def delete_stix_document(id_=None, package_id=None): if id_: origin_path = StixFiles.delete_by_id(id_) elif package_id: origin_path = StixFiles.delete_by_package_id(package_id) else: return # ファイル削除 if os.path.exists(origin_path): os.remove(origin_path) return
def regist(stix_file_path, community, via, package_name=None): package_bean = get_package_bean(stix_file_path) if package_name: package_bean.package_name = package_name try: with open(stix_file_path, 'rb') as fp: stix_file_doc = StixFiles.create(package_bean, community, fp, via) except BaseException: os.remove(stix_file_path) traceback.print_exc() raise Exception('duplicate package_id:%s' % (package_bean.package_id)) try: path = os.path.join(community.dir_path, COMMUNITY_ORIGIN_DIR_NAME, str(stix_file_doc.content.grid_id)) shutil.move(stix_file_path, path) stix_file_doc.origin_path = path except Exception as e: stix_file_doc.delete() traceback.print_exc() raise Exception(str(e)) stix_file_doc.split_child_nodes() webhook_create(community, stix_file_doc) for cl in Communities.get_clients_from_community(community): cl.push(stix_file_doc) return
def rebuild_cache(request): if request.method != 'GET': return error_page_free_format(request, 'invalid method') # activeユーザー以外はエラー if not request.user.is_active: return error_page_inactive(request) # is_admin権限なしの場合はエラー if not request.user.is_admin: return error_page_no_view_permission(request) try: # レンダリング StixFiles.rebuild_cache() replace_dict = get_success_replace_dict(request) replace_dict['info_msg'] = 'Rebuild Success!!' return render(request, 'system.html', replace_dict) except Exception: # エラーページ return error_page(request)
def delete_stix_files_id(request, package_id): try: origin_path = StixFiles.delete_by_package_id(package_id) if os.path.exists(origin_path): os.remove(origin_path) return JsonResponse({}, status=204) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def delete_record_related_packages(package_id=None): try: feeds_ = Feed.objects.filter(package_id=package_id) attach_package_ids = [] if feeds_: for feed_ in feeds_: for file_ in feed_.files.all(): attach_package_ids.append(file_.package_id) from ctirs.core.mongo.documents_stix import StixFiles StixFiles.delete_by_package_id(file_.package_id) file_.delete() for attach_package_id in attach_package_ids: attach_dir = Feed.get_attach_stix_dir_path(attach_package_id) if os.path.isdir(attach_dir): shutil.rmtree(attach_dir) Feed.objects.filter(package_id=package_id).delete() return except Exception as e: print(e)
def get_read_collection_content(): debug_print('>>>enter get_read_collection_content') j = [] for stix_file in StixFiles.objects(input_community=_community): debug_print('>>>stix_file id: ' + str( content = j.append(json.loads(content)) return JsonResponse(j, safe=False, content_type=RESPONSE_COMMON_CONTENT_TYPE_STIX_JSON)
def get_package_bean_v2(stix_file_path): try: with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: content = doc = json.loads(content) package_bean = StixFiles.PackageBean() package_bean.package_id = doc['id'] if ('spec_version' in doc): package_bean.version = doc['spec_version'] else: package_bean.version = '2.1' stip_sns = _is_produced_by_stip_sns_v2(doc) package_bean.related_packages = None produced_str = None if stip_sns: package_bean.package_name = stip_sns['name'] package_bean.description = stip_sns['description'] package_bean.is_created_by_sns = True package_bean.sns_type = _get_stip_sns_type_v2(stip_sns) if package_bean.sns_type != StixFiles.STIP_SNS_TYPE_V2_POST: package_bean.is_post_sns = False package_bean.related_packages = [] if const.STIP_STIX2_PROP_OBJECT_REF in stip_sns: package_bean.related_packages.append(stip_sns[const.STIP_STIX2_PROP_OBJECT_REF]) if const.STIP_STIX2_PROP_ATTACHMENT_REFS in stip_sns: for ref in stip_sns[const.STIP_STIX2_PROP_ATTACHMENT_REFS]: package_bean.related_packages.append(ref['bundle']) if len(package_bean.related_packages) == 0: package_bean.related_packages = None produced_str = stip_sns['created'] else: package_bean.package_name = None package_bean.description = None report = _get_report_object(doc) if report: package_bean.package_name = report['name'] if 'description' in report: package_bean.description = report['description'] produced_str = report['created'] if not package_bean.package_name: package_bean.package_name = package_bean.package_id if not package_bean.description: package_bean.description = 'Post: %s' % (package_bean.package_id) package_bean.is_created_by_sns = False package_bean.is_post_sns = True _set_stix_bean_from_doc_v2(package_bean, doc) if produced_str: package_bean.produced = stix2_str_to_datetime(produced_str) else: package_bean.produced = return package_bean except Exception as e: raise Exception('Can\'t parse STIX. ' + e.message)
