Пример #1
class TrackIR_Signature_Data(ctypes.Structure):
    This is information about the DLL returned by TrackIRDLL.NP_GetSignature()

    This struct-equivalent is to replicate the 'struct tir_signature' that is passed to the NP_GetSignature(struct tir_signature *sig) function in the DLL
    It must exactly match the C struct:
        pragma pack(1)
        struct tir_data{
            char DllSignature[200];
            char AppSignature[200];
    See the python ctypes.Structure documentation for information about _pack_ and _fields_
    _pack_ = 1
    _fields_ = [
        ("_DllSignature", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_char, 200)),
        ("_AppSignature", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_char, 200))

    def DllSignature(self) -> str:
        return self._DllSignature.decode('utf-8')
    def AppSignature(self) -> str:
        return self._AppSignature.decode('utf-8')
Пример #2
class psrCoord(ctypes.Structure):
    """ Struct repr of psrCoord field in ChimeMetadata."""

    _fields_ = [
        ("ra", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_float, 10)),
        ("dec", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_float, 10)),
        ("scaling", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_uint32, 10)),
Пример #3
def _test8_0():
    ssp = extern('sparse_scal_prod', double_t, [
        double_t, int32_t,
        pointer(double_t), int32_t,
    acc = variable('acc')
    n0 = variable('n0')
    idx0 = variable('idx0')
    val0 = variable('val0')
    n1 = variable('n1')
    idx1 = variable('idx1')
    val1 = variable('val1')

    ssp = function(
        'sparse_scal_prod', [acc, n0, idx0, val0, n1, idx1, val1], [
            double_t, int32_t,
            pointer(double_t), int32_t,
        condition((n0 > 0) & (n1 > 0),
                      idx0[0] < idx1[0],
                      ssp(acc, n0 - 1, idx0.displ(1), val0.displ(1), n1, idx1,
                          idx0[0] > idx1[0],
                          ssp(acc, n0, idx0, val0, n1 - 1, idx1.displ(1),
                          ssp(val0[0] * val1[0], n0 - 1, idx0.displ(1),
                              val0.displ(1), n1 - 1, idx1.displ(1),

    t = llvm_compile_closed(ssp, "test")
    z = t()

    import ctypes
    v0 = [
        ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_int32, 16)(0, 1),
        ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_double, 16)(0.5, 0.5)
    v1 = [
        ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_int32, 16)(1, 2),
        ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_double, 16)(0.1, 1.0)

    print z(0., 2, ctypes.pointer(v0[0]), ctypes.pointer(v0[1]), 2,
            ctypes.pointer(v1[0]), ctypes.pointer(v1[1]))
Пример #4
class Header(ctypes.BigEndianStructure):
    _fields_ = [
        ("magic", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_char, 4)),
        ("payload_size", ctypes.c_uint32),
        ("header_md5", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_ubyte, 8)),
        ("etl", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_uint8, 7)),  # always zero
        ("unused_1", ctypes.c_char),
        ("password_len", ctypes.c_uint16),
        ("padding_len", ctypes.c_uint16),
        ("unused_2", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_ubyte, 4)),
        ("plaintext_md5", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_ubyte, 16))
Пример #5
class SkeletonData(ctypes.Structure):
    """Contains data that characterizes a skeleton."""
    _fields_ = [('eTrackingState', SkeletonTrackingState),
                ('dwTrackingID', ctypes.c_uint32),
                ('dwEnrollmentIndex', ctypes.c_uint32),
                ('dwUserIndex', ctypes.c_uint32),
                ('Position', Vector),
                ('SkeletonPositions', ctypes.ARRAY(Vector, NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT)),
                ('eSkeletonPositionTrackingState', ctypes.ARRAY(JointTrackingState, NUI_SKELETON_POSITION_COUNT)),
                ('Quality', SkeletonQuality),

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Tracking: {0}, ID: {1}, Position: {2}>'.format(self.eTrackingState, self.dwTrackingID, self.Position)
Пример #6
def squares(in_array, out_array):
    global squares

    n = len(in_array)
    array = ct.c_float * n

    _squares.argtypes = ct.ARRAY(ct.c_float, n), ct.c_int, \
                                ct.ARRAY(ct.c_float, n)

    out = array(*out_array)
    _squares(array(*in_array), n, out)

    for i in range(n):
        out_array[i] = out[i]
Пример #7
class FntHeader(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('signature', ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_uint8, 12)),
                ('verlo0', ctypes.c_uint8), ('verhi0', ctypes.c_uint8),
                ('verhi1', ctypes.c_uint8), ('verlo1', ctypes.c_uint8),
                ('pcx_offset', ctypes.c_uint32),
                ('txt_offset', ctypes.c_uint32), ('txt_len', ctypes.c_uint32),
                ('BLANK', ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_char, 40))]
    _pcx = None
    _conf = None

    def __repr__(self):
        out = f"{self.__class__.__name__}("
        for k, _ in self._fields_:
            out += f"{k}={getattr(self, k)}, "
        return out[:-2] + ")"
Пример #8
def run_case_1_from_DLL_obj():
    lib = cdll.LoadLibrary('./TCNN_lib.so')

    argv = [
        WIN_BIN_OPT_FUNC, "--steps", "2000", "--step_len", "0.1", "--alpha",
        "0.3", "--chaotic_coeff", "3", "--chaotic_reduce", "0.9995",
        "--function", "1", "--init_cond", "0,-2.8"

    amount_strs = len(argv)

    max_len = len(max(argv, key=len))

    s = [ctypes.create_string_buffer(max_len) for i in range(amount_strs)]
    results = (ctypes.c_char_p * amount_strs)(*map(ctypes.addressof, s))

    for i in range(len(argv)):
        results[i] = argv[i]

    optFunc = lib.optFuncCreateDLL()

    lib.optFuncSetInitialConditionByArgvDLL(optFunc, amount_strs, results)


    #     lib.optFuncWriteResultDLL(optFunc, "DLL_opt_func_result.log")

    rows = lib.optFunctGetResultRows(optFunc)
    columns = lib.optFunctGetResultColumns(optFunc)
    data = ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_double, rows * columns)()

    lib.optFuncTakeResultDLL(optFunc, data)
    plt.plot(data[:rows], data[rows:])

Пример #9
def get_ctypes_type(debug_type):
    if isinstance(debug_type, debuginfo.DebugBaseType):
        return debug_type_name_mapping[debug_type.name]
    elif isinstance(debug_type, debuginfo.DebugPointerType):
        if isinstance(debug_type.pointed_type, debuginfo.DebugStructType):
            # TODO: treat struct pointers as void pointers for now.
            # TODO: fix this?
            return ctypes.c_voidp
            return ctypes.POINTER(get_ctypes_type(debug_type.pointed_type))
    elif isinstance(debug_type, debuginfo.DebugArrayType):
        element_type = get_ctypes_type(debug_type.element_type)
        return ctypes.ARRAY(element_type, debug_type.size)
    elif debug_type is None:
    elif isinstance(debug_type, type):
        mapping = {int: ctypes.c_int, float: ctypes.c_double}
        return mapping[debug_type]
    elif isinstance(debug_type, ir.BasicTyp):
        mapping = {
            ir.f32: ctypes.c_float,
            ir.f64: ctypes.c_double,
            ir.i32: ctypes.c_int32,
            ir.i64: ctypes.c_int64,  # TODO: which one of 32 and 64 is int?
        return mapping[debug_type]
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        raise NotImplementedError(str(debug_type) + str(type(debug_type)))
Пример #10
    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """Pickle deserialization API

