Пример #1
def generate_probable_safe_prime(**kwargs):
    """Generate a random, probable safe prime.

    Note this operation is much slower than generating a simple prime.

      exact_bits : integer
        The desired size in bits of the probable safe prime.
      randfunc : callable
        An RNG function where candidate primes are taken from.

        A probable safe prime in the range
        2^exact_bits > p > 2^(exact_bits-1).

    exact_bits = kwargs.pop("exact_bits", None)
    randfunc = kwargs.pop("randfunc", None)
    if kwargs:
        raise ValueError("Unknown parameters: " + kwargs.keys())

    if randfunc is None:
        randfunc = Random.new().read

    result = COMPOSITE
    while result == COMPOSITE:
        q = generate_probable_prime(exact_bits=exact_bits - 1,
        candidate = q * 2 + 1
        if candidate.size_in_bits() != exact_bits:
        result = test_probable_prime(candidate, randfunc=randfunc)
    return candidate
Пример #2
 def __init__(self):
     self.socket = socket.socket()
     self.key = Random.new().read(int(16))
     self.crypto = Crypto()
     self.Aesob = AESC(self.key)
     self.systemc = System.system()
     self.monitorc = Monitor.monitor()
Пример #3
    def getrandbits(self, k):
        """Return an integer with k random bits."""

        if self._randfunc is None:
            self._randfunc = Random.new().read
        mask = (1 << k) - 1
        return mask & bytes_to_long(self._randfunc(ceil_div(k, 8)))
Пример #4
 def _test_random_key(self, bits):
     elgObj = ElGamal.generate(bits, Random.new().read)
     pub = elgObj.publickey()
 def test_generate_3args(self):
     rsaObj = self.rsa.generate(1024, Random.new().read,e=65537)
     pub = rsaObj.publickey()
 def test_generate_2arg(self):
     """RSA (default implementation) generated key (2 arguments)"""
     rsaObj = self.rsa.generate(1024, Random.new().read)
     pub = rsaObj.publickey()
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, module, params):
     from crypto import Random
     self.module = module
     self.iv = Random.get_random_bytes(module.block_size)
     self.key = b(params['key'])
     self.plaintext = 100 * b(params['plaintext'])
     self.module_name = params.get('module_name', None)
Пример #8
def generate_probable_prime(**kwargs):
    """Generate a random probable prime.

    The prime will not have any specific properties
    (e.g. it will not be a *strong* prime).

    Random numbers are evaluated for primality until one
    passes all tests, consisting of a certain number of
    Miller-Rabin tests with random bases followed by
    a single Lucas test.

    The number of Miller-Rabin iterations is chosen such that
    the probability that the output number is a non-prime is
    less than 1E-30 (roughly 2^{-100}).

    This approach is compliant to `FIPS PUB 186-4`__.

      exact_bits : integer
        The desired size in bits of the probable prime.
        It must be at least 160.
      randfunc : callable
        An RNG function where candidate primes are taken from.
      prime_filter : callable
        A function that takes an Integer as parameter and returns
        True if the number can be passed to further primality tests,
        False if it should be immediately discarded.

        A probable prime in the range 2^exact_bits > p > 2^(exact_bits-1).

    .. __: http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf

    exact_bits = kwargs.pop("exact_bits", None)
    randfunc = kwargs.pop("randfunc", None)
    prime_filter = kwargs.pop("prime_filter", lambda x: True)
    if kwargs:
        raise ValueError("Unknown parameters: " + kwargs.keys())

    if exact_bits is None:
        raise ValueError("Missing exact_bits parameter")
    if exact_bits < 160:
        raise ValueError("Prime number is not big enough.")

    if randfunc is None:
        randfunc = Random.new().read

    result = COMPOSITE
    while result == COMPOSITE:
        candidate = Integer.random(exact_bits=exact_bits,
                                   randfunc=randfunc) | 1
        if not prime_filter(candidate):
        result = test_probable_prime(candidate, randfunc)
    return candidate
Пример #9
def test_probable_prime(candidate, randfunc=None):
    """Test if a number is prime.