def likers(request): try: #GET 以外はエラー if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) #引数取得 original_package_id = get_comments_original_package_id(request) if original_package_id is None: print '/api/v1/sns/likers package_id is None.' return HttpResponseNotFound() liker_dict = {} #original_package_id を related_packages リスト要素に含む stix_fileを返却 for stix_file in StixFiles.objects( Q(related_packages=original_package_id) & Q(sns_type=StixFiles.STIP_SNS_TYPE_LIKE)): liker = stix_file.get_unique_name() if liker is not None: if liker_dict.has_key(liker): liker_dict[liker] += 1 else: liker_dict[liker] = 1 #original_package_id を related_packages リスト要素に含む stix_fileを返却 for stix_file in StixFiles.objects( Q(related_packages=original_package_id) & Q(sns_type=StixFiles.STIP_SNS_TYPE_UNLIKE)): unliker = stix_file.get_unique_name() if unliker is not None: if liker_dict.has_key(unliker): liker_dict[unliker] -= 1 else: liker_dict[unliker] = -1 likers = [] for liker, value in liker_dict.iteritems(): if value == 1: likers.append(liker) return JsonResponse(likers, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def query(request): try: #GET 以外はエラー if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) #引数取得 query_string = get_query_query_string(request) #query_string 未指定時は空リスト返却 if query_string is None: r = {} r['feeds'] = [] return JsonResponse(r, safe=False) #返却条件は SNS に返却 かつ version 2.0 以外 QQ = Q(is_post_sns__ne=False) & Q(version__ne='2.0') #package_name か post に query_string が含まれているか (大文字小文字区別せず) QQ &= (Q(package_name__icontains=query_string) | Q(post__icontains=query_string)) stix_files = set([]) #Query for stix_file in StixFiles.objects(QQ).order_by('-produced').timeout( False): stix_files.add(stix_file) #ObservableCache から query_string を含む StixFile の set を作成 for observable_cache in ObservableCaches.objects.filter( Q(value__icontains=query_string)): stix_file = StixFiles.objects.get( package_id=observable_cache.package_id) stix_files.add(stix_file) #時間でソートする stix_files = sorted(list(stix_files), key=lambda s: s.produced, reverse=True) #返却データ作成 l = [] for stix_file in stix_files: l.append( get_return_dictionary_from_stix_file_document(stix_file, content=content)) r = {} r['feeds'] = l return JsonResponse(r, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def delete_stix_related_document(package_id=None): if package_id: # mongoのdocument削除 origin_paths, remove_package_ids = StixFiles.delete_by_related_packages( package_id) # ファイル削除 for origin_path in origin_paths: try: os.remove(origin_path) # ファイルが見つからない、ディレクトリのときは無視する except FileNotFoundError: pass except IsADirectoryError: pass return remove_package_ids
def delete_stix_files_id(request,package_id): try: #認証する user = authentication(request) if user is None: return error(Exception('You have no permission for this operation.')) #mongoから該当レコード削除 origin_path = StixFiles.delete_by_package_id(package_id) #ファイル削除 if os.path.exists(origin_path) == True: os.remove(origin_path) #response data 作成 return JsonResponse({},status=204) except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def get_stix_files_from_mongo(self, collection_name, start_time, end_time): from ctirs.core.mongo.documents_stix import StixFiles # TAXII Server 設定取得 ts = TaxiiServers.objects.get(collection_name=collection_name) # 条件絞り込み QQ = Q(input_community__in=ts.communities) QQ = QQ & Q(version__startswith='1.') if start_time is not None and end_time is not None: QQ = QQ & Q(produced__gt=start_time) QQ = QQ & Q(produced__lt=end_time) elif start_time is None and end_time is not None: QQ = QQ & Q(produced__lt=end_time) elif start_time is not None and end_time is None: QQ = QQ & Q(produced__gt=start_time) return StixFiles.objects(QQ)
