int(zeropad*(N/2))
        return cops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(theta,N,kern,kernsize,rad,N_src, onlyRs = interp_params.get('onlyRs', False))
Пример #2
    def compute_operator(self, interp_params, inds=None):
        if inds is None:
            theta = self.theta
            theta = self.theta[inds]

        N = interp_params['N']
        kern = interp_params['kern']
        kernsize = interp_params['kernsize']
        rad = interp_params['rad']
        zeropad = interp_params.get('zeropad', 0)
        N_src = N if zeropad == 0 else N + 2 * int(zeropad * (N / 2))
        return cops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(theta,
                                                  'onlyRs', True))
Пример #3
    v1 = compute_ctf(fcoords, rots, akv, cs, wgh, df1,
                     df2, angast, dscale).reshape((-1,))
    v2 = compute_ctf(rotfcoords, None, akv, cs, wgh, df1,
                     df2, angast, dscale).reshape((-1,))

    # This being small confirms that using the rots parameter is equivalent to
    # rotating the coordinates
    print(np.abs(v1 - v2).max())

    N = 512
    psz = 5.6
    rad = 0.25
    fcoords = geometry.gencoords(N, 2, rad) / (N * psz)
    ctf1_rot = compute_full_ctf(
        rots, N, psz, akv, cs, wgh, df1, df2, angast, dscale, None)
    ctf2_full = compute_full_ctf(
        None, N, psz, akv, cs, wgh, df1, df2, angast, dscale, None)

    P_rot = coops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(rots, N, 'lanczos', 10, rad)
    ctf2_rot = P_rot.dot(ctf2_full).reshape((-1,))

    P_null = coops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(np.array([0]), N, 'linear', 2, rad)
    ctf1_rot = P_null.dot(ctf1_rot).reshape((-1,))

    roterr = ctf1_rot - ctf2_rot
    relerr = np.abs(roterr) / np.maximum(np.abs(ctf1_rot), np.abs(ctf2_rot))

    # This being small confirms that compute_inplane_rotmatrix and rots use
    # the same rotation convention
    print(relerr.max(), relerr.mean())
Пример #4
    v1 = compute_ctf(fcoords, rots, akv, cs, wgh, df1,
                     df2, angast, dscale).reshape((-1,))
    v2 = compute_ctf(rotfcoords, None, akv, cs, wgh, df1,
                     df2, angast, dscale).reshape((-1,))

    # This being small confirms that using the rots parameter is equivalent to
    # rotating the coordinates
    print(np.abs(v1 - v2).max())

    N = 512
    psz = 5.6
    rad = 0.25
    fcoords = geometry.gencoords(N, 2, rad) / (N * psz)
    ctf1_rot = compute_full_ctf(
        rots, N, psz, akv, cs, wgh, df1, df2, angast, dscale, None)
    ctf2_full = compute_full_ctf(
        None, N, psz, akv, cs, wgh, df1, df2, angast, dscale, None)

    P_rot = coops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(rots, N, 'lanczos', 10, rad)
    ctf2_rot = P_rot.dot(ctf2_full).reshape((-1,))

    P_null = coops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(np.array([0]), N, 'linear', 2, rad)
    ctf1_rot = P_null.dot(ctf1_rot).reshape((-1,))

    roterr = ctf1_rot - ctf2_rot
    relerr = np.abs(roterr) / np.maximum(np.abs(ctf1_rot), np.abs(ctf2_rot))

    # This being small confirms that compute_inplane_rotmatrix and rots use
    # the same rotation convention
    print(relerr.max(), relerr.mean())
Пример #5
def ctf_vis():
    import cryoops as coops

    fcoords = np.random.randn(10, 2)
    rots = np.array([np.pi / 3.0])
    R = np.array([[np.cos(rots), -np.sin(rots)],
                 [np.sin(rots), np.cos(rots)]]).reshape((2, 2))
    rotfcoords = np.dot(fcoords, R.T)
    akv = 200
    wgh = 0.07
    cs = 2.0
    df1, df2, angast = 44722, 49349, 45.0 * (np.pi / 180.0)
    dscale = 1.0
    v1 = ctf.compute_ctf(fcoords, rots, akv, cs, wgh, df1,
                     df2, angast, dscale).reshape((-1,))
    v2 = ctf.compute_ctf(rotfcoords, None, akv, cs, wgh, df1,
                     df2, angast, dscale).reshape((-1,))

    # This being small confirms that using the rots parameter is equivalent to
    # rotating the coordinates
    print(np.abs(v1 - v2).max())

    # N = 512
    N = 128
    psz = 5.6
    rad = 0.25
    fcoords = geometry.gencoords(N, 2, rad) / (N * psz)
    ctf1_rot = ctf.compute_full_ctf(
        rots, N, psz, akv, cs, wgh, df1, df2, angast, dscale, None)
    ctf2_full = ctf.compute_full_ctf(
        None, N, psz, akv, cs, wgh, df1, df2, angast, dscale, None)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    ax[0].imshow(ctf1_rot.reshape(N, N))
    ax[1].imshow(ctf2_full.reshape(N, N))
    ax[0].set_title('inplane-rotation: 0')
    ax[1].set_title('inplane-rotation: 60 degree')