    A number is qualified as prime if it passes a certain
    number of Miller-Rabin tests (dependent on the size
    of the number, but such that probability of a false
    positive is less than 10^-30) and a single Lucas test.

    For instance, a 1024-bit candidate will need to pass
    4 Miller-Rabin tests.

      candidate : integer
        The number to test for primality.
      randfunc : callable
        The routine to draw random bytes from to select Miller-Rabin bases.
      ``PROBABLE_PRIME`` if the number if prime with very high probability.
      ``COMPOSITE`` if the number is a composite.
      For efficiency reasons, ``COMPOSITE`` is also returned for small primes.

    if randfunc is None:
        randfunc = Random.new().read

    if not isinstance(candidate, Integer):
        candidate = Integer(candidate)

    # First, check trial division by the smallest primes
    if int(candidate) in _sieve_base:
        return PROBABLY_PRIME
        map(candidate.fail_if_divisible_by, _sieve_base)
    except ValueError:
        return COMPOSITE

    # These are the number of Miller-Rabin iterations s.t. p(k, t) < 1E-30,
    # with p(k, t) being the probability that a randomly chosen k-bit number
    # is composite but still survives t MR iterations.
    mr_ranges = ((220, 30), (280, 20), (390, 15), (512, 10), (620, 7),
                 (740, 6), (890, 5), (1200, 4), (1700, 3), (3700, 2))

    bit_size = candidate.size_in_bits()
        mr_iterations = list(filter(lambda x: bit_size < x[0],
    except IndexError:
        mr_iterations = 1

    if miller_rabin_test(candidate, mr_iterations,
                         randfunc=randfunc) == COMPOSITE:
        return COMPOSITE
    if lucas_test(candidate) == COMPOSITE:
        return COMPOSITE
Пример #10
        def encrypt(plaintext):
            iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)

            #add padding
            if (len(plaintext) % 16 != 0):
                plaintext += b'_' * (16 - len(plaintext) % 16)

            cipher = AES.new(shared_key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
            ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext)

            return hexlify(iv) + b"," + hexlify(ciphertext) + b"\n"
Пример #11
 def setup_crypto(self, sn):
     Performs decryption of packets received. Stores decrypted packets in a Queue for use.
     if is_old_model(sn):
         self.old_model = True
     # print self.old_model
     k = ['\0'] * 16
     k[0] = sn[-1]
     k[1] = '\0'
     k[2] = sn[-2]
     if self.is_research:
         k[3] = 'H'
         k[4] = sn[-1]
         k[5] = '\0'
         k[6] = sn[-2]
         k[7] = 'T'
         k[8] = sn[-3]
         k[9] = '\x10'
         k[10] = sn[-4]
         k[11] = 'B'
         k[3] = 'T'
         k[4] = sn[-3]
         k[5] = '\x10'
         k[6] = sn[-4]
         k[7] = 'B'
         k[8] = sn[-1]
         k[9] = '\0'
         k[10] = sn[-2]
         k[11] = 'H'
     k[12] = sn[-3]
     k[13] = '\0'
     k[14] = sn[-4]
     k[15] = 'P'
     key = ''.join(k)
     iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
     cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_ECB, iv)
     # for i in k:
     #     print "0x%.02x " % (ord(i))
     while self.running:
         while not tasks.empty():
             task = tasks.get()
                 data = cipher.decrypt(task[:16]) + cipher.decrypt(task[16:])
                 self.packets.put_nowait(EmotivPacket(data, self.sensors, self.old_model))
                 self.packets_processed += 1
Пример #12
	def __init__(self):
		self.block_size = None
		self.block_fill = None
		self.current_len = None
		self.original_len = None
		self.startyet = False
		self.current_block = None
		self.current_byte = None
		self.data = None
		self.is_success = False
		self.rstr = Random.new().read(random.choice(range(5,20)))
		print(getbytestr("Original String is - ")+self.rstr)
		#self.rstr = getbytestr("a")
		self.plaintext = ""
Пример #13
    def random(cls, **kwargs):
        """Generate a random natural integer of a certain size.