def regist(stix_file_path, community, via, package_name=None): #stixの中身から STIX の情報を取得 package_bean = get_package_bean(stix_file_path) #登録するパッケージ名はweb form指定があれば優先的に使用する if package_name is not None: package_bean.package_name = package_name #STIXFileコレクションに保存 try: #StixFileドキュメントを作成 with open(stix_file_path, 'r') as fp: stix_file_doc = StixFiles.create(package_bean, community, fp, via) except: #おもにduplicateエラー処理 #stixは削除 os.remove(stix_file_path) traceback.print_exc() raise Exception('duplicate package_id:%s' % (package_bean.package_id)) #Fileをコミュニティ別のディレクトリに移動 try: #file名はGridFsの方のidとする #stixファイルを移動 path = os.path.join(community.dir_path, COMMUNITY_ORIGIN_DIR_NAME, str(stix_file_doc.content.grid_id)) shutil.move(stix_file_path, path) #path保存 stix_file_doc.origin_path = path except Exception as e: #ドキュメント作成後のエラーはドキュメントを削除する #grid_fsもcascade削除される動作は確認済 stix_file_doc.delete() traceback.print_exc() raise Exception(str(e)) #Node分割+キャッシュ作成 stix_file_doc.split_child_nodes() #CommunityのWebHooksの数だけPOSTする webhook_create(community, stix_file_doc) #push from ctirs.core.mongo.documents import Communities for cl in Communities.get_clients_from_community(community): cl.push(stix_file_doc) return
def related_packages(request): try: if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) original_package_id = get_comments_original_package_id(request) if original_package_id is None: return HttpResponseNotFound() related_packages_list = [] for stix_file in StixFiles.objects( related_packages=original_package_id): related_packages_list.append( get_return_dictionary_from_stix_file_document(stix_file)) return JsonResponse(related_packages_list, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def delete(request): if request.method != 'GET': return error_page_free_format(request, 'Invalid HTTP Method.') #activeユーザー以外はエラー if request.user.is_active == False: return error_page_inactive(request) #削除対象 ID が ,区切り文字列で渡る ids = get_list_delete_id(request).split(',') try: for id_ in ids: #mongoから該当レコード削除 origin_path = StixFiles.delete_by_id(id_) #ファイル削除 if os.path.exists(origin_path) == True: os.remove(origin_path) return top(request) except Exception: return error_page(request) return top(request)
def related_packages(request): try: #GET 以外はエラー if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) #引数取得 original_package_id = get_comments_original_package_id(request) if original_package_id is None: print '/api/v1/sns/related_packages package_id is None.' return HttpResponseNotFound() l = [] #original_package_id を related_packages リスト要素に含む stix_fileを返却 for stix_file in StixFiles.objects( related_packages=original_package_id): l.append(get_return_dictionary_from_stix_file_document(stix_file)) return JsonResponse(l, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def delete(request): if request.method != 'GET': return error_page_free_format(request, 'Invalid HTTP Method.') # activeユーザー以外はエラー if not request.user.is_active: return error_page_inactive(request) # 削除対象 ID が ,区切り文字列で渡る ids = get_list_delete_id(request).split(',') # is_admin権限なしの場合はエラー if not request.user.is_admin: return error_page_no_view_permission(request) try: for id_ in ids: # mongoから該当レコード削除 origin_path = StixFiles.delete_by_id(id_) # ファイル削除 if os.path.exists(origin_path): os.remove(origin_path) return redirect('list') except Exception: return error_page(request) return redirect('list')
def comments(request): try: # GET 以外はエラー if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) # 引数取得 original_package_id = get_comments_original_package_id(request) if original_package_id is None: print('/api/v1/sns/comments package_id is None.') return HttpResponseNotFound() comments_list = [] # original_package_id を related_packages リスト要素に含み sns_type が comment の stix_fileを返却 for stix_file in StixFiles.objects( Q(related_packages=original_package_id) & Q(sns_type=StixFiles.STIP_SNS_TYPE_COMMENT)): comments_list.append( get_return_dictionary_from_stix_file_document(stix_file)) return JsonResponse(comments_list, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def