def __init__(self, repo_dir, inner_size, do_transforms=True, rgb=True, multiview=False, set_name='train', subset_pct=100, shared_objs=None): super(ImgServer, self).__init__(repo_dir, inner_size, do_transforms, rgb, multiview, set_name, subset_pct) assert(shared_objs is not None) libpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) try: self._i1klib = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(libpath, '')) except: logger.error("Unable to load Ensure that " "this file has been compiled") (self.request, self.response) = shared_objs self.worker = self._i1klib.create_data_worker(ct.c_int(self.img_size), ct.c_int(self.inner_size), ct.c_bool(, ct.c_bool(self.flip), ct.c_bool(self.rgb), ct.c_bool(self.multiview), ct.c_int(self.minibatch_size), ct.c_char_p(self.filename), ct.c_int(self.macro_start), ct.c_uint(self.ndata)) def decode_minibatch(bufobj): self._i1klib.process_next_minibatch(self.worker, ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte)(bufobj)) self.decode_minibatch = decode_minibatch
def prepare_MFO_args( nAuthMode, szPass1, bTimeLimit, tStartTimeW, tEndTimeW, bTimesLimit, nTimes, nRight, szKey1, szSrcFile1, nFileCount, szExeDstFile1 ): ''' Take care of ctypes type for each arguments. Call this before make call to MakeFileOut(). Read the original doc for FileOutDll.dll to see detailed usage. ''' files = ((ctypes.c_wchar * 256) * 250)() for i in xrange(len(szSrcFile1)): files[i].value = unicode(szSrcFile1[i]) return ( ctypes.c_int(nAuthMode), ctypes.c_wchar_p(unicode(szPass1)), ctypes.c_bool(bTimeLimit), ctypes.c_wchar_p(unicode(tStartTimeW)), ctypes.c_wchar_p(unicode(tEndTimeW)), ctypes.c_bool(bTimesLimit), ctypes.c_int(nTimes), ctypes.c_int(nRight), ctypes.c_wchar_p(szKey1), files, ctypes.c_int(nFileCount), ctypes.c_wchar_p(unicode(szExeDstFile1)) )
def __init__(self, rf_freq, rf_dur): # Constants corresponding to various NI options, defined with c_types vi = c_int(1) o1 = c_int(1) o2 = c_int(101) o3 = c_int(1000000 + 150000 + 219) o4 = c_double(0) length = len(rf_freq) # Loading the driver to call niFgen functions try: self.nfg = windll.LoadLibrary("niFgen_32.dll") except OSError: self.nfg = windll.LoadLibrary("niFgen_64.dll") # The way to initialize niFgen can be found in NI examples # It is copy/past from that, only translated into c_types self.nfg.niFgen_init(b'Dev3', c_bool(1), c_bool(1), byref(vi)) self.nfg.niFgen_ConfigureChannels(vi, b"0") self.nfg.niFgen_ConfigureOutputMode(vi, o2) # This is the way to convert numpy array into C array rff = rfd = rf = c_int(0) self.nfg.niFgen_CreateFreqList(vi, o1, length, rff, rfd, byref(rf)) self.nfg.niFgen_ConfigureFreqList(vi, b"0", rf, c_double(4), o4, o4) self.nfg.niFgen_ConfigureDigitalEdgeStartTrigger(vi, b"PFI1", o2) self.nfg.niFgen_ConfigureTriggerMode(vi, b"0", c_int(2)) self.nfg.niFgen_ConfigureOutputEnabled(vi, b"0", c_bool(1)) # These two lines export the internal clock of the niFgen (100 MHz) # divided by 400 (250 kHz) on the RTSI1 channel. It's the only way # to be sure that all cards are synchronized on the same clock self.nfg.niFgen_SetAttributeViInt32(vi, b"", o3, c_long(400)) self.nfg.niFgen_ExportSignal(vi, o2, b"", b"RTSI1") # self.niFgen.niFgen_ExportSignal(vi, c_int(1000 + 4), b"", b"RTSI2") self.nfg.niFgen_Commit(vi) = vi
def runApp(self): self.getter.start() procget=kernel.OpenProcess(ctypes.c_uint(0x0200|0x0400), ctypes.c_bool(False), ctypes.c_uint(getpid)) kernel.SetPriorityClass(procget, 0x0100) self.processer.start() procproc=kernel.OpenProcess(ctypes.c_uint(0x0200|0x0400), ctypes.c_bool(False), ctypes.c_uint(procpid)) kernel.SetPriorityClass(procproc, 0x0100) data_dict=dict({"F3":[], "F4":[], "T7":[], "T8":[]}) try: while self.getter.is_alive(): data=self.q.recv() #print(data) for i in data_dict: data_dict[i].append(data[i][0][2]) if len(data_dict["F3"])==24: for i in data_dict: del data_dict[i][0] jj=self.livedataclass.test_classifiers_ret(data_dict) if jj>=0.85: print("You moved") print(jj) #print(data_dict) print(time.time()) self.system_up_time+=16/128 except: self.getter.terminate() self.processer.terminate() raise
def modsub(model, vis, outvis='', datacolumn='corrected', primarybeam='guess', subtract=True, use_cuda=False, field = None): import shutil import os if outvis != '': if not os.access(outvis, os.F_OK): shutil.copytree(vis, outvis) # primary beam if primarybeam == 'guess': primarybeam = stacker.pb.guesspb(vis) elif primarybeam in ['constant', 'none'] or primarybeam is None: primarybeam = stacker.pb.PrimaryBeamModel() pbtype, pbfile, pbnpars, pbpars = primarybeam.cdata() if field is not None: select_field = True field = str(field) else: select_field = False field = '' infiletype, infilename, infileoptions = stacker._checkfile(vis, datacolumn) outfiletype, outfilename, outfileoptions = stacker._checkfile(outvis, datacolumn) flux = c_modsub(infiletype, c_char_p(infilename), infileoptions, outfiletype, c_char_p(outfilename), outfileoptions, c_char_p(model), pbtype, c_char_p(pbfile), pbpars, pbnpars, c_bool(subtract), c_bool(use_cuda), c_bool(select_field), c_char_p(field)) return 0
def QueryColorFilterPosition(): """determine the current color filter position for slider cameras which support this capability. Returns a tuple for the Color and B/W position""" FilterIn = ctypes.c_bool() FilterOut = ctypes.c_bool() _QueryColorFilterPosition(byref(FilterIn), byref(FilterOut)) return FilterIn.value, FilterOut.value
def togglePhySimIter(lowLevelToggleSeq): libMbus = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(libSoName) mbusPhy = MbusPhyStruct() byteMemSize = 64 rxByteMem = (ctypes.c_byte * byteMemSize)() txByteMem = (ctypes.c_byte * byteMemSize)() libMbus.mbus_phy_init(ctypes.byref(mbusPhy), ctypes.byref(rxByteMem), ctypes.c_size_t(byteMemSize), ctypes.byref(txByteMem), ctypes.c_size_t(byteMemSize), ) libMbus.mbus_phy_rx_enable(ctypes.byref(mbusPhy)) rxNibList = nibbles.MbusRawNibbleList(mbusTimeFormat="blank") driveMbusPinLo = ctypes.c_bool() for lowLevelToggle in lowLevelToggleSeq: libMbus.mbus_phy_update(ctypes.byref(mbusPhy), ctypes.c_ulong(lowLevelToggle[1]), ctypes.c_bool(lowLevelToggle[0]), ctypes.byref(driveMbusPinLo), ) if not libMbus.mbus_phy_rx_is_empty(ctypes.byref(mbusPhy)): while not libMbus.mbus_phy_rx_is_empty(ctypes.byref(mbusPhy)): newNib = libMbus.mbus_phy_rx_pop(ctypes.byref(mbusPhy)) if newNib == nibbles.MBUS_END_MSG_CODE: # print("{}".format("".join(rxNibList))) # print("{}".format(rxNibList)) yield rxNibList rxNibList = nibbles.MbusRawNibbleList(mbusTimeFormat="blank") else: rxNibList.append(chr((libMbus.mbus_phy_rxnibble2ascii(newNib))))
def __init__(self,g_pool,atb_pos=(320,220)): super(Marker_Detector, self).__init__() self.g_pool = g_pool self.order = .2 # all markers that are detected in the most recent frame self.markers = [] # all registered surfaces self.surface_definitions = Persistent_Dict(os.path.join(g_pool.user_dir,'surface_definitions') ) self.surfaces = [Reference_Surface(saved_definition=d) for d in self.load('realtime_square_marker_surfaces',[]) if isinstance(d,dict)] # edit surfaces self.surface_edit_mode = c_bool(0) self.edit_surfaces = [] #detector vars self.robust_detection = c_bool(1) self.aperture = c_int(11) self.min_marker_perimeter = 80 #debug vars self.draw_markers = c_bool(0) self.show_surface_idx = c_int(0) self.recent_pupil_positions = [] self.img_shape = None atb_label = "marker detection" self._bar = atb.Bar(name =self.__class__.__name__, label=atb_label, help="marker detection parameters", color=(50, 150, 50), alpha=100, text='light', position=atb_pos,refresh=.3, size=(300, 300)) self.update_bar_markers()
def main(argv): global libX11, display state = ctypes.c_bool(False) atom = libX11.XInternAtom(display, "Caps Lock", ctypes.c_bool(False)) libX11.XkbGetNamedIndicator(display, atom, 0, ctypes.byref(state), 0, 0) flag = state.value signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sig_hdr) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sig_hdr) if not pynotify.init("caps"): sys.exit(1) uri_on = "file://" + '''your dir''' + "/capslock-on.png" uri_off = "file://" + '''your dir''' + "/capslock-off.png" caps_notify = pynotify.Notification("CapsLock Notification") # Perhaps libX11 is not compatible with python-daemon. If you know the reason, please tell me. Thanks. # with daemon.DaemonContext(): while True: libX11.XkbGetNamedIndicator(display, atom, 0, ctypes.byref(state), 0, 0) if flag != state.value: if flag: caps_notify.update("CapsLock Notification", "CapsLock OFF", uri_off) else: caps_notify.update("CapsLock Notification", "CapsLock ON", uri_on) flag = state.value time.sleep(0.5)
def __init__(self,g_pool,atb_pos=(0,0)): Plugin.__init__(self) self.window_should_open = False self.window_should_close = False self._window = None self.fullscreen = c_bool(0) self.realdata = c_bool(False) self.x = c_float(0) self.y = c_float(0) self.blink_time = c_float(1) self.should_blink = False self.blink_start = None atb_label = "android coordinate plugin" # Creating an ATB Bar. self._bar = atb.Bar(name =self.__class__.__name__, label=atb_label, help="ref detection parameters", color=(50, 50, 50), alpha=100, text='light', position=atb_pos,refresh=.3, size=(300, 100)) self._bar.add_var("real data", self.realdata) self._bar.add_var("X", self.x) self._bar.define("min=0 max=1 step=0.01", "X") self._bar.add_var("Y", self.y) self._bar.define("min=0 max=1 step=0.01", "Y") self._bar.add_var("blink time", self.blink_time, min=0,max=10,step=0.05,help="Simulated blink time") # self._bar.define("min=0 max=10000 step=50", "blink time") self._bar.add_button("simulate blink", self.schedule_blink)
def test_bool(self): self.loopback(True) self.loopback(False) import ctypes self.loopback(ctypes.c_bool(True)) self.loopback(ctypes.c_bool(False))
def __init__(self, FollowerForce = ct.c_bool(False), \ FollowerForceRig = ct.c_bool(True), \ PrintInfo = ct.c_bool(False), OutInBframe = ct.c_bool(True), \ OutInaframe = ct.c_bool(False), ElemProj = ct.c_int(0), \ MaxIterations = ct.c_int(99), NumLoadSteps = ct.c_int(5), \ NumGauss = ct.c_int(1), Solution = ct.c_int(111), \ DeltaCurved = ct.c_double(1.0e-5), \ MinDelta = ct.c_double(1.0e-8), \ NewmarkDamp = ct.c_double(1.0e-4), ImpStart = True, RigidDynamics=False ): """@brief Default initialisation is as defined in the original fortran derived type.""" self.FollowerForce = FollowerForce self.FollowerForceRig = FollowerForceRig self.PrintInfo = PrintInfo self.OutInBframe = OutInBframe self.OutInaframe = OutInaframe self.ElemProj = ElemProj self.MaxIterations = MaxIterations self.NumLoadSteps = NumLoadSteps self.NumGauss = NumGauss self.Solution = Solution self.DeltaCurved = DeltaCurved self.MinDelta = MinDelta self.NewmarkDamp = NewmarkDamp self.ImpStart=ImpStart self.RigidDynamics=RigidDynamics self._ctypes_links=True self._ctypes_attributes = ['FollowerForce', 'FollowerForceRig', 'PrintInfo', 'OutInBframe', 'OutInaframe', 'ElemProj', 'MaxIterations', 'NumLoadSteps', 'NumGauss', 'Solution', 'DeltaCurved', 'MinDelta', 'NewmarkDamp' ] self._ctypes_conversion= [ [ ct.c_int, ct.c_bool, ct.c_double ], [ int, bool, float ] ]
