Пример #1
    def get_reference(file_id, home_dir, endpoint=None):
        if len(file_id) > 0 and file_id[0] == '/':
            # assume this is a filepath
            if len(home_dir) > 0 and not file_id.startswith(home_dir):
                file_id = home_dir + file_id
            file = storage_provider.Reference(path=file_id)
            return file

        if endpoint == 'default' or endpoint is None:
            raise IOError('A CS3API-compatible storage endpoint must be identified by a storage UUID')
        # assume we have an opaque fileid
        return storage_provider.Reference(id=storage_provider.ResourceId(storage_id=endpoint, opaque_id=file_id))
Пример #2
def renamefile(_endpoint, filepath, newfilepath, userid):
    '''Rename a file from origfilepath to newfilepath using the given userid as access token.'''
    source = cs3spr.Reference(path=filepath)
    destination = cs3spr.Reference(path=newfilepath)
    req = cs3sp.MoveRequest(source=source, destination=destination)
    res = ctx['cs3stub'].Move(request=req,
                              metadata=[('x-access-token', userid)])
    if res.status.code != cs3code.CODE_OK:
            'msg="Failed to rename file" filepath="%s" error="%s"' %
            (filepath, res.status.message))
        raise IOError(res.status.message)
    ctx['log'].debug('msg="Invoked renamefile" result="%s"' % res)
Пример #3
    def get_reference(file_id, endpoint=None):

        if len(file_id) > 0 and file_id[0] == '/':
            # assume this is a filepath
            file_id = FileUtils._check_and_transform_file_path(file_id)
            file = storage_provider.Reference(path=file_id)
            return file

        if endpoint == 'default' or endpoint is None:
            raise IOError(
                'A CS3API-compatible storage endpoint must be identified by a storage UUID'
        # assume we have an opaque fileid
        return storage_provider.Reference(id=storage_provider.ResourceId(
            storage_id=endpoint, opaque_id=file_id))
Пример #4
def stat(endpoint, fileid, userid, versioninv=0):
    '''Stat a file and returns (size, mtime) as well as other extended info using the given userid as access token.
  Note that endpoint here means the storage id. Note that fileid can be either a path (which MUST begin with /),
  or an id (which MUST NOT start with a /).
  The versioninv flag is currently not supported, see CERNBOX-1216.'''
    if endpoint == 'default':
        raise IOError(
            'A CS3API-compatible storage endpoint must be identified by a storage UUID'
    if versioninv == 1:
            'msg="Version-invariant Stat not yet supported, going for standard Stat"'
    tstart = time.time()
    if fileid[0] == '/':
        # assume this is a filepath
        ref = cs3spr.Reference(path=fileid)
        # assume we have an opaque fileid
        ref = cs3spr.Reference(
            id=cs3spr.ResourceId(storage_id=endpoint, opaque_id=fileid))
    statInfo = ctx['cs3stub'].Stat(request=cs3sp.StatRequest(ref=ref),
                                   metadata=[('x-access-token', userid)])
    tend = time.time()
    ctx['log'].info('msg="Invoked stat" fileid="%s" elapsedTimems="%.1f"' %
                    (fileid, (tend - tstart) * 1000))
    if statInfo.status.code == cs3code.CODE_OK:
        ctx['log'].debug('msg="Stat result" data="%s"' % statInfo)
        # we base64-encode the inode so it can be used in a WOPISrc
        inode = urlsafe_b64encode(statInfo.info.id.opaque_id.encode())
        if statInfo.info.type == cs3spr.RESOURCE_TYPE_CONTAINER:
            raise IOError('Is a directory')
        elif statInfo.info.type not in (cs3spr.RESOURCE_TYPE_FILE,
            ctx['log'].warning('msg="Stat: unexpected type" type="%d"' %
            raise IOError('Unexpected type %d' % statInfo.info.type)
        return {
            'inode': statInfo.info.id.storage_id + '-' + inode.decode(),
            'filepath': statInfo.info.path,
