Пример #1
 def __init__(self,  planning_problem, number_stages=2):
     prob_domain = planning_problem.prob_domain
     initial_state = planning_problem.initial_state
     goal = planning_problem.goal
     self.act_vars = [st('action',stage)  for stage in range(number_stages)]
     domains = {av:prob_domain.actions for av in self.act_vars}
     domains.update({ st(var,stage):dom
                      for (var,dom) in prob_domain.feats_vals.items()
                      for stage in range(number_stages+1)})
     # initial state constraints:
     constraints = [Constraint((st(var,0),), is_(val))
                         for (var,val) in initial_state.items()]
     # goal constraints on the final state:
     constraints += [Constraint((st(var,number_stages),),
                         for (var,val) in goal.items()]
     # precondition constraints:
     constraints += [Constraint((st(var,stage), st('action',stage)),
                                if_(val,act))  # st(var,stage)==val if st('action',stage)=act
                         for act,strps in prob_domain.strips_map.items()
                         for var,val in strps.preconditions.items()
                         for stage in range(number_stages)]
     # effect constraints:
     constraints += [Constraint((st(var,stage+1), st('action',stage)),
                                if_(val,act))  # st(var,stage+1)==val if st('action',stage)==act
                         for act,strps in prob_domain.strips_map.items()
                         for var,val in strps.effects.items()
                         for stage in range(number_stages)]
     # frame constraints:
     constraints += [Constraint((st(var,stage), st('action',stage), st(var,stage+1)),
                                eq_if_not_in_({act for act in prob_domain.actions
                                               if var in prob_domain.strips_map[act].effects}))
                         for var in prob_domain.feats_vals
                         for stage in range(number_stages) ]
     CSP.__init__(self, domains, constraints)
Пример #2
 def creat_constraint(self, constraint):
     constraint = constraint.split(' ')
     if constraint[1] == 'before':
             Constraint((constraint[0], constraint[2]), before))
     elif constraint[1] == 'same-day':
             Constraint((constraint[0], constraint[2]), same_day))
     elif constraint[1] == 'one-day-between':
             Constraint((constraint[0], constraint[2]), one_day_between))
     elif constraint[1] == 'one-hour-between':
             Constraint((constraint[0], constraint[2]), one_hour_between))
Пример #3
def get_binary_constraints_from_lines(lines):
    binary_constraints = list()
    for line in lines:
        match = search(r"^constraint, (?P<t1>\S*) (?P<type>\S*) (?P<t2>\S*)",
        if match is not None:
            t1 = match.group("t1")
            binary_constraint_type = match.group("type")
            t2 = match.group("t2")

            if binary_constraint_type == "before":
                scope = (t1, t2)
                condition = lambda t1, t2: t1.finish_time <= t2.start_time
            elif binary_constraint_type == "after":
                scope = (t1, t2)
                condition = lambda t1, t2: t1.start_time >= t2.finish_time
            elif binary_constraint_type == "same-day":
                scope = (t1, t2)
                condition = lambda t1, t2: t1.start_time.day == t2.start_time.day
            elif binary_constraint_type == "starts-at":
                scope = (t1, t2)
                condition = lambda t1, t2: t1.start_time.day == t2.finish_time.day and t1.start_time.hour == t2.finish_time.hour
                exit("Invalid binary constraint")