def runApp(self): self.getter.start() procget=kernel.OpenProcess(ctypes.c_uint(0x0200|0x0400), ctypes.c_bool(False), ctypes.c_uint(getpid)) kernel.SetPriorityClass(procget, 0x0100) self.processer.start() procproc=kernel.OpenProcess(ctypes.c_uint(0x0200|0x0400), ctypes.c_bool(False), ctypes.c_uint(procpid)) kernel.SetPriorityClass(procproc, 0x0100) try: while self.getter.is_alive(): #print("Entered Loop") data=self.q.recv() #if type(data)==str:print(data) #print("Got data"+str(len(data))) #print("Data"+str(data)) print(len(data)) #print(self.processer.is_alive()) print(time.time()) #print(data) self.system_up_time+=16/128 #ms=self.checkMarkerStatus() #print(self.system_up_time) ## for i in data: ## i.append(ms) ## self.writelines(data) except: self.getter.terminate() self.processer.terminate() self.closedump() raise
def __init__(self, name, g_pool, bar_defs): super(Bar, self).__init__(name, **bar_defs) self.fps = c_float(0.0) self.timestamp = time() self.dt = c_float(0.0) self.sleep = c_float(0.0) self.display = c_int(1) self.draw_pupil = c_bool(1) self.draw_roi = c_int(0) self.bin_thresh = c_int(60) self.blur = c_int(3) self.pupil_ratio = c_float(1.0) self.pupil_angle = c_float(0.0) self.pupil_size = c_float(80.0) self.pupil_size_tolerance = c_float(40.0) self.canny_aperture = c_int(5) self.canny_thresh = c_int(200) self.canny_ratio = c_int(2) self.record_eye = c_bool(0) # add class field here and it will become session persistant self.session_save = { "display": self.display, "draw_pupil": self.draw_pupil, "bin_thresh": self.bin_thresh, "pupil_ratio": self.pupil_ratio, "pupil_size": self.pupil_size, "mean_blur": self.blur, "canny_aperture": self.canny_aperture, "canny_thresh": self.canny_thresh, "canny_ratio": self.canny_ratio, } self.load() dispay_mode_enum = atb.enum( "Mode", {"Camera Image": 0, "Region of Interest": 1, "Egdes": 2, "Corse Pupil Region": 3} ) self.add_var("Display/FPS", self.fps, step=1.0, readonly=True) self.add_var("Display/SlowDown", self.sleep, step=0.01, min=0.0) self.add_var("Display/Mode", self.display, vtype=dispay_mode_enum, help="select the view-mode") self.add_var("Display/Show_Pupil_Point", self.draw_pupil) self.add_button("Draw_ROI", self.roi, help="drag on screen to select a region of interest", Group="Display") self.add_var("Pupil/Shade", self.bin_thresh, readonly=True) self.add_var("Pupil/Ratio", self.pupil_ratio, readonly=True) self.add_var("Pupil/Angle", self.pupil_angle, step=0.1, readonly=True) self.add_var("Pupil/Size", self.pupil_size, readonly=True) self.add_var("Pupil/Size_Tolerance", self.pupil_size_tolerance, step=1, min=0) self.add_var("Canny/MeanBlur", self.blur, step=2, max=7, min=1) self.add_var("Canny/Aperture", self.canny_aperture, step=2, max=7, min=3) self.add_var("Canny/Lower_Threshold", self.canny_thresh, step=1, min=1) self.add_var( "Canny/LowerUpperRatio", self.canny_ratio, step=1, min=0, help="Canny recommended a ratio between 3/1 and 2/1", ) self.add_var("record_eye_video", self.record_eye, help="when recording also save the eye video stream") self.add_var("SaveSettings&Exit", g_pool.quit)
def hklUni(cell, spaceGroup, sMin, sMax, code, numRef, maxRef): fn = lib.__cfml_reflections_utilities_MOD_hkl_uni_reflect c_ReflectionArray = Reflection*max(maxRef,1) reflections = c_ReflectionArray() fn.argtypes = [POINTER(CrystalCell), POINTER(SpaceGroup), POINTER(c_bool), POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float), c_char_p, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(DV), POINTER(c_bool)] fn.restype = None fn(cell, spaceGroup, c_bool(True), c_float(sMin), c_float(sMax), code, numRef, build_struct_dv(reflections), c_bool(False)) return reflections
def sort(x, reverse=False): if x.dtype == 'int32': __lib.sort_int(__getPointer(x), __getLen(x), ct.c_bool(reverse)) elif x.dtype == 'float64': __lib.sort_double(__getPointer(x), __getLen(x), ct.c_bool(reverse)) elif x.dtype == 'int64': __lib.sort_longint(__getPointer(x), __getLen(x), ct.c_bool(reverse)) else: #SortError raise RuntimeError('[sort] Datatype %s not supported' % x.dtype) return x
def __init__(self,g_pool,atb_pos=(0,0)): super(Marker_Detector, self).__init__() # all markers that are detected in the most recent frame self.markers = [] # all registered surfaces self.surface_definitions =,'surface_definitions'),protocol=2) self.surfaces = [Reference_Surface(saved_definition=d) for d in self.load('square_marker_surfaces',[]) if isinstance(d,dict)] # edit surfaces self.surface_edit_mode = c_bool(0) self.edit_surfaces = [] #detector vars self.robust_detection = c_bool(1) self.aperture = c_int(11) self.min_marker_perimeter = 80 #debug vars self.draw_markers = c_bool(0) self.show_surface_idx = c_int(0) self.recent_pupil_positions = [] self.img_shape = None #multi monitor setup self.window_should_open = False self.window_should_close = False self._window = None self.fullscreen = c_bool(0) self.monitor_idx = c_int(0) self.monitor_handles = glfwGetMonitors() self.monitor_names = [glfwGetMonitorName(m) for m in self.monitor_handles] monitor_enum = atb.enum("Monitor",dict(((key,val) for val,key in enumerate(self.monitor_names)))) #primary_monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor() atb_label = "marker detection" self._bar = atb.Bar(name =self.__class__.__name__, label=atb_label, help="marker detection parameters", color=(50, 50, 50), alpha=100, text='light', position=atb_pos,refresh=.3, size=(300, 100)) self._bar.add_var("monitor",self.monitor_idx, vtype=monitor_enum,group="Window",) self._bar.add_var("fullscreen", self.fullscreen,group="Window") self._bar.add_button(" open Window ", self.do_open, key='m',group="Window") self._bar.add_var("surface to show",self.show_surface_idx, step=1,min=0,group="Window") self._bar.add_var('robust_detection',self.robust_detection,group="Detector") self._bar.add_var("draw markers",self.draw_markers,group="Detector") atb_pos = atb_pos[0],atb_pos[1]+110 self._bar_markers = atb.Bar(name =self.__class__.__name__+'markers', label='registered surfaces', help="list of registered ref surfaces", color=(50, 100, 50), alpha=100, text='light', position=atb_pos,refresh=.3, size=(300, 120)) self.update_bar_markers()
def start(self): """ Launch background threads for loading the data. """ DataBufferPair = (ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte)) * 2 LabelBufferPair = (ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)) * 2 class DeviceParams(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [("type", ct.c_int), ("id", ct.c_int), ("data", DataBufferPair), ("labels", LabelBufferPair)] if == 0: # CPU data_buffers = DataBufferPair( self.buffers[0]._tensor.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte)), self.buffers[1]._tensor.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte)), ) label_buffers = LabelBufferPair( self.labels[0]._tensor.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)), self.labels[1]._tensor.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)), ) else: # GPU data_buffers = DataBufferPair( ct.cast(int(self.buffers[0].gpudata), ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte)), ct.cast(int(self.buffers[1].gpudata), ct.POINTER(ct.c_ubyte)), ) label_buffers = LabelBufferPair( ct.cast(int(self.labels[0].gpudata), ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)), ct.cast(int(self.labels[1].gpudata), ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)), ) params = DeviceParams(,, data_buffers, label_buffers) self.loader = self.loaderlib.start( ct.c_int(self.inner_size), ct.c_bool(, ct.c_bool(self.flip), ct.c_bool(self.rgb), ct.c_int(self.scale_range[0]), ct.c_int(self.scale_range[1]), ct.c_int(self.contrast_range[0]), ct.c_int(self.contrast_range[1]), ct.c_int(0), ct.c_int(0), # ignored rotation params ct.c_int(self.aspect_ratio), ct.c_int(self.minibatch_size), ct.c_char_p(self.filename), ct.c_int(self.macro_start), ct.c_uint(self.ndata), ct.c_int(self.nlabels), ct.c_bool(self.macro), ct.c_bool(self.shuffle), ct.c_int(self.item_max_size), ct.c_int(self.label_size), ct.POINTER(DeviceParams)(params), ) assert self.start_idx % self.bsz == 0
def runApp(self): self.getter.start() procget=kernel.OpenProcess(ctypes.c_uint(0x0200|0x0400), ctypes.c_bool(False), ctypes.c_uint(getpid)) kernel.SetPriorityClass(procget, 0x0100) self.processer.start() procproc=kernel.OpenProcess(ctypes.c_uint(0x0200|0x0400), ctypes.c_bool(False), ctypes.c_uint(procpid)) kernel.SetPriorityClass(procproc, 0x0100) data_dict=dict() for i in data_dict[i]={"F3":[], "F4":[], "T7":[], "T8":[]} for tp in data_dict: print(tp) #time.sleep(1) first=bool(True) try: while self.getter.is_alive(): #print(data_dict) #print(data_dict[tp]) data=self.q.recv() if first: #print(tp) #time.sleep(1) data=self.q.recv() first=False for i in data_dict[tp]: data_dict[tp][i].append(data[i][0][2]) if len(data_dict[tp]["F3"])==64: for i in data_dict[tp]: del data_dict[tp][i][0] #print(self.livedataclass.test_classifiers_ret(data_dict)) raise KeyboardInterrupt print(time.asctime()) #a# self.system_up_time+=16/128 except: for i in range(32): self.q.recv() print("Train Done") # raise self.getter.terminate() self.processer.terminate() fileobj=open("C:/Users/Gaurav/Desktop/KineticEEGProgamFiles/Trainingdata.dat", "wb") fileobj.write(pickle.dumps(data_dict)) fileobj.close()
def __init__(self, M, N, ImageMethod = False, Mstar = 1, Steady = True,\ KJMeth = True, NewAIC = True, DelTime = 0.0, Rollup = False,\ NumCores = 1): self.M = ct.c_uint(M) self.N = ct.c_uint(N) self.ImageMethod = ct.c_bool(ImageMethod) self.Mstar = ct.c_int(Mstar) self.Steady = ct.c_bool(Steady) self.KJMeth = ct.c_bool(KJMeth) self.NewAIC = ct.c_bool(NewAIC) self.DelTime = ct.c_double(DelTime) self.Rollup = ct.c_bool(Rollup) self.NumCores = ct.c_uint(NumCores)
