Пример #1

# -------------------------------------
# main program

# command-line args
if len(sys.argv) != 4:
    print("Syntax: python nwchem_wrap.py file/zmq ao/pw input_template")

comm_mode = sys.argv[1]
basis_type = sys.argv[2]
input_template = sys.argv[3]

if comm_mode == "file": cs = CSlib(1, comm_mode, "tmp.couple", None)
elif comm_mode == "zmq": cs = CSlib(1, comm_mode, "*:5555", None)
    print("Syntax: python nwchem_wrap.py file/zmq")

natoms = 0
box = []
if basis_type == "ao":
    natoms = nwchem_setup_ao(input_template)
elif basis_type == "pw":
    natoms, box = nwchem_setup_pw(input_template)

# initial message for AIMD protocol

msgID, nfield, fieldID, fieldtype, fieldlen = cs.recv()
Пример #2
  print "Syntax: python server.py mode N dtype"
  print "  mode = file or zmq"
  print "  N = length of data vectors"
  print "  dtype = 1/2/3 = list, Numpy, ctypes"

mode = sys.argv[1]
nlen = int(sys.argv[2])
dtype = int(sys.argv[3])

if nlen < 1: error("Nlen < 1")
if dtype < 1 or dtype > 3: error("Dtype < 1 or dtype > 3")

# setup messaging

if mode == "file": cs = CSlib(1,mode,"tmp.couple",None)
elif mode == "zmq": cs = CSlib(1,mode,"*:5555",None)
else: error("Invalid mode")

# setup data according to dtype

nper = 3

if dtype == 1:
  sint = nlen*[0]
  sint64 = nlen*[0]
  sfloat = nlen*[0.0]
  sdouble = nlen*[0.0]
  sarray = [[0]*nper for i in range(nlen)]
elif dtype == 2:
Пример #3
    print "  type = 1/2/3 = list, Numpy, ctypes"

mode = sys.argv[1]
nlen = int(sys.argv[2])
dtype = int(sys.argv[3])

if nlen < 1: error("Nlen < 1")
if dtype < 1 or dtype > 3: error("Type < 1 or type > 3")

# setup messaging

mpifree = 0

if mode == "file":
    cs = CSlib(1, mode, "tmp.couple", world)
elif mode == "zmq":
    cs = CSlib(1, mode, "*:5555", world)
elif mode == "mpi/one":
    mpifree = 1
    onlyserver = world.Split(1, me)
    me = onlyserver.rank
    nprocs = onlyserver.size
    both = world
    world = onlyserver
    cs = CSlib(1, mode, both, world)
elif mode == "mpi/two":
    cs = CSlib(1, mode, "tmp.couple", world)
    error("Invalid mode")
Пример #4
    print "  Niter = # of iterations"
    print "  dtype = 1/2/3 = list, Numpy, ctypes"

mode = sys.argv[1]
nlen = int(sys.argv[2])
niter = int(sys.argv[3])
dtype = int(sys.argv[4])

if nlen < 1: error("Nlen < 1")
if niter < 1: error("Niter < 1")
if dtype < 1 or dtype > 3: error("Dtype < 1 or dtype > 3")

# setup messaging

if mode == "file": cs = CSlib(0, mode, "tmp.couple", None)
elif mode == "zmq": cs = CSlib(0, mode, "localhost:5555", None)
else: error("Invalid mode")

# setup data according to dtype

nper = 3

if dtype == 1:
    sint = nlen * [0]
    sint64 = nlen * [0]
    sfloat = nlen * [0]
    sdouble = nlen * [0]
    sarray = [[0] * nper for i in range(nlen)]

elif dtype == 2: