Пример #1
 def __init__(self, user, password, host='localhost', port=8332,
              use_https=False, transport=None):
     Create a new cryptocoin server connection.
     url = 'http{s}://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/'.format(
         s='s' if use_https else '',
         user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port)
     self.url = url
     self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url, transport=transport,
Пример #2
class CryptocoinConnection(object):
    A CryptocoinConnection object defines a connection to a cryptocoin server.
    It is a thin wrapper around a JSON-RPC API connection.

    Arguments to constructor:

    - *user* -- Authenticate as user.
    - *password* -- Authentication password.
    - *host* -- Cryptocoin JSON-RPC host.
    - *port* -- Cryptocoin JSON-RPC port.
    def __init__(self, user, password, host='localhost', port=8332,
                 use_https=False, transport=None):
        Create a new cryptocoin server connection.
        url = 'http{s}://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/'.format(
            s='s' if use_https else '',
            user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port)
        self.url = url
        self.proxy = AuthServiceProxy(url, transport=transport,

    def stop(self):
        Stop cryptocoin server.

    def getblock(self, hash):
        Returns information about the given block hash.
        return self.proxy.getblock(hash)

    def getblockcount(self):
        Returns the number of blocks in the longest block chain.
        return self.proxy.getblockcount()

    def getblockhash(self, index):
        Returns hash of block in best-block-chain at index.

        :param index: index ob the block

        return self.proxy.getblockhash(index)

    def getblocknumber(self):
        Returns the block number of the latest block in the longest block chain.
        Deprecated. Use getblockcount instead.
        return self.getblockcount()

    def getconnectioncount(self):
        Returns the number of connections to other nodes.
        return self.proxy.getconnectioncount()

    def getdifficulty(self):
        Returns the proof-of-work difficulty as a multiple of the minimum difficulty.
        return self.proxy.getdifficulty()

    def getgenerate(self):
        Returns :const:`True` or :const:`False`, depending on whether generation is enabled.
        return self.proxy.getgenerate()

    def setgenerate(self, generate, genproclimit=None):
        Enable or disable generation (mining) of coins.


        - *generate* -- is :const:`True` or :const:`False` to turn generation on or off.
        - *genproclimit* -- Number of processors that are used for generation, -1 is unlimited.

        if genproclimit is None:
            return self.proxy.setgenerate(generate)
            return self.proxy.setgenerate(generate, genproclimit)

    def gethashespersec(self):
        Returns a recent hashes per second performance measurement while generating.
        return self.proxy.gethashespersec()

    def getinfo(self):
        Returns an :class:`~cryptocoinrpc.data.ServerInfo` object containing various state info.
        return ServerInfo(**self.proxy.getinfo())

    def getmininginfo(self):
        Returns an :class:`~cryptocoinrpc.data.MiningInfo` object containing various
        mining state info.
        return MiningInfo(**self.proxy.getmininginfo())

    def getnewaddress(self, account=None):
        Returns a new address for receiving payments.


        - *account* -- If account is specified (recommended), it is added to the address book
          so that payments received with the address will be credited to it.

        if account is None:
            return self.proxy.getnewaddress()
            return self.proxy.getnewaddress(account)

    def getaccountaddress(self, account):
        Returns the current address for receiving payments to an account.


        - *account* -- Account for which the address should be returned.

        return self.proxy.getaccountaddress(account)

    def setaccount(self, address, account):
        Sets the account associated with the given address.


        - *address* -- Address to associate.
        - *account* -- Account to associate the address to.

        return self.proxy.setaccount(address, account)

    def getaccount(self, address):
        Returns the account associated with the given address.


        - *address* -- Address to get account for.
        return self.proxy.getaccount(address)

    def getaddressesbyaccount(self, account):
        Returns the list of addresses for the given account.


        - *account* -- Account to get list of addresses for.
        return self.proxy.getaddressesbyaccount(account)

    def sendtoaddress(self, address, amount, comment=None, comment_to=None):
        Sends *amount* from the server's available balance to *address*.


        - *address* -- Address to send to.
        - *amount* -- Amount to send (float, rounded to the nearest 0.01).
        - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
        - *comment* -- Comment for transaction.
        - *comment_to* -- Comment for to-address.

        if comment is None:
            return self.proxy.sendtoaddress(address, amount)
        elif comment_to is None:
            return self.proxy.sendtoaddress(address, amount, comment)
            return self.proxy.sendtoaddress(address, amount, comment, comment_to)

    def getreceivedbyaddress(self, address, minconf=1):
        Returns the total amount received by an address in transactions with at least a
        certain number of confirmations.


        - *address* -- Address to query for total amount.

        - *minconf* -- Number of confirmations to require, defaults to 1.
        return self.proxy.getreceivedbyaddress(address, minconf)

    def getreceivedbyaccount(self, account, minconf=1):
        Returns the total amount received by addresses with an account in transactions with
        at least a certain number of confirmations.