            binary_constraints.append(Constraint(scope, condition))
    return binary_constraints
Пример #4
def get_range_hour_domain_constraint(match):
    t = match.group("t")
    scope = (t, )
    constraint_type = match.group("type")
    required_hour = hours_of_day[match.group("hour")]
    if constraint_type == "starts-before":
        condition = lambda t: t.start_time.hour <= required_hour
    elif constraint_type == "ends-before":
        condition = lambda t: t.finish_time.hour <= required_hour
    elif constraint_type == "starts-after":
        condition = lambda t: t.start_time.hour >= required_hour
    elif constraint_type == "ends-after":
        condition = lambda t: t.finish_time.hour >= required_hour
        exit("Invalid hard domain constraint (starts/ends before/after hour)")
    return Constraint(scope, condition)
Пример #5
def get_range_day_hour_constraint(match):
    t = match.group("t")
    scope = (t, )
    constraint_type = match.group("type")
    required_day = days_in_week[match.group("day")]
    required_hour = hours_of_day[match.group("hour")]
    required_time = Time(required_day, required_hour)
    if constraint_type == "starts-before":
        condition = lambda t: t.start_time <= required_time
    elif constraint_type == "starts-after":
        condition = lambda t: t.start_time >= required_time
    elif constraint_type == "ends-before":
        condition = lambda t: t.finish_time <= required_time
    elif constraint_type == "ends-after":
        condition = lambda t: t.finish_time >= required_time
        exit("Invalid hard domain constraint (starts/ends before/after)")
    return Constraint(scope, condition)
Пример #6
def get_day_hour_to_day_hour_constraint(match):
    t = match.group("t")
    scope = (t, )
    constraint_type = match.group("type")
    # required begin time
    required_begin_day = days_in_week[match.group("start_day")]
    required_begin_hour = hours_of_day[match.group("start_hour")]
    required_begin_time = Time(required_begin_day, required_begin_hour)

    # required end time
    required_end_day = days_in_week[match.group("finish_day")]
    required_end_hour = hours_of_day[match.group("finish_hour")]
    required_end_time = Time(required_end_day, required_end_hour)

    if constraint_type == "starts-in":
        condition = lambda t: t.start_time >= required_begin_time and t.start_time <= required_end_time
    elif constraint_type == "ends-in":
        condition = lambda t: t.finish_time >= required_begin_time and t.finish_time <= required_end_time
        exit("Invalid hard domain constraint (from day-hour to day-hour)")
    return Constraint(scope, condition)
Пример #7
def get_at_hour_constraint(match):
    t = match.group("t")
    scope = (t, )
    condition = lambda t: t.start_time.hour == hours_of_day[match.group("hour")
    return Constraint(scope, condition)
Пример #8
def get_at_day_constraint(match):
    t = match.group("t")
    scope = (t, )
    condition = lambda t: t.start_time.day == days_in_week[match.group("day")]
    return Constraint(scope, condition)
Пример #9
        task_domain[task] = sorted(set((x, x + duration) for x in di))

    # get binary constraints
    if 'binary' in line:
        for line in file:
            if '#' in line:
            line = line.strip()
            line = line.replace(',', '')
            line = line.split(' ')
            # print(line)
            t1 = line[1]
            t2 = line[3]
            if line[2] == 'before':
                # print('hhhhhhhh')
                hard_constraint.append(Constraint((t1, t2), binary_before))

            if line[2] == 'after':

            if line[2] == 'same-day':
                hard_constraint.append(Constraint((t1, t2), binary_same_day))

            if line[2] == 'starts-at':

    # get hard fomain
    if 'domain' in line:
        for line in file:
            if '#' in line:
Пример #10

def is_(val):
    """is a value"""

    # isv = lambda x: x == val   # alternative definition
    # isv = partial(eq,val)      # another alternative definition
    def isv(x):
        return val == x

    isv.__name__ = str(val) + "=="
    return isv

csp0 = CSP({'X': {1, 2, 3}, 'Y': {1, 2, 3}, 'Z': {1, 2, 3}},
           [Constraint(('X', 'Y'), lt),
            Constraint(('Y', 'Z'), lt)])

C0 = Constraint(('A', 'B'), lt)
C1 = Constraint(('B',), ne_(2))
C2 = Constraint(('B', 'C'), lt)
csp1 = CSP({'A': {1, 2, 3, 4}, 'B': {1, 2, 3, 4}, 'C': {1, 2, 3, 4}},
           [C0, C1, C2])

csp2 = CSP({'A': {1, 2, 3, 4}, 'B': {1, 2, 3, 4}, 'C': {1, 2, 3, 4},
            'D': {1, 2, 3, 4}, 'E': {1, 2, 3, 4}},
           [Constraint(('B',), ne_(3)),
            Constraint(('C',), ne_(2)),
            Constraint(('A', 'B'), ne),
            Constraint(('B', 'C'), ne),
            Constraint(('C', 'D'), lt),
Пример #11
                    for d in del_list_wed:
                        if d in cur:
                    for d in del_list_thu:
                        if d in cur:
                    for d in del_list_fri:
                        if d in cur:
                domain_fs[b[0]] = set(cur)

