Пример #1
def GenTasks(tname,args):
    generate the tasks
        args, arguments as a string

        nnodes, number of nodes
        tsize, number of nodes per task
        dis, degree distribution

    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])

    d = simplejson.loads(args[0])
    nnodes = d["nnodes"]
    tsize = d["tsize"]
    dis = d["dis"]

    ns = 0
    tc = 0
    while ns < nnodes:
        tname = "G" + str(tc) + "-" + str(step+1)
        tc += 1
        ne = ns + tsize
        if ne > nnodes:
            ne = nnodes
        tinfo = "%d\t%d\t%s" % (ns, ne-1, dis)
        print tname, tinfo
        ns = ne
        comm.mroute("T0", tname, tinfo)
Пример #2
def GenTasks(tname, args):
    generate the tasks
        args, arguments as a string

        nnodes, number of nodes
        tsize, number of nodes per task
        dis, degree distribution

    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])

    d = simplejson.loads(args[0])
    nnodes = d["nnodes"]
    tsize = d["tsize"]
    dis = d["dis"]

    ns = 0
    tc = 0
    while ns < nnodes:
        tname = "G" + str(tc) + "-" + str(step + 1)
        tc += 1
        ne = ns + tsize
        if ne > nnodes:
            ne = nnodes
        tinfo = "%d\t%d\t%s" % (ns, ne - 1, dis)
        print tname, tinfo
        ns = ne
        comm.mroute("T0", tname, tinfo)
Пример #3
def GenGraph(tname,args):
    generate the graph edges
        args, arguments as a string

    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])

    # extract the stubs from the args
    # iterate through the input queue and add new items to the stub list
    stubs = []
    for item in args:
        l = simplejson.loads(item)
    #print stubs
    print tname,stubs

    # randomize the items
    #print tname + "-r",stubs

    # get the pairs
    pairs = zip(stubs[::2], stubs[1::2])

    print tname,pairs
    # distribute the stubs randomly to the tasks
    tsize = comm.mgetconfig("tsize")

    # get edges for a specific task
    edges = {}
    for pair in pairs:
        esrc = pair[0]
        edst = pair[1]

        # add the edge twice for both directions
        tdst = TaskId(esrc, tsize)
        if not edges.has_key(tdst):
            edges[tdst] = []
        l = [esrc, edst]

        tdst = TaskId(edst, tsize)
        if not edges.has_key(tdst):
            edges[tdst] = []
        l = [edst, esrc]

    print tname,edges

    for key, value in edges.iteritems():
        tdst = "E%s" % (str(key)) + "-" + str(step+1)
        targs = simplejson.dumps(value)
        print tdst,targs
Пример #4
def GenGraph(tname, args):
    generate the graph edges
        args, arguments as a string

    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])

    # extract the stubs from the args
    # iterate through the input queue and add new items to the stub list
    stubs = []
    for item in args:
        l = simplejson.loads(item)
    #print stubs
    print tname, stubs

    # randomize the items
    #print tname + "-r",stubs

    # get the pairs
    pairs = zip(stubs[::2], stubs[1::2])

    print tname, pairs

    # distribute the stubs randomly to the tasks
    tsize = comm.mgetconfig("tsize")

    # get edges for a specific task
    edges = {}
    for pair in pairs:
        esrc = pair[0]
        edst = pair[1]

        # add the edge twice for both directions
        tdst = TaskId(esrc, tsize)
        if not edges.has_key(tdst):
            edges[tdst] = []
        l = [esrc, edst]

        tdst = TaskId(edst, tsize)
        if not edges.has_key(tdst):
            edges[tdst] = []
        l = [edst, esrc]

    print tname, edges

    for key, value in edges.iteritems():
        tdst = "E%s" % (str(key)) + "-" + str(step + 1)
        targs = simplejson.dumps(value)
        print tdst, targs
        comm.mroute(tname, tdst, targs)
Пример #5
def GenStubs(tname,args):
    determine degrees for all the nodes, generate the stubs and distribute them
        args, arguments as a string

    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])

    argwords = args[0]
    largs = argwords.split("\t")
    #print largs

    ns = int(largs[0])
    ne = int(largs[1])
    dis = largs[2]

    print "*task* %s %d %d %s" % (tname, ns, ne, dis)

    # determine node degrees
    i = ns
    ddeg = {}
    while i <= ne:
        #deg = StdDist(distmean,distvar)
        deg = 3
        ddeg[i] = deg
        print "*task* %s, node %s, degree %s" % (tname, str(i), str(deg))
        i += 1

    print ddeg

    # distribute the stubs randomly to the tasks
    ntasks = comm.mgetconfig("tasks")
    print "__tasks__ %s\t%s" % (tname, str(ntasks))
    # one item per task, each task has a list of stubs
    dstubs = {}
    for key,value in ddeg.iteritems():
        for i in range(0,value):
            t = int(random.random() * ntasks)
            if not dstubs.has_key(t):
                dstubs[t] = []

    for key, value in dstubs.iteritems():
        tdst = "S%s" % (str(key)) + "-" + str(step+1)
        targs = simplejson.dumps(value)
        print tdst,targs
Пример #6
def GenStubs(tname, args):
    determine degrees for all the nodes, generate the stubs and distribute them
        args, arguments as a string