        This method is called by the pickle module to populate a
        deserialized object's state after it has been created.
        self.databuffersize = state['databuffersize']
        self.p_storageheader.contents = state['storageheader']
        self.p_standardheader.contents = state['standardheader']
        self.headerextra = state['headerextra']
        self.p_extendedheader.contents = state['extendedheader']
        # - populate databuffer
        databuffer = ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_uint8, self.datasize)()
        for index, byte in enumerate(state['databuffer']):
            databuffer[index] = byte
        self.databuffer = databuffer

        # - populate headerbuffer
        for index, byte in enumerate(state['headerbuffer']):
            self.headerbuffer[index] = byte

        # - This is required because we are not calling
        # dlt_message_init() so we do not need to call
        # dlt_message_free()
        self.initialized_as_object = False
Пример #11
 class osockaddr(ctypes.Structure):
     """C like structure for osockaddr Stevens 3.5"""
     _fields_ = [
                ('sa_len', ctypes.c_uint8),
                ('sa_family', ctypes.c_uint8),
                ('sa_data'  , ctypes.ARRAY( ctypes.c_char, 14) )
Пример #12
def read_buffer(filename):
   IIO: float_buffer, w, h, nch = read_buffer(filename)
    from ctypes import c_int, c_float, c_void_p, POINTER, cast, byref, c_char, memmove, create_string_buffer, sizeof

    iioread = libiio.iio_read_image_float_vec

    w = c_int()
    h = c_int()
    nch = c_int()

    iioread.restype = c_void_p  # it's like this
    tptr = iioread(
        str(filename).encode('ascii'), byref(w), byref(h), byref(nch))
    if (tptr == None):
        raise IOError('PIIO: the file %s cannot be read' % (filename))
    c_float_p = POINTER(c_float)  # define a new type of pointer
    ptr = cast(tptr, c_float_p)
    #print w,h,nch

    #nasty read data into array using buffer copy
    N = h.value * w.value * nch.value
    #   data = create_string_buffer(N * sizeof(c_float))
    data = ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_float, N)()
    memmove(data, ptr, N * sizeof(c_float))

    # free the memory

    return data, w.value, h.value, nch.value
Пример #13
    def do_get_coincidence_counters(self):  #OK!
        Retreive Coincidence Counters.

        Retreives the most recent values of the built-in coincidence counters.
        The coincidence counters are not accumulated, i.e. the counter values 
        for the last exposure (see TDC_setExposureTime ) are returned.

        The array contains count rates for all 8 channels, and rates for two, 
        three, and fourfold coincidences of events detected on different 
        channels out of the first 4. Events are coincident if they happen 
        within the coincidence window (see TDC_setCoincidenceWindow ).

        Counter Values. The array must have at least 19 
        elements. The Counters come in the following order: 
        1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 2/3, 2/4, 3/4, 
        1/2/3, 1/2/4, 1/3/4, 2/3/4, 1/2/3/4

        data = ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_int32, 19)()

        ans = self.qutools_dll.TDC_getCoincCounters(ctypes.byref(data))

        if ans != 0:
            return self.err_dict[ans]
            dat = np.zeros(19)
            for idx, val in enumerate(data):
                dat[idx] = val

            return dat
Пример #14
class LibCBM_Error(ctypes.Structure):
    """Wrapper for low level C/C++ LibCBM structure of the same name.
    Stores string error message when they occur in library functions.

    _fields_ = [("Error", ctypes.c_int),
                ("Message", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_byte, 1000))]

    def __init__(self):
        setattr(self, "Error", 0)
        setattr(self, "Message", ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_byte, 1000)())

    def getError(self):
        """Gets the error code from an error returned by a library function.
        If no error occurred this is zero.
        code = getattr(self, "Error")
        return code

    def getErrorMessage(self):
        """Gets the error message from an error returned by a library
        function.  If no error occurred this is an empty string.
        msg = ctypes.cast(getattr(self, "Message"), ctypes.c_char_p).value
        return msg
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, data):
        """Android Bootloader image

