def test_db_loading(self):
    This test saves TimelineEntries into a file and then opens them and checks to see that they all exist.
    Test case is small currently.
    ctm_writer = CSVTimelineManager()
    input_entries = [TimelineEntry('type1', 12, 'v2'), TimelineEntry('type2', 2, 'v42'), TimelineEntry('type1', 5, 'v4'),
                     TimelineEntry('type1', 3, 'v424'), TimelineEntry('type2', 15, 'v432'), TimelineEntry('type2', 4, 'v4215')
    for entry in input_entries:

    # timeline = ctm.get_timeline()

    # output entries will be sorted
    output_entries = sorted(input_entries, key=lambda e: e.time)
    ctm_reader = CSVTimelineManager()
    self.assertEquals(output_entries, ctm_reader.get_timeline())