    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])

    argwords = args[0]
    largs = argwords.split("\t")
    #print largs

    ns = int(largs[0])
    ne = int(largs[1])
    dis = largs[2]

    print "*task* %s %d %d %s" % (tname, ns, ne, dis)

    # determine node degrees
    i = ns
    ddeg = {}
    while i <= ne:
        #deg = StdDist(distmean,distvar)
        deg = 3
        ddeg[i] = deg
        print "*task* %s, node %s, degree %s" % (tname, str(i), str(deg))
        i += 1

    print ddeg

    # distribute the stubs randomly to the tasks
    ntasks = comm.mgetconfig("tasks")
    print "__tasks__ %s\t%s" % (tname, str(ntasks))

    # one item per task, each task has a list of stubs
    dstubs = {}
    for key, value in ddeg.iteritems():
        for i in range(0, value):
            t = int(random.random() * ntasks)
            if not dstubs.has_key(t):
                dstubs[t] = []

    for key, value in dstubs.iteritems():
        tdst = "S%s" % (str(key)) + "-" + str(step + 1)
        targs = simplejson.dumps(value)
        print tdst, targs
        comm.mroute(tname, tdst, targs)
Пример #7
def GetDist(tname,args):
    find the node distance
        args, arguments as a string

    print "GetDist", tname

    task = tname.split("-")[0]
    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])
    tsize = comm.mgetconfig("tsize")

    # get the initial arguments: starting node and its neighbors
    dinit = simplejson.loads(args[0])
    node = dinit["node"]
    nbrlist = dinit["nbrs"]

    # no visited nodes yet, first iteration
    visited = {}
    distance = 0
    print "*distance*", tname, node, distance
    visited[node] = distance

    while True:

        # process the new neighbors
        distance += 1
        newnodes = []

        # process all the input elements
        for arg in args:
            dinit = simplejson.loads(arg)
            srcnode = dinit["node"]
            nbrlist = dinit["nbrs"]

            for item in nbrlist:
                # skip nodes already visited
                if item in visited:
                # add new nodes to the visited nodes and the new nodes
                print "*distance*", tname, item, distance
                visited[item] = distance
        # done, if there are no more new nodes
        if len(newnodes) <= 0:

        # send new visited nodes to the graph nodes to find their neighbors
        # collect nodes for the same task
        dtasks = {}
        for ndst in newnodes:
            tn = TaskId(ndst,tsize)
            if not dtasks.has_key(tn):
                dtasks[tn] = []

        print "dtasks", dtasks
        # send the messages
        step += 1
        for tn,args in dtasks.iteritems():
            dmsg = {}
            dmsg["task"] = task
            dmsg["nodes"] = args
            tdst = "E%s" % (str(tn)) + "-" + str(step)
            targs = simplejson.dumps(dmsg)
            print tdst,targs

        # wait for another iteration

        # move the task name to the next step
        step += 1
        tname = task + "-" + str(step)

        # get the input queue
        args = comm.mgetargs(tname)

        # end of while, repeat the loop

    print "*finish*", tname

    # TODO calculate statistics
Пример #8
def GenNbr(tname,args):
    generate the graph neighbors
        args, arguments as a string

    task = tname.split("-")[0]
    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])

    # extract neighbors from the args
    # iterate through the input queue and add new items to the neighbor list
    edges = []
    for item in args:
        l = simplejson.loads(item)
    print edges
    print tname,edges

    # collect neighbors for each node
    nbrs = {}
    for item in edges:
        src = item[0]
        dst = item[1]
        if not nbrs.has_key(src):
            nbrs[src] = set()

    for node, edges in nbrs.iteritems():
        print tname, node, edges

    # select a random node for stats
    #nsel = random.choice(list(nbrs.keys()))
    nsel = list(nbrs.keys())[0]
    print tname, "sel", nsel, list(nbrs.keys())

    # send the node and its neighbors to the distance task
    step += 1
    tdst = "D%s" % (str(nsel)) + "-" + str(step)
    dmsg = {}
    dmsg["node"] = nsel
    dmsg["nbrs"] = list(nbrs[nsel])
    targs = simplejson.dumps(dmsg)
    print tdst,targs

    while True:

        step += 1
        tname = task + "-" + str(step)
        args = comm.mgetargs(tname)
        if args == None:
            step += 1