            data(str): Binary data from the image file.
        self.data = data
        self.header = bootloader_images_header.from_buffer_copy(data)

        if self.magic != BOOTLDR_MAGIC:
            log.error("Incorrect magic (%r, expected %r)" %
                      (self.magic, BOOTLDR_MAGIC))

        if (self.bootldr_size > len(data)):
                "Bootloader is supposed to be %#x bytes, only have %#x",
                self.bootldr_size, len(data))

        if (self.num_images >= 0x100):
            old = self.num_images
            self.num_images = 1
                "Bootloader num_images (%#x) appears corrupted, truncating to 1",

        imgarray = ctypes.ARRAY(img_info, self.num_images)
        self.img_info = imgarray.from_buffer_copy(data,
Пример #16
def _test8():
    ssp = extern('sparse_scal_prod', double_t, [
        double_t, int32_t,
        pointer(double_t), int32_t,
    acc = variable('acc')
    n0 = variable('n0')
    idx0 = variable('idx0')
    val0 = variable('val0')
    n1 = variable('n1')
    idx1 = variable('idx1')
    val1 = variable('val1')

    ssp = function(
        'sparse_scal_prod', [acc, n0, idx0, val0, n1, idx1, val1], [
            double_t, int32_t,
            pointer(double_t), int32_t,
        condition((n0 > 0) & (n1 > 0),
                      idx0[0] < idx1[0],
                      ssp(acc, n0 - 1, idx0.displ(1), val0.displ(1), n1, idx1,
                          idx0[0] > idx1[0],
                          ssp(acc, n0, idx0, val0, n1 - 1, idx1.displ(1),
                          ssp(val0[0] * val1[0], n0 - 1, idx0.displ(1),
                              val0.displ(1), n1 - 1, idx1.displ(1),

    z = llvm_compile(ssp, {})()
    import ctypes
    v0 = (ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_int32,
                       16)(), ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_double, 16)())
    v1 = (ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_int32,
                       16)(), ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_double, 16)())
    print v0, v1
    return z(0., 1, v0[0], v0[1], 1, v1[0], v1[1])
Пример #17
    def test_skeleton_data(self):
        pos_arr = ctypes.ARRAY(Vector, JointId.count.value)()
        pos_arr[0] = Vector(2,4,6,8)
        joint_arr = ctypes.ARRAY(JointTrackingState, JointId.count.value)()
        joint_arr[0] = JointTrackingState.inferred

        tests = [('tracking_state', 'eTrackingState', SkeletonTrackingState.tracked),
                 ('tracking_id', 'dwTrackingID', 1),
                 ('enrollment_index', 'dwEnrollmentIndex', 1),
                 ('user_index', 'dwUserIndex', 1),
                 ('position', 'Position', Vector(1, 2, 3, 4)),
                 ('skeleton_positions', 'SkeletonPositions', pos_arr),
                 ('skeleton_position_tracking_states', 'eSkeletonPositionTrackingState', joint_arr),
                 ('skeleton_quality', 'Quality', SkeletonQuality.clipped_bottom),

        self.interop_prop_test(SkeletonData(), tests)
Пример #18
 def ArrayType(cl, c):
     n = '%s_Array_%u' % (cl.__name__, c)
     ncl = PyMUICType.__ary_dict.get(n)
     if not ncl:
         ncl = _ct.ARRAY(cl, c)
         ncl = type(n, (PyMUICArrayType, ncl), {'_length_': c, '_type_': cl})
         PyMUICType.__ary_dict[n] = ncl
     return ncl
Пример #19
class VTermScreenCell_s(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = (
        ('chars', ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_uint32, VTERM_MAX_CHARS_PER_CELL)),
        ('width', ctypes.c_char),
        ('attrs', VTermScreenCellAttrs_s),
        ('fg', VTermColor_s),
        ('bg', VTermColor_s),
Пример #20
class SkeletonFrame(ctypes.Structure):
    _pack_ = 16
    _fields_ = [
        ('liTimeStamp', ctypes.c_longlong),
        ('dwFrameNumber', ctypes.c_uint32),
        ('Quality', SkeletonFrameQuality),
        ('vFloorClipPlane', Vector),
        ('vNormalToGravity', Vector),
        ('SkeletonData', ctypes.ARRAY(SkeletonData, NUI_SKELETON_COUNT)),