        - *account* -- Account to query for total amount.
        - *minconf* -- Number of confirmations to require, defaults to 1.

        return self.proxy.getreceivedbyaccount(account, minconf)

    def gettransaction(self, txid):
        Get detailed information about transaction


        - *txid* -- Transactiond id for which the info should be returned

        return TransactionInfo(**self.proxy.gettransaction(txid))

    def getrawtransaction(self, txid, verbose=True):
        Get transaction raw info


        - *txid* -- Transactiond id for which the info should be returned.
        - *verbose* -- If False, return only the "hex" of the transaction.

        if verbose:
            return TransactionInfo(**self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 1))
        return self.proxy.getrawtransaction(txid, 0)

    def createrawtransaction(self, inputs, outputs):
        Creates a raw transaction spending given inputs
        (a list of dictionaries, each containing a transaction id and an output number),
        sending to given address(es).

        Returns hex-encoded raw transaction.

        Example usage:
        >>> conn.createrawtransaction(
                [{"txid": "a9d4599e15b53f3eb531608ddb31f48c695c3d0b3538a6bda871e8b34f2f430c",
                  "vout": 0}],


        - *inputs* -- A list of {"txid": txid, "vout": n} dictionaries.
        - *outputs* -- A dictionary mapping (public) addresses to the amount
                       they are to be paid.
        return self.proxy.createrawtransaction(inputs, outputs)

    def signrawtransaction(self, hexstring, previous_transactions=None, private_keys=None):
        Sign inputs for raw transaction (serialized, hex-encoded).

        Returns a dictionary with the keys:
            "hex": raw transaction with signature(s) (hex-encoded string)
            "complete": 1 if transaction has a complete set of signature(s), 0 if not


        - *hexstring* -- A hex string of the transaction to sign.
        - *previous_transactions* -- A (possibly empty) list of dictionaries of the form:
            {"txid": txid, "vout": n, "scriptPubKey": hex, "redeemScript": hex}, representing
            previous transaction outputs that this transaction depends on but may not yet be
            in the block chain.
        - *private_keys* -- A (possibly empty) list of base58-encoded private
            keys that, if given, will be the only keys used to sign the transaction.
        return dict(self.proxy.signrawtransaction(hexstring, previous_transactions, private_keys))

    def decoderawtransaction(self, hexstring):
        Produces a human-readable JSON object for a raw transaction.


        - *hexstring* -- A hex string of the transaction to be decoded.
        return dict(self.proxy.decoderawtransaction(hexstring))

    def listsinceblock(self, block_hash):
        res = self.proxy.listsinceblock(block_hash)
        res['transactions'] = [TransactionInfo(**x) for x in res['transactions']]
        return res

    def listreceivedbyaddress(self, minconf=1, includeempty=False):
        Returns a list of addresses.

        Each address is represented with a :class:`~cryptocoinrpc.data.AddressInfo` object.


        - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
        - *includeempty* -- Whether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.

        return [AddressInfo(**x) for x in
                self.proxy.listreceivedbyaddress(minconf, includeempty)]

    def listaccounts(self, minconf=1, as_dict=False):
        Returns a list of account names.


        - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.
        - *as_dict* -- Returns a dictionary of account names, with their balance as values.
        if as_dict:
            return dict(self.proxy.listaccounts(minconf))
            return self.proxy.listaccounts(minconf).keys()

    def listreceivedbyaccount(self, minconf=1, includeempty=False):
        Returns a list of accounts.

        Each account is represented with a :class:`~cryptocoinrpc.data.AccountInfo` object.


        - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations before payments are included.

        - *includeempty* -- Whether to include addresses that haven't received any payments.
        return [AccountInfo(**x) for x in
                self.proxy.listreceivedbyaccount(minconf, includeempty)]

    def listtransactions(self, account=None, count=10, from_=0, address=None):
        Returns a list of the last transactions for an account.

        Each transaction is represented with a :class:`~cryptocoinrpc.data.TransactionInfo` object.


        - *account* -- Account to list transactions from. Return transactions from
                       all accounts if None.
        - *count* -- Number of transactions to return.
        - *from_* -- Skip the first <from_> transactions.
        - *address* -- Receive address to consider
        accounts = [account] if account is not None else self.listaccounts(as_dict=True).iterkeys()
        return [TransactionInfo(**tx) for acc in accounts for
                tx in self.proxy.listtransactions(acc, count, from_) if
                address is None or tx["address"] == address]

    def backupwallet(self, destination):
        Safely copies ``wallet.dat`` to *destination*, which can be a directory or a path
        with filename.

        - *destination* -- directory or path with filename to backup wallet to.

        return self.proxy.backupwallet(destination)

    def validateaddress(self, validateaddress):
        Validate an address and return information for it.

        The information is represented by a :class:`~cryptocoinrpc.data.AddressValidation` object.

        Arguments: -- Address to validate.

        - *validateaddress*
        return AddressValidation(**self.proxy.validateaddress(validateaddress))

    def getbalance(self, account=None, minconf=None):
        Get the current balance, either for an account or the total server balance.