get_stix_files_from_mongo(self, collection_name, start_time, end_time): # print '>>>get_stix_files_from_mongo:start_time:' + str(start_time) # print '>>>get_stix_files_from_mongo:end_time:' + str(end_time) # print '>>>get_stix_files_from_mongo:collection_name:' + str(collection_name) # TAXII Server 設定取得 ts = TaxiiServers.objects.get(collection_name=collection_name) # 条件絞り込み QQ = Q(information_source__in=ts.information_sources) # for is_ in ts.information_sources: # print '>>>get_stix_files_from_mongo:information_sources:' + str( # print '>>>get_stix_files_from_mongo:information_sources:' + str( if start_time is not None and end_time is not None: QQ = QQ & Q(produced__gt=start_time) QQ = QQ & Q(produced__lt=end_time) elif start_time is None and end_time is not None: QQ = QQ & Q(produced__lt=end_time) elif start_time is not None and end_time is None: QQ = QQ & Q(produced__gt=start_time) # print '>>>get_stix_files_from_mongo:count:' + str(StixFiles.objects(QQ).count()) return StixFiles.objects(QQ)
def get_package_bean_v1(stix_file_path): doc = STIXPackage.from_xml(stix_file_path) try: package_bean = StixFiles.PackageBean() package_bean.is_post_sns = True package_bean.is_created_by_sns = False sns_type = None if _is_produced_by_stip_sns_v1(doc): package_bean.is_created_by_sns = True sns_type = _get_stip_sns_type_v1(doc) if sns_type != StixFiles.STIP_SNS_TYPE_ORIGIN: package_bean.is_post_sns = False try: package_bean.related_packages = [] for related_package in doc.related_packages: package_bean.related_packages.append(related_package.item.id_) except TypeError: package_bean.related_packages = None package_bean.package_id = doc.id_ package_bean.version = doc._version package_bean.produced = _get_produced_time_stix_1_x(doc) package_bean.package_name = doc.stix_header.title package_bean.sns_type = sns_type try: package_bean.description = doc.stix_header.description.value if package_bean.description is None: package_bean.description = '' except BaseException: package_bean.description = '' _set_stix_bean_from_doc_v1(package_bean, doc) if package_bean.sns_user_name == '': package_bean.sns_user_name = _get_sns_user_name_from_instance( package_bean.sns_instance) return package_bean except Exception: pass
def get_package_bean(stix_file_path): package_bean = StixFiles.PackageBean() #STIX 1.1 parse try: doc = STIXPackage.from_xml(stix_file_path) package_bean.is_post_sns = True package_bean.is_created_by_sns = False sns_type = None #S-TIP SNS で作成された STIX であるか? if is_produced_by_stip_sns(doc) == True: #SNS 産である package_bean.is_created_by_sns = True sns_type = get_stip_sns_type(doc) #origin 投稿以外は表示しない if sns_type != StixFiles.STIP_SNS_TYPE_ORIGIN: package_bean.is_post_sns = False #realted_packages探す try: package_bean.related_packages = [] for related_package in doc.related_packages: package_bean.related_packages.append(related_package.item.id_) except TypeError: package_bean.related_packages = None package_bean.package_id = doc.id_ package_bean.version = doc._version package_bean.produced = get_produced_time_stix_1_x(doc) package_bean.package_name = doc.stix_header.title package_bean.sns_type = sns_type try: package_bean.description = doc.stix_header.description.value if package_bean.description is None: package_bean.description = '' except: package_bean.description = '' #S-TIP SNS 作成の STIX から pacakge_bean の値をセットする set_stix_bean_from_doc(package_bean, doc) #SNS 産以外は sns_user_name が設定されていないので instance 名から取得する if package_bean.sns_user_name == '': package_bean.sns_user_name = get_sns_user_name_from_instance( package_bean.sns_instance) return package_bean except Exception: pass #STIX 2.0 parse try: with, 'r', 'utf-8') as fp: content = doc = json.loads(content) package_bean.package_name = None #最初に見つかったtypeがreportのnameをpackage_nameとする #また、STIX 2.0 では package の timestampの格納場所がないのでNoneとする produced_str = None for d in doc['objects']: if d['type'] == 'report': package_bean.package_name = d['name'] produced_str = d['created'] package_bean.package_id = doc['id'] if doc.has_key('spec_version') == True: package_bean.version = doc['spec_version'] else: #STIX 2.1 には spec_version がない package_bean.version = '2.1' #Produced Time は Report の produced time if produced_str is not None: package_bean.produced = stix2_str_to_datetime(produced_str) else: package_bean.produced = package_bean.is_post_sns = True package_bean.is_created_by_sns = False package_bean.related_packages = None return package_bean except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() raise Exception('Can\'t parse STIX. ' + e.message)