            'userid': statInfo.info.owner.opaque_id,
            'size': statInfo.info.size,
            'mtime': statInfo.info.mtime.seconds
    ctx['log'].info('msg="Failed stat" fileid="%s" reason="%s"' %
                    (fileid, statInfo.status.message))
    raise IOError('No such file or directory' if statInfo.status.code ==
                  cs3code.CODE_NOT_FOUND else statInfo.status.message)
Пример #5
def getxattr(_endpoint, filepath, userid, key):
    '''Get the extended attribute <key> using the given userid as access token. Do not raise exceptions'''
    tstart = time.time()
    reference = cs3spr.Reference(path=filepath)
    statInfo = ctx['cs3stub'].Stat(request=cs3sp.StatRequest(ref=reference),
                                   metadata=[('x-access-token', userid)])
    tend = time.time()
    if statInfo.status.code != cs3code.CODE_OK:
            'msg="Failed to stat" filepath="%s" key="%s" reason="%s"' %
            (filepath, key, statInfo.status.message))
        raise IOError(statInfo.status.message)
        xattrvalue = statInfo.info.arbitrary_metadata.metadata[key]
        if xattrvalue == '':
            raise KeyError
            'msg="Invoked stat for getxattr" filepath="%s" elapsedTimems="%.1f"'
            % (filepath, (tend - tstart) * 1000))
        return xattrvalue
    except KeyError:
            'msg="Key not found in getxattr" filepath="%s" key="%s"' %
            (filepath, key))
        return None
Пример #6
def writefile(_endpoint, filepath, userid, content, islock=False):
    '''Write a file using the given userid as access token. The entire content is written
    and any pre-existing file is deleted (or moved to the previous version if supported).
    The islock flag is currently not supported. TODO the backend should at least support
    writing the file with O_CREAT|O_EXCL flags to prevent races.'''
    if islock:
            'msg="Lock (no-overwrite) flag not yet supported, going for standard upload"'
    tstart = time.time()
    # prepare endpoint
    if isinstance(content, str):
        content = bytes(content, 'UTF-8')
    size = str(len(content))
    metadata = types.Opaque(
            types.OpaqueEntry(decoder="plain", value=str.encode(size))
    req = cs3sp.InitiateFileUploadRequest(ref=cs3spr.Reference(path=filepath),
    initfileuploadres = ctx['cs3stub'].InitiateFileUpload(
        request=req, metadata=[('x-access-token', userid)])
    if initfileuploadres.status.code != cs3code.CODE_OK:
        ctx['log'].debug('msg="Failed to initiateFileUpload on write" filepath="%s" reason="%s"' % \
                         (filepath, initfileuploadres.status.message))
        raise IOError(initfileuploadres.status.message)
        'msg="writefile: InitiateFileUploadRes returned" protocols="%s"' %

    # Upload
        # Get the endpoint for simple protocol
        # TODO: configure TUS client
        protocol = [
            p for p in initfileuploadres.protocols if p.protocol == "simple"
        headers = {
            'x-access-token': userid,
            'Upload-Length': size,
            'X-Reva-Transfer': protocol.
            token  # needed if the uploads pass through the data gateway in reva
        putres = requests.put(url=protocol.upload_endpoint,
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            'msg="Exception when uploading file to Reva" reason="%s"' % e)
        raise IOError(e)
    tend = time.time()
    if putres.status_code != http.client.OK:
            'msg="Error uploading file to Reva" code="%d" reason="%s"' %
            (putres.status_code, putres.reason))
        raise IOError(putres.reason)
    ctx['log'].info('msg="File written successfully" filepath="%s" elapsedTimems="%.1f" islock="%s"' % \
                    (filepath, (tend-tstart)*1000, islock))
Пример #7
def stat(endpoint, fileid, userid, versioninv=0):
    '''Stat a file and returns (size, mtime) as well as other extended info using the given userid as access token.