def get_phase(self, jds, eclipseMode=True, getOrbits=False): """ Convert MJD2000 to accurate orbit number and orbit phase (eclipse-based or pole-based). Parameters ---------- jds : numpy array, float64 julian dates or a float64 scalar eclipseMode : bool, optional flag to indicate eclipse mode or polar mode getOrbits : bool, optional also return orbit numbers Returns ------- numpy array of array phases (same size as 'jds') or the phases and an array or absolute orbit numbers """ if not isinstance(jds, np.ndarray): jds = np.array(jds) n_records = jds.size saa_flag = False; dummy_orbit = 0 # prepare orbit phase output array for c phases = np.zeros(n_records) # TODO: directly specify dtype=float64 or so? phases = phases.astype(np.float32) phases_c = phases.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_float)) # prepare julianday input array for c jds = jds.astype(np.float64) jds_c = jds.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)) # orbits = np.empty(n_records) # orbits_c = orbits.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_long)) orbits = np.empty(n_records) # TODO: directly specify dtype=float64 or so? orbits = orbits.astype(np.int32) orbits_c = orbits.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_long)) if getOrbits: self.phaselib._GET_SCIA_ROE_ORBITPHASE_ORBIT(ct.c_bool(eclipseMode), ct.c_bool(saa_flag), ct.c_long(n_records), orbits_c, phases_c, jds_c) return np.float64(phases), orbits else: self.phaselib._GET_SCIA_ROE_ORBITPHASE(ct.c_bool(eclipseMode), ct.c_bool(saa_flag), ct.c_long(n_records), ct.c_long(dummy_orbit), phases_c, jds_c) return phases
def __aiMetadataGetBool( nodeEntry, paramName, name, defaultValue = None ) : value = ctypes.c_bool() if arnold.AiMetaDataGetBool( nodeEntry, paramName, name, value ) : return bool( value ) return defaultValue
def __init__(self, g_pool,atb_pos=(0,0)): Plugin.__init__(self) = False self.detected = False self.g_pool = g_pool self.pos = None self.smooth_pos = 0.,0. self.smooth_vel = 0. self.sample_site = (-2,-2) self.counter = 0 self.counter_max = 30 self.candidate_ellipses = [] self.show_edges = c_bool(0) self.aperture = 7 self.dist_threshold = c_int(10) self.area_threshold = c_int(30) self.world_size = None self.stop_marker_found = False self.auto_stop = 0 self.auto_stop_max = 30 atb_label = "calibrate using handheld marker" # Creating an ATB Bar is required. Show at least some info about the Ref_Detector self._bar = atb.Bar(name = self.__class__.__name__, label=atb_label, help="ref detection parameters", color=(50, 50, 50), alpha=100, text='light', position=atb_pos,refresh=.3, size=(300, 100)) self._bar.add_button("start/stop", self.start_stop, key='c') self._bar.add_var("show edges",self.show_edges, group="Advanced")
def do_get_data_lost(self): #OK! """ Check for data loss. Timestamps of events detected by the device can get lost if their rate is too high for the USB interface or if the PC is unable to receive the data in time. The TDC recognizes this situation and signals it to the PC (with high priority). The function checks if a data loss situation is currently detected or if it has been latched since the last call. If you are only interested in the current situation, call the function twice; the first call will delete the latch. Output: Current and latched data loss state. """ lost = ctypes.c_bool() ans = self.qutools_dll.TDC_getDataLost(ctypes.byref(lost)) #print ans if ans != 0: return self.err_dict[ans] else: return lost.value
def initServer(self): '''Initialize the Lab Brick Attenuator Server.''' yield self.getRegistryKeys() try: self.VNXdll = yield ctypes.CDLL(self.DLL_path) except Exception: raise Exception('Could not find Lab Brick Attenuator DLL') # Disable attenuator DLL test mode. self.VNXdll.fnLDA_SetTestMode(ctypes.c_bool(False)) # Number of the currently connected devices. self._num_devs = 0 # Create a dictionary that maps serial numbers to device IDs. self.SerialNumberDict = dict() # Create a dictionary that keeps track of last set attenuation. self.LastAttenuation = dict() # Dictionary to keep track of min/max attenuations. self.MinMaxAttenuation = dict() # Create a context for the server. self._pseudo_context = {} if self.autoRefresh: callLater(0.1, self.startRefreshing) else: yield self.refreshAttenuators()
def setFrom(self, val, name=None): """Create an argument using a value as input. Arguments: Value -- an OpenSCAD value string -- the name of the value """ if name: = ctypes.c_char_p(name) else: = ctypes.c_char_p(0) if isinstance(val, bool): self.type = 'b' self.boolValue = ctypes.c_bool(val) elif isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float): self.type = 'd' self.dblValue = ctypes.c_double(val) elif isinstance(val, str): self.type = 's' self.strValue = ctypes.c_char_p(val) elif isinstance(val, list) or isinstance(val, tuple): self.type = 'v' self.vecLen = ctypes.c_int(len(val)) arr = (ctypes.c_double * len(val))() for i, v in enumerate(val): arr[i] = ctypes.c_double(v) self.vecValue = arr
def __init__(self, library_location=DEFAULT_UUIRTDRV_LIBRARY_LOCATION): """Accepts a path to - probably has to be changed a little for windows""" uuirtlib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(library_location) self.__UUIRTOpen = uuirtlib.UUIRTOpen self.__UUIRTOpenEx = uuirtlib.UUIRTOpenEx self.__UUIRTClose = uuirtlib.UUIRTClose self.__UUIRTGetDrvInfo = uuirtlib.UUIRTGetDrvInfo self.__UUIRTGetDrvVersion = uuirtlib.UUIRTGetDrvVersion self.__UUIRTGetUUIRTInfo = uuirtlib.UUIRTGetUUIRTInfo self.__UUIRTGetUUIRTConfig = uuirtlib.UUIRTGetUUIRTConfig self.__UUIRTSetUUIRTConfig = uuirtlib.UUIRTSetUUIRTConfig self.__UUIRTTransmitIR = uuirtlib.UUIRTTransmitIR self.__UUIRTLearnIR = uuirtlib.UUIRTLearnIR self.__UUIRTSetReceiveCallback = uuirtlib.UUIRTSetReceiveCallback self.__UUIRTGetUUIRTGPIOCfg = uuirtlib.UUIRTGetUUIRTGPIOCfg self.__UUIRTSetUUIRTGPIOCfg = uuirtlib.UUIRTSetUUIRTGPIOCfg self.__dev_handle = ctypes.c_void_p() self.__opened = False self.__receiveCallback = None self.__learnCallback = None self.__receiveUserData = None self.__receiveUserDataType = None self.__learnUserData = None self.__learnUserDataType = None # Python 2.6 and later - not sure what to wrap this with on earlier versions self.__abort = ctypes.c_bool(False)
def is_process_64_from_handle(hProcess): """ Take a process handle. return True if process is 64 bits, and False otherwise. """ iswow64 = c_bool(False) if not hasattr(windll.kernel32,'IsWow64Process'): return False windll.kernel32.IsWow64Process(hProcess, byref(iswow64)) return not iswow64.value
def learnIR(self, codeformat, callback, userdata, abort, param1): """Wraps UUIRTLearnIR, returns a list of int(). codeformat is an int(), callback is a Python ctypes function usbuirt.PLEARNCALLBACKPROC(), userdata is any python object and will be sent to the callback function, abort is a boolean, and should be set to false - and theoretically setting it to true will interrupt the learning process param1 should be 0 unless there's a good reason according to the docs Note that changing this callback will override self.learnCallback and self._learnCallback.""" # ircode create_string_buffer if not self.__opened: raise Exception buff = ctypes.create_string_buffer(4096) if callback: self.__learnCallback = PLEARNCALLBACKPROC(callback) # Python 2.6 and later. self.__abort = ctypes.c_bool(abort) self.__learnUserData = userdata # the type needs a reference count retained to reconstruct self.__learnUserDataType = ctypes.py_object(self.__learnUserData) rv = self.__UUIRTLearnIR(self.__dev_handle, ctypes.c_int(codeformat), ctypes.byref(buff), self.__learnCallback, ctypes.cast(ctypes.addressof(self.__learnUserDataType), ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.byref(self.__abort), param1, None, None) if rv == 0: raise Exception #vals = [int(x, 16) for x in buff.value.split(' ')] #return vals #returning pronto format code return buff.value
def initServer(self): # load wavemeter dll file for use of API functions self.d and self.l # are dummy c_types for unused wavemeter functions dll_path = "C:\Windows\System32\wlmData.dll" self.wmdll = ctypes.windll.LoadLibrary(dll_path) self.d = ctypes.c_double(0) self.l = ctypes.c_long(0) self.b = ctypes.c_bool(0) self.set_pid_variables() # Getting the amplitude in the GetAmplitudeNum function can # return the max, min, and average of the interference pattern self.AmplitudeMin = ctypes.c_long(0) self.AmplitudeMax = ctypes.c_long(2) self.AmplitudeAvg = ctypes.c_long(4) self.set_dll_variables() self.WavemeterVersion = self.wmdll.GetWLMVersion(ctypes.c_long(1)) self.measureChan() self.listeners = set()
def Solve_Py(XBINPUT,XBOPTS,VMOPTS,VMINPUT,AELAOPTS,**kwords): """@brief Nonlinear dynamic solver using Python to solve aeroelastic equation. @details Assembly of structural matrices is carried out with Fortran subroutines. Aerodynamics solved using PyAero\.UVLM. @param XBINPUT Beam inputs (for initialization in Python). @param XBOPTS Beam solver options (for Fortran). @param VMOPTS UVLM solver options (for C/C++). @param VMINPUT UVLM solver inputs (for initialization in Python). @param VMUNST Unsteady input information for aero solver. @param AELAOPTS Options relevant to coupled aeroelastic simulations. @param writeDict OrderedDict of 'name':tuple of outputs to write. """ # Check correct solution code. assert XBOPTS.Solution.value == 912, ('NonlinearFlightDynamic requested' + ' with wrong solution code') # Initialise static beam data. XBINPUT, XBOPTS, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, PosIni, PsiIni, XBNODE, NumDof \ = BeamInit.Static(XBINPUT,XBOPTS) # Calculate initial displacements. if AELAOPTS.ImpStart == False: XBOPTS.Solution.value = 112 # Modify options. VMOPTS.Steady = ct.c_bool(True) Rollup = VMOPTS.Rollup.value VMOPTS.Rollup.value = False # Solve Static Aeroelastic. PosDefor, PsiDefor, Zeta, ZetaStar, Gamma, GammaStar, Force = \ Static.Solve_Py(XBINPUT, XBOPTS, VMOPTS, VMINPUT, AELAOPTS) XBOPTS.Solution.value = 912 # Reset options. VMOPTS.Steady = ct.c_bool(False) VMOPTS.Rollup.value = Rollup elif AELAOPTS.ImpStart == True: PosDefor = PosIni.copy(order='F') PsiDefor = PsiIni.copy(order='F') Force = np.zeros((XBINPUT.NumNodesTot,6),ct.c_double,'F') # Write deformed configuration to file. TODO: tidy this away inside function. ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL912_def.dat' if XBOPTS.PrintInfo==True: sys.stdout.write('Writing file %s ... ' %(ofile)) fp = open(ofile,'w') fp.write('TITLE="Non-linear static solution: deformed geometry"\n') fp.write('VARIABLES="iElem" "iNode" "Px" "Py" "Pz" "Rx" "Ry" "Rz"\n') fp.close() if XBOPTS.PrintInfo==True: sys.stdout.write('done\n') WriteMode = 'a' # Write BeamIO.OutputElems(XBINPUT.NumElems, NumNodes_tot.value, XBELEM, PosDefor, PsiDefor, ofile, WriteMode) # Initialise structural variables for dynamic analysis. Time, NumSteps, ForceTime, Vrel, VrelDot,\ PosDotDef, PsiDotDef,\ OutGrids, PosPsiTime, VelocTime, DynOut\ = BeamInit.Dynamic(XBINPUT,XBOPTS) # Delete unused variables. del OutGrids, VelocTime if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True: sys.stdout.write('Solve nonlinear dynamic case in Python ... \n') #Initialise structural system tensors MssFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value,NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F') CssFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value,NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F') KssFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value,NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F') FstrucFull = np.zeros((NumDof.value,NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F') ms = ct.c_int() cs = ct.c_int() ks = ct.c_int() fs = ct.c_int() Msr = np.zeros((NumDof.value,6), ct.c_double, 'F') Csr = np.zeros((NumDof.value,6), ct.c_double, 'F') X = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F') dXdt = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F') Force_Dof = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F') Qstruc = np.zeros(NumDof.value, ct.c_double, 'F') #Initialise rigid-body system tensors MrsFull = np.zeros((6,NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F') CrsFull = np.zeros((6,NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F') KrsFull = np.zeros((6,NumDof.value), ct.c_double, 'F') FrigidFull = np.zeros((6,NumDof.value+6), ct.c_double, 'F') mr = ct.c_int() cr = ct.c_int() kr = ct.c_int() fr = ct.c_int() Mrr = np.zeros((6,6), ct.c_double, 'F') Crr = np.zeros((6,6), ct.c_double, 'F') Qrigid = np.zeros(6, ct.c_double, 'F') #Initialise full system tensors Q = np.zeros(NumDof.value+6+4, ct.c_double, 'F') DQ = np.zeros(NumDof.value+6+4, ct.c_double, 'F') dQdt = np.zeros(NumDof.value+6+4, ct.c_double, 'F') dQddt = np.zeros(NumDof.value+6+4, ct.c_double, 'F') Force_All = np.zeros(NumDof.value+6, ct.c_double, 'F') Msys = np.zeros((NumDof.value+6+4,NumDof.value+6+4), ct.c_double, 'F') Csys = np.zeros((NumDof.value+6+4,NumDof.value+6+4), ct.c_double, 'F') Ksys = np.zeros((NumDof.value+6+4,NumDof.value+6+4), ct.c_double, 'F') Asys = np.zeros((NumDof.value+6+4,NumDof.value+6+4), ct.c_double, 'F') Qsys = np.zeros(NumDof.value+6+4, ct.c_double, 'F') #Initialise rotation operators. TODO: include initial AOA here currVrel=Vrel[0,:].copy('F') AOA = np.arctan(currVrel[2]/-currVrel[1]) Quat = xbl.Euler2Quat(AOA,0,0) Cao = xbl.Rot(Quat) ACoa = np.zeros((6,6), ct.c_double, 'F') ACoa[:3,:3] = np.transpose(Cao) ACoa[3:,3:] = np.transpose(Cao) Cqr = np.zeros((4,6), ct.c_double, 'F') Cqq = np.zeros((4,4), ct.c_double, 'F') Unit4 = np.zeros((4,4), ct.c_double, 'F') for i in range(4): Unit4[i,i] = 1.0 # Extract initial displacements and velocities. BeamLib.Cbeam_Solv_Disp2State(NumNodes_tot, NumDof, XBINPUT, XBNODE, PosDefor, PsiDefor, PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, X, dXdt) # Approximate initial accelerations. PosDotDotDef = np.zeros((NumNodes_tot.value,3),ct.c_double,'F') PsiDotDotDef = np.zeros((XBINPUT.NumElems,Settings.MaxElNod,3), ct.c_double, 'F') #Populate state vector Q[:NumDof.value]=X.copy('F') dQdt[:NumDof.value]=dXdt.copy('F') dQdt[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Vrel[0,:].copy('F') dQdt[NumDof.value+6:]= Quat.copy('F') #Force at the first time-step Force += (XBINPUT.ForceDyn*ForceTime[0]).copy('F') #Assemble matrices and loads for structural dynamic analysis currVrel=Vrel[0,:].copy('F') tmpQuat=Quat.copy('F') BeamLib.Cbeam3_Asbly_Dynamic(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE,\ PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor,\ PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, PosDotDotDef, PsiDotDotDef,\ Force, currVrel, 0*currVrel,\ NumDof, Settings.DimMat,\ ms, MssFull, Msr,\ cs, CssFull, Csr,\ ks, KssFull, fs, FstrucFull,\ Qstruc, XBOPTS, Cao) BeamLib.f_fem_m2v(ct.byref(NumNodes_tot),\ ct.byref(ct.c_int(6)),\ Force.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)),\ ct.byref(NumDof),\ Force_Dof.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)),\ XBNODE.Vdof.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)) ) Qstruc -=, Force_Dof) #Assemble matrices for rigid-body dynamic analysis BeamLib.Xbeam_Asbly_Dynamic(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE,\ PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor,\ PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, PosDotDotDef, PsiDotDotDef,\ currVrel, 0*currVrel, tmpQuat,\ NumDof, Settings.DimMat,\ mr, MrsFull, Mrr,\ cr, CrsFull, Crr, Cqr, Cqq,\ kr, KrsFull, fr, FrigidFull,\ Qrigid, XBOPTS, Cao) BeamLib.f_fem_m2v_nofilter(ct.byref(NumNodes_tot),\ ct.byref(ct.c_int(6)),\ Force.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)),\ ct.byref(ct.c_int(NumDof.value+6)),\ Force_All.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)) ) Qrigid -=, Force_All) # #Separate assembly of follower and dead loads # tmpForceTime=ForceTime[0].copy('F') # tmpQforces,Dummy,tmpQrigid = xbl.LoadAssembly(XBINPUT, XBELEM, XBNODE, XBOPTS, NumDof, \ # PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor, \ # (XBINPUT.ForceStatic_foll + XBINPUT.ForceDyn_foll*tmpForceTime), \ # (XBINPUT.ForceStatic_dead + XBINPUT.ForceDyn_dead*tmpForceTime), \ # Cao,1) # # Qstruc -= tmpQforces # Qrigid -= tmpQrigid #Assemble system matrices Msys[:NumDof.value,:NumDof.value] = MssFull.copy('F') Msys[:NumDof.value,NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Msr.copy('F') Msys[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6,:NumDof.value] = MrsFull.copy('F') Msys[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6,NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Mrr.copy('F') Msys[NumDof.value+6:,NumDof.value+6:] = Unit4.copy('F') Qsys[:NumDof.value] = Qstruc Qsys[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Qrigid Qsys[NumDof.value+6:] =,dQdt[NumDof.value+6:]) # Initial Accel. dQddt[:] =, -Qsys) #Record position of all grid points in global FoR at initial time step DynOut[0:NumNodes_tot.value,:] = PosDefor #Position/rotation of the selected node in initial deformed configuration PosPsiTime[0,:3] = PosDefor[-1,:] PosPsiTime[0,3:] = PsiDefor[-1,XBELEM.NumNodes[-1]-1,:] #Get gamma and beta for Newmark scheme gamma = 0.5 + XBOPTS.NewmarkDamp.value beta = 0.25*(gamma + 0.5)**2 # Initialise Aero Section = InitSection(VMOPTS,VMINPUT,AELAOPTS.ElasticAxis) # Declare memory for Aero variables. ZetaDot = np.zeros((Section.shape[0],PosDefor.shape[0],3),ct.c_double,'C') K = VMOPTS.M.value*VMOPTS.N.value AIC = np.zeros((K,K),ct.c_double,'C') BIC = np.zeros((K,K),ct.c_double,'C') AeroForces = np.zeros((VMOPTS.M.value+1,VMOPTS.N.value+1,3),ct.c_double,'C') # Initialise A-frame location and orientation to be zero. OriginA_G = np.zeros(3,ct.c_double,'C') PsiA_G = xbl.quat2psi(Quat) # CRV at iStep # Init external velocities. Ufree = InitSteadyExternalVels(VMOPTS,VMINPUT) if AELAOPTS.ImpStart == True: Zeta = np.zeros((Section.shape[0],PosDefor.shape[0],3),ct.c_double,'C') Gamma = np.zeros((VMOPTS.M.value,VMOPTS.N.value),ct.c_double,'C') # Generate surface, wake and gamma matrices. CoincidentGrid(PosDefor, PsiDefor, Section, currVrel[:3], currVrel[3:], PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, XBINPUT, Zeta, ZetaDot, OriginA_G, PsiA_G, VMINPUT.ctrlSurf) # init wake grid and gamma matrix. ZetaStar, GammaStar = InitSteadyWake(VMOPTS,VMINPUT,Zeta,currVrel[:3]) # Define tecplot stuff if Settings.PlotTec==True: FileName = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + 'AeroGrid.dat' Variables = ['X', 'Y', 'Z','Gamma'] FileObject = PostProcess.WriteAeroTecHeader(FileName, 'Default', Variables) # Plot results of static analysis PostProcess.WriteUVLMtoTec(FileObject, Zeta, ZetaStar, Gamma, GammaStar, TimeStep = 0, NumTimeSteps = XBOPTS.NumLoadSteps.value, Time = 0.0, Text = True) # Open output file for writing if 'writeDict' in kwords and Settings.WriteOut == True: writeDict = kwords['writeDict'] ofile = Settings.OutputDir + \ Settings.OutputFileRoot + \ '_SOL912_out.dat' fp = open(ofile,'w') fp.write("{:<14}".format("Time")) for output in writeDict.keys(): fp.write("{:<14}".format(output)) fp.write("\n") fp.flush() # Write initial outputs to file. if 'writeDict' in kwords and Settings.WriteOut == True: locForces = None # Stops recalculation of forces fp.write("{:<14,e}".format(Time[0])) for myStr in writeDict.keys(): if'^R_.',myStr): if'^R_._.', myStr): index = int(myStr[4]) elif'root', myStr): index = 0 elif'tip', myStr): index = -1 else: raise IOError("Node index not recognised.") if myStr[2] == 'x': component = 0 elif myStr[2] == 'y': component = 1 elif myStr[2] == 'z': component = 2 else: raise IOError("Displacement component not recognised.") fp.write("{:<14,e}".format(PosDefor[index,component])) elif'^M_.',myStr): if'^M_._.', myStr): index = int(myStr[4]) elif'root', myStr): index = 0 elif'tip', myStr): index = -1 else: raise IOError("Node index not recognised.") if myStr[2] == 'x': component = 0 elif myStr[2] == 'y': component = 1 elif myStr[2] == 'z': component = 2 else: raise IOError("Moment component not recognised.") if locForces == None: locForces = BeamIO.localElasticForces(PosDefor, PsiDefor, PosIni, PsiIni, XBELEM, [index]) fp.write("{:<14,e}".format(locForces[0,3+component])) else: raise IOError("writeDict key not recognised.") # END for myStr fp.write("\n") fp.flush() # END if write # Time loop. for iStep in range(NumSteps.value): if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True: sys.stdout.write('Time: %-10.4e\n' %(Time[iStep+1])) sys.stdout.write(' SubIter DeltaF DeltaX ResLog10\n') #calculate dt dt = Time[iStep+1] - Time[iStep] # Set dt for aero force calcs. VMOPTS.DelTime = ct.c_double(dt) #Predictor step Q += dt*dQdt + (0.5-beta)*dQddt*np.power(dt,2.0) dQdt += (1.0-gamma)*dQddt*dt dQddt[:] = 0.0 # Quaternion update for orientation. Quat = dQdt[NumDof.value+6:].copy('F') Quat = Quat/np.linalg.norm(Quat) Cao = xbl.Rot(Quat) #nodal diplacements and velocities from state vector X=Q[:NumDof.value].copy('F') dXdt=dQdt[:NumDof.value].copy('F'); BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_State2Disp(XBINPUT,NumNodes_tot,XBELEM,XBNODE, PosIni,PsiIni,NumDof,X,dXdt, PosDefor,PsiDefor,PosDotDef,PsiDotDef) # Force at current time-step. TODO: Check communication flow. if iStep > 0 and AELAOPTS.Tight == False: # zero aero forces. AeroForces[:,:,:] = 0.0 # Update CRV. PsiA_G = xbl.quat2psi(Quat) # CRV