def unpack(ctypes_obj, string, bytes=None): """Unpack a python string into a ctypes structure Args: ctypes_obj (ctypes.Structure): ctypes structure to pack into string (str): String to copy over the ctypes_obj memory space Kwargs: bytes: Number of bytes to copy Raises: ValueError, MemoryError If the length of the string is not the correct size for the memory footprint of the ctypes structure then the bytes keyword argument must be used """ if bytes is None: if len(string) != ctypes.sizeof(ctypes_obj): raise ValueError("Attempt to unpack a string of size %d into a \ struct of size %d" % (len(string), ctypes.sizeof(ctypes_obj))) bytes = len(string) if bytes > ctypes.sizeof(ctypes_obj): raise MemoryError("Attempt to unpack %d bytes over an object \ of size %d" % (bytes, ctypes.sizeof(ctypes_obj))) ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(ctypes_obj), string, bytes)
def load_static_sym(self): # # sym_table_off = n_sym = string_table_off = sym_table_off + sizeof(SymbolEntry) * n_sym base = + \ off = sym_table_off i = 0 while i < n_sym: sym = if sym.sclass == 2: # static symbol name = \ if sym.sym.addr.zeroes != 0 else \ + \ sym.sym.addr.offset) # print("%d %s" % (sym.scnum, name)) self.classbinary.reverse_symbols[sym.value + base] = name self.classbinary.symbols[name] = sym.value + base if sym.numaux != 0: off += sym.numaux * sizeof(SymbolEntry) i += sym.numaux off += sizeof(SymbolEntry) i += 1
def win_pick(window, starting_color): paste = None start_color = None if starting_color is not None: start_color = hexstr_to_bgr(starting_color[1:]) s = sublime.load_settings("ColorPicker.sublime-settings") custom_colors = s.get("custom_colors", ['0'] * 16) if len(custom_colors) < 16: custom_colors = ['0'] * 16 s.set('custom_colors', custom_colors) cc = CHOOSECOLOR() ctypes.memset(ctypes.byref(cc), 0, ctypes.sizeof(cc)) cc.lStructSize = ctypes.sizeof(cc) if sublime_version == 2: cc.hwndOwner = window.hwnd() else: # Temporary fix for Sublime Text 3 - For some reason the hwnd crashes it # Of course, clicking out of the colour picker and into Sublime will make # Sublime not respond, but as soon as you exit the colour picker it's ok cc.hwndOwner = None cc.Flags = CC_SOLIDCOLOR | CC_FULLOPEN | CC_RGBINIT cc.rgbResult = c_uint32(start_color) if not paste and start_color else get_pixel() cc.lpCustColors = to_custom_color_array(custom_colors) if ChooseColorW(ctypes.byref(cc)): color = bgr_to_hexstr(cc.rgbResult) else: color = None return color
def _task_list(): psapi = ctypes.windll.psapi kernel = ctypes.windll.kernel32 hModule = ctypes.c_ulong() count = ctypes.c_ulong() modname = ctypes.c_buffer(30) PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 0x0400 PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010 pid_list = win32process.EnumProcesses() info_list = [] for pid in pid_list: hProcess = kernel.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, False, pid) if hProcess: psapi.EnumProcessModules(hProcess, ctypes.byref(hModule), ctypes.sizeof(hModule), ctypes.byref(count)) psapi.GetModuleBaseNameA(hProcess, hModule.value, modname, ctypes.sizeof(modname)) pname = ctypes.string_at(modname) procmeminfo = win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo(hProcess) procmemusage = (procmeminfo["WorkingSetSize"]/1024) info_list.append((pid, pname, procmemusage)) kernel.CloseHandle(hProcess) return info_list