          exact_bits : positive integer
            The length in bits of the resulting random Integer number.
            The number is guaranteed to fulfil the relation:

                2^bits > result >= 2^(bits - 1)

          max_bits : positive integer
            The maximum length in bits of the resulting random Integer number.
            The number is guaranteed to fulfil the relation:

                2^bits > result >=0

          randfunc : callable
            A function that returns a random byte string. The length of the
            byte string is passed as parameter. Optional.
            If not provided (or ``None``), randomness is read from the system RNG.

        :Return: a Integer object

        exact_bits = kwargs.pop("exact_bits", None)
        max_bits = kwargs.pop("max_bits", None)
        randfunc = kwargs.pop("randfunc", None)

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.new().read

        if exact_bits is None and max_bits is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Either 'exact_bits' or 'max_bits' must be specified")

        if exact_bits is not None and max_bits is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "'exact_bits' and 'max_bits' are mutually exclusive")

        bits = exact_bits or max_bits
        bytes_needed = ((bits - 1) // 8) + 1
        significant_bits_msb = 8 - (bytes_needed * 8 - bits)
        msb = bord(randfunc(1)[0])
        if exact_bits is not None:
            msb |= 1 << (significant_bits_msb - 1)
        msb &= (1 << significant_bits_msb) - 1

        return cls.from_bytes(bchr(msb) + randfunc(bytes_needed - 1))
Пример #14
    def random_range(cls, **kwargs):
        """Generate a random integer within a given internal.

          min_inclusive : integer
            The lower end of the interval (inclusive).
          max_inclusive : integer
            The higher end of the interval (inclusive).
          max_exclusive : integer
            The higher end of the interval (exclusive).
          randfunc : callable
            A function that returns a random byte string. The length of the
            byte string is passed as parameter. Optional.
            If not provided (or ``None``), randomness is read from the system RNG.
            An Integer randomly taken in the given interval.

        min_inclusive = kwargs.pop("min_inclusive", None)
        max_inclusive = kwargs.pop("max_inclusive", None)
        max_exclusive = kwargs.pop("max_exclusive", None)
        randfunc = kwargs.pop("randfunc", None)

        if kwargs:
            raise ValueError("Unknown keywords: " + str(kwargs.keys))
        if None not in (max_inclusive, max_exclusive):
            raise ValueError("max_inclusive and max_exclusive cannot be both"
                             " specified")
        if max_exclusive is not None:
            max_inclusive = max_exclusive - 1
        if None in (min_inclusive, max_inclusive):
            raise ValueError("Missing keyword to identify the interval")

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.new().read

        norm_maximum = max_inclusive - min_inclusive
        bits_needed = cls(norm_maximum).size_in_bits()