at iStep # Update origin. currVrel=Vrel[iStep-1,:].copy('F') OriginA_G[:] = OriginA_G[:] + currVrel[:3]*dt # Update control surface deflection. if VMINPUT.ctrlSurf != None: VMINPUT.ctrlSurf.update(Time[iStep]) # Generate surface grid. currVrel=Vrel[iStep,:].copy('F') CoincidentGrid(PosDefor, PsiDefor, Section, currVrel[:3], currVrel[3:], PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, XBINPUT, Zeta, ZetaDot, OriginA_G, PsiA_G, VMINPUT.ctrlSurf) # Update wake geom #'roll' data. ZetaStar = np.roll(ZetaStar,1,axis = 0) GammaStar = np.roll(GammaStar,1,axis = 0) #overwrite grid points with TE. ZetaStar[0,:] = Zeta[VMOPTS.M.value,:] # overwrite Gamma with TE value from previous timestep. GammaStar[0,:] = Gamma[VMOPTS.M.value-1,:] # Apply gust velocity. if VMINPUT.gust != None: Utot = Ufree + VMINPUT.gust.Vels(Zeta) else: Utot = Ufree # Solve for AeroForces UVLMLib.Cpp_Solver_VLM(Zeta, ZetaDot, Utot, ZetaStar, VMOPTS, AeroForces, Gamma, GammaStar, AIC, BIC) # Apply density scaling AeroForces[:,:,:] = AELAOPTS.AirDensity*AeroForces[:,:,:] if Settings.PlotTec==True: PostProcess.WriteUVLMtoTec(FileObject, Zeta, ZetaStar, Gamma, GammaStar, TimeStep = iStep, NumTimeSteps = XBOPTS.NumLoadSteps.value, Time = Time[iStep], Text = True) # map AeroForces to beam. CoincidentGridForce(XBINPUT, PsiDefor, Section, AeroForces, Force) # Add gravity loads. AddGravityLoads(Force, XBINPUT, XBELEM, AELAOPTS, PsiDefor, VMINPUT.c) # Add thrust and other point loads Force += (XBINPUT.ForceStatic + XBINPUT.ForceDyn*ForceTime[iStep+1]).copy('F') #END if iStep > 0 #Reset convergence parameters Iter = 0 ResLog10 = 1.0 #Newton-Raphson loop while ( (ResLog10 > XBOPTS.MinDelta.value) \ & (Iter < XBOPTS.MaxIterations.value) ): #set tensors to zero MssFull[:,:] = 0.0; CssFull[:,:] = 0.0 KssFull[:,:] = 0.0; FstrucFull[:,:] = 0.0 Msr[:,:] = 0.0; Csr[:,:] = 0.0 Qstruc[:] = 0.0 MrsFull[:,:] = 0.0; CrsFull[:,:] = 0.0 KrsFull[:,:] = 0.0; FrigidFull[:,:] = 0.0 Mrr[:,:] = 0.0; Crr[:,:] = 0.0 Qrigid[:] = 0.0 Msys[:,:] = 0.0; Csys[:,:] = 0.0 Ksys[:,:] = 0.0; Asys[:,:] = 0.0; Qsys[:] = 0.0 # Update counter. Iter += 1 if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True: sys.stdout.write(' %-7d ' %(Iter)) #nodal diplacements and velocities from state vector X=Q[:NumDof.value].copy('F') dXdt=dQdt[:NumDof.value].copy('F'); BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_State2Disp(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE, PosIni, PsiIni, NumDof, X, dXdt, PosDefor, PsiDefor, PosDotDef, PsiDotDef) #rigid-body velocities and orientation from state vector Vrel[iStep+1,:] = dQdt[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6].copy('F') VrelDot[iStep+1,:] = dQddt[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6].copy('F') Quat = dQdt[NumDof.value+6:].copy('F') Quat = Quat/np.linalg.norm(Quat) Cao = xbl.Rot(Quat) #Update matrices and loads for structural dynamic analysis tmpVrel=Vrel[iStep+1,:].copy('F') tmpQuat=Quat.copy('F') BeamLib.Cbeam3_Asbly_Dynamic(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE,\ PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor,\ PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, PosDotDotDef, PsiDotDotDef,\ Force, tmpVrel, 0*tmpVrel,\ NumDof, Settings.DimMat,\ ms, MssFull, Msr,\ cs, CssFull, Csr,\ ks, KssFull, fs, FstrucFull,\ Qstruc, XBOPTS, Cao) BeamLib.f_fem_m2v(ct.byref(NumNodes_tot),\ ct.byref(ct.c_int(6)),\ Force.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)),\ ct.byref(NumDof),\ Force_Dof.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)),\ XBNODE.Vdof.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_int)) ) #Update matrices for rigid-body dynamic analysis BeamLib.Xbeam_Asbly_Dynamic(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE,\ PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor,\ PosDotDef, PsiDotDef, PosDotDotDef, PsiDotDotDef,\ tmpVrel, 0*tmpVrel, tmpQuat,\ NumDof, Settings.DimMat,\ mr, MrsFull, Mrr,\ cr, CrsFull, Crr, Cqr, Cqq,\ kr, KrsFull, fs, FrigidFull,\ Qrigid, XBOPTS, Cao) BeamLib.f_fem_m2v_nofilter(ct.byref(NumNodes_tot),\ ct.byref(ct.c_int(6)),\ Force.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)),\ ct.byref(ct.c_int(NumDof.value+6)),\ Force_All.ctypes.data_as(ct.POINTER(ct.c_double)) ) #Residual at first iteration if(Iter == 1): Res0_Qglobal = max(max(abs(Qsys)),1) Res0_DeltaX = max(max(abs(DQ)),1) #Assemble discrete system matrices with linearised quaternion equations Msys[:NumDof.value,:NumDof.value] = MssFull.copy('F') Msys[:NumDof.value,NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Msr.copy('F') Msys[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6,:NumDof.value] = MrsFull.copy('F') Msys[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6,NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Mrr.copy('F') Msys[NumDof.value+6:,NumDof.value+6:] = Unit4.copy('F') Csys[:NumDof.value,:NumDof.value] = CssFull.copy('F') Csys[:NumDof.value,NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Csr.copy('F') Csys[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6,:NumDof.value] = CrsFull.copy('F') Csys[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6,NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Crr.copy('F') Csys[NumDof.value+6:,NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Cqr.copy('F') Csys[NumDof.value+6:,NumDof.value+6:] = Cqq.copy('F') Ksys[:NumDof.value,:NumDof.value] = KssFull.copy('F') Ksys[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6,:NumDof.value] = KrsFull.copy('F') # #Separate assembly of follower and dead loads # tmpForceTime=ForceTime[iStep+1].copy('F') # tmpQforces,Dummy,tmpQrigid = xbl.LoadAssembly(XBINPUT, XBELEM, XBNODE, XBOPTS, NumDof, \ # PosIni, PsiIni, PosDefor, PsiDefor, \ # (XBINPUT.ForceStatic_foll + XBINPUT.ForceDyn_foll*tmpForceTime), \ # (XBINPUT.ForceStatic_dead + XBINPUT.ForceDyn_dead*tmpForceTime), \ # Cao,1) # # Qstruc -= tmpQforces # Qrigid -= tmpQrigid #Compute residual to solve update vector Qstruc +=, Force_Dof) Qrigid +=, Force_All) Qsys[:NumDof.value] = Qstruc Qsys[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6] = Qrigid Qsys[NumDof.value+6:] =,dQdt[NumDof.value+6:]) Qsys +=,dQddt) #Calculate system matrix for update calculation Asys = Ksys + \ Csys*gamma/(beta*dt) + \ Msys/(beta*dt**2) #Compute correction DQ[:] =, -Qsys) Q += DQ dQdt += DQ*gamma/(beta*dt) dQddt += DQ/(beta*dt**2) #Update convergence criteria if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True: sys.stdout.write('%-10.4e ' %(max(abs(Qsys)))) Res_Qglobal = max(abs(Qsys)) Res_DeltaX = max(abs(DQ)) ResLog10 = max(Res_Qglobal/Res0_Qglobal,Res_DeltaX/Res0_DeltaX) if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True: sys.stdout.write('%-10.4e %8.4f\n' %(max(abs(DQ)),ResLog10)) # END Netwon-Raphson. #update to converged nodal displacements and velocities X=Q[:NumDof.value].copy('F') dXdt=dQdt[:NumDof.value].copy('F'); BeamLib.Cbeam3_Solv_State2Disp(XBINPUT, NumNodes_tot, XBELEM, XBNODE, PosIni, PsiIni, NumDof, X, dXdt,\ PosDefor, PsiDefor, PosDotDef, PsiDotDef) PosPsiTime[iStep+1,:3] = PosDefor[-1,:] PosPsiTime[iStep+1,3:] = PsiDefor[-1,XBELEM.NumNodes[-1]-1,:] #Position of all grid points in global FoR i1 = (iStep+1)*NumNodes_tot.value i2 = (iStep+2)*NumNodes_tot.value DynOut[i1:i2,:] = PosDefor #Export rigid-body velocities/accelerations if XBOPTS.OutInaframe.value==True: Vrel[iStep,:] = dQdt[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6].copy('F') VrelDot[iStep,:] = dQddt[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6].copy('F') else: Quat = dQdt[NumDof.value+6:].copy('F') Quat = Quat/np.linalg.norm(Quat) Cao = xbl.Rot(Quat) ACoa[:3,:3] = np.transpose(Cao) ACoa[3:,3:] = np.transpose(Cao) Vrel[iStep,:] =,dQdt[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6].copy('F')) VrelDot[iStep,:] =,dQddt[NumDof.value:NumDof.value+6].copy('F')) # Write selected outputs # tidy this away using function. if 'writeDict' in kwords and Settings.WriteOut == True: locForces = None # Stops recalculation of forces fp.write("{:<14,e}".format(Time[iStep+1])) for myStr in writeDict.keys(): if'^R_.',myStr): if'^R_._.', myStr): index = int(myStr[4]) elif'root', myStr): index = 0 elif'tip', myStr): index = -1 else: raise IOError("Node index not recognised.") if myStr[2] == 'x': component = 0 elif myStr[2] == 'y': component = 1 elif myStr[2] == 'z': component = 2 else: raise IOError("Displacement component not recognised.") fp.write("{:<14,e}".format(PosDefor[index,component])) elif'^M_.',myStr): if'^M_._.', myStr): index = int(myStr[4]) elif'root', myStr): index = 0 elif'tip', myStr): index = -1 else: raise IOError("Node index not recognised.") if myStr[2] == 'x': component = 0 elif myStr[2] == 'y': component = 1 elif myStr[2] == 'z': component = 2 else: raise IOError("Moment component not recognised.") if locForces == None: locForces = BeamIO.localElasticForces(PosDefor, PsiDefor, PosIni, PsiIni, XBELEM, [index]) fp.write("{:<14,e}".format(locForces[0,3+component])) else: raise IOError("writeDict key not recognised.") # END for myStr fp.write("\n") fp.flush() # 'Rollup' due to external velocities. TODO: Must add gusts here! ZetaStar[:,:] = ZetaStar[:,:] + VMINPUT.U_infty*dt # END Time loop # Write _dyn file. ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL912_dyn.dat' fp = open(ofile,'w') BeamIO.Write_dyn_File(fp, Time, PosPsiTime) fp.close() #Write _shape file ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL912_shape.dat' fp = open(ofile,'w') BeamIO.Write_shape_File(fp, len(Time), NumNodes_tot.value, Time, DynOut) fp.close() #Write rigid-body velocities ofile = Settings.OutputDir + Settings.OutputFileRoot + '_SOL912_rigid.dat' fp = open(ofile,'w') BeamIO.Write_rigid_File(fp, Time, Vrel, VrelDot) fp.close() # Close output file if it exists. if 'writeDict' in kwords and Settings.WriteOut == True: fp.close() # Close Tecplot ascii FileObject. if Settings.PlotTec==True: PostProcess.CloseAeroTecFile(FileObject) if XBOPTS.PrintInfo.value==True: sys.stdout.write(' ... done\n') # For interactive analysis at end of simulation set breakpoint. pass