    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    x = np.arange(int(-N/2.0), int(N/2.0))
    ax.plot(x, ctf1_rot.reshape(N, N)[int(N/2), :], label='0 degree')
    ax.plot(x, ctf2_full.reshape(N, N)[int(N/2), :], label='60 degree')
    ax.set_ylabel('CTF value')


    P_rot = coops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(rots, N, 'lanczos', 10, rad)
    ctf2_rot = P_rot.dot(ctf2_full).reshape((-1,))

    P_null = coops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(np.array([0]), N, 'linear', 2, rad)
    ctf1_rot = P_null.dot(ctf1_rot).reshape((-1,))


    roterr = ctf1_rot - ctf2_rot
    relerr = np.abs(roterr) / np.maximum(np.abs(ctf1_rot), np.abs(ctf2_rot))

    # This being small confirms that compute_inplane_rotmatrix and rots use
    # the same rotation convention
    print(relerr.max(), relerr.mean())
Пример #6
def plot_figures():
    oversampling_factor = 6
    psize = 3 * oversampling_factor
    freq = 0.05
    rad = 0.5 * 2.0 * psize
    beamstop_freq = 0.005
    beamstop_rad = beamstop_freq * 2.0 * psize

    # M = mrc.readMRC('particle/EMD-6044-cropped.mrc')
    # M[M < 0] = 0
    # M_totalmass = 2000000
    # if M_totalmass is not None:
    #     M *= M_totalmass / M.sum()
    # fM = density.real_to_fspace_with_oversampling(M, oversampling_factor=oversampling_factor)
    # fM = fM.real ** 2 + fM.imag ** 2
    # mrc.writeMRC("particle/EMD-6044-cropped_fM_totalmass_%d_oversampling_%d.mrc" % (M_totalmass, oversampling_factor), fM, psz=psize)
    # exit()

    fM = mrc.readMRC(

    N = fM.shape[0]
    TtoF = sincint.gentrunctofull(N=N, rad=rad, beamstop_rad=beamstop_rad)

    theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 2 * np.pi / 60)
    degree_R, resolution_R = SK97Quadrature.compute_degree(N, 0.3, 1.0)
    dirs, weights = SK97Quadrature.get_quad_points(degree_R, None)
    Rs = np.vstack([
        geometry.rotmat3D_dir(vec)[:, 0:2].reshape((1, 3, 2)) for vec in dirs

    N_R = dirs.shape[0]
    N_I = theta.shape[0]
    N_T = TtoF.shape[1]

    # generate slicing operators
    dir_slice_interp = {
        'projdirs': dirs,
        'N': N,
        'kern': 'lanczos',
        'kernsize': 6,
        'projdirtype': 'dirs',
        'onlyRs': True,
        'rad': rad,
        'sym': None
    }  # 'zeropad': 0, 'dopremult': True
    R_slice_interp = {
        'projdirs': Rs,
        'N': N,
        'kern': 'lanczos',
        'kernsize': 6,
        'projdirtype': 'rots',
        'onlyRs': True,
        'rad': rad,
        'sym': None
    }  # 'zeropad': 0, 'dopremult': True
    inplane_interp = {
        'thetas': theta,
        'N': N,
        'kern': 'lanczos',
        'kernsize': 6,
        'onlyRs': True,
        'rad': rad
    }  # 'zeropad': 1, 'dopremult': True
    inplane_interp['N_src'] = N  # zp_N

    slice_ops = cryoops.compute_projection_matrix(**dir_slice_interp)
    inplane_ops = cryoops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(**inplane_interp)

    # generate slices and inplane-rotated slices
    slices_sampled = cryoem.getslices_interp(
        fM, slice_ops, rad, beamstop_rad=beamstop_rad).reshape((N_R, N_T))
    curr_img = TtoF.dot(slices_sampled[0]).reshape(N, N)
    rotd_sampled = cryoem.getslices_interp(curr_img,
                                               (N_I, N_T))

    ## plot figures
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(9.6, 7.2))
    for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
        img = TtoF.dot(slices_sampled[i]).reshape(N, N)
        ax.imshow(img, origin='lower')

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(9.6, 7.2))
    for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
        img = TtoF.dot(slices_sampled[i]).reshape(N, N)
        ax.imshow(img, origin='lower')
Пример #7
        'onlyRs': True,
        'rad': rad,
        'sym': None
    }  # 'zeropad': 0, 'dopremult': True
    inplane_interp = {
        'thetas': theta,
        'N': N,
        'kern': 'lanczos',
        'kernsize': 6,
        'onlyRs': True,
        'rad': rad
    }  # 'zeropad': 1, 'dopremult': True
    inplane_interp['N_src'] = N  # zp_N

    slice_ops = cryoops.compute_projection_matrix(**dir_slice_interp)
    inplane_ops = cryoops.compute_inplanerot_matrix(**inplane_interp)

    # generate slices and inplane-rotated slices
    slices_sampled = cryoem.getslices_interp(
        fM, slice_ops, rad, beamstop_rad=beamstop_rad).reshape((N_R, N_T))
    curr_img = TtoF.dot(slices_sampled[0]).reshape(N, N)
    rotd_sampled = cryoem.getslices_interp(curr_img,
                                               (N_I, N_T))

    ## plot figures
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(3, 4, figsize=(9.6, 7.2))
    for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()):
        img = TtoF.dot(slices_sampled[i]).reshape(N, N)