        - *account* -- If this parameter is specified, returns the balance in the account.
        - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.

        args = []
        if account is not None:
            if minconf is not None:
        return self.proxy.getbalance(*args)

    def move(self, fromaccount, toaccount, amount, minconf=1, comment=None):
        Move from one account in your wallet to another.


        - *fromaccount* -- Source account name.
        - *toaccount* -- Destination account name.
        - *amount* -- Amount to transfer.
        - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
        - *comment* -- Comment to add to transaction log.

        if comment is None:
            return self.proxy.move(fromaccount, toaccount, amount, minconf)
            return self.proxy.move(fromaccount, toaccount, amount, minconf, comment)

    def sendfrom(self, fromaccount, toaddress, amount, minconf=1, comment=None,
        Sends amount from account's balance to address. This method will fail
        if there is less than amount coins with minconf confirmations in the account's
        balance (unless account is the empty-string-named default account; it
        behaves like the sendtoaddress method). Returns transaction ID on success.


        - *fromaccount* -- Account to send from.
        - *toaddress* -- Cryptocoin address to send to.
        - *amount* -- Amount to send (float, rounded to the nearest 0.01).
        - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
        - *comment* -- Comment for transaction.
        - *comment_to* -- Comment for to-address.

        if comment is None:
            return self.proxy.sendfrom(fromaccount, toaddress, amount, minconf)
        elif comment_to is None:
            return self.proxy.sendfrom(fromaccount, toaddress, amount, minconf, comment)
            return self.proxy.sendfrom(fromaccount, toaddress, amount, minconf,
                                       comment, comment_to)

    def sendmany(self, fromaccount, todict, minconf=1, comment=None):
        Sends specified amounts from account's balance to addresses. This method will fail
        if there is less than total amount coins with minconf confirmations in the account's
        balance (unless account is the empty-string-named default account; Returns transaction ID
        on success.


        - *fromaccount* -- Account to send from.
        - *todict* -- Dictionary with addresses as keys and amounts as values.
        - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required for transferred balance.
        - *comment* -- Comment for transaction.

        if comment is None:
            return self.proxy.sendmany(fromaccount, todict, minconf)
            return self.proxy.sendmany(fromaccount, todict, minconf, comment)

    def verifymessage(self, address, signature, message):
        Verifies a signature given the address used to sign,
        the signature itself, and the message that was signed.
        Returns :const:`True` if the signature is valid, and :const:`False` if it is invalid.


        - *address* -- the address used to sign the message
        - *signature* -- the signature to be verified
        - *message* -- the message that was originally signed

        return self.proxy.verifymessage(address, signature, message)

    def getwork(self, data=None):
        Get work for remote mining, or submit result.
        If data is specified, the server tries to solve the block
        using the provided data and returns :const:`True` if it was successful.
        If not, the function returns formatted hash data (:class:`~cryptocoinrpc.data.WorkItem`)
        to work on.


        - *data* -- Result from remote mining.

        if data is None:
            # Only if no data provided, it returns a WorkItem
            return WorkItem(**self.proxy.getwork())
            return self.proxy.getwork(data)

    def listunspent(self, minconf=1, maxconf=999999):
        Returns a list of unspent transaction inputs in the wallet.


        - *minconf* -- Minimum number of confirmations required to be listed.

        - *maxconf* -- Maximal number of confirmations allowed to be listed.

        return [TransactionInfo(**tx) for tx in
                self.proxy.listunspent(minconf, maxconf)]

    def keypoolrefill(self):
        "Fills the keypool, requires wallet passphrase to be set."

    def walletpassphrase(self, passphrase, timeout, dont_raise=False):
        Stores the wallet decryption key in memory for <timeout> seconds.

        - *passphrase* -- The wallet passphrase.

        - *timeout* -- Time in seconds to keep the wallet unlocked
                       (by keeping the passphrase in memory).

        - *dont_raise* -- instead of raising `~cryptocoinrpc.exceptions.WalletPassphraseIncorrect`
                          return False.
            self.proxy.walletpassphrase(passphrase, timeout)
            return True
        except CryptocoinException as exception:
            if dont_raise:
                if isinstance(exception, WalletPassphraseIncorrect):
                    return False
                elif isinstance(exception, WalletAlreadyUnlocked):
                    return True
            raise exception

    def walletlock(self):
        Removes the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet.
        After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase
        again before being able to call any methods which require the wallet
        to be unlocked.
        return self.proxy.walletlock()

    def walletpassphrasechange(self, oldpassphrase, newpassphrase, dont_raise=False):
        Changes the wallet passphrase from <oldpassphrase> to <newpassphrase>.


        - *dont_raise* -- instead of raising `~cryptocoinrpc.exceptions.WalletPassphraseIncorrect`
                          return False.
            self.proxy.walletpassphrasechange(oldpassphrase, newpassphrase)
            return True
        except CryptocoinException as exception:
            if dont_raise and isinstance(exception, WalletPassphraseIncorrect):
                return False
            raise exception