Пример #1
    def energy_2x2_1site_BP(self,state,env):
        :param state: wavefunction
        :param env: CTM environment
        :type state: IPEPS
        :type env: ENV
        :return: energy per site
        :rtype: float

        We assume 1x1 iPEPS which tiles the lattice with a bipartite pattern composed 
        of two tensors A, and B=RA, where R rotates approriately the physical Hilbert space 
        of tensor A on every "odd" site::

            1x1 C4v => rotation P => BIPARTITE

            A A A A                  A B A B
            A A A A                  B A B A
            A A A A                  A B A B
            A A A A                  B A B A

        A single reduced density matrix :py:func:`ctm.rdm.rdm2x2` of a 2x2 plaquette
        is used to evaluate the energy.
        if not (hasattr(self, 'h2x2_nn_rot') or hasattr(self, 'h2x2_nn_nrot')):
            s2 = su2.SU2(self.phys_dim, dtype=self.dtype, device=self.device)
            rot_op= s2.BP_rot()
            self.h2x2_nn_rot= torch.einsum('irtlaxyd,jr,kt,xb,yc->ijklabcd',\
            self.h2x2_nnn_rot= torch.einsum('irtlaxyd,jr,kt,xb,yc->ijklabcd',\

        tmp_rdm= rdm.rdm2x2((0,0),state,env)
        energy_nn= torch.einsum('ijklabcd,ijklabcd',tmp_rdm,self.h2x2_nn_rot)
        energy_nnn= torch.einsum('ijklabcd,ijklabcd',tmp_rdm,self.h2x2_nnn_rot)
        energy_per_site = 2.0*(self.j1*energy_nn/4.0 + self.j2*energy_nnn/2.0)

        return energy_per_site
Пример #2
    def energy_2x2_2site(self, state, env):
        :param state: wavefunction
        :param env: CTM environment
        :type state: IPEPS
        :type env: ENV
        :return: energy per site
        :rtype: float

        We assume iPEPS with 2x1 unit cell containing two tensors A, B. We can
        tile the square lattice in two ways::

            BIPARTITE           STRIPE   

            A B A B             A B A B
            B A B A             A B A B
            A B A B             A B A B
            B A B A             A B A B

        Taking reduced density matrix :math:`\rho_{2x2}` of 2x2 cluster with indexing 
        of sites as follows :math:`\rho_{2x2}(s_0,s_1,s_2,s_3;s'_0,s'_1,s'_2,s'_3)`::
            |   |

        and without assuming any symmetry on the indices of individual tensors a following
        set of terms has to be evaluated in order to compute energy-per-site::
            Ex.1 unit cell A B, with BIPARTITE tiling

                A3--1B, B3--1A, A, B, A3  , B3  ,   1A,   1B
                                2  0   \     \      /     / 
                                0  2    \     \    /     /  
                                B  A    1A    1B  A3    B3  
            Ex.2 unit cell A B, with STRIPE tiling

                A3--1A, B3--1B, A, B, A3  , B3  ,   1A,   1B
                                2  0   \     \      /     / 
                                0  2    \     \    /     /  
                                A  B    1B    1A  B3    A3  
        # A3--1B   B3  1A
        # 2 \/ 2   2 \/ 2
        # 0 /\ 0   0 /\ 0
        # B3--1A & A3  1B

        # A3--1B   B3--1A
        # 2 \/ 2   2 \/ 2
        # 0 /\ 0   0 /\ 0
        # A3--1B & B3--1A

        energy_nn = 0
        energy_nnn = 0
        for coord in state.sites.keys():
            tmp_rdm = rdm.rdm2x2(coord, state, env)
            energy_nn += torch.einsum('ijklabcd,ijklabcd', tmp_rdm,
            energy_nnn += torch.einsum('ijklabcd,ijklabcd', tmp_rdm,
        energy_per_site = 2.0 * (self.j1 * energy_nn / 8.0 +
                                 self.j2 * energy_nnn / 4.0)
        energy_per_site = _cast_to_real(energy_per_site)

        return energy_per_site
Пример #3
    def energy_2x2_1site(self, state, env):

        rdm2x2 = rdm.rdm2x2((0, 0), state, env)
        energy_per_site = torch.einsum("ijklabcd,ijklabcd", rdm2x2, self.Ham)

        return energy_per_site