Пример #1
def ecdsa_raw_sign_nonce(msghash, priv, nonce):
    z = hash_to_int(msghash)
    k = deterministic_generate_k_nonce(msghash, priv, nonce)

    r, y = fast_multiply(G, k)
    s = inv(k, N) * (z + r * decode_privkey(priv)) % N

    v, r, s = 27 + ((y % 2) ^
                    (0 if s * 2 < N else 1)), r, s if s * 2 < N else N - s
    if 'compressed' in get_privkey_format(priv):
        v += 4
    return v, r, s
Пример #2
from __future__ import print_function
import cryptos

# Generate a random private key
valid_private_key = False
while not valid_private_key:
    private_key = cryptos.random_key()
    decoded_private_key = cryptos.decode_privkey(private_key, 'hex')
    valid_private_key = 0 < decoded_private_key < cryptos.N

print("Private Key (hex) is: ", private_key)
print("Private Key (decimal) is: ", decoded_private_key)

# Convert private key to WIF format
wif_encoded_private_key = cryptos.encode_privkey(decoded_private_key, 'wif')
print("Private Key (WIF) is: ", wif_encoded_private_key)

# Add suffix "01" to indicate a compressed private key
compressed_private_key = private_key + '01'
print("Private Key Compressed (hex) is: ", compressed_private_key)

# Generate a WIF format from the compressed private key (WIF-compressed)
wif_compressed_private_key = cryptos.encode_privkey(
    cryptos.decode_privkey(compressed_private_key, 'hex'), 'wif')
print("Private Key (WIF-Compressed) is: ", wif_compressed_private_key)

# Multiply the EC generator point G with the private key to get a public key point
public_key = cryptos.fast_multiply(cryptos.G, decoded_private_key)
print("Public Key (x,y) coordinates is:", public_key)

# Encode as hex, prefix 04