def getEnergyConfig(X, structEq):
    import potential
    from potential import VLJ as V
    import harmonic as ha

    # E = 0.5*(random() - 0.5) - 161.895
    # energyPerParticle = 0

    # E, energyPerParticle = ha.get3DPotNearFirstNeighb(X, V, a1, a2, a3)
    #     # E = potential.getTotalPotentialEnergy(X, V2)
    # # E = potential.get3DPotNearFirstNeighb(X, V, a1, a2, a3)
    #     # E = 0.2*(random()-0.5) - 0.56  # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    #     # print(E)
    #     # E = getEnergyFromStaticMTP(X) # do not relax!  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    import crystal as cr
    import numpy as np
    from numpy import linalg as LA
    import copy

    # structX = cr.getFccEquilibrium()
    structX = copy.deepcopy(structEq)
    for i in range(structEq.num_sites):
        structX[i] = structX[i].specie, np.array(X[i]) ## X[i] must be in FRACTIONAL COORDINATES!!!
        # dist = LA.norm(structX[i].frac_coords - np.array(X[i]))
        # if (dist > -0.1):
        #     Xtemp = cr.getFccEquilibrium()
        #     print(i)
        #     print(Xtemp[i].frac_coords)
        #     print(structX[i].frac_coords)
        #     print(X[i])
    # 1.3
    radio    = 3.3 * structX[0].distance(structX[1]) # for first nearest neighbors
    dRneighborsFromEachSite = cr.getDRneighborsFromEachSite(structX, radio)
    assert(len(dRneighborsFromEachSite) != 0)
    # for i in range(structEq.num_sites):
    #     assert( len(structEq.get_neighbors(structEq[i], radio, include_index=True)) == 12 )
    E = cr.getEnergy(structX, radio, dRneighborsFromEachSite)
    # print(E)
    # E = 0.5*(random() - 0.5) - 161.895
    # energyPerParticle = 0

    # energyPerParticle = 0
    # return E, energyPerParticle
    return E, 0
def getEnergyConfig(structX, radio, dRneighborsFromEachSite):
    import potential
    from potential import VLJ as V
    # import harmonic as ha
    import crystal as cr
    # E = 0

    # E, energyPerParticle = ha.get3DPotNearFirstNeighb(structX, V, a1, a2, a3)
    energy = cr.getEnergy(structX, radio, dRneighborsFromEachSite)

        # E = potential.getTotalPotentialEnergy(X, V2)
    # E = potential.get3DPotNearFirstNeighb(X, V, a1, a2, a3)
        # E = 0.2*(random()-0.5) - 0.56  # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
        # print(E)
        # E = getEnergyFromStaticMTP(X) # do not relax!  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    return energy
Пример #3
import crystal as cr
import numpy as np

# Get names and equilibrium positions of atoms:
# you will need to find first the equilibrium positions when having `V`
# For the project, MTP or DFT?? will give the equilibrium positions.
# lAtomsEquilibrium, a1, a2, a3 = potential.getAtomsAtEquilibriumPositions()

# Xeq, a1, a2, a3, Emin, forceMatrix = ha.getConfigEquilibrium()
# structEq = cr.getStruct() # to be used from cfg of mtp
structEq = cr.getFccEquilibrium()
radio    = 1.1 * structEq[0].distance(structEq[1]) # for first nearest neighbors
Emin     = cr.getEnergy(structEq, radio, [])

indxNeigsFromEachSite = cr.getIndxNeigsFromEachSite(structEq, radio)
dRneighborsFromEachSite = cr.getDRneighborsFromEachSite(structEq, radio)
forceMatrix = cr.getForceMatrix(structEq, indxNeigsFromEachSite, dRneighborsFromEachSite, radio)

# forceMatrix

# structEq.num_sites
# structEq[0].coords
# structEq[0].y
# # structEq[0].coords + structEq[0].coords
# # structEq[0].coords = structEq[0].coords + np.array([10,20,30])