def get_pids(process_name): BIG_ARRAY = DWORD * 4096 processes = BIG_ARRAY() needed = DWORD() pids = [] result = windll.psapi.EnumProcesses(processes, sizeof(processes), addressof(needed)) if not result: return pids num_results = needed.value / sizeof(DWORD) for i in range(num_results): pid = processes[i] process = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, 0, pid) if process: module = HANDLE() result = windll.psapi.EnumProcessModules(process, addressof(module), sizeof(module), addressof(needed)) if result: name = create_unicode_buffer(1024) result = windll.psapi.GetModuleBaseNameW(process, module, name, len(name)) # TODO: This might not be the best way to # match a process name; maybe use a regexp instead. if name.value.startswith(process_name): pids.append(pid) windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(module) windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(process) return pids
def hash_data(buffer, alg, block_size=16*1024): if alg not in _calg_map: raise InvalidHashAlgorithm() block_size = int(block_size) if block_size <= 0: raise ValueError("'block_size' should be a positive integer") with _crypt_context() as hCryptProv: with _crypt_hash(hCryptProv, _calg_map[alg]) as hCryptHash: buffer_len = len(buffer) if block_size > buffer_len: block_size = buffer_len i = 0 while i < buffer_len: count = block_size if (i + block_size <= buffer_len) else (buffer_len - i) if not CryptHashData(hCryptHash, _cast(buffer[i:i+count], PBYTE), DWORD(count), DWORD(0)): raise WinError() i += count dwHashLen = DWORD(sizeof(DWORD)) dwHashSize = DWORD() if not CryptGetHashParam(hCryptHash, HP_HASHSIZE, _cast(pointer(dwHashSize), PBYTE), pointer(dwHashLen), DWORD(0)): raise WinError() pbHashVal = (BYTE * dwHashSize.value)() dwHashLen.value = sizeof(pbHashVal) if not CryptGetHashParam(hCryptHash, HP_HASHVAL, pbHashVal, pointer(dwHashLen), DWORD(0)): raise WinError() return ''.join(map(lambda b: format(b, '02x'), bytes(pbHashVal)))
def read_fts_container(self, filepath): f = open(filepath, "rb") data = f.close() self.log.debug("Loaded %i bytes from file %s" % (len(data), filepath)) pos = 0 primaryHeader = UNIQUE_HEADER.from_buffer_copy(data, pos) pos += sizeof(UNIQUE_HEADER) self.log.debug("Header path: %s" % primaryHeader.path.decode('iso-8859-1')) self.log.debug("Header count: %i" % primaryHeader.count) self.log.debug("Header version: %f" % primaryHeader.version) self.log.debug("Header uncompressedsize: %i" % primaryHeader.uncompressedsize) secondaryHeadersType = UNIQUE_HEADER3 * primaryHeader.count secondaryHeaders = secondaryHeadersType.from_buffer_copy(data, pos) pos += sizeof(secondaryHeadersType) for h in secondaryHeaders: self.log.debug("Header2 path: %s" % h.path.decode('iso-8859-1')) uncompressed = self.ioLib.unpack(data[pos:]) if primaryHeader.uncompressedsize != len(uncompressed): self.log.warn("Uncompressed size mismatch, expected %i actual %i" % (primaryHeader.uncompressedsize, len(uncompressed))) return self.read_fts(uncompressed)
def _readSMART(self, name): serial = 'NO SERIAL NUMBER' handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateFileW( name, win32file.GENERIC_READ | win32file.GENERIC_WRITE, win32file.FILE_SHARE_READ | win32file.FILE_SHARE_WRITE, None, win32file.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0) if handle == -1: logging.warning("Failed to open device '%s' for querying the " "serial number. Error code: %d", name, win32api.GetLastError()) return serial q = StoragePropertyQuery() r = StorageDeviceDescriptor() read_count = ctypes.wintypes.ULONG() ret = ctypes.windll.kernel32.DeviceIoControl( handle, 0x002D1400, ctypes.addressof(q), ctypes.sizeof(q), ctypes.addressof(r), ctypes.sizeof(r), ctypes.addressof(read_count), 0) if ret: serial = buffer(r)[r.SerialNumberOffset:r.SerialNumberOffset + 20] else: logging.warning("DeviceIoControl for device %s failed with" "eror code: %d. Could not look up serial number", name, win32api.GetLastError()) ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) return serial