    def get_timestamp(self):
        return self.liTimeStamp

    def set_timestamp(self, value):
        self.liTimeStamp = value

    timestamp = property(get_timestamp, set_timestamp)

    def get_frame_number(self):
        return self.dwFrameNumber

    def set_frame_number(self, value):
        self.dwFrameNumber = value

    frame_number = property(get_frame_number, set_frame_number)

    def get_quality(self):
        return self.Quality

    def set_quality(self, value):
        self.Quality = value

    quality = property(get_quality, set_quality)

    def get_floor_clip_plane(self):
        return self.vFloorClipPlane

    def set_floor_clip_plane(self, value):
        self.vFloorClipPlane = value

    floor_clip_plane = property(get_floor_clip_plane, set_floor_clip_plane)

    def get_normal_to_gravity(self):
        return self.vNormalToGravity

    def set_normal_to_gravity(self, value):
        self.vNormalToGravity = value

    normal_to_gravity = property(get_normal_to_gravity, set_normal_to_gravity)

    def get_skeleton_data(self):
        return self.SkeletonData

    def set_skeleton_data(self, value):
        self.SkeletonData = value

    skeleton_data = property(get_skeleton_data, set_skeleton_data)
Пример #21
class SndHeader(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('signature', ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_uint8,12)),    


        ('BLANK', ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_uint8,488))
    def __repr__(self): 
        out = f"{self.__class__.__name__}("
        for k,_ in self._fields_:
            out += f"{k}={getattr(self, k)}, "
        return out[:-2] + ")"
Пример #22
class SFFHeader(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [('signature', ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_char,12)),
                ('verhi', ctypes.c_uint8),
                ('verlo', ctypes.c_uint8),
                ('verlo2', ctypes.c_uint8),
                ('verlo3', ctypes.c_uint8),
                ('num_groups', ctypes.c_long),
                ('num_images', ctypes.c_long),
                ('first_offset', ctypes.c_long),
                ('subheader_size', ctypes.c_long),
                ('is_shared', ctypes.c_bool),
                ('reserved', ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_uint8,3)),
                ('BLANK', ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_uint8,476))]    
    def __repr__(self): 
        out = f"{self.__class__.__name__}("
        for k,_ in self._fields_:
            out += f"{k}={getattr(self, k)}, "
        return out[:-2] + ")"
Пример #23
class sockaddr_in(ctypes.Structure):
    """C like strcuture for sockaddr_in (IPV4) Steven 6.4"""
    _fields_ = [
               ('sin_len'    , ctypes.c_ubyte),
               ('sin_family' , ctypes.c_ubyte),
               ('sin_port'   , ctypes.c_ushort),
               ('sin_addr'   , in_addr ),
               ('sin_zero'   , ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_char, 8))
Пример #24
 def __getitem__(self, item):
     if isinstance(item, six.string_types):
         if hasattr(self._object, item):
             v = getattr(self._object, item)
             if isinstance(v, ctypes.Array) and \
                isinstance(v, ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_byte, len(v))):
                 return ctypes.cast(v, ctypes.c_char_p).value
             return v
     return None
Пример #25
class SkeletonFrame(ctypes.Structure):
    _pack_ = 16
    _fields_ = [('liTimeStamp', ctypes.c_longlong),
                ('dwFrameNumber', ctypes.c_uint32),
                ('Quality', SkeletonFrameQuality),
                ('vFloorClipPlane', Vector),
                ('vNormalToGravity', Vector),
                ('SkeletonData', ctypes.ARRAY(SkeletonData, NUI_SKELETON_COUNT)),
Пример #26
 def __getattr__(self, item):
     if item == '_object':
         raise AttributeError()
     if hasattr(self._object, item):
         v = getattr(self._object, item)
         if isinstance(v, ctypes.Array) and \
            isinstance(v, ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_byte, len(v))):
             return ctypes.cast(v, ctypes.c_char_p).value.decode()
         return v
     raise AttributeError()
Пример #27
def findKNN(bcode_int64s):
    resultIDs = ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_int, 50)()
    codearray = ctypes.c_ulonglong * 4
    bcodes = codearray(bcode_int64s[0], bcode_int64s[1], bcode_int64s[2],
    so.bkmKNeighbors(resultIDs, K, bcodes)
    return resultIDs, [
        image_path_dict[resultIDs[i]] for i in range(len(resultIDs))
    ], [image_label_dict[resultIDs[i]] for i in range(len(resultIDs))]
Пример #28
 def _construct_c_structures_helper(self, ctype, size):
     # Return a pointer to the C variable if size is NA.
     if size is NA:
         return ctypes.pointer(ctype())
     # Return an array of the C variable otherwise.
     elif not np.iterable(size):
         return (ctype * size)()
         for i in size:
             ctype = ctypes.ARRAY(ctype, i)
         return ctype()
Пример #29
    def __init__(self, data):
        """Android Bootloader image