based on a frequency of interest. @param freq Frequency of interest. @param c chord of wing. @param Umag mean reltive free-stream velocity magnitude. @returns M Number of chordwise panels for wing. @returns DelTime Suggested timestep [seconds.] """ k = freq*c/(2*Umag) #get expected reduced freq M = int(50.0*k/np.pi) #get adequate panelling DelTime = c/(Umag*M) #get resulting DelTime return M, DelTime if __name__ == '__main__': # Beam options. XBOPTS = DerivedTypes.Xbopts(FollowerForce = ct.c_bool(False), MaxIterations = ct.c_int(50), PrintInfo = ct.c_bool(True), OutInaframe = ct.c_bool(True), NumLoadSteps = ct.c_int(1), Solution = ct.c_int(912), MinDelta = ct.c_double(1e-5), NewmarkDamp = ct.c_double(5e-3)) # beam inputs. XBINPUT = DerivedTypes.Xbinput(2,4) XBINPUT.BeamLength = 6.096 XBINPUT.BeamStiffness[0,0] = 1.0e+09 XBINPUT.BeamStiffness[1,1] = 1.0e+09 XBINPUT.BeamStiffness[2,2] = 1.0e+09 XBINPUT.BeamStiffness[3,3] = 0.99e+06 XBINPUT.BeamStiffness[4,4] = 9.77e+06
def disableNorm(self): """Disable instance-wise normalization""" key = 'norm' _check_call( _LIB.XLearnSetBool(ctypes.byref(self.handle), c_str(key), ctypes.c_bool(False)))
def request_stop_computations(self): """Called when user wants to terminate the current computation""" rch.set_flag_stop_all(ct.c_bool(True)) super().request_stop_computations()
def setInternalPulseMod(self, dOntime, dReptime, bOn=False): status = fnLMS_SetFastPulsedOutput(self.device_id, c_float(dOntime), c_float(dReptime), c_bool(bOn)) self.check_error(status)
import ctypes as c import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as anim import time import datetime import as pf lib = c.cdll.LoadLibrary('') lib.debug(c.c_bool(True)) def timenow(): return int(( * 1e3)) class AtikCaps(c.Structure): _fields_ = [("lineCount", c.c_uint), ("pixelCountX", c.c_uint), ("pixelCountY", c.c_uint), ("pixelSizeX", c.c_double), ("pixelSizeY", c.c_double), ("maxBinX", c.c_uint), ("maxBinY", c.c_uint), ("tempSensorCount", c.c_uint), ("offsetX", c.c_int), ("offsetY", c.c_int), ("supportsLongExposure", c.c_bool), ("minShortExposure", c.c_double), ("maxShortExposure", c.c_double)] class AtikCam: def __init__(self): count = 0 while count < 1:
def _00E0(self): """ CLS: Clear the display """ self.display = [ [c_bool(False) for x in range(64)] for y in range(32) ]
def setSigmoid(self): """Convert output by using sigmoid""" key = 'sigmoid' _check_call( _LIB.XLearnSetBool(ctypes.byref(self.handle), c_str(key), ctypes.c_bool(True)))
def setSign(self): """Convert output to 0 and 1""" key = 'sign' _check_call( _LIB.XLearnSetBool(ctypes.byref(self.handle), c_str(key), ctypes.c_bool(True)))
def __init__(self, g_pool, atb_pos=(320, 220)): super(Marker_Detector, self).__init__() self.g_pool = g_pool self.order = .2 # all markers that are detected in the most recent frame self.markers = [] # all registered surfaces if == 'capture': self.surface_definitions = g_pool.user_dir, 'surface_definitions'), protocol=2) self.surfaces = [ Reference_Surface(saved_definition=d) for d in self.load('realtime_square_marker_surfaces', []) if isinstance(d, dict) ] elif == 'player': #in player we load from the rec_dir: but we have a couple options: self.surface_definitions = g_pool.rec_dir, 'surface_definitions'), protocol=2) if self.load('offline_square_marker_surfaces', []) != []: logger.debug( "Found ref surfaces defined or copied in previous session." ) self.surfaces = [ Reference_Surface(saved_definition=d) for d in self.load('offline_square_marker_surfaces', []) if isinstance(d, dict) ] elif self.load('offline_square_marker_surfaces', []) != []: logger.debug( "Did not find ref surfaces def created or used by the user in player from earlier session. Loading surfaces defined during capture." ) self.surfaces = [ Reference_Surface(saved_definition=d) for d in self.load('realtime_square_marker_surfaces', []) if isinstance(d, dict) ] else: logger.debug("No surface defs found. Please define using GUI.") self.surfaces = [] # edit surfaces self.surface_edit_mode = c_bool(0) self.edit_surfaces = [] #detector vars self.robust_detection = c_bool(1) self.aperture = c_int(11) self.min_marker_perimeter = 80 #debug vars self.draw_markers = c_bool(0) self.show_surface_idx = c_int(0) self.recent_pupil_positions = [] self.img_shape = None #multi monitor setup self.window_should_open = False self.window_should_close = False self._window = None self.fullscreen = c_bool(0) self.monitor_idx = c_int(0) monitor_handles = glfwGetMonitors() self.monitor_names = [glfwGetMonitorName(m) for m in monitor_handles] monitor_enum = atb.enum( "Monitor", dict(((key, val) for val, key in enumerate(self.monitor_names)))) #primary_monitor = glfwGetPrimaryMonitor() atb_label = "marker detection" self._bar = atb.Bar(name=self.__class__.__name__, label=atb_label, help="marker detection parameters", color=(50, 50, 50), alpha=100, text='light', position=atb_pos, refresh=.3, size=(300, 100)) self._bar.add_var( "monitor", self.monitor_idx, vtype=monitor_enum, group="Window", ) self._bar.add_var("fullscreen", self.fullscreen, group="Window") self._bar.add_button(" open Window ", self.do_open, key='m', group="Window") self._bar.add_var("surface to show", self.show_surface_idx, step=1, min=0, group="Window") self._bar.add_var('robust_detection', self.robust_detection, group="Detector") self._bar.add_var("draw markers", self.draw_markers, group="Detector") self._bar.add_button('close', self.unset_alive) atb_pos = atb_pos[0], atb_pos[1] + 110 self._bar_markers = atb.Bar(name=self.__class__.__name__ + 'markers', label='registered surfaces', help="list of registered ref surfaces", color=(50, 100, 50), alpha=100, text='light', position=atb_pos, refresh=.3, size=(300, 120)) self.update_bar_markers()
def disableLockFree(self): """Disable lock free training""" key = 'lock_free' _check_call( _LIB.XLearnSetBool(ctypes.byref(self.handle), c_str(key), ctypes.c_bool(False)))
def has_block(self, block_id): result = ctypes.c_bool() _libexec('chain_controller_has_block', self.pointer, ctypes.c_char_p(block_id.encode()), ctypes.byref(result)) return result.value
def fastPD( unary, pairs, binary, wpairs=None, niters=100, debug=False, ): ''' MRF solve with N nodes, L labels, P pairs args: unary: N x L array (unary potentials) pairs: P x 2 array (vertex indices for each pair) binary: L x L array (potential for each pair of labels) wpairs: P x 1 array (potential for each pair. All set to 1. if None) niters: (number of iterations. default is 100) returns: results: N x 1 array (computed label for each None) energy: (energy value of solution) ''' unary_ = np.array(unary, dtype=np.float32) pairs_ = np.asarray(pairs, dtype=np.int32) binary_ = np.asarray(binary, dtype=np.float32) if wpairs is None: wedges_ = np.ones(len(pairs_)).astype(np.float32) else: wedges_ = wpairs.astype(np.float32) nnodes = unary_.shape[0] nlabels = unary_.shape[1] npairs = pairs_.shape[0] results = np.zeros(nnodes, dtype=np.int32) max_iter = niters energy = _libFastPD.fastPD( ctypes.c_int32(nnodes), ctypes.c_int32(nlabels), unary_.flatten(), ctypes.c_int32(npairs), pairs_.flatten(), binary_.flatten(), wedges_, results, ctypes.c_int32(max_iter), ctypes.c_bool(debug), ) ''' int nnodes, // number of nodes int nlabels, // number of labels T const* unary, // unary potentials int npairs, // number of pairs int const * pairs, // pairs (ith pair = pairs[2*i], pairs[2*i+1]) T const * binary, // binary potentials T const * wedges, // edge weighting int* results, // return array int max_iter, // max number of iterations bool debug // print debug info ''' del unary_, pairs_, binary_, wedges_ return results, energy
def connect(self, host="localhost", port=27017, username=None, password=None, database=None, p_file=None, pem_pwd=None, ca_file=None, ca_dir=None, c_file=None, weak_cert_validation=False, options=None): """Connects to the given host and port. :param host: either host name (or IP) to connect to, or full URI :param port: port number of running MongoDB service on host :param username: An optional username for authentication. :param password: An optional password for authentication. :param database: The database to authenticate to if the URI specifies a username and password. If this is not specified but credentials exist, this defaults to the "admin" database. See mongoc_uri(7). :param p_file: SSL certificate and key file :param pem_pwd: Passphrase for encrypted key file :param ca_file: Certificate authority file :param ca_dir: Directory for certificate authority files :param c_file: Certificate revocation list file :param weak_cert_validation: bypass validation :param options: Connection-specific options as a dict. :returns: True if successful; false otherwise. :rtype: bool """ if self._connection is not None: self.close() if host.startswith("mongodb://"): uri = host else: # Build up the URI string. uri = ["mongodb://"] if username is not None: if password is None: uri.append("%s@" % username) else: uri.append("%s:%s@" % (username, password)) elif password is not None: raise ValueError("You cannot have a password with no" " username.") uri.append("%s:%d" % (host, port)) if database is not None: uri.append("/%s" % database) if options is not None: uri.append("?%s" % urlencode(options)) uri = "".join(uri) if sys.version >= "3": p_file = bytes(p_file, "ascii") if p_file is not None else None pem_pwd = bytes(pem_pwd, "ascii") if pem_pwd is not None else None ca_file = bytes(ca_file, "ascii") if ca_file is not None else None ca_dir = bytes(ca_dir, "ascii") if ca_dir is not None else None c_file = bytes(c_file, "ascii") if c_file is not None else None # Attempt the connection. err = get_empty_bson_error() self._connection = cmonary.monary_connect( uri.encode('ascii'), ctypes.c_char_p(p_file), ctypes.c_char_p(pem_pwd), ctypes.c_char_p(ca_file), ctypes.c_char_p(ca_dir), ctypes.c_char_p(c_file), ctypes.c_bool(weak_cert_validation), ctypes.byref(err)) if self._connection is None: raise MonaryError(err.message)
def __init__(self, bTestMode=False): """The init case defines a session ID, used to identify the instrument""" fnLMS_SetTestMode(c_bool(bTestMode)) self.device_id = None
pythonapi.PyCObject_AsVoidPtr.restype = c_void_p pythonapi.PyCObject_AsVoidPtr.argtypes = [py_object] prototype = WINFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(MARGINS)) params = (1, "hWnd", 0), (1, "pMarInset", MARGINS(-1, -1, -1, -1)) _DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea = prototype( ("DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea", windll.dwmapi), params) prototype = WINFUNCTYPE(c_int, c_int, POINTER(DWM_BLURBEHIND)) params = (1, "hWnd", 0), (1, "pBlurBehind", 0) _DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow = prototype( ("DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow", windll.dwmapi), params) prototype = WINFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(DWORD), POINTER(c_bool)) params = (2, "pcrColorization", DWORD(0)), (1, "pfOpaqueBlend", c_bool(False)) _DwmGetColorizationColor = prototype( ("DwmGetColorizationColor", windll.dwmapi), params) prototype = WINFUNCTYPE(c_int, POINTER(c_bool)) params = (2, "pfEnabled", c_bool(False)), _DwmIsCompositionEnabled = prototype( ("DwmIsCompositionEnabled", windll.dwmapi), params) # Before we get started, see if we have the DWM functions. has_dwm = hasattr(windll, 'dwmapi') and \ hasattr(windll.dwmapi, 'DwmIsCompositionEnabled') def DWM_is_composition_enabled(): """
