Пример #1
    def __init__(self, path, niclist):
        """Set the configurations.

        Required parameters:

        * path -- Path to bootstrap file
        * niclist -- list of possible nic names

        Raise InvalidConfig if there is a problem with parameters.


        if not path:
            raise InvalidConfig("No bootstrap path, illegal argument")

        name = "metadata server URL path"
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            msg = "%s '%s' does not exist on filesystem" % (name, path)
            raise InvalidConfig(msg)

        if not os.path.isabs(path):
            msg = "%s '%s' should be absolute path" % (name, path)
            raise InvalidConfig(msg)

        self.path = path

        if not isinstance(niclist, list):
            raise InvalidConfig("niclist must be a list")

        if len(niclist) == 0:
            raise InvalidConfig("niclist must not be empty")

        self.niclist = niclist
Пример #2
def getconfig(string=None, filepath=None):
    """Return SafeConfigParser instantiated from supplied config source.

    Keyword arguments:

    * string -- String containing the text of the config file (with newlines)

    * filepath -- Path to a config file

    One (and not both) of these keyword arguments must be supplied.

    Raise InvalidConfig if there is a problem.


    if not string and not filepath:
        raise InvalidConfig("neither string nor filepath was supplied "
                            "to getconfig()")
    if string and filepath:
        raise InvalidConfig("both string and filepath were supplied "
                            "to getconfig()")

    config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
    if string:
    if filepath:
    return config
Пример #3
def getCommonConf(opts, config):
    """Return populated CommonConf object or raise InvalidConfig.

    Required parameters:

    * opts -- parsed optparse opts

    * config -- parsed ConfigParser


    if not opts:
        raise ProgrammingError("opts is None")
    if not config:
        raise ProgrammingError("config is None")

    if opts.polltime:
        polltime = opts.polltime

        sshdkeypath = config.get("sshd", "generatedkey")
        hostbasedconfig = config.get("sshd", "hostbasedconfig")
        knownhostsconfig = config.get("sshd", "knownhostsconfig")
        scratchdir = config.get("ctxservice", "scratchspacedir")
        retr_template = config.get("ctxservice", "retr_template")
        retr_template2 = config.get("ctxservice", "retr_template2")
        err_template = config.get("ctxservice", "err_template")
        err_template2 = config.get("ctxservice", "err_template2")
        ok_template = config.get("ctxservice", "ok_template")
        ok_template2 = config.get("ctxservice", "ok_template2")
        ipandhostdir = config.get("taskpaths", "ipandhostdir")
        restartdir = config.get("taskpaths", "restartdir")
        thishostdir = config.get("taskpaths", "thishostdir")
        thishostfinalizedir = config.get("taskpaths", "thishostfinalizedir")
        logfilepath = config.get("ctxservice", "logfilepath")
        curl = config.get("systempaths", "curl")
        hostname = config.get("systempaths", "hostname")
        datadir = config.get("taskpaths", "datadir")
        etchosts_exe = config.get("taskpaths", "etchosts")
        exception_type = sys.exc_type
            exceptname = exception_type.__name__
        except AttributeError:
            exceptname = exception_type
        msg = "%s: %s" % (str(exceptname), str(sys.exc_value))
        raise InvalidConfig(msg)

    # no evaluate yet, pass False for now
    return CommonConf(opts.trace, False, ipandhostdir, restartdir, polltime,
                      sshdkeypath, scratchdir, retr_template, retr_template2,
                      err_template, err_template2, ok_template, ok_template2,
                      hostbasedconfig, knownhostsconfig, thishostdir,
                      thishostfinalizedir, logfilepath, curl, hostname,
                      datadir, etchosts_exe)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, string):
        """Instantiate class with string.

        Required arguments:

        * string -- String to treat as file-like object, can contain newlines


        if string is None:
            raise InvalidConfig("config file (string) can not be None")

        self.lines = string.splitlines(True)
        self.gen = self.genline()
Пример #5
def getAmazonConf(opts, config):
    """Return populated AmazonConf object or raise InvalidConfig

    Required parameters:

    * opts -- parsed optparse opts

    * config -- parsed ConfigParser
    Raise InvalidConfig if there is a problem.