        norm_candidate = -1
        while not 0 <= norm_candidate <= norm_maximum:
            norm_candidate = cls.random(max_bits=bits_needed,
        return norm_candidate + min_inclusive
Пример #15
 def test_generate_2arg(self):
     """DSA (default implementation) generated key (2 arguments)"""
     dsaObj = self.dsa.generate(1024, Random.new().read)
     pub = dsaObj.publickey()
 def runTest(self):
     # Import the Random module and try to use it
     from crypto import Random
     randobj = Random.new()
     x = randobj.read(16)
     y = randobj.read(16)
     self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
     z = Random.get_random_bytes(16)
     self.assertNotEqual(x, z)
     self.assertNotEqual(y, z)
     # Test the Random.random module, which
     # implements a subset of Python's random API
     # Not implemented:
     # seed(), getstate(), setstate(), jumpahead()
     # random(), uniform(), triangular(), betavariate()
     # expovariate(), gammavariate(), gauss(),
     # longnormvariate(), normalvariate(),
     # vonmisesvariate(), paretovariate()
     # weibullvariate()
     # WichmannHill(), whseed(), SystemRandom()
     from crypto.Random import random
     x = random.getrandbits(16*8)
     y = random.getrandbits(16*8)
     self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
     # Test randrange
     if x>y:
         start = y
         stop = x
         start = x
         stop = y
     for step in range(1,10):
         x = random.randrange(start,stop,step)
         y = random.randrange(start,stop,step)
         self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
         self.assertEqual(start <= x < stop, True)
         self.assertEqual(start <= y < stop, True)
         self.assertEqual((x - start) % step, 0)
         self.assertEqual((y - start) % step, 0)
     for i in range(10):
         self.assertEqual(random.randrange(1,2), 1)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, random.randrange, start, start)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, random.randrange, stop, start, step)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.randrange, start, stop, step, step)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.randrange, start, stop, "1")
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.randrange, "1", stop, step)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.randrange, 1, "2", step)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, random.randrange, start, stop, 0)
     # Test randint
     x = random.randint(start,stop)
     y = random.randint(start,stop)
     self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
     self.assertEqual(start <= x <= stop, True)
     self.assertEqual(start <= y <= stop, True)
     for i in range(10):
         self.assertEqual(random.randint(1,1), 1)
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, random.randint, stop, start)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.randint, start, stop, step)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.randint, "1", stop)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.randint, 1, "2")
     # Test choice
     seq = list(range(10000))
     x = random.choice(seq)
     y = random.choice(seq)
     self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
     self.assertEqual(x in seq, True)
     self.assertEqual(y in seq, True)
     for i in range(10):
         self.assertEqual(random.choice((1,2,3)) in (1,2,3), True)
     self.assertEqual(random.choice([1,2,3]) in [1,2,3], True)
     if sys.version_info[0] is 3:
         self.assertEqual(random.choice(bytearray(b('123'))) in bytearray(b('123')), True)
     self.assertEqual(1, random.choice([1]))
     self.assertRaises(IndexError, random.choice, [])
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.choice, 1)
     # Test shuffle. Lacks random parameter to specify function.
     # Make copies of seq
     seq = list(range(500))
     x = list(seq)
     y = list(seq)
     self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
     self.assertEqual(len(seq), len(x))
     self.assertEqual(len(seq), len(y))
     for i in range(len(seq)):
        self.assertEqual(x[i] in seq, True)
        self.assertEqual(y[i] in seq, True)
        self.assertEqual(seq[i] in x, True)
        self.assertEqual(seq[i] in y, True)
     z = [1]
     self.assertEqual(z, [1])
     if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
         z = bytearray(b('12'))
         self.assertEqual(b('1') in z, True)
         self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.shuffle, b('12'))
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.shuffle, 1)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.shuffle, "11")
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.shuffle, (1,2))
     # 2to3 wraps a list() around it, alas - but I want to shoot
     # myself in the foot here! :D
     # if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
         # self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.shuffle, range(3))
     # Test sample
     x = random.sample(seq, 20)
     y = random.sample(seq, 20)
     self.assertNotEqual(x, y)
     for i in range(20):
        self.assertEqual(x[i] in seq, True)
        self.assertEqual(y[i] in seq, True)
     z = random.sample([1], 1)
     self.assertEqual(z, [1])
     z = random.sample((1,2,3), 1)
     self.assertEqual(z[0] in (1,2,3), True)
     z = random.sample("123", 1)
     self.assertEqual(z[0] in "123", True)
     z = random.sample(list(range(3)), 1)
     self.assertEqual(z[0] in range(3), True)
     if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
             z = random.sample(b("123"), 1)
             self.assertEqual(z[0] in b("123"), True)
             z = random.sample(bytearray(b("123")), 1)
             self.assertEqual(z[0] in bytearray(b("123")), True)
     self.assertRaises(TypeError, random.sample, 1)
Пример #17
    def encrypt(data, passphrase, protection, prot_params=None, randfunc=None):
        """Encrypt a piece of data using a passphrase and *PBES2*.

