def plot_n_ovlps_per_read(reads: List[TRRead], overlaps: List[Overlap]): n_ovlps_per_read = Counter() for o in overlaps: n_ovlps_per_read[o.a_read_id] += 1 n_ovlps_per_read[o.b_read_id] += 1 show_plot(make_hist([n_ovlps_per_read[] for read in reads], bin_size=1), make_layout(x_title="# of overlaps per read", y_title="Frequency", x_range=(0, None)))
def plot_ulen_transition(read: TRRead): """Show positional distribution of unit lengths in `read.""" assert len(read.units) > 0, "No units to show" show_plot( make_scatter(**dict( zip(('x', 'y'), zip(*[ x for unit in read.units for x in [(unit.start, unit.length), (unit.end, unit.length), (None, None)] ]))), mode="lines+markers"), make_layout(title=f"Read {} (strand={read.strand})", x_title="Start position", y_title="Unit length [bp]", x_range=(0, read.length)))
def plot_ulen_dist(reads: List[TRRead], by: str = "total", min_ulen: int = 1, max_ulen: Optional[int] = None, log_scale: bool = False): """Show a distribution of unit lengths in `reads`. positional arguments: @ reads : A list of TRRead objects. optional arguments: @ by : Must be one of {"total", "count"}. @ [min|max]_ulen : Range of unit length to count. """ assert by in ("total", "count"), "`by` must be 'total' or 'count'" ulens = [unit.length for read in reads for unit in read.units] max_ulen = max(ulens) if max_ulen is None else max_ulen ulen_counts = Counter( list(filter(lambda x: min_ulen <= x <= max_ulen, ulens))) if by == "total": ulen_counts = { ulen: ulen * count for ulen, count in ulen_counts.items() } layout = make_layout( width=1000, height=500, title=("Total bases for each unit length" if by == "total" else "Number of units for each unit length"), x_title="Unit length [bp]", y_title=("Total bases [bp]" if by == "total" else "Frequency"), x_range=(min_ulen, max_ulen)) if log_scale: layout["yaxis_type"] = "log" show_plot([ make_scatter(**dict(zip( ('x', 'y'), zip(*sorted(ulen_counts.items())))), mode="lines", name="Line graph<br>(for zooming out)", show_legend=True), make_hist(ulen_counts, name="Bar graph<br>(for zooming in)", show_legend=True) ], layout=layout)
def plot_overlaps_for_read(read_id: int, overlaps: List[Overlap], min_ovlp_len: int = 10000): _overlaps = list(filter(None, [o if o.a_read_id == read_id else o.swap() if o.b_read_id == read_id else None for o in overlaps])) assert len(_overlaps) > 0, "No overlaps for the read" read_len = _overlaps[0].a_len lens = [o.length for o in _overlaps] diffs = [o.diff * 100 for o in _overlaps] show_plot(make_scatter(x=lens, y=diffs, col=[o.b_read_id for o in _overlaps], marker_size=8), make_layout( shapes=[make_line(min_ovlp_len, min(diffs), min_ovlp_len, max(diffs), col="red"), # min ovlp len threshold make_line(read_len, min(diffs), read_len, max(diffs), col="green"), # read length (contained) make_rect(min_ovlp_len, min(diffs), read_len, max(diffs), opacity=0.1), # accepted ovlps make_line(lens[np.argmin(diffs)], min(diffs), lens[np.argmin(diffs)], max(diffs)), # ovlp len of min diff make_line(min(lens), min(diffs), max(lens), min(diffs))])) # min ovlp diff
def plot_start_end(read_id: int, overlaps: List[Overlap]): # Convert overlaps so that a_read_id == read_id _overlaps = list(filter(None, [o if o.a_read_id == read_id else o.swap() if o.b_read_id == read_id else None for o in overlaps])) assert len(_overlaps) > 0, "No overlaps for the read" read_len = _overlaps[0].a_len x, y, t, c = zip(*[ (o.a_start, o.a_end, f"read {o.b_read_id}<br>({o.b_start}, {o.b_end})<br>{o.type}", o.b_read_id) for o in _overlaps]) show_plot(make_scatter(x, y, text=t, col=c), make_layout(width=700, height=700, x_title="Start", y_title="End", x_range=(-read_len * 0.05, read_len), y_range=(0, read_len * 1.05)))