def feeds(request): try: #GET 以外はエラー if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) #引数取得 start_time = get_feeds_start_time(request) last_feed = get_feeds_last_feed(request) range_big_datetime = get_feeds_range_big_datetime( request) #期間範囲指定の大きい方(新しい方)。この時間を含む range_small_datetime = get_feeds_range_small_datetime( request) #期間範囲指定の小さい方(古い方)。この時間を含む user_id = get_feeds_user_id(request) instance = get_feeds_instance(request) content = get_feeds_content(request) #index は 0 開始 index = get_feeds_index(request) size = get_feeds_size(request) #指定なし時は size = -1 #返却条件は SNS に返却 かつ version 2.0 / 2.1 以外 QQ = Q(is_post_sns__ne=False) & Q(version__ne='2.0') & Q( version__ne='2.1') if last_feed is not None: #last_feed の指定があった場合 (last_feed より新しい投稿を返却) QQ &= Q(produced__gt=last_feed) else: #last_feed の指定がない場合 (start_timeを最新として古い投稿を返却) QQ &= Q(produced__lt=start_time) #range_big_datetime 指定あり #最大より古く(<=) if range_big_datetime is not None: QQ &= Q(produced__lte=range_big_datetime) #range_small_datetime 指定あり #最小より新しい(>=) if range_small_datetime is not None: QQ &= Q(produced__gte=range_small_datetime) #user_id が指定の場合はその user_id の投稿のみを抽出 from import STIPUser if user_id is not None: stip_user = STIPUser.objects.get(id=user_id) QQ &= ( #SNS 産 STIX なら instance 名とユーザ名が一致した (Q(is_created_by_sns=True) & Q(sns_user_name=stip_user.username) & Q(sns_instance=instance)) | #SNS 産以外の STIX なら ユーザ名が一致した (Q(is_created_by_sns__ne=True) & Q(sns_user_name=stip_user.username))) else: #未定の場合は存在している STIP_USER だけ有効 stip_users = STIPUser.objects.only('id') stip_user_list = [] for stip_user in stip_users: stip_user_list.append( stip_users_vias = Vias.objects.filter(uploader__in=stip_user_list) QQ & Q(via__in=stip_users_vias) #count = 0 l = [] stix_files = StixFiles.objects(QQ).order_by('-produced').skip( index).timeout(False) #サイズ指定がある場合は limit 設定 if size != -1: stix_files = stix_files.limit(size) #指定された数値分 StixFiles から取得する(produced順にソートする かつ is_post_sns が False以外 かつ version が 2.0 以外) #for stix_file in StixFiles.objects(QQ).order_by('-produced').all().timeout(False): for stix_file in stix_files: l.append( get_return_dictionary_from_stix_file_document(stix_file, content=content)) r = {} r['feeds'] = l return JsonResponse(r, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def query(request): try: # GET 以外はエラー if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) # 引数取得 size = get_feeds_size(request) # 指定なし時は size = -1 query_string = get_query_query_string(request) # query_string 未指定時は空リスト返却 if query_string is None: r = {} r['feeds'] = [] return JsonResponse(r, safe=False) # 返却条件は SNS に返却 かつ version 2.0 以外 QQ = Q(is_post_sns__ne=False) & Q(version__ne='2.0') # 空白スペース区切りで分割 query_strings = query_string.split(' ') # 空白スペース区切りで検索文字列が指定されていない場合(検索対象: 投稿/タイトル/ユーザ名/スクリーン名)(大文字小文字区別せず) if len(query_strings) == 1: QQ &= (Q(package_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q(post__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q(sns_user_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q(sns_screen_name__icontains=query_strings[0])) else: f_flag = True for q in query_strings: if f_flag: # 空白スペース区切りの場合(検索対象: 投稿/タイトル/ユーザ名/スクリーン名)(大文字小文字区別せず) query = Q(package_name__icontains=q) | Q( post__icontains=q) | Q(sns_user_name__icontains=q) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=q) f_flag = False else: query &= Q(package_name__icontains=q) | Q( post__icontains=q) | Q(sns_user_name__icontains=q) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=q) QQ &= (query) stix_files = set([]) # Query for stix_file in StixFiles.objects(QQ).order_by('-produced').timeout( False): stix_files.add(stix_file) # ObservableCache から query_string を含む StixFile の set を作成 for observable_cache in ObservableCaches.objects.filter( Q(value__icontains=query_string)): stix_file = StixFiles.objects.get( package_id=observable_cache.package_id) stix_files.add(stix_file) # 時間でソートする stix_files = sorted(list(stix_files), key=lambda s: s.produced, reverse=True) # サイズ指定がある場合は上位から指定sizeを取得 if size != -1: stix_files = stix_files[:size] # 返却データ作成 feeds_list = [] for stix_file in stix_files: feeds_list.append( get_return_dictionary_from_stix_file_document(stix_file, content=content)) r = {} r['feeds'] = feeds_list return JsonResponse(r, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def feeds(request): try: # GET 以外はエラー if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) # 引数取得 start_time = get_feeds_start_time(request) last_feed = get_feeds_last_feed(request) range_big_datetime = get_feeds_range_big_datetime( request) # 期間範囲指定の大きい方(新しい方)。この時間を含む range_small_datetime = get_feeds_range_small_datetime( request) # 期間範囲指定の小さい方(古い方)。この時間を含む user_id = get_feeds_user_id(request) instance = get_feeds_instance(request) content = get_feeds_content(request) query_string = request.GET.get(key='query_string', default=None) # index は 0 開始 index = get_feeds_index(request) size = get_feeds_size(request) # 指定なし時は size = -1 # 返却条件は SNS に返却 QQ = Q(is_post_sns__ne=False) if last_feed is not None: # last_feed の指定があった場合 (last_feed より新しい投稿を返却) QQ &= Q(produced__gt=last_feed) else: # last_feed の指定がない場合 (start_timeを最新として古い投稿を返却) QQ &= Q(produced__lte=start_time) # range_big_datetime 指定あり # 最大より古く(<=) if range_big_datetime is not None: QQ &= Q(produced__lte=range_big_datetime) # range_small_datetime 指定あり # 最小より新しい(>=) if range_small_datetime is not None: QQ &= Q(produced__gte=range_small_datetime) # package_name か post に query_string が含まれているか (大文字小文字区別せず) if query_string is not None: # 空白スペース区切りで分割 query_strings = query_string.split(' ') # 空白スペース区切りで検索文字列が指定されていない場合(検索対象: 投稿/タイトル/ユーザ名/スクリーン名) if len(query_strings) == 1: QQ &= (Q(package_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q(post__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q(sns_user_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q(sns_screen_name__icontains=query_strings[0])) else: f_flag = True for q in query_strings: if f_flag: # 空白スペース区切りの場合(検索対象: 投稿/タイトル/ユーザ名/スクリーン名) query = Q(package_name__icontains=q) | Q( post__icontains=q) | Q( sns_user_name__icontains=q) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=q) f_flag = False else: query &= Q(package_name__icontains=q) | Q( post__icontains=q) | Q( sns_user_name__icontains=q) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=q) QQ &= (query) # user_id が指定の場合はその user_id の投稿のみを抽出 from import STIPUser if user_id is not None: stip_user = STIPUser.objects.get(id=user_id) QQ &= ( # SNS 産 STIX なら instance 名とユーザ名が一致した (Q(is_created_by_sns=True) & Q(sns_user_name=stip_user.username) & Q(sns_instance=instance)) | # SNS 産以外の STIX なら ユーザ名が一致した (Q(is_created_by_sns__ne=True) & Q(sns_user_name=stip_user.username))) else: # 未定の場合は存在している STIP_USER だけ有効 stip_users = STIPUser.objects.only('id') stip_user_list = [] for stip_user in stip_users: stip_user_list.append( stip_users_vias = Vias.objects.filter(uploader__in=stip_user_list) QQ & Q(via__in=stip_users_vias) # count = 0 feeds_list = [] stix_files = StixFiles.objects(QQ).order_by('-produced').skip( index).timeout(False) # サイズ指定がある場合は limit 設定 if size != -1: stix_files = stix_files.limit(size) # 指定された数値分 StixFiles から取得する(produced順にソートする かつ is_post_sns が False以外 かつ version が 2.0 以外) # for stix_file in StixFiles.objects(QQ).order_by('-produced').all().timeout(False): for stix_file in stix_files: feeds_list.append( get_return_dictionary_from_stix_file_document(stix_file, content=content)) r = {} r['feeds'] = feeds_list return JsonResponse(r, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def feeds(request): try: if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) start_time = get_feeds_start_time(request) last_feed = get_feeds_last_feed(request) range_big_datetime = get_feeds_range_big_datetime(request) range_small_datetime = get_feeds_range_small_datetime(request) user_id = get_feeds_user_id(request) instance = get_feeds_instance(request) content = get_feeds_content(request) query_string = request.GET.get(key='query_string', default=None) index = get_feeds_index(request) size = get_feeds_size(request) QQ = Q(is_post_sns__ne=False) if last_feed is not None: QQ &= Q(produced__gt=last_feed) else: QQ &= Q(produced__lte=start_time) if range_big_datetime is not None: QQ &= Q(produced__lte=range_big_datetime) if range_small_datetime is not None: QQ &= Q(produced__gte=range_small_datetime) if query_string is not None: query_strings = re.split('[ ]', query_string) if len(query_strings) == 1: if check_symbols(query_strings[0]) and tag.is_tag( query_strings[0]): QQ &= Q(sns_lower_tags__in=[query_strings[0].lower()]) else: QQ &= Q(package_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q( post__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q( sns_user_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) else: f_flag = True for q in query_strings: if f_flag: if check_symbols(q) and tag.is_tag(q): query = Q(sns_lower_tags__in=[q.lower()]) else: query = Q(package_name__icontains=q) | Q( post__icontains=q) | Q( sns_user_name__icontains=q) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=q) f_flag = False else: if check_symbols(q) and tag.is_tag(q): query &= Q(sns_lower_tags__in=[q.lower()]) else: query &= Q(package_name__icontains=q) | Q( post__icontains=q) | Q( sns_user_name__icontains=q) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=q) QQ &= query from import STIPUser if user_id is not None: stip_user = STIPUser.objects.get(id=user_id) QQ &= ((Q(is_created_by_sns=True) & Q(sns_user_name=stip_user.username) & Q(sns_instance=instance)) | (Q(is_created_by_sns__ne=True) & Q(sns_user_name=stip_user.username))) else: stip_users = STIPUser.objects.only('id') stip_user_list = [] for stip_user in stip_users: stip_user_list.append( stip_users_vias = Vias.objects.filter(uploader__in=stip_user_list) QQ & Q(via__in=stip_users_vias) feeds_list = [] stix_files = StixFiles.objects(QQ).order_by('-produced').skip( index).timeout(False) if size != -1: stix_files = stix_files.limit(size) for stix_file in stix_files: feeds_list.append( get_return_dictionary_from_stix_file_document(stix_file, content=content)) r = {} r['feeds'] = feeds_list return JsonResponse(r, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)
def query(request): try: if request.method != 'GET': return HttpResponseNotAllowed(['GET']) size = get_feeds_size(request) query_string = get_query_query_string(request) if query_string is None: r = {} r['feeds'] = [] return JsonResponse(r, safe=False) QQ = Q(is_post_sns__ne=False) & Q(version__ne='2.0') query_strings = re.split('[ ]', query_string) if len(query_strings) == 1: if check_symbols(query_strings[0]) and tag.is_tag( query_strings[0]): QQ &= Q(sns_lower_tags__in=[query_strings[0].lower()]) else: QQ &= Q(package_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q( post__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q( sns_user_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=query_strings[0]) else: f_flag = True for q in query_strings: if f_flag: if check_symbols(q) and tag.is_tag(q): query = Q(sns_lower_tags__in=[q.lower()]) else: query = Q(package_name__icontains=q) | Q( post__icontains=q) | Q( sns_user_name__icontains=q) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=q) f_flag = False else: if check_symbols(q) and tag.is_tag(q): query &= Q(sns_lower_tags__in=[q.lower()]) else: query &= Q(package_name__icontains=q) | Q( post__icontains=q) | Q( sns_user_name__icontains=q) | Q( sns_screen_name__icontains=q) QQ &= query stix_files = set([]) for stix_file in StixFiles.objects(QQ).order_by('-produced').timeout( False): stix_files.add(stix_file) for observable_cache in ObservableCaches.objects.filter( Q(value__icontains=query_string)): stix_file = StixFiles.objects.get( package_id=observable_cache.package_id) stix_files.add(stix_file) stix_files = sorted(list(stix_files), key=lambda s: s.produced, reverse=True) if size != -1: stix_files = stix_files[:size] feeds_list = [] for stix_file in stix_files: feeds_list.append( get_return_dictionary_from_stix_file_document(stix_file, content=content)) r = {} r['feeds'] = feeds_list return JsonResponse(r, safe=False) except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() return error(e)