          data : byte string
            The piece of data to encrypt.
          passphrase : byte string
            The passphrase to use for encrypting the data.
          protection : string
            The identifier of the encryption algorithm to use.
            The default value is '``PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC``'.
          prot_params : dictionary
            Parameters of the protection algorithm.

            | Key              | Description                                   |
            | iteration_count  | The KDF algorithm is repeated several times to|
            |                  | slow down brute force attacks on passwords    |
            |                  | (called *N* or CPU/memory cost in scrypt).    |
            |                  |                                               |
            |                  | The default value for PBKDF2 is 1 000.        |
            |                  | The default value for scrypt is 16 384.       |
            | salt_size        | Salt is used to thwart dictionary and rainbow |
            |                  | attacks on passwords. The default value is 8  |
            |                  | bytes.                                        |
            | block_size       | *(scrypt only)* Memory-cost (r). The default  |
            |                  | value is 8.                                   |
            | parallelization  | *(scrypt only)* CPU-cost (p). The default     |
            |                  | value is 1.                                   |

          randfunc : callable
            Random number generation function; it should accept
            a single integer N and return a string of random data,
            N bytes long. If not specified, a new RNG will be
            instantiated from ``Crypto.Random``.

          The encrypted data, as a binary string.

        if prot_params is None:
            prot_params = {}

        if randfunc is None:
            randfunc = Random.new().read

        if protection == 'PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndDES-EDE3-CBC':
            key_size = 24
            module = DES3
            cipher_mode = DES3.MODE_CBC
            enc_oid = "1.2.840.113549.3.7"
        elif protection in ('PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndAES128-CBC',
            key_size = 16
            module = AES
            cipher_mode = AES.MODE_CBC
            enc_oid = "2.16.840."
        elif protection in ('PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndAES192-CBC',
            key_size = 24
            module = AES
            cipher_mode = AES.MODE_CBC
            enc_oid = "2.16.840."
        elif protection in ('PBKDF2WithHMAC-SHA1AndAES256-CBC',
            key_size = 32
            module = AES
            cipher_mode = AES.MODE_CBC
            enc_oid = "2.16.840."
            raise ValueError("Unknown PBES2 mode")

        # Get random data
        iv = randfunc(module.block_size)
        salt = randfunc(prot_params.get("salt_size", 8))

        # Derive key from password
        if protection.startswith('PBKDF2'):
            count = prot_params.get("iteration_count", 1000)
            key = PBKDF2(passphrase, salt, key_size, count)
            kdf_info = DerSequence([
                DerObjectId("1.2.840.113549.1.5.12"),  # PBKDF2
            # It must be scrypt
            count = prot_params.get("iteration_count", 16384)
            scrypt_r = prot_params.get('block_size', 8)
            scrypt_p = prot_params.get('parallelization', 1)
            key = scrypt(passphrase, salt, key_size, count, scrypt_r, scrypt_p)
            kdf_info = DerSequence([
                DerObjectId(""),  # scrypt

        # Create cipher and use it
        cipher = module.new(key, cipher_mode, iv)
        encrypted_data = cipher.encrypt(pad(data, cipher.block_size))
        enc_info = DerSequence([DerObjectId(enc_oid), DerOctetString(iv)])

        # Result
        enc_private_key_info = DerSequence([
            # encryptionAlgorithm
                DerObjectId("1.2.840.113549.1.5.13"),  # PBES2
                DerSequence([kdf_info, enc_info]),
        return enc_private_key_info.encode()
Пример #18
 def setUp(self):
     self.rng = Random.new().read
     self.key1024 = RSA.generate(1024, self.rng)
Пример #19
 def encrypt(self, raw):
     raw = self._pad(raw)
     iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
     cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
     return base64.b64encode(iv + cipher.encrypt(raw))
Пример #20
 def encrypt(self, text, key, key_size=256):
     text = self.padding(text)
     iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
     cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
     return iv + cipher.encrypt(text)
Пример #21
#is socket server file use for response to client
from socket import *
import time

import pyaes
import hashlib
import base64
# import os
# from sys import path
import urllib3
import ctypes
from crypto import Random