def copy_windows(text): # This function is heavily based on # with window() as hwnd: # # If an application calls OpenClipboard with hwnd set to NULL, # EmptyClipboard sets the clipboard owner to NULL; # this causes SetClipboardData to fail. # => We need a valid hwnd to copy something. with clipboard(hwnd): safeEmptyClipboard() if text: # # If the hMem parameter identifies a memory object, # the object must have been allocated using the # function with the GMEM_MOVEABLE flag. count = wcslen(text) + 1 handle = safeGlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, count * sizeof(c_wchar)) locked_handle = safeGlobalLock(handle) ctypes.memmove(c_wchar_p(locked_handle), c_wchar_p(text), count * sizeof(c_wchar)) safeGlobalUnlock(handle) safeSetClipboardData(CF_UNICODETEXT, handle)
def _gen_ehdr(self, pid, phdrs): """ Generate elf header for process pid with program headers phdrs. """ ehdr = elf.Elf64_Ehdr() ctypes.memset(ctypes.addressof(ehdr), 0, ctypes.sizeof(ehdr)) ehdr.e_ident[elf.EI_MAG0] = elf.ELFMAG0 ehdr.e_ident[elf.EI_MAG1] = elf.ELFMAG1 ehdr.e_ident[elf.EI_MAG2] = elf.ELFMAG2 ehdr.e_ident[elf.EI_MAG3] = elf.ELFMAG3 ehdr.e_ident[elf.EI_CLASS] = elf.ELFCLASS64 ehdr.e_ident[elf.EI_DATA] = elf.ELFDATA2LSB ehdr.e_ident[elf.EI_VERSION] = elf.EV_CURRENT ehdr.e_type = elf.ET_CORE ehdr.e_machine = elf.EM_X86_64 ehdr.e_version = elf.EV_CURRENT ehdr.e_phoff = ctypes.sizeof(elf.Elf64_Ehdr()) ehdr.e_ehsize = ctypes.sizeof(elf.Elf64_Ehdr()) ehdr.e_phentsize = ctypes.sizeof(elf.Elf64_Phdr()) #FIXME Case len(phdrs) > PN_XNUM should be handled properly. # See fs/binfmt_elf.c from linux kernel. ehdr.e_phnum = len(phdrs) return ehdr
def _gen_fpregset(self, pid, tid): """ Generate NT_FPREGSET note for thread tid of process pid. """ core = self.cores[tid] regs = core["thread_info"]["fpregs"] fpregset = elf.elf_fpregset_t() ctypes.memset(ctypes.addressof(fpregset), 0, ctypes.sizeof(fpregset)) fpregset.cwd = regs["cwd"] fpregset.swd = regs["swd"] fpregset.ftw = regs["twd"] fpregset.fop = regs["fop"] = regs["rip"] fpregset.rdp = regs["rdp"] fpregset.mxcsr = regs["mxcsr"] fpregset.mxcr_mask = regs["mxcsr_mask"] fpregset.st_space = (ctypes.c_uint * len(regs["st_space"]))(*regs["st_space"]) fpregset.xmm_space = (ctypes.c_uint * len(regs["xmm_space"]))(*regs["xmm_space"]) #fpregset.padding = regs["padding"] unused nhdr = elf.Elf64_Nhdr() nhdr.n_namesz = 5 nhdr.n_descsz = ctypes.sizeof(elf.elf_fpregset_t()) nhdr.n_type = elf.NT_FPREGSET note = elf_note() = fpregset note.owner = "CORE" note.nhdr = nhdr return note
def get_cdrom_drive_mount_point(self): mount_point = None buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(2048) buf_len = kernel32.GetLogicalDriveStringsW(ctypes.sizeof(buf) / ctypes.sizeof(wintypes.WCHAR), buf) if not buf_len: raise Exception("Cannot enumerate logical devices") cdrom_dev = self.get_physical_path().rsplit("\\")[-1].upper() i = 0 while not mount_point and i < buf_len: curr_drive = ctypes.wstring_at(ctypes.addressof(buf) + i * ctypes.sizeof(wintypes.WCHAR))[:-1] dev = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(2048) ret_val = kernel32.QueryDosDeviceW(curr_drive, dev, ctypes.sizeof(dev) / ctypes.sizeof(wintypes.WCHAR)) if not ret_val: raise Exception("Cannot query NT device") if dev.value.rsplit("\\")[-1].upper() == cdrom_dev: mount_point = curr_drive else: i += len(curr_drive) + 2 return mount_point
def _get_properties(properties, length): """ Convenience Function to get the material properties as a dict and values in a python format. """ result = {} #read all properties for p in [properties[i] for i in range(length)]: #the name p = p.contents key = (str("utf-8")).split('.')[1], p.mSemantic) #the data from ctypes import POINTER, cast, c_int, c_float, sizeof if p.mType == 1: arr = cast(p.mData, POINTER(c_float * int(p.mDataLength/sizeof(c_float)) )).contents value = [x for x in arr] elif p.mType == 3: #string can't be an array value = cast(p.mData, POINTER(structs.MaterialPropertyString))"utf-8") elif p.mType == 4: arr = cast(p.mData, POINTER(c_int * int(p.mDataLength/sizeof(c_int)) )).contents value = [x for x in arr] else: value = p.mData[:p.mDataLength] if len(value) == 1: [value] = value result[key] = value return PropertyGetter(result)
def getBGR32(dc, bitmap): """ Returns a (raw BGR str, (width, height)) for C{dc}, C{bitmap}. Guaranteed to be 32-bit. Note that the origin of the returned image is in the bottom-left corner, and the image has 32-bit line padding. """ bmpInfo = bitmap.GetInfo() width, height = bmpInfo['bmWidth'], bmpInfo['bmHeight'] bmi = BITMAPINFO() ctypes.memset(ctypes.byref(bmi), 0x00, ctypes.sizeof(bmi)) bmi.bmiHeader.biSize = ctypes.sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) bmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = width bmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = height bmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24 bmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1 bufferLen = height * ((width * 3 + 3) & -4) pbBits = ctypes.create_string_buffer(bufferLen) ret = ctypes.windll.gdi32.GetDIBits( dc.GetHandleAttrib(), bitmap.GetHandle(), 0, height, ctypes.byref(pbBits), ctypes.pointer(bmi), win32con.DIB_RGB_COLORS) if ret == 0: raise DIBFailed("Return code 0 from GetDIBits") assert len(pbBits.raw) == bufferLen, len(pbBits.raw) return pbBits.raw, (width, height)
def run(self): """ All the real work happens herein; we can be called in one of three situations, determined by environment variables. First couple are during the agent Install process, where the domain.h and namespace files need to be created. The third case is the real mccoy, where an agent is actually being started by pmcd/dbpmda and makes use of libpcp_pmda to talk PCP protocol. """ if ('PCP_PYTHON_DOMAIN' in os.environ): self.domain_write() elif ('PCP_PYTHON_PMNS' in os.environ): self.pmns_write(os.environ['PCP_PYTHON_PMNS']) else: self.pmns_refresh() cpmda.pmid_oneline_refresh(self._metric_oneline) cpmda.pmid_longtext_refresh(self._metric_helptext) cpmda.indom_oneline_refresh(self._indom_oneline) cpmda.indom_longtext_refresh(self._indom_helptext) numindoms = len(self._indomtable) ibuf = create_string_buffer(numindoms * sizeof(pmdaIndom)) indoms = cast(ibuf, POINTER(pmdaIndom)) for i in xrange(numindoms): indoms[i] = self._indomtable[i] nummetrics = len(self._metrictable) mbuf = create_string_buffer(nummetrics * sizeof(pmdaMetric)) metrics = cast(mbuf, POINTER(pmdaMetric)) for i in xrange(nummetrics): metrics[i] = self._metrictable[i] cpmda.pmda_dispatch(ibuf.raw, numindoms, mbuf.raw, nummetrics)
def _set_format(self): if not self.controls: return object_formats = (dinput.DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT * len(self.controls))() offset = 0 for object_format, control in zip(object_formats, self.controls): object_format.dwOfs = offset object_format.dwType = control._type offset += 4 format = dinput.DIDATAFORMAT() format.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(format) format.dwObjSize = ctypes.sizeof(dinput.DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT) format.dwFlags = 0 format.dwDataSize = offset format.dwNumObjs = len(object_formats) format.rgodf = ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(object_formats), dinput.LPDIOBJECTDATAFORMAT) self._device.SetDataFormat(format) prop = dinput.DIPROPDWORD() prop.diph.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(prop) prop.diph.dwHeaderSize = ctypes.sizeof(prop.diph) prop.diph.dwObj = 0 prop.diph.dwHow = dinput.DIPH_DEVICE prop.dwData = 64 * ctypes.sizeof(dinput.DIDATAFORMAT) self._device.SetProperty(dinput.DIPROP_BUFFERSIZE, ctypes.byref(prop.diph))
def __init__(self, buffer): super().__init__() self.checksum = compute_checksum(memoryview(buffer)[:-8]) self.add_option(Metadata, buffer, 0) offset = sizeof(Metadata) while offset < len(buffer): header = OptionHeader.from_buffer_copy(buffer, offset) if header.size: option_class = index[header.tag] if header.size != sizeof(option_class): raise InvalidSize( 'Option: {!r}, calculated: {}, reported: {}'.format( option_class, sizeof(option_class), header.size ) ) self.add_option(option_class, buffer, offset) offset += sizeof(option_class) if not hasattr(self, 'cks'): raise ChecksumNotPresent if self.checksum != self.cks.value: raise IncorrectChecksum('calculated: {}, reported: {}'.format( self.checksum, self.cks.value ))
def fromdict(cls, credential, flags=0): unsupported = set(credential.keys()) - SUPPORTED_CREDKEYS if len(unsupported): raise ValueError("Unsupported keys: {0}".format(unsupported)) if flags != 0: raise ValueError("flag != 0 not yet supported") c_creds = cls() c_pcreds = PCREDENTIAL(c_creds) # zero-out memory ctypes.memset(c_pcreds, 0, ctypes.sizeof(c_creds)) for key in SUPPORTED_CREDKEYS: if key in credential: if key != 'CredentialBlob': setattr(c_creds, key, credential[key]) else: blob = make_unicode(credential['CredentialBlob']) blob_data = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(blob) # Create_unicode_buffer adds a NULL at the end of the # string we do not want that. c_creds.CredentialBlobSize = \ ctypes.sizeof(blob_data) - \ ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_wchar) c_creds.CredentialBlob = ctypes.cast(blob_data, LPBYTE) return c_creds
def determine_64_bit_int(): """ The only configuration parameter needed at compile-time is how to specify a 64-bit signed integer. Python's ctypes module can get us that information, but it is only available in Python 2.5 or later. If we can't be absolutely certain, we default to "long long int", which is correct on most platforms (x86, x86_64). If we find platforms where this heuristic doesn't work, we may need to hardcode for them. """ try: try: import ctypes except ImportError: raise ValueError() if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_longlong) == 8: return "long long int" elif ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long) == 8: return "long int" elif ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int) == 8: return "int" else: raise ValueError() except ValueError: return "long long int"