def setExternalPulseMod(self, bOn=False): status = fnLMS_SetUseExternalPulseMod(self.device_id, c_bool(bOn)) self.check_error(status)
def setQuiet(self): """Set xlearn to quiet model""" key = 'quiet' _check_call( _LIB.XLearnSetBool(self.handle, c_str(key), ctypes.c_bool(True)))
def Calc(self, f=None): """Calculate the theory""" # get parameters tau = self.parameters["tau"].value beta = self.parameters["beta"].value lambda_ = self.parameters["lambda"].value sigma = self.parameters["sigma"].value numtomake = np.round(self.parameters["num_to_make"].value) monmass = self.parameters["mon_mass"].value Me = self.parameters["Me"].value nbins = int(np.round(self.parameters["nbin"].value)) rch.set_do_prio_senio(ct.c_bool(self.do_priority_seniority)) rch.set_flag_stop_all(ct.c_bool(False)) c_ndist = ct.c_int() # resize theory datatable ft = f.data_table ft = f.data_table tt = self.tables[f.file_name_short] tt.num_columns = ft.num_columns tt.num_rows = 1 = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns)) if not self.dist_exists: success = rch.request_dist(ct.byref(c_ndist)) self.ndist = c_ndist.value if not success: # launch dialog asking for more dist self.signal_request_dist.emit( self ) # use signal to open QDialog in the main GUI window return else: self.dist_exists = True ndist = self.ndist # rch.react_dist[ndist] = self.reactname #TODO: set the dist name in the C library rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.M_e = Me rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.monmass = monmass rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.nummwdbins = nbins rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.polysaved = False rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.nsaved_arch = 0 rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.arch_minwt = self.xmin rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.arch_maxwt = self.xmax rch.init_bin_prio_vs_senio(ndist) if self.simexists: rch.return_dist_polys(ct.c_int(ndist)) # initialise tobita batch rch.tobCSTRstart( ct.c_double(tau), ct.c_double(beta), ct.c_double(sigma), ct.c_double(lambda_), ct.c_int(ndist), ) rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.npoly = 0 c_m = ct.c_int() # make numtomake polymers i = 0 rate_print = np.trunc(numtomake / 20) self.Qprint("Making polymers:") self.Qprint("0% ", end="") while i < numtomake: if self.stop_theory_flag: self.Qprint( "<br><big><font color=red><b>Polymer creation stopped by user</b></font></big>" ) break # get a polymer success = rch.request_poly(ct.byref(c_m)) m = c_m.value if success: # check availability of polymers # put it in list if ( rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.npoly == 0 ): # case of first polymer made rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.first_poly = m rch.set_br_poly_nextpoly( ct.c_int(m), ct.c_int(0) ) # br_poly[m].contents.nextpoly = 0 else: # next polymer, put to top of list rch.set_br_poly_nextpoly( ct.c_int(m), ct.c_int(rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.first_poly) ) # br_poly[m].contents.nextpoly = rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.first_poly rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.first_poly = m # make a polymer if rch.tobCSTR( ct.c_int(m), ct.c_int(ndist) ): # routine returns false if arms ran out rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.npoly += 1 i += 1 # check for error if rch.tCSTR_global.tobitaCSTRerrorflag: self.Qprint( "<br><big><font color=red><b>Polymers too large: gelation occurs for these parameters</b></font></big>" ) i = numtomake else: # error message if we ran out of arms self.success_increase_memory = None self.signal_request_arm.emit(self) while ( self.success_increase_memory is None ): # wait for the end of QDialog time.sleep( 0.5 ) # TODO: find a better way to wait for the dialog thread to finish if self.success_increase_memory: continue # back to the start of while loop else: i = numtomake rch.tCSTR_global.tobitaCSTRerrorflag = True # update on number made if i % rate_print == 0: self.Qprint("-", end="") # needed to use Qprint if in single-thread QApplication.processEvents() else: # polymer wasn't available self.success_increase_memory = None self.signal_request_polymer.emit(self) while self.success_increase_memory is None: time.sleep( 0.5 ) # TODO: find a better way to wait for the dialog thread to finish if self.success_increase_memory: continue else: i = numtomake # end make polymers loop if not rch.tCSTR_global.tobitaCSTRerrorflag: self.Qprint(" 100%") calc = 0 # do analysis of polymers made if (rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.npoly >= 100) and ( not rch.tCSTR_global.tobitaCSTRerrorflag ): rch.molbin(ndist) ft = f.data_table # resize theory data table ft = f.data_table tt = self.tables[f.file_name_short] tt.num_columns = ft.num_columns + 2 tt.num_rows = rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.nummwdbins = np.zeros((tt.num_rows, tt.num_columns)) for i in range(1, rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.nummwdbins + 1):[i - 1, 0] = np.power( 10, rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.lgmid[i] )[i - 1, 1] = rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.wt[i][i - 1, 2] = rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.avg[i][i - 1, 3] = rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.avbr[i] rch.end_print(self, ndist, self.do_priority_seniority) rch.prio_and_senio(self, f, ndist, self.do_priority_seniority) calc = rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.nummwdbins - 1 rch.react_dist[ndist].contents.polysaved = True self.simexists = True # self.Qprint('%d arm records left in memory' % rch.pb_global.arms_left) # rch.print_arch_stats(ct.c_int(ndist)) return calc
def sign_file_with_certificate(input_file, output_file, founded_certs_list): signer_num = 0 # Creating array of CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO for all founded certs signer_infos = (crypto_support.CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO * len(founded_certs_list))() SignInfo = crypto_support.CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO() SignInfo.cSigners = len(founded_certs_list) SignInfo.rgSigners = ctypes.cast( signer_infos, ctypes.POINTER(crypto_support.CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO)) SignInfo.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(crypto_support.CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO) for cert in founded_certs_list: # acquire private key SignerInfo = crypto_support.CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO() SignerInfo.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof( crypto_support.CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO) acquire_flags = crypto_support.CRYPT_ACQUIRE_COMPARE_KEY_FLAG | \ crypto_support.CRYPT_ACQUIRE_CACHE_FLAG privkey_keyprov = ctypes.c_ulong() privkey_keyspec = ctypes.c_ulong() privkey_needsfree = ctypes.c_bool(crypto_support.FALSE) if not crypto_support.fCryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey( cert, acquire_flags, 0, ctypes.pointer(privkey_keyprov), ctypes.pointer(privkey_keyspec), ctypes.pointer(privkey_needsfree)): raise ctypes.WinError() SignerInfo.hCryptProv = privkey_keyprov SignerInfo.dwKeySpec = privkey_keyspec # TODO: install pin # fill in CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO SignerInfo.HashAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData = crypto_support.DWORD(0) SignerInfo.pCertInfo = cert.contents.pCertInfo SignerInfo.cAuthAttr = crypto_support.DWORD(0) SignerInfo.rgAuthAttr = None SignerInfo.cUnauthAttr = crypto_support.DWORD(0) SignerInfo.rgUnauthAttr = None # fill in hash oid pubKeyOID = cert.contents.pCertInfo.contents.SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm.pszObjId SignerInfo.HashAlgorithm.pszObjId = crypto_support.LPSTR( GetDefaultOIDfromPubKeyOID(pubKeyOID.decode()).encode('utf-8')) # fill in CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO SignInfo.rgSigners[signer_num] = SignerInfo signer_num += 1 # TODO: add certificate # TODO: add CRL encoding_type = crypto_support.X509_ASN_ENCODING | crypto_support.PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING # open input file input_file_handle = open(input_file, 'rb') input_file_data = # cast file date into BYTE* file_data_pointer = ctypes.pointer( (ctypes.c_ubyte * len(input_file_data)).from_buffer_copy(input_file_data)) file_data_pointer = ctypes.cast(file_data_pointer, ctypes.POINTER(crypto_support.BYTE)) # calculated resulting length encoded_len = crypto_support.fCryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength( encoding_type, 0, crypto_support.CMSG_SIGNED, ctypes.c_void_p(ctypes.addressof(SignInfo)), None, crypto_support.DWORD(len(input_file_data))) # open message to encode with sign info message_handle = crypto_support.fCryptMsgOpenToEncode( encoding_type, 0, crypto_support.CMSG_SIGNED, ctypes.c_void_p(ctypes.addressof(SignInfo)), None, None) if not message_handle: raise ctypes.WinError() # update message with input data if not crypto_support.fCryptMsgUpdate(message_handle, file_data_pointer, len(input_file_data), crypto_support.TRUE): raise ctypes.WinError() # save signed data to file # Allocating buffer for CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM message_buffer = (ctypes.c_ubyte * encoded_len)() message_buffer_pointer = ctypes.cast(message_buffer, ctypes.POINTER(crypto_support.BYTE)) # Get message content if not crypto_support.fCryptMsgGetParam( message_handle, crypto_support.CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, message_buffer_pointer, ctypes.byref(crypto_support.DWORD(encoded_len))): return ctypes.WinError() # cast string into data to save into signature file signed_data = ctypes.string_at(message_buffer_pointer, encoded_len) # open output signature file output_file_handle = open(output_file, 'wb') #output_file_handle.write(signed_data[:encoded_len]) output_file_handle.write(signed_data) output_file_handle.close() if not crypto_support.fCryptMsgClose(message_handle): raise ctypes.WinError() print('Successfully signed!')