    elif (i[0] == 'constraint'):
        b = i[1].strip(" ").split(" ")
        test_cons.append(((b[0], b[-1]), before))
        if b[1] == 'before':
            cons.append(Constraint((b[0], b[-1]), before))
        if b[1] == 'same-day':
            cons.append(Constraint((b[0], b[-1]), same_day))
        if b[1] == 'after':
            cons.append(Constraint((b[0], b[-1]), after))
        if b[1] == 'starts-at':
            cons.append(Constraint((b[0], b[-1]), starts_at))

fuzzyScheduler = CSP_1(domain_fs, cons, task)
solution = Con_solver(fuzzyScheduler).solve_one()

if solution:
    cost = 0
    for i in solution:
        if 'soft' in task[i]:
            if solution[i] + task[i]['duration'] < task[i]['soft']:
Пример #12
        task_duration[line[1]] = int(line[2])
        di = set()
        duration = int(line[2])
        for item in domain:
            if item % 10 + duration <= 9:
        task_domain[line[1]] = set((x, x + duration) for x in di)

    # get binary constraint
    elif line[0]=='constraint':
        t1 = line[1]
        t2 = line[-1]
        if 'before' in line:
        if 'after' in line:
        if 'same' in line:
        if 'starts' in line:
    # get soft constraint
    elif (line[0]=='domain') and (line[-1] not in week_to_num) and (line[-1] not in time_to_num):
        task = line[1]
        day = week_to_num[line[4]]
        time = time_to_num[line[5]]
    # get hard constraint
Пример #13
    (xA, yA) = A
    (xB, yB) = B
    return abs(xA - xB) <= 1 and abs(yA - yB) <= 1

def not_close(A, B):
    return not close(A, B)

A = 'house'
B = 'hotel'
C = 'rec'
D = 'garbage'
CEM = 'cem'
LAKE = 'lake'

# stuff not at each other
Ca = Constraint((A, B), ne)
Cb = Constraint((A, C), ne)
Cc = Constraint((A, D), ne)
Cd = Constraint((B, C), ne)
Ce = Constraint((B, D), ne)
Cf = Constraint((C, D), ne)

# house hotel not close cemetery
C0a = Constraint((A, CEM), not_close)
C0b = Constraint((B, CEM), not_close)

# rec close to lake
C1 = Constraint((C, LAKE), close)

# house hotel close rec
C2a = Constraint((A, C), close)
Пример #14
    """is a value"""

    # isv = lambda x: x == val   # alternative definition
    # isv = partial(eq,val)      # another alternative definition
    def isv(x):
        return val == x

    isv.__name__ = str(val) + "=="
    return isv

csp0 = CSP({
    'X': {1, 2, 3},
    'Y': {1, 2, 3},
    'Z': {1, 2, 3}
}, [Constraint(['X', 'Y'], lt),
    Constraint(['Y', 'Z'], lt)])

C0 = Constraint(['A', 'B'], lt, "A < B")
C1 = Constraint(['B'], ne_(2), "B != 2")
C2 = Constraint(['B', 'C'], lt, "B < C")
csp1 = CSP({
    'A': {1, 2, 3, 4},
    'B': {1, 2, 3, 4},
    'C': {1, 2, 3, 4}
}, [C0, C1, C2],
               "A": (1, 0),
               "B": (3, 0),
               "C": (5, 0),
               "A < B": (2, 1),
Пример #15
                            print("late week")
                        elif newDomain[1] == "early-morning,":
                            print("early Morning")
                            newDomain = []
                        elif newDomain[1] == "midday":
                        elif newDomain[1] == "late-afternoon,":

constraintList = []

from constraint import sameDay, oneDayBetween, oneHourBetween, before

for constraint in constraints:
    if constraint[1] == "before":
        C = Constraint((constraint[0], constraint[2]), before)
    elif constraint[1] == "same-day":
        C = Constraint((constraint[0], constraint[2]), sameDay)
    elif constraint[1] == "one-day-between":
        C = Constraint((constraint[0], constraint[2]), oneDayBetween)
    elif constraint[1] == "one-hour-between":
        C = Constraint((constraint[0], constraint[2]), oneHourBetween)