def parse(cls, client: 'Client'): tc_type = client.recv(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_byte)) # Decimal or Null if tc_type == TC_NULL: return Null.build_c_type(), tc_type header_class = cls.build_c_header() buffer = tc_type + client.recv( ctypes.sizeof(header_class) - len(tc_type) ) header = header_class.from_buffer_copy(buffer) data_type = type( cls.__name__, (header_class,), { '_pack_': 1, '_fields_': [ ('data', ctypes.c_ubyte * header.length), ], } ) buffer += client.recv( ctypes.sizeof(data_type) - ctypes.sizeof(header_class) ) return data_type, buffer
def transaction(self, bytes_to_send): """Sends bytes via the SPI bus. :param bytes_to_send: The bytes to send on the SPI device. :type bytes_to_send: bytes :returns: bytes -- returned bytes from SPI device :raises: InitError """ bytes_to_send = _pybytes(bytes_to_send) # make some buffer space to store reading/writing wbuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(bytes_to_send, len(bytes_to_send)) rbuffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(bytes_to_send)) # create the spi transfer struct transfer = spi_ioc_transfer( tx_buf=ctypes.addressof(wbuffer), rx_buf=ctypes.addressof(rbuffer), len=ctypes.sizeof(wbuffer)) if self.spi_transaction_callback is not None: self.spi_transaction_callback(bytes_to_send) # send the spi command ioctl(self.fd, SPI_IOC_MESSAGE(1), transfer) return _pyord(ctypes.string_at(rbuffer, ctypes.sizeof(rbuffer)))
def __write_header(self, wave_format): AutoLock(self.lock) assert(self.hmmio) hmmio = self.hmmio ck_root = self.ck_root ck_child = self.ck_child mmio_info = self.mmio_info #Wave chunk ck_root.fccType = 'WAVE' ret = winmm.mmioCreateChunk(hmmio, ck_root.ptr(), MMIO_CREATERIFF) assert(ret == 0) #Format chunk ck_child.ckid = 'fmt ' ck_child.cksize = ctypes.sizeof(WaveFormatEx)-ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_short) # sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT) ret = winmm.mmioCreateChunk(hmmio, ck_child.ptr(), 0) assert(ret == 0) #Write format data sz = ctypes.sizeof(wave_format) if (wave_format.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM): sz = sz + wave_format.cbSize ret = winmm.mmioWrite(hmmio, wave_format.ptr(), sz) assert(ret == sz) #Back to root ret = winmm.mmioAscend(hmmio, ck_child.ptr(), 0) assert(ret == 0) #Data chunk ck_child.ckid = "data" ck_child.cksize = 0 ret = winmm.mmioCreateChunk(self.hmmio, ck_child.ptr(), 0) assert(ret == 0)
def read_record(buf, offset, tag2struct=defs.tag2struct): tag = ord(buf[offset]) if tag in tag2struct and tag!=32 and offset+1+ctypes.sizeof(tag2struct[tag])<=len(buf): struct = tag2struct[tag] assert struct != defs.FILE_HEADER record = struct.from_buffer_copy(buf, offset+1) offset += 1 + ctypes.sizeof(struct) return tag, record, offset else: junkstart, junkend = offset, None while offset<len(buf): tag1, tag2 = ord(buf[offset]), None if tag1 in tag2struct and tag1!=32 and offset+1+ctypes.sizeof(tag2struct[tag1])<=len(buf): #print>>sys.stderr, "tag1 0x%02x at offset 0x%04x" % (tag1, offset) struct1 = tag2struct[tag1] tag2 = ord(buf[offset+1+ctypes.sizeof(struct1)]) if tag2 in tag2struct and tag2!=32: junkend = offset if junkend is not None: tag, struct = tag1, struct1 #print>>sys.stderr, "Tag 0x%02x at offset 0x%04x, preceded by junk: %s" % (tag, offset, hexlify(buf[junkstart:junkend])) #print "Tag 0x%02x at offset 0x%04x, preceded by junk: %s" % (tag, offset, hexlify(buf[junkstart:junkend])) break offset += 1 else: junkend = len(buf) #print>>sys.stderr, "File ends with junk: %s" % (hexlify(buf[junkstart:junkend])) struct = ReprBytes("SUSPECTED_JUNK", junkend-junkstart) record = struct.from_buffer_copy(buf, junkstart) return None, record, offset
def _setup_ctypes_cache(): from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rffi _ctypes_cache.update({ lltype.