  Note that endpoint here means the storage id. Note that fileid can be either a path (which MUST begin with /),
  or an id (which MUST NOT start with a /).
  The versioninv flag is currently not supported, see CERNBOX-1216.'''
    if endpoint == 'default':
        raise IOError(
            'A CS3API-compatible storage endpoint must be identified by a storage UUID'
    if versioninv == 1:
            'msg="Version-invariant Stat not yet supported, going for standard Stat"'
    tstart = time.time()
    if fileid[0] == '/':
        # assume this is a filepath
        ref = cs3spr.Reference(path=fileid)
        # assume we have an opaque fileid
        ref = cs3spr.Reference(
            id=cs3spr.ResourceId(storage_id=endpoint, opaque_id=fileid))
    statInfo = ctx['cs3stub'].Stat(request=cs3sp.StatRequest(ref=ref),
                                   metadata=[('x-access-token', userid)])
    tend = time.time()
    ctx['log'].info('msg="Invoked stat" fileid="%s" elapsedTimems="%.1f"' %
                    (fileid, (tend - tstart) * 1000))
    if statInfo.status.code == cs3code.CODE_OK:
        ctx['log'].debug('msg="Stat result" data="%s"' % statInfo)
            inode = int(statInfo.info.id.opaque_id)
        except ValueError:
            # the storage behind Reva provided a non-int file inode: let's hash it to really have an int
            inode = hash(statInfo.info.id.opaque_id)
        if S_ISDIR(statInfo.info.mode):
            raise IOError('Is a directory')
        return {
            'inode': statInfo.info.id.storage_id + '-' + str(inode),
            'filepath': statInfo.info.path,
            'userid': statInfo.info.owner.opaque_id,
            'size': statInfo.info.size,
            'mtime': statInfo.info.mtime.seconds
    ctx['log'].info('msg="Failed stat" fileid="%s" reason="%s"' %
                    (fileid, statInfo.status.message))
    raise IOError('No such file or directory' if statInfo.status.code ==
                  cs3code.CODE_NOT_FOUND else statInfo.status.message)
Пример #8
def removefile(_endpoint, filepath, userid, _force=0):
    '''Remove a file using the given userid as access token.
     The force argument is ignored for now for CS3 storage.'''
    reference = cs3spr.Reference(path=filepath)
    req = cs3sp.DeleteRequest(ref=reference)
    res = ctx['cs3stub'].Delete(request=req,
                                metadata=[('x-access-token', userid)])
    if res.status.code != cs3code.CODE_OK:
            'msg="Failed to remove file" filepath="%s" error="%s"' %
            (filepath, res))
        raise IOError(res.status.message)
    ctx['log'].debug('msg="Invoked removefile" result="%s"' % res)
Пример #9
def rmxattr(_endpoint, filepath, userid, key):
    '''Remove the extended attribute <key> using the given userid as access token'''
    reference = cs3spr.Reference(path=filepath)
    req = cs3sp.UnsetArbitraryMetadataRequest(ref=reference,
    res = ctx['cs3stub'].UnsetArbitraryMetadata(request=req,
    if res.status.code != cs3code.CODE_OK:
            'msg="Failed to rmxattr" filepath="%s" key="%s" exception="%s"' %
            (filepath, key, res.status.message))
        raise IOError(res.status.message)
    ctx['log'].debug('msg="Invoked rmxattr" result="%s"' % res)
Пример #10
def readfile(_endpoint, filepath, userid):
    '''Read a file using the given userid as access token. Note that the function is a generator, managed by Flask.'''
    tstart = time.time()
    # prepare endpoint
    req = cs3sp.InitiateFileDownloadRequest(ref=cs3spr.Reference(
    initfiledownloadres = ctx['cs3stub'].InitiateFileDownload(
        request=req, metadata=[('x-access-token', userid)])
    if initfiledownloadres.status.code == cs3code.CODE_NOT_FOUND:
        ctx['log'].info('msg="File not found on read" filepath="%s"' %
        yield IOError('No such file or directory')
    elif initfiledownloadres.status.code != cs3code.CODE_OK:
        ctx['log'].debug('msg="Failed to initiateFileDownload on read" filepath="%s" reason="%s"' % \
                         (filepath, initfiledownloadres.status.message))
        yield IOError(initfiledownloadres.status.message)
        'msg="readfile: InitiateFileDownloadRes returned" protocols="%s"' %

    # Download
        protocol = [
            p for p in initfiledownloadres.protocols if p.protocol == "simple"
        headers = {
            'x-access-token': userid,
            'X-Reva-Transfer': protocol.
            token  # needed if the downloads pass through the data gateway in reva
        fileget = requests.get(url=protocol.download_endpoint, headers=headers)
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            'msg="Exception when downloading file from Reva" reason="%s"' % e)
        yield IOError(e)
    tend = time.time()
    data = fileget.content
    if fileget.status_code != http.client.OK:
            'msg="Error downloading file from Reva" code="%d" reason="%s"' %
            (fileget.status_code, fileget.reason))
        yield IOError(fileget.reason)
            'msg="File open for read" filepath="%s" elapsedTimems="%.1f"' %
            (filepath, (tend - tstart) * 1000))
        for i in range(0, len(data), ctx['chunksize']):
            yield data[i:i + ctx['chunksize']]
Пример #11
def setxattr(_endpoint, filepath, userid, key, value):
    '''Set the extended attribute <key> to <value> using the given userid as access token'''
    reference = cs3spr.Reference(path=filepath)
    arbitrary_metadata = cs3spr.ArbitraryMetadata()
    arbitrary_metadata.metadata.update({key: str(value)})  # pylint: disable=no-member
    req = cs3sp.SetArbitraryMetadataRequest(
        ref=reference, arbitrary_metadata=arbitrary_metadata)
    res = ctx['cs3stub'].SetArbitraryMetadata(request=req,
    if res.status.code != cs3code.CODE_OK:
            'msg="Failed to getxattr" filepath="%s" key="%s" reason="%s"' %
            (filepath, key, res.status.message))
        raise IOError(res.status.message)
    ctx['log'].debug('msg="Invoked setxattr" result="%s"' % res)
Пример #12
def writefile(_endpoint, filepath, userid, content, _noversion=0):
    '''Write a file using the given userid as access token. The entire content is written
    and any pre-existing file is deleted (or moved to the previous version if supported).
    The noversion flag is currently not supported.'''
    tstart = time.time()
    # prepare endpoint
    req = cs3sp.InitiateFileUploadRequest(ref=cs3spr.Reference(path=filepath))
    initfileuploadres = ctx['cs3stub'].InitiateFileUpload(
        request=req, metadata=[('x-access-token', userid)])
    if initfileuploadres.status.code != cs3code.CODE_OK:
        ctx['log'].debug('msg="Failed to initiateFileUpload on write" filepath="%s" reason="%s"' % \
                         (filepath, initfileuploadres.status.message))
        raise IOError(initfileuploadres.status.message)
        'msg="writefile: InitiateFileUploadRes returned" endpoint="%s"' %

    # Upload
        # TODO: Use tus client instead of PUT
        headers = {'Tus-Resumable': '1.0.0', 'x-access-token': userid}
        putres = requests.put(url=initfileuploadres.upload_endpoint,
    except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
            'msg="Exception when uploading file to Reva" reason="%s"' % e)
        raise IOError(e)
    tend = time.time()
    if putres.status_code != http.client.OK:
            'msg="Error uploading file to Reva" code="%d" reason="%s"' %
            (putres.status_code, putres.reason))
        raise IOError(putres.reason)
        'msg="File open for write" filepath="%s" elapsedTimems="%.1f"' %
        (filepath, (tend - tstart) * 1000))