csp1 = CSP(newmeetingsDict, constraintList)

from operator import lt, ne, eq, gt
from cspExamples import test, ne_
from searchGeneric import Searcher, AStarSearcher  #Applying AStar search on it?
from display import Displayable, visualize
from cspConsistency import Search_with_AC_from_CSP, ac_search_solver
Пример #16
# deal with valid line and distribute them into task, all constraints and soft constraints
for line in temp_list:
    # print(line)
    if "task," in line:
        # print(line[1])
        task[line[1]] = value_domain(int(line[-1]))
    # soft constraints
    elif "ends-by" in line:
        t = (Date[line[3]], Time[line[4]])
        cost_unit[line[1]] = line[-1]
        soft_cons.append([line[1], t, line[-1]])
    # binary constraints of cons
    elif "constraint," in line:
        if "before" in line:
            cons.append(Constraint((line[1], line[3]), before))
        elif "after" in line:
            cons.append(Constraint((line[1], line[3]), after))
        elif "same-day" in line:
            cons.append(Constraint((line[1], line[3]), same_day))
        elif "starts-at" in line:
            cons.append(Constraint((line[1], line[3]), start_at))
    # hard domain constraints
    elif "domain," in line:
        if len(line) == 3 and line[-1] in Date:
            date = Date[line[-1]]
            cons.append(Constraint((line[1], ), on_(date)))
        elif len(line) == 3 and line[-1] in Time:
            time = Time[line[-1]]
            cons.append(Constraint((line[1], ), at_(time)))
        elif "starts-before" in line and len(line) == 5:
def fulfil_afternoon(meeting):
    for domain in meetings[meeting][:]:
        if "pm" not in domain[2:]:

with open("sample.txt") as file:
    for line in file:  #Split file into lines
        request = []
        for word in line.split(" "):
        if request[0] == "meeting":
            meetings[request[1].rstrip("\n")] = domains.copy()
        if request[0] == "constraint":
            if request[2] == "before":
                constraint = Constraint((request[1], request[-1].strip()),
            if request[2] == "same-day":
                constraint = Constraint((request[1], request[-1].strip()),
            if request[2] == "one-day-between":
                constraint = Constraint((request[1], request[-1].strip()),
            if request[2] == "one-hour-between":
                constraint = Constraint((request[1], request[-1].strip()),
        if request[0] == "domain":
            if request[-1].rstrip("\n") == "hard":
Пример #18
# new method to find the binary constraints and domain constraint and soft const.
# the old method is in the last of the code, this one is much more simple.
# I check the csp examples code, in class constraints, there is a range list and a relation in it.
# so I init a scope contain two task name, and relation contain the Size relationship of two tasks.
file = open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8')
for line in file:
    line = line_process(line)

    # get the task name and fill in scope
    # this step is to get binary const
    if line[0] == 'constraint':
        scope = (line[1], line[3])
        if line[2] == 'before':
            # if t1 before t2, in here, I use lambda function to let t1.end_time <= t2.start_time
            hard_constraints_list.append(Constraint(scope, before_compare))
        elif line[2] == 'same-day':
            hard_constraints_list.append(Constraint(scope, same_day_compare))
        elif line[2] == 'after':
            hard_constraints_list.append(Constraint(scope, after_compare))
        elif line[2] == 'starts-at':
            temp = starts_at_compare(scope[0], scope[1])
            hard_constraints_list.append(Constraint(scope, starts_at_compare))

    # get the domain constraints
    if line[0] == 'domain' and line[2] != 'ends-by':
        check = line[2]
        if line[2] in workday:
            scope = (line[1], )
            hard_const_day = workday[line[2]]
Пример #19

        # when read tasks
        for line in my_content:
            if "task" in line:
                data = line.strip().split(' ')
                variables.append((data[1], int(data[2])))