def plot_self(read: TRRead, unit_dist_by: str, max_dist: Optional[float], max_slope_dev: float, plot_size: int): if unit_dist_by == "repr": assert read.repr_units is not None, "No representative units" read_shapes = [ make_line(0, 0, read.length, read.length, width=2, col="grey") ] tr_traces, tr_shapes = read_to_tr_obj(read, max_slope_dev) unit_traces, unit_shapes = read_to_unit_obj(read, unit_dist_by, max_dist) traces = tr_traces + unit_traces shapes = read_shapes + tr_shapes + unit_shapes layout = make_layout(plot_size, plot_size, title=f"Read {} (strand={read.strand})", x_range=(0, read.length), y_range=(0, read.length), x_grid=False, y_grid=False, y_reversed=True, margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=50, b=10), shapes=shapes) layout["yaxis"]["scaleanchor"] = "x" show_plot(traces, layout)
def plot_ulen_composition(reads: Union[TRRead, List[TRRead]], by: str = "total"): """Show composition of unit lengths in each of `reads`. positional arguments: @ reads : TRRead object of a list of TRRead objects. optional arguments: @ by : Must be one of {"total", "count"}. """ assert by in ("total", "count"), "`by` must be 'total' or 'count'" if isinstance(reads, TRRead): reads = [reads] for read in reads: assert len(read.units) > 0, f"Read {}: no units to show" comps = { sorted(Counter([unit.length for unit in read.units]).items()) for read in reads } if by == "total": comps = { read_id: [(ulen, ulen * count) for ulen, count in counts] for read_id, counts in comps.items() } show_plot( [ make_scatter(**dict(zip(('x', 'y'), zip(*comps[]))), mode="lines+markers", marker_size=6, name=f"Read {}", show_legend=True) for read in reads ], make_layout( title="Composition of unit lengths", x_title="Unit length [bp]", y_title=("Total bases [bp]" if by == "total" else "Frequency")))
def plot_vs(a_read: TRRead, b_read: TRRead, unit_dist_by: str, max_dist: Optional[float], plot_size: int): assert a_read.synchronized and b_read.synchronized, \ "Both reads must be synchronized" axis_traces, axis_shapes = reads_to_axis_obj(a_read, b_read) matrix_traces, matrix_shapes = reads_to_matrix_obj(a_read, b_read, unit_dist_by, max_dist) traces = axis_traces + matrix_traces shapes = axis_shapes + matrix_shapes layout = make_layout(plot_size, plot_size, x_title=f"Read {} (strand={a_read.strand})", y_title=f"Read {} (strand={b_read.strand})", x_range=(-a_read.length * 0.05, a_read.length), y_range=(0, b_read.length), x_grid=False, y_grid=False, y_reversed=True, x_zeroline=False, y_zeroline=False, margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=50, b=10), shapes=shapes) layout["yaxis"]["scaleanchor"] = "x" show_plot(traces, layout)
def draw_string_graph(sg: ig.Graph, reads: Optional[Union[List[TRRead], Dict[int, TRRead]]] = None, kk_maxiter: int = 100000, node_size: int = 8, edge_width_per_bp: int = 5000, plot_size: int = 900): def v_to_read_id(v: ig.Vertex) -> int: return int(v["name"].split(':')[0]) def cov_rate(read: TRRead) -> float: return sum([unit.length for unit in read.units]) / read.length * 100 # [(source, target)], index == v.index coords = sg.layout_kamada_kawai(maxiter=kk_maxiter) traces = [] # Edge traces (multiple edges are red) n_edges = Counter([(e.source, for e in]) e_to_headwidth_col = { e: (max(e["length"] // edge_width_per_bp, 3), "black" if n_edges[(e.source,] == 1 else "red") for e in } # Create Trace object for each unique pair of width and color for col in ("black", "red"): traces.append( make_lines([(*coords[e.source], *coords[]) for e in if e_to_headwidth_col[e][1] == col], width=1, col=col)) for width, col in set(e_to_headwidth_col.values()): traces.append( make_lines( [((0.3 * coords[e.source][0] + 0.7 * coords[][0]), (0.3 * coords[e.source][1] + 0.7 * coords[][1]), *coords[]) for e in if e_to_headwidth_col[e] == (width, col)], width=width, col=col)) edge_info = defaultdict(list) for e in edge_info[(e.source,].append( f"{e['length']} bp, {e['diff'] * 100:.2f}% diff" if "diff" in e.attributes() else f"{e['length']} bp") x, y, t, c = zip(*[((coords[e.source][0] + coords[][0]) / 2, (coords[e.source][1] + coords[][1]) / 2, f"{'<br>'.join(edge_info[(e.source,])}", e_to_headwidth_col[e][1]) for e in]) traces.append(make_scatter(x=x, y=y, text=t, col=c, marker_size=1)) # Node trace with color by cover rate by TR units if reads is not None: reads_by_id = (reads if isinstance(reads, dict) else { read for read in reads}) cov_rates = [ cov_rate(reads_by_id[v_to_read_id(v)]) if reads is not None else 0. for v in sg.vs ] x, y, t = zip(*[(*coords[v.index], f"{v['name']}<br>{cov_rates[v.index]:.1f}% covered") for v in sg.vs]) traces.append( make_scatter(x=x, y=y, text=t, col=cov_rates, col_range=(50, 100), col_scale='YlGnBu', show_scale=False, marker_size=node_size, marker_width=node_size / 5)) show_plot( traces, make_layout(width=plot_size, height=plot_size, x_grid=False, y_grid=False, x_zeroline=False, y_zeroline=False, x_show_tick_labels=False, y_show_tick_labels=False, margin=dict(l=0, r=0, b=0, t=0)))
def adaptive_filter_overlaps(overlaps: List[Overlap], min_n_ovlp: int, default_min_ovlp_len: int, limit_min_ovlp_len: int, filter_by_diff: bool = True, plot: bool = False) -> List[Overlap]: """Filter overlaps by length and sequence dissimilarity by adaptively changing the thresholds for individual read, considering the number of overlaps at prefix and suffix of each read. """ # TODO: what is the difference with "best-N-overlaps" strategy? def _filter_overlaps(_overlaps: List[Overlap]) -> List[Overlap]: """Filter overlaps with adaptive threshold of minimum overlap length ranging [`limit_min_ovlp_len`, `default_min_ovlp_len`].""" if len(_overlaps) == 0: return _overlaps olens = [o.length for o in _overlaps] min_len = max( min((min(olens) if len(_overlaps) < min_n_ovlp else sorted( olens, reverse=True)[min_n_ovlp - 1]), default_min_ovlp_len), limit_min_ovlp_len) min_lens.append(min_len) return list(filter(lambda o: o.length >= min_len, _overlaps)) overlaps_per_read = defaultdict(list) for o in overlaps: overlaps_per_read[o.a_read_id].append(o) overlaps_per_read[o.b_read_id].append(o.swap()) filtered_overlaps = [] min_lens, max_diffs = [], [] # for plot for read_id, _overlaps in overlaps_per_read.items(): # Filter overlaps with adaptive min overlap length threshold # NOTE: contained overlaps are counted twice in pre and suf pre_overlaps = _filter_overlaps( list(filter(lambda o: o.a_start == 0, _overlaps))) suf_overlaps = _filter_overlaps( list(filter(lambda o: o.a_end == o.a_len, _overlaps))) contains_overlaps = list( filter( lambda o: (o.type == "contains" and o.length >= default_min_ovlp_len), _overlaps)) _overlaps = sorted(set(pre_overlaps + suf_overlaps + contains_overlaps)) if filter_by_diff and len(_overlaps) >= 2: # Filter overlaps with adaptive overlap seq diff threshold # NOTE: this is in order to exclude false contained overlaps diffs = [o.diff for o in _overlaps] max_diff = mean(diffs) + stdev(diffs) # TODO: rationale? max_diffs.append(max_diff * 100) _overlaps = list(filter(lambda o: o.diff <= max_diff, _overlaps)) filtered_overlaps += _overlaps # Merge overlaps and remove duplicated overlaps filtered_overlaps = sorted( set([ o if o.a_read_id < o.b_read_id else o.swap() for o in filtered_overlaps ]))"{len(overlaps)} -> {len(filtered_overlaps)} overlaps") if plot: show_plot( make_hist(min_lens, bin_size=500), make_layout(x_title="Min overlap length at boundaries [bp]", y_title="Frequency")) if filter_by_diff: show_plot( make_hist(max_diffs, bin_size=0.1), make_layout(x_title="Max sequence dissimilarity per read [%]", y_title="Frequency")) return filtered_overlaps
def plot_cigar(mappings: List[ContigMapping], mutation_locations: List[int], read_length: int, true_fname: str, line_width: int = 1): """Show alignments between contigs and the true sequence and also mutations. positional arguments: @ contig_cigars : Cigar and true start position for each contig. @ mutation_locations : Positions of mutations in the true sequence. optional arguments: @ line_width : Width of the alignments in the plot. """ def make_lines_for_contigs() -> Tuple[List[go.Scatter], int]: # Make line objects representing alignment paths match_lines, nonmatch_lines, gap_lines = [], [], [] contig_start = 0 for i in range(len(mappings)): if i > 0: gap_lines.append((mappings[i - 1].end, contig_start, mappings[i].start, contig_start)) _match_lines, _nonmatch_lines, contig_start = \ make_lines_for_contig(mappings[i], contig_start) match_lines += _match_lines nonmatch_lines += _nonmatch_lines return ([ make_lines(match_lines, width=line_width), make_lines(nonmatch_lines, width=line_width, col="red"), make_lines(gap_lines, width=line_width, col="yellow") ], contig_start) def make_lines_for_contig( mapping: ContigMapping, contig_start: int) -> List[Tuple[int, int, int, int]]: match_lines, nonmatch_lines = [], [] contig_pos, true_pos = contig_start, mapping.start for length, op in mapping.cigar: if op in ('=', 'X'): (match_lines if op == '=' else nonmatch_lines) \ .append((true_pos, contig_pos, true_pos + length, contig_pos + length)) contig_pos += length true_pos += length elif op == 'I': nonmatch_lines.append( (true_pos, contig_pos, true_pos, contig_pos + length)) contig_pos += length else: nonmatch_lines.append( (true_pos, contig_pos, true_pos + length, contig_pos)) true_pos += length assert true_pos == mapping.end, "Invalid CIGAR" return match_lines, nonmatch_lines, contig_pos def make_dots_for_mutation_status(): nonlocal read_length, mutation_locations # Remove boundary regions mutation_locations = [pos - read_length for pos in mutation_locations] # Check if the mutation is assembled for each mutation mutation_status = {pos: None for pos in mutation_locations} for mapping in mappings: true_pos = mapping.start for op in mapping.cigar.flatten(): if (true_pos in mutation_status and mutation_status[true_pos] in (None, '=')): mutation_status[true_pos] = op # TODO: see bases around the mutation if op != 'I': true_pos += 1 return make_scatter( x=mutation_locations, y=[0] * len(mutation_locations), col=[ 'black' if mutation_status[pos] == '=' else 'red' for pos in mutation_locations ], marker_size=3) mappings = sorted(mappings, key=lambda x: x.start) traces_aln, contigs_length = make_lines_for_contigs() trace_mutation = make_dots_for_mutation_status() true_seq_length = load_fasta(true_fname)[0].length - 2 * read_length show_plot( traces_aln + [trace_mutation], make_layout(width=800, height=800 * contigs_length / true_seq_length, x_title="True sequence", y_title="Contig", x_range=(0, true_seq_length), y_range=(0, contigs_length), x_grid=False, y_grid=False, x_zeroline=False, y_zeroline=False, y_reversed=True, anchor_axes=True, margin=dict(l=10, r=10, t=50, b=10)))