def is_process32(hProcess): """检查目标进程是否32位""" # ret = ctypes.c_bool() ctypes.windll.kernel32.IsWow64Process(hProcess, ctypes.byref(ret)) return not ret.value
def setOnDisk(self): """Set xlearn to use on-disk training""" key = 'on_disk' _check_call( _LIB.XLearnSetBool(ctypes.byref(self.handle), c_str(key), ctypes.c_bool(True)))
def SetProtection(): windll.ntdll.RtlAdjustPrivilege(20, 1, 0, byref(c_bool())) windll.ntdll.RtlSetProcessIsCritical(1, 0, 0) == 0
def init(target_dtype='float16', target_precision_ops=None, conditional_fp32_ops=None, fp32_ops=None, layout_optimization=False): """Initialize AMP (automatic mixed precision). This needs to be done before model creation. Parameters ---------- target_dtype : {'float16', 'bfloat16'} Target low precision type for AMP. Currently only float16 and bfloat16 are supported. target_precision_ops : list of string Override the list of functions casted to target_dtype. Entries in this list are names of the functions casted to target_dtype. conditional_fp32_ops : list of (string, string, list of string) Override the list of functions conditionally casted to FP32. The format of the list is (name of the function, name of the parameter, list of values of the parameter that make the function be casted to FP32). fp32_ops : list of string Override the list of functions casted to FP32. Entries in this list are names of the functions casted to FP32. """ global _amp_initialized global _loss_scaler if not _amp_initialized: assert target_dtype in ['float16', np.float16, 'bfloat16', bfloat16], \ "AMP currently supports only float16 or bfloat16 as a target_dtype" _amp_initialized = True log_msg = "Using AMP" if layout_optimization: log_msg += "\n - layout optimization: enabled" check_call(_LIB.MXSetOptimizeLayout(ctypes.c_bool(True))) if target_dtype == "bfloat16": target_dtype = bfloat16 else: target_dtype = np.dtype(target_dtype) warn_if_model_exists() ops = get_all_registered_operators_grouped() get_aliases_nd = lambda l: [a for op in l for a in ops[op] if not base._is_np_op(a)] get_aliases_np = lambda l: [a for op in l for a in ops[op] if base._is_np_op(a)] get_aliases_np_pub = lambda l: [a for op in l for a in ops[op] if a.startswith(('_np_', '_npx_'))] get_cond_aliases_nd = lambda l: [(a, *rest) for op, *rest in l for a in ops[op] if not base._is_np_op(a)] get_cond_aliases_np = lambda l: [(a, *rest) for op, *rest in l for a in ops[op] if base._is_np_op(a)] get_cond_aliases_np_pub = lambda l: [(a, *rest) for op, *rest in l for a in ops[op] if a.startswith(('_np_', '_npx_'))] sy_submodules = {p:getattr(symbol, p[1:-1]) for p in base._OP_NAME_PREFIX_LIST} get_sy_fun = lambda fun, mod: _get_nd_fun_to_wrap(fun, mod, sy_submodules) nd_submodules = {p:getattr(ndarray, p[1:-1]) for p in base._OP_NAME_PREFIX_LIST} get_nd_fun = lambda fun, mod: _get_nd_fun_to_wrap(fun, mod, nd_submodules) get_np_sy_fun = lambda fun, mod: _get_np_fun_to_wrap(fun, "mxnet.symbol") get_np_nd_fun = lambda fun, mod: _get_np_fun_to_wrap(fun, "mxnet.ndarray") get_np_fun = lambda fun, mode: _get_np_fun_to_wrap(fun, "mxnet") todo = [ (symbol, False, get_aliases_nd, get_cond_aliases_nd, get_sy_fun), (ndarray, False, get_aliases_nd, get_cond_aliases_nd, get_nd_fun), (symbol.numpy, True, get_aliases_np, get_cond_aliases_np, get_np_sy_fun), (ndarray.numpy, True, get_aliases_np, get_cond_aliases_np, get_np_nd_fun), (numpy, True, get_aliases_np_pub, get_cond_aliases_np_pub, get_np_fun), ] _loss_scaler = LossScaler() for module, is_numpy, get_aliases, get_cond_aliases, get_fun in todo: _wrap_module_functions(module, is_numpy, target_dtype, get_aliases, get_cond_aliases, get_fun, target_precision_ops, conditional_fp32_ops, fp32_ops) _wrap_loss_output_functions(module, _loss_scaler, target_dtype)
def __init__(self, testing_sdk=None, testing_zi_sdk=None, sdk_version=None): if sdk_version == 64: self.sdk_location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'SidekickSDKx64.dll') elif sdk_version == 86: self.sdk_location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'SidekickSDKx86.dll') elif platform.machine().endswith('64'): self.sdk_location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'SidekickSDKx64.dll') else: self.sdk_location = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'SidekickSDKx86.dll') ## @name Timing_Variables # Variables for timing of setting parameters. Names indicate function. # @{ ## Time allowed for QCL paramters to be set. self.qcl_set_params_timeout = 5 ## Time allowed for the laser to be armed. self.arm_laser_timeout = 20 ## Time allowed to attempt to cool the TECs to desired temperature. self.cool_tecs_timeout = 60 ## Additional time allowed for cooling of the TECs. self.cool_tecs_additional = 10 ## Time allowed to turn on the laser itself. self.turn_on_laser_timeout = 30 ## Number of attempts allowed for trying to turn on the laser. self.laser_on_attempts = 3 ## Time to wait after the laser has been turned on for normalization of operation. self.laser_on_wait = 5 # @} ## @name Laser_State # State of all variable laser parameters. Initialized to default, safe # experiment values. # @{ ## Whether or not the laser is on. self.laser_on = False ## Current from the QCL in MilliAmps. self.qcl_current_ma = 1500 ## Pulse rate of the laser in Hertz according to the QCL. self.qcl_pulse_rate_hz = 15000 ## Pulse width of the laser in nanoseconds according to the QCL. self.qcl_pulse_width_ns = 500 ## Laser wavelength in the units specified by the next parameter. self.wavelength = 1020 ## Wavelength units, defaults to 2, which cooresponds to wavenumber. self.qcl_wvlen_units = 2 ## QCL temperature, kept constant. In Degrees Celsius. self.qcl_temp = 17 #@} ## @name Lockin_Parameters # All necessary communication information for the Lock In. #@{ ## IP of the device self.lockin_ip = '' ## Port to use for communication self.lockin_port = 8004 ## Amplitude modulation factor. self.lockin_amplitude = 1.0 ## Poll sample length for the lock in. self.lockin_poll_length = 30 ## Demod channel, for paths on the device. self.lockin_demod_c = '0' ## Signal input channel self.lockin_in_c = '0' ## Oscillator variable. self.lockin_osc_c = '0' ## Oscillation frequency, 30e5 #[Hz] this matches the laser controller self.lockin_osc_freq = 100000 ## Time constant, set to 3e-3 # 0.0075 # 0.001 [s] self.lockin_time_constant = 1e-2 # ## Demod index for the channel. self.demod_idx = float(self.lockin_demod_c) + 1 ## Time allowed to poll data in ms self.poll_timeout = 500 ## Demod rate of 80 # 300 [samples / s] self.demod_rate = 2e3 #@} ## @name Sidekick_SDK_Variables # Variables required for and set by Sidekick SDK setup. #@{ ## Used to see if the SDK is indeed retrieved. self.sidekick_sdk_ret_success = 0 ## SDK object used to access all laser operation functions. self.sdk = CDLL( self.sdk_location) if testing_sdk is None else testing_sdk ## Zurich Instrumentes SDK for lockin actions. self.zi_sdk = zhinst if testing_zi_sdk is None else testing_zi_sdk self.__call_sdk_bool(self.sdk.SidekickSDK_Initialize, 'SDK initialization successful', 'Unable to initialize SDK') ## Daylight SDK Object pointer to pass to laser functions. self.handle = None ## ZI sdk object pointer for lock-in function. self.device = None ## DAQ object for lockin setup. self.daq = None #@} ## @name Parameter_Bounds # Stores safe operating constraints for all manipulated parameters. #@{ ## Maximum safe current in mA for operation of this laser. self.max_current = 1600 ## Minimum safe current in mA for operation of this laser. self.min_current = 1200 ## Maximum wavelength (in wavenumbers) able to be reached by this laser. self.max_wavelength = 1250 ## Minimum wavelength (in wavenumbers) able to be reached by this laser. self.min_wavelength = 950 ## Maximum pulse rate in Hz that this laser can safely operate at. self.max_pulse_rate = 15000 ## Minimum pulse rate in Hz that this laser can safely operate at. self.min_pulse_rate = 5000 ## Maximum pulse width in ns for safe operation of the laser. self.max_pulse_width = 2500 ## Minimum pulse width in ns for safe operation of the laser. self.min_pulse_width = 500 #@} ## @name Set_Parameter_Constants # Constants required for setting laser parameters. #@{ ## Reading requires passing false to readwrite functions. self.qcl_read = c_bool(False) ## Writing requires passing true to readwrite functions. self.qcl_write = c_bool(True) ## Sets up SIDEKICK_SDK_SCAN_START_STEP_MEASURE as operation. self.scan_operation = c_uint8(7) ## Does not permit bidirectional scans. self.bidirectional_scans = c_uint8(0) ## Performs just a single scan per call. self.scan_count = c_uint16(1) ## Maintains laser emission between steps. self.keep_on = c_uint8(1) ## Dummy parameter for function which is meant for non SideKick Projects. self.pref_qcl = c_uint8(0) #@} ## Thread object for collecting data when the laser is in operation. self.poll_thread = None ## Array into which data observed from the sensor is written. = [] ## Array into which time data corresponding to observation data is stored. self.time_axis = [] self.__startup()
def GetPeerOs(self): b = c_bool() os = scl.GetPeerOs(self.Handle, byref(b)) return os, b.value
def __init__(self, config, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- config: str or Config Object if config is a string, then it is a name of builtin config, builtin config are stored in python/magent/builtin/config kwargs are the arguments to the config if config is a Config Object, then parameters are stored in that object """ Environment.__init__(self) # if is str, load built in configuration if isinstance(config, str): # built-in config are stored in python/magent/builtin/config try: demo_game = importlib.import_module('magent.builtin.config.' + config) config = getattr(demo_game, 'get_config')(**kwargs) except AttributeError: raise BaseException('unknown built-in game "' + config + '"') # create new game game = ctypes.c_void_p() _LIB.env_new_game(ctypes.byref(game), b"GridWorld") = game # set global configuration config_value_type = { 'map_width': int, 'map_height': int, 'food_mode': bool, 'turn_mode': bool, 'minimap_mode': bool, 'revive_mode': bool, 'goal_mode': bool, 'embedding_size': int, 'render_dir': str, } for key in config.config_dict: value_type = config_value_type[key] if value_type is int: _LIB.env_config_game(, key.encode("ascii"), ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_int(config.config_dict[key]))) elif value_type is bool: _LIB.env_config_game(, key.encode("ascii"), ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_bool(config.config_dict[key]))) elif value_type is float: _LIB.env_config_game(, key.encode("ascii"), ctypes.byref(ctypes.c_float(config.config_dict[key]))) elif value_type is str: _LIB.env_config_game(, key.encode("ascii"), ctypes.c_char_p(config.config_dict[key])) # register agent types for name in config.agent_type_dict: type_args = config.agent_type_dict[name] # special pre-process for view range and attack range for key in [x for x in type_args.keys()]: if key == "view_range": val = type_args[key] del type_args[key] type_args["view_radius"] = val.radius type_args["view_angle"] = val.angle elif key == "attack_range": val = type_args[key] del type_args[key] type_args["attack_radius"] = val.radius type_args["attack_angle"] = val.angle length = len(type_args) keys = (ctypes.c_char_p * length)(*[key.encode("ascii") for key in type_args.keys()]) values = (ctypes.c_float * length)(*type_args.values()) _LIB.gridworld_register_agent_type(, name.encode("ascii"), length, keys, values) # serialize event expression, send to C++ engine self._serialize_event_exp(config) # init group handles self.group_handles = [] for item in config.groups: handle = ctypes.c_int32() _LIB.gridworld_new_group(, item.encode("ascii"), ctypes.byref(handle)) self.group_handles.append(handle) # init observation buffer (for acceleration) self._init_obs_buf() # init view space, feature space, action space self.view_space = {} self.feature_space = {} self.action_space = {} buf = np.empty((3, ), dtype=np.int32) for handle in self.group_handles: _LIB.env_get_info(, handle, b"view_space", buf.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32))) self.view_space[handle.value] = (buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]) _LIB.env_get_info(, handle, b"feature_space", buf.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32))) self.feature_space[handle.value] = (buf[0], ) _LIB.env_get_info(, handle, b"action_space", buf.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32))) self.action_space[handle.value] = (buf[0], )
def setbool(self, strcommand, value): """Set command with Bool value parameter. """ command = ct.c_wchar_p(strcommand) value = ct.c_bool(value) self.lib.AT_SetBool(self.AT_H, command, value)
def disableEarlyStop(self): """Disable early-stopping""" key = 'early_stop' _check_call( _LIB.XLearnSetBool(ctypes.byref(self.handle), c_str(key), ctypes.c_bool(False)))
def cbool(cls, value: bool = False) -> 'CRef': """Alternative constructor. Creates a reference to boolean.""" return cls(ctypes.c_bool(value))