    if not opts:
        raise ProgrammingError("opts is None")
    if not config:
        raise ProgrammingError("config is None")

        localhostnameURL = config.get("ec2", "localhostnameURL")
        publichostnameURL = config.get("ec2", "publichostnameURL")
        localipURL = config.get("ec2", "localipURL")
        publicipURL = config.get("ec2", "publicipURL")
        publickeysURL = config.get("ec2", "publickeysURL")
        userdataURL = config.get("ec2", "userdataURL")
        exception_type = sys.exc_type
            exceptname = exception_type.__name__
        except AttributeError:
            exceptname = exception_type
        msg = "%s: %s" % (str(exceptname), str(sys.exc_value))
        raise InvalidConfig(msg)

    return AmazonConf(localhostnameURL, publichostnameURL, localipURL,
                      publicipURL, publickeysURL, userdataURL)
Пример #6
def getReginstConf(opts, config):
    """Return populated reginstConf object or raise InvalidConfig

    Required parameters:

    * opts -- parsed optparse opts

    * config -- parsed ConfigParser
    Raise InvalidConfig if there is a problem.


    if not opts:
        raise ProgrammingError("opts is None")
    if not config:
        raise ProgrammingError("config is None")

    path = opts.bootstrap_path

        # commandline takes precendence
        if not path:
            path = config.get("reginst", "path")
        nicnames = config.get("reginst", "nicnames")
        niclist = map(string.strip, nicnames.split(","))
        exception_type = sys.exc_type
            exceptname = exception_type.__name__
        except AttributeError:
            exceptname = exception_type
        msg = "%s: %s" % (str(exceptname), str(sys.exc_value))
        raise InvalidConfig(msg)

    return ReginstConf(path, niclist)
Пример #7
def mainrun(argv=None):
    """Consume inputs, configure logging, and launch the action.

    Keyword arguments:

    * argv -- Executable's arguments (default None)

    Return exit code:

    * 0 -- Success

    * 1 -- Input problem

    * 2 -- Configuration problem

    * 3 -- Problem with the local or remote system environment.

    * 4 -- Failure to carry out action.

    * 42 -- Programming error, please report if this is a non-modified release


    if os.name != 'posix':
        print >> sys.stderr, "Only runs on POSIX systems."
        return 3


    parser = parsersetup()

    if argv:
        (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
        (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()

    loglevel = None
    if opts.verbose or opts.trace:
        loglevel = logging.DEBUG
    elif opts.quiet:
        loglevel = logging.ERROR
        loglevel = logging.INFO
    log = configureLogging(loglevel, trace=opts.trace)


        #if opts.evaluate:
        #    log.info("EVALUATE MODE ENABLED")

        if opts.configpath:
            config = getconfig(filepath=opts.configpath)
            config = getconfig(string=DEFAULTCONFIG)

        commonconf = getCommonConf(opts, config)

        if commonconf.logfilepath:
            log.debug("[file logging enabled @ '%s'] " %

        if opts.tryall:
            log.debug("action %s" % ARGS.TRYALL)
        elif opts.amazon:
            log.debug("action %s" % ARGS.AMAZON)
        elif opts.regular:
            log.debug("action %s" % ARGS.REGULAR)

        if opts.poweroff:
            log.info("OK to poweroff")
                problemscript = config.get("taskpaths", "problemscript")
                exception_type = sys.exc_type
                    exceptname = exception_type.__name__
                except AttributeError:
                    exceptname = exception_type
                msg = "%s: %s" % (str(exceptname), str(sys.exc_value))
                raise InvalidConfig(msg)


        ##  I. Run one Instantiation action  ##

        # try-all could be replaced by supporting multiple action flags and
        # having an order (the order itself could be set via conf)
        iactionresult = None
        if not opts.tryall:

            if opts.regular:
                regconf = getReginstConf(opts, config)
                iaction = RegularInstantiation(commonconf, regconf)
            elif opts.amazon:
                ec2conf = getAmazonConf(opts, config)
                iaction = AmazonInstantiation(commonconf, ec2conf)

            log.info("Running instantiation action")
            iactionresult = iaction.result


            # embedded run order right now
                log.info("First running regular instantiation action")
                regconf = getReginstConf(opts, config)
                reg_iaction = RegularInstantiation(commonconf, regconf)
                iactionresult = reg_iaction.result
                msg = "Problem with regular instantiation action: "
                exception_type = sys.exc_type
                    exceptname = exception_type.__name__
                except AttributeError:
                    exceptname = exception_type
                msg += "%s: %s" % (str(exceptname), str(sys.exc_value))

                log.info("Second, running Amazon instantiation action")

                ec2conf = getAmazonConf(opts, config)
                ec2_iaction = AmazonInstantiation(commonconf, ec2conf)
                iactionresult = ec2_iaction.result

        # If there was an issue, exception should have been thrown:
        if iactionresult == None:
            raise ProgrammingError(
                "Instantiation action(s) ran to completion but no result?")