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 78, 8]
res = Random.new(arr)
# ctypes.

s = socket(2, 1)
s.bind(('', 1234))


print("runing ...\n")

# data = 'hello world alireza'.encode()
# hashcode = hashlib.shake_128(data)
aes = pyaes.AESModeOfOperationCTR('hello123P{/e3sc}'.encode())
en = aes.encrypt(
    'hello world that is your chance for live better than another people for live better'
Пример #22
	AES Encryption Demo
	This Program illustrates working of AES encryption . HMAC is also used.
	This program is written from windows point of view in Python 3.5
	Author: Vishvajeet Patil
import Crypto  #Same as Crypto package on linux systems.
import sys
    'crypto'] = Crypto  #Makes crypto module workable on windows systems
from crypto import Random  #Imports cryptographically Secure Random module
from crypto.Cipher import AES  #Imports AES cipher
import hmac
import hashlib
#Key and IV(Initialization Vector) generation

key = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)

#Function to pad messages
def pad(s):
    '''This function returns the padded message for given parameter string s according to PKCS7 standard
		which is used with AES ciphers'''
    n = AES.block_size
    return s + ((n - len(s) % n) * chr(n - len(s) % n)).encode('UTF-8')

#Function to unpad messages
def unpad(s):
    '''This function returns the unpadded version of given parameter string s according to PKCS7 standard
		which is used with AES ciphers'''
Пример #23
def generate():
	global key
	key = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
	global iv
	iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)
Пример #24
def miller_rabin_test(candidate, iterations, randfunc=None):
    """Perform a Miller-Rabin primality test on an integer.

    The test is specified in Section C.3.1 of `FIPS PUB 186-4`__.

      candidate : integer
        The number to test for primality.
      iterations : integer
        The maximum number of iterations to perform before
        declaring a candidate a probable prime.
      randfunc : callable
        An RNG function where bases are taken from.

      ``Primality.COMPOSITE`` or ``Primality.PROBABLY_PRIME``.

    .. __: http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/FIPS/NIST.FIPS.186-4.pdf

    if not isinstance(candidate, Integer):
        candidate = Integer(candidate)

    if candidate in (1, 2, 3, 5):
        return PROBABLY_PRIME

    if candidate.is_even():
        return COMPOSITE

    one = Integer(1)
    minus_one = Integer(candidate - 1)

    if randfunc is None:
        randfunc = Random.new().read

    # Step 1 and 2
    m = Integer(minus_one)
    a = 0
    while m.is_even():
        m >>= 1
        a += 1

    # Skip step 3

    # Step 4
    for i in iter_range(iterations):

        # Step 4.1-2
        base = 1
        while base in (one, minus_one):
            base = Integer.random_range(min_inclusive=2,
                                        max_inclusive=candidate - 2)
            assert (2 <= base <= candidate - 2)

        # Step 4.3-4.4
        z = pow(base, m, candidate)
        if z in (one, minus_one):

        # Step 4.5
        for j in iter_range(1, a):
            z = pow(z, 2, candidate)
            if z == minus_one:
            if z == one:
                return COMPOSITE
            return COMPOSITE

    # Step 5
Пример #25
import ast
import time

from crypto import Random
from crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP

start_time = time.time()
random_generator = Random.new().read

# Generates public and private key
key = RSA.generate(1024, random_generator)

# Exporting public key to global
public_key = key.publickey()

encryptor = PKCS1_OAEP.new(public_key)
pause1 = time.time()

# Choosing file to read

message_file = input('Input filename for reading: ')

with open(message_file, 'r') as message:
    data1 = message.read()
    data1 = str(data1)
    data1 = bytes(data1, 'utf-8')

# Encryption data from read file
continue1 = time.time()
encrypted = encryptor.encrypt(data1)
Пример #26
 def __init__(self, randfunc=None):
     if randfunc is None:
         randfunc = Random.new().read
     self._randfunc = randfunc