        # iterate through the input queue, get the nodes, report neighbors
        step += 1
        for item in args:
            d = simplejson.loads(item)
            tdst = d["task"] + "-" + str(step)
            nodes = d["nodes"]
            for node in nodes:
                dmsg = {}
                dmsg["node"] = node
                dmsg["nbrs"] = list(nbrs[node])
                targs = simplejson.dumps(dmsg)
                #tdst = "D%s" % (str(node)) + "-" + str(step)
                print tdst,targs
Пример #9
    d = {}
    d["type"] = "iter"
    d["def" ] = GetDist
    dispatch["D"] = d


    d = {}
    d["nnodes"] = nnodes
    d["tsize"] = tsize
    d["dis"] = "std"
    targs = simplejson.dumps(d)



    # generate the tasks and assign nodes to them
    #GenTasks(nnodes, tsize, "std")

    # generate node degrees and distribute stubs to tasks

    # generate the random graph

    # generate the graph statistics
Пример #10
def GetDist(tname, args):
    find the node distance
        args, arguments as a string

    print "GetDist", tname

    task = tname.split("-")[0]
    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])
    tsize = comm.mgetconfig("tsize")

    # get the initial arguments: starting node and its neighbors
    dinit = simplejson.loads(args[0])
    node = dinit["node"]
    nbrlist = dinit["nbrs"]

    # no visited nodes yet, first iteration
    visited = {}
    distance = 0
    print "*distance*", tname, node, distance
    visited[node] = distance

    while True:

        # process the new neighbors
        distance += 1
        newnodes = []

        # process all the input elements
        for arg in args:
            dinit = simplejson.loads(arg)
            srcnode = dinit["node"]
            nbrlist = dinit["nbrs"]

            for item in nbrlist:
                # skip nodes already visited
                if item in visited:

                # add new nodes to the visited nodes and the new nodes
                print "*distance*", tname, item, distance
                visited[item] = distance

        # done, if there are no more new nodes
        if len(newnodes) <= 0:

        # send new visited nodes to the graph nodes to find their neighbors

        # collect nodes for the same task
        dtasks = {}
        for ndst in newnodes:
            tn = TaskId(ndst, tsize)
            if not dtasks.has_key(tn):
                dtasks[tn] = []

        print "dtasks", dtasks

        # send the messages
        step += 1
        for tn, args in dtasks.iteritems():
            dmsg = {}
            dmsg["task"] = task
            dmsg["nodes"] = args
            tdst = "E%s" % (str(tn)) + "-" + str(step)
            targs = simplejson.dumps(dmsg)
            print tdst, targs
            comm.mroute(tname, tdst, targs)

        # wait for another iteration

        # move the task name to the next step
        step += 1
        tname = task + "-" + str(step)

        # get the input queue
        args = comm.mgetargs(tname)

        # end of while, repeat the loop

    print "*finish*", tname

    # TODO calculate statistics
Пример #11
def GenNbr(tname, args):
    generate the graph neighbors
        args, arguments as a string

    task = tname.split("-")[0]
    step = int(tname.split("-")[1])

    # extract neighbors from the args
    # iterate through the input queue and add new items to the neighbor list
    edges = []
    for item in args:
        l = simplejson.loads(item)
    print edges
    print tname, edges

    # collect neighbors for each node
    nbrs = {}
    for item in edges:
        src = item[0]
        dst = item[1]
        if not nbrs.has_key(src):
            nbrs[src] = set()

    for node, edges in nbrs.iteritems():
        print tname, node, edges

    # select a random node for stats
    #nsel = random.choice(list(nbrs.keys()))
    nsel = list(nbrs.keys())[0]
    print tname, "sel", nsel, list(nbrs.keys())

    # send the node and its neighbors to the distance task
    step += 1
    tdst = "D%s" % (str(nsel)) + "-" + str(step)
    dmsg = {}
    dmsg["node"] = nsel
    dmsg["nbrs"] = list(nbrs[nsel])
    targs = simplejson.dumps(dmsg)
    print tdst, targs
    comm.mroute(tname, tdst, targs)

    while True:

        step += 1
        tname = task + "-" + str(step)
        args = comm.mgetargs(tname)
        if args == None:
            step += 1

        # iterate through the input queue, get the nodes, report neighbors
        step += 1
        for item in args:
            d = simplejson.loads(item)
            tdst = d["task"] + "-" + str(step)
            nodes = d["nodes"]
            for node in nodes:
                dmsg = {}
                dmsg["node"] = node
                dmsg["nbrs"] = list(nbrs[node])
                targs = simplejson.dumps(dmsg)
                #tdst = "D%s" % (str(node)) + "-" + str(step)
                print tdst, targs
                comm.mroute(tname, tdst, targs)
Пример #12
    d = {}
    d["type"] = "iter"
    d["def"] = GetDist
    dispatch["D"] = d


    d = {}
    d["nnodes"] = nnodes
    d["tsize"] = tsize
    d["dis"] = "std"
    targs = simplejson.dumps(d)


    comm.mroute("00", "T0-0", targs)

    # generate the tasks and assign nodes to them
    #GenTasks(nnodes, tsize, "std")

    # generate node degrees and distribute stubs to tasks

    # generate the random graph

    # generate the graph statistics