            data(str): Binary data from the image file.
        self.data = data
        self.header = bootloader_images_header.from_buffer_copy(data)

        imgarray = ctypes.ARRAY(img_info, self.header.num_images)
        self.img_info = imgarray.from_buffer_copy(data, ctypes.sizeof(self.header))
Пример #30
def read_tiled_buffers(filename):
   IIO: float_buffer, w, h, nch = read_buffer(filename)
    from ctypes import c_int, c_float, c_void_p, POINTER, cast, byref, c_char, memmove, create_string_buffer, sizeof

    w = c_int()
    h = c_int()
    nch = c_int()

    libiio.iio_read_image_float_vec.restype = c_void_p  # it's like this
    tptr = libiio.iio_read_image_float_vec(
        str(filename).encode('ascii'), byref(w), byref(h), byref(nch))
    if (tptr == None):
        raise IOError('PIIO: the file %s cannot be read' % (filename))
    c_float_p = POINTER(c_float)  # define a new type of pointer
    ptr = cast(tptr, c_float_p)
    #print w,h,nch
    w, h, nch = w.value, h.value, nch.value

    # compute min and max of the data
    vmin = c_float()
    vmax = c_float()
    N = w * h * nch
    libiio.minmax.restype = c_void_p  # it's like this
    libiio.minmax.argtypes = [c_float_p, c_int, c_float_p, c_float_p]
    libiio.minmax(ptr, N, byref(vmin), byref(vmax))
    vmin, vmax = vmin.value, vmax.value

    tiles = []
    out_nch = min(nch, 4)
    if (nch != out_nch):
            "piio_read: the input image have %d channels, only the first 4 are loaded\n"
            % nch)
    # generate several buffers, one for each tile
    for y in range(0, h, 1024):
        for x in range(0, w, 1024):
            ww = min(w - x, 1024)
            hh = min(h - y, 1024)
            N = ww * hh * out_nch
            # generate the interlan memory to copy the tile
            data = ctypes.ARRAY(ctypes.c_float, N)()
            libiio.copy_tile(ptr, w, h, nch, data, x, y, ww, hh,
                             out_nch)  # only allow up to 4 channels
                [data, x, y, ww, hh, out_nch,
                 -1])  # -1 (the last field is a placeholder for the textureID)

    # free the memory

    return (tiles, w, h, out_nch, vmin, vmax)