        ## II. Run one Retrieval action                            ##
        ##     The Instantiation action throws an exception or     ##
        ##     places InstantiationResult in its "result" field.   ##

        ractionresult = None

        # only one impl right now:
        raction = DefaultRetrieveAction(commonconf, iactionresult)
        log.info("Running retrieval action")
        ractionresult = raction.result

        if ractionresult == None:
            raise ProgrammingError(
                "Retrieve Action ran to completion but no result?")

        ## III. Run one Consumption action                           ##
        ##      The Retrieval action either throws an exception or   ##
        ##      places RetrieveResult object in its "result" field.  ##

        # only one impl right now:
        caction = DefaultConsumeRetrieveResult(commonconf, ractionresult,
        log.info("Running consume action")

        return 0

    except InvalidInput, e:
        msg = "Problem with input: %s" % e.msg
        if log:
            print >> sys.stderr, msg
        return 1
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, trace, evaluate, ipandhostdir, restartdir, polltime,
                 sshdkeypath, scratchdir, retr_template, retr_template2,
                 err_template, err_template2, ok_template, ok_template2,
                 hostbasedconfig, knownhostsconfig, thishostdir,
                 thishostfinalizedir, logfilepath, curlpath, hostnamepath,
                 datadir, etchosts_exe):
        """Set the configurations.

        todo: many of these configs can be scoped out of common, the list
              has gotten long ...
        Required parameters:

        * trace -- Make extra log statements to DEBUG level (boolean).

        * evaluate -- "Dryrun" mode (boolean).
        * ipandhostdir -- The directory with role-specific task scripts that
        accept IP as arg1 and hostname as arg2
        * restartdir -- The directory with role-specific task scripts that,
        if they exist, will be called after a role has received all new
        information (presumably to restart or start the service with its
        new config).
        * polltime -- Poll delay in seconds.
        * sshdkeypath -- Path to created sshd pubkey.
        * scratchdir -- Directory for writing temporary files to.
        * retr_template -- Template XML file for WS retrieval
        * retr_template2 -- Template XML file for WS retrieval
        * err_template -- Template XML file for WS error reporting
        * err_template2 -- Template XML file for WS error reporting
        * ok_template -- Template XML file for WS OK reporting
        * ok_template2 -- Template XML file for WS OK reporting
        * hostbasedconfig -- for adding hostnames to do host based authz
        * knownhostsconfig -- for adding pubkeys to do host based authz
        * thishostdir -- 'thishost' directory, see config file
        * thishostfinalizedir -- 'thishostfinalize' dir, see config file
        * logfilepath -- Path to write log file
        * curlpath -- relative or abs command for curl
        * hostnamepath -- relative or abs command for hostname
        * datadir -- Directory with data specific task scripts that will be
        called when a data field is present in the context information.
        * etchosts_exe -- path to send all identity info


        self.trace = trace
        self.evaluate = evaluate

            polltime = int(polltime)
            raise InvalidConfig(
                "polltime is required to be an integer (number of seconds)")

        self.polltime = polltime
        self.sshdkeypath = sshdkeypath
        self.scratchdir = scratchdir
        self.hostbasedconfig = hostbasedconfig
        self.knownhostsconfig = knownhostsconfig
        self.ipandhostdir = ipandhostdir
        self.restartdir = restartdir
        self.thishostdir = thishostdir
        self.thishostfinalizedir = thishostfinalizedir
        self.logfilepath = logfilepath
        self.curlpath = curlpath
        self.hostnamepath = hostnamepath
        self.datadir = datadir
        self.etchosts_exe = etchosts_exe

        # On the crazier side of things -- perhaps use ZSI but we also might
        # not use WS at all next round, so sticking with text-over-http hack
        # One important characteristic: a very low dependency situation (curl)
        self.retr_template = retr_template
        self.retr_template2 = retr_template2
        self.err_template = err_template
        self.err_template2 = err_template2
        self.ok_template = ok_template
        self.ok_template2 = ok_template2