Пример #1
def test_resizer(axes):
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)

    resizer = PadAndCropResizer()
    checker = NoResizer()

    for _ in range(50):

        imdims = list(rng.randint(20,40,size=len(axes)))
        div_by = list(rng.randint(1,20,size=len(axes)))

        u = np.empty(imdims,np.float32)
        if any(s%div_n!=0 for s, div_n in zip(imdims, div_by)):
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                checker.before(u, axes, div_by)

        v = resizer.before(u, axes, div_by)
        assert all (
            s_v >= s_u and s_v%div_n==0
            for s_u, s_v, div_n in zip(u.shape, v.shape, div_by)

        w = resizer.after(v, axes)
        assert u.shape == w.shape

        d = rng.choice(len(axes))
        _axes = axes.replace(axes[d],'')
        _u = np.take(u,0,axis=d)
        _v = np.take(v,0,axis=d)
        _w = resizer.after(_v, _axes)
        assert _u.shape == _w.shape
Пример #2
    def predict(self, img, resizer=PadAndCropResizer(), **predict_kwargs):

        img : :class:`numpy.ndarray`
            Input image
        resizer : :class:`csbdeep.data.Resizer` or None
            If necessary, input image is resized to enable neural network prediction and result is (possibly)
            resized to yield original image size.

            Returns the tuple (`prob`, `dist`) of per-pixel object probabilities and star-convex polygon distances.

        if resizer is None:
            resizer = NoResizer()
        isinstance(resizer, Resizer) or _raise(ValueError())

        img.ndim in (2, 3) or _raise(ValueError())

        x = img
        if x.ndim == 2:
            x = np.expand_dims(x, (-1 if backend_channels_last() else 0))

        channel = x.ndim - 1 if backend_channels_last() else 0
        axes = 'YXC' if backend_channels_last() else 'CYX'
        self.config.n_channel_in == x.shape[channel] or _raise(ValueError())

        # resize: make divisible by power of 2 to allow downsampling steps in unet
        axes_div_by = tuple(2**self.config.unet_n_depth if a != 'C' else 1
                            for a in axes)
        x = resizer.before(x, axes, axes_div_by)

        if backend_channels_last():
            sh = x.shape[:-1] + (1, )
            sh = (1, ) + x.shape[1:]
        dummy = np.empty((1, ) + sh, np.float32)

        prob, dist = self.keras_model.predict([np.expand_dims(x, 0), dummy],
        prob, dist = prob[0], dist[0]

        prob = resizer.after(prob, axes)
        dist = resizer.after(dist, axes)

        prob = np.take(prob, 0, axis=channel)
        dist = np.moveaxis(dist, channel, -1)

        return prob, dist
Пример #3
def test_model_predict_tiled(tmpdir,config):
    Test that tiled prediction yields the same
    or similar result as compared to predicting
    the whole image at once.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    normalizer, resizer = NoNormalizer(), NoResizer()

    model = CARE(config,basedir=str(tmpdir))

    def _predict(imdims,axes,n_tiles):
        img = rng.uniform(size=imdims)
        # print(img.shape, axes)
        mean,       scale       = model._predict_mean_and_scale(img, axes, normalizer, resizer, n_tiles=None)
        mean_tiled, scale_tiled = model._predict_mean_and_scale(img, axes, normalizer, resizer, n_tiles=n_tiles)
        assert mean.shape == mean_tiled.shape
        if config.probabilistic:
            assert scale.shape == scale_tiled.shape
        error_max = np.max(np.abs(mean-mean_tiled))
        # print('n, k, err = {0}, {1}x{1}, {2}'.format(model.config.unet_n_depth, model.config.unet_kern_size, error_max))
        assert error_max < 1e-3
        return mean, mean_tiled

    imdims = list(rng.randint(50,70,size=config.n_dim))
    if config.n_dim == 3:
        imdims[0] = 16 # make one dim small, otherwise test takes too long
    div_n = 2**config.unet_n_depth
    imdims = [(d//div_n)*div_n for d in imdims]

    axes = 'C'+config.axes.replace('C','')

    for n_tiles in (
        -1, 1.2,
        [1]*config.n_dim, # missing value for channel axis
        [2]+[1]*config.n_dim, # >1 tiles for channel axis
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    for n_tiles in [list(rng.randint(1,5,size=config.n_dim)) for _ in range(3)]:
        # print(imdims,axes,[1]+n_tiles)
        if config.n_channel_in == 1:

    # legacy api: tile only largest dimension
    n_blocks = np.max(imdims) // div_n
    for n_tiles in (2,5,n_blocks+1):
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            if config.n_channel_in == 1:
Пример #4
def test_model_predict():
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    configs = config_generator(
        axes=['YX', 'ZYX'],
        n_channel_in=[1, 2],
        n_channel_out=[1, 2],
        probabilistic=[False, True],
        # unet_residual         = [False,True],
        # unet_input_shape      = [(None, None, 1)],
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        normalizer, resizer = NoNormalizer(), NoResizer()

        for config in filter(lambda c: c.is_valid(), configs):
            model = CARE(config, basedir=tmpdir)
            axes = config.axes

            def _predict(imdims, axes):
                img = rng.uniform(size=imdims)
                # print(img.shape, axes, config.n_channel_out)
                mean, scale = model._predict_mean_and_scale(
                    img, axes, normalizer, resizer)
                if config.probabilistic:
                    assert mean.shape == scale.shape
                    assert scale is None

                if 'C' not in axes:
                    if config.n_channel_out == 1:
                        assert mean.shape == img.shape
                        assert mean.shape == img.shape + (
                            config.n_channel_out, )
                    channel = axes_dict(axes)['C']
                    imdims[channel] = config.n_channel_out
                    assert mean.shape == tuple(imdims)

            imdims = list(rng.randint(20, 40, size=config.n_dim))
            div_n = 2**config.unet_n_depth
            imdims = [(d // div_n) * div_n for d in imdims]

            if config.n_channel_in == 1:
                _predict(imdims, axes=axes.replace('C', ''))

            channel = rng.randint(0, config.n_dim)
            imdims.insert(channel, config.n_channel_in)
            _axes = axes.replace('C', '')
            _axes = _axes[:channel] + 'C' + _axes[channel:]
            _predict(imdims, axes=_axes)
Пример #5
def test_model_predict(tmpdir,config):
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    normalizer, resizer = NoNormalizer(), NoResizer()

    model = CARE(config,basedir=str(tmpdir))
    axes = config.axes

    def _predict(imdims,axes):
        img = rng.uniform(size=imdims)
        # print(img.shape, axes, config.n_channel_out)
        if config.probabilistic:
            prob = model.predict_probabilistic(img, axes, normalizer, resizer)
            mean, scale = prob.mean(), prob.scale()
            assert mean.shape == scale.shape
            mean = model.predict(img, axes, normalizer, resizer)

        if 'C' not in axes:
            if config.n_channel_out == 1:
                assert mean.shape == img.shape
                assert mean.shape == img.shape + (config.n_channel_out,)
            channel = axes_dict(axes)['C']
            imdims[channel] = config.n_channel_out
            assert mean.shape == tuple(imdims)

    imdims = list(rng.randint(20,40,size=config.n_dim))
    div_n = 2**config.unet_n_depth
    imdims = [(d//div_n)*div_n for d in imdims]

    if config.n_channel_in == 1:

    channel = rng.randint(0,config.n_dim)
    _axes = axes.replace('C','')
    _axes = _axes[:channel]+'C'+_axes[channel:]
Пример #6
def test_model_predict_tiled():
    Test that tiled prediction yields the same
    or similar result as compared to predicting
    the whole image at once.
    rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
    configs = config_generator(
        axes=['YX', 'ZYX'],
        # unet_residual         = [False,True],
        unet_n_depth=[1, 2, 3],
        unet_kern_size=[3, 5],
        # unet_input_shape      = [(None, None, 1)],
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
        normalizer, resizer = NoNormalizer(), NoResizer()

        for config in filter(lambda c: c.is_valid(), configs):
            model = CARE(config, basedir=tmpdir)

            def _predict(imdims, axes, n_tiles):
                img = rng.uniform(size=imdims)
                # print(img.shape, axes)
                mean, scale = model._predict_mean_and_scale(img,
                mean_tiled, scale_tiled = model._predict_mean_and_scale(
                    img, axes, normalizer, resizer, n_tiles=n_tiles)
                assert mean.shape == mean_tiled.shape
                if config.probabilistic:
                    assert scale.shape == scale_tiled.shape
                error_max = np.max(np.abs(mean - mean_tiled))
                # print('n, k, err = {0}, {1}x{1}, {2}'.format(model.config.unet_n_depth, model.config.unet_kern_size, error_max))
                assert error_max < 1e-3
                return mean, mean_tiled

            imdims = list(rng.randint(100, 130, size=config.n_dim))
            if config.n_dim == 3:
                    0] = 32  # make one dim small, otherwise test takes too long
            div_n = 2**config.unet_n_depth
            imdims = [(d // div_n) * div_n for d in imdims]

            n_blocks = np.max(imdims) // div_n

            def _predict_wrapped(imdims, axes, n_tiles):
                if 0 < n_tiles <= n_blocks:
                    _predict(imdims, axes, n_tiles=n_tiles)
                    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
                        _predict(imdims, axes, n_tiles=n_tiles)

            imdims.insert(0, config.n_channel_in)
            axes = config.axes.replace('C', '')
            # return _predict(imdims,'C'+axes,n_tiles=(3,4))

            # tile one dimension
            for n_tiles in (0, 2, 3, 6, n_blocks + 1):
                if config.n_channel_in == 1:
                    _predict_wrapped(imdims[1:], axes, n_tiles)
                _predict_wrapped(imdims, 'C' + axes, n_tiles)

            # tile two dimensions
            for n_tiles in product((2, 4), (3, 5)):
                _predict(imdims, 'C' + axes, n_tiles)

            # tile three dimensions
            if config.n_dim == 3:
                _predict(imdims, 'C' + axes, (2, 3, 4))