        # when read binary constraints
        for line in my_content:
            if "constraint" in line:
                data = line.strip().split(' ')
                scope = (data[1], data[3])
                if data[2] == "before":
                    condition = bc_before
                    constraints.append(Constraint(scope, bc_before))
                if data[2] == "after":
                    condition = bc_after
                    constraints.append(Constraint(scope, condition))
                if data[2] == "same-day":
                    condition = bc_same_day
                    constraints.append(Constraint(scope, condition))
                if data[2] == "starts-at":
                    condition = bc_starts_at
                    constraints.append(Constraint(scope, condition))

        # when read soft constraints and unary constraints
        for line in my_content:
            if "domain" in line:
                data = line.strip().split(' ')
                if data[2] == "ends-by":  # read soft constraints
Пример #20
        domain = set()
        for i in range(11, 60):
            if not i % 10 == 0:
        for t in task:
            time = []
            for i in domain:
                if i % 10 + int(task[t]) <= 9:
                    time.append((i, i + int(task[t])))
            task_domain[t] = sorted(time)

        if len(line) == 4 and 'constraint' in line:
            l1 = line[1]
            l2 = line[3]
            if line[2] == 'before':
                hard_domain.append(Constraint((l1, l2), before))
            elif line[2] == 'after':
                hard_domain.append(Constraint((l1, l2), after))
            elif line[2] == 'same-day':
                hard_domain.append(Constraint((l1, l2), same_day))
            elif line[2] == 'starts-at':
                hard_domain.append(Constraint((l1, l2), starts_at))

        if 'domain' in line:
            if len(line) == 3:
                t = line[1]
                s = line[2]
                if s in dayn:
                    dd = dayn[s]
                    hard_domain.append(Constraint((t, ), start_day(dd)))
                if s in timen:
Пример #21
        line = line[:line.index('#')]
    line = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), line.split(',')))
    # task and duration
    if line[0] == "task":
        task, dur = line[1].split()
        # creating domains dictionary
        domains[task] = set(range(len(working_days) * len(working_hours)))
        # creating duration dictionary
        duration[task] = int(dur)
    # binary constraint
    elif line[0] == "constraint":
        t1, c, t2 = line[1].split()
        c = c.replace('-', '_')
        b = c + "('" + t1 + "','" + t2 + "')"
        # creating constraints list
        constraints.append(Constraint((t1.strip(), t2.strip()), eval(b)))
    # hard domain constraints
    elif line[0] == "domain":
        task = line[1].split()[0]
        # soft deadline constraints
        if line[1].split()[-1].isdigit():
            for t in domains[task]:
                soft_constraint(task, t, line[1].split()[1:])
        # hard constraints
            domains[task] = domains[task] & set(
                domain_num(' '.join(line[-1].split()[1:])))


for k in domains.keys():
Пример #22
            (TaskStartTime, TaskStartTime + duration)
            for TaskStartTime in CertainDaySchedule)
        # will give result like {'t1': {(14, 17), (21, 24)},'t2': {(24, 26), (26, 28)}.....}until all domains((timeStart , TimeEnd)of all tasks has been added into the TaskDict}

    # elif read binary constraints
    elif input[0] == 'constraint':
        t1 = input[1]
        t2 = input[-1]
        #eg: 'constraint, t1 before t2'
        # import from cspProblem.py ,we use class Constraint(object)
        # A Constraint consists of * scope: a tuple of variables and
        # * condition: a function that can applied to a tuple of values for the variables
        if 'before' in input:
            HardConstraintsList.append(Constraint((t1, t2), ConsBefore))
        if 'same' in input:
            HardConstraintsList.append(Constraint((t1, t2), ConsSameDay))
        if 'after' in input:
            HardConstraintsList.append(Constraint((t1, t2), ConsAfter))
        if 'starts' in input:
            HardConstraintsList.append(Constraint((t1, t2), ConsStartsAt))

    # elif read soft deadliine constraints
    #domain, <t>, ends, by, <WeekdayValue>, <TimeValue>, <cost>       # cost per hour of missing deadline
    elif (input[0] == 'domain') and (input[-2] in TimeDict):
        #soft deadline constaints is in the above format
        #['domain', 't1', 'ends', 'by', 'mon', '3pm', '10']
        taskNum = input[1]
        #get value from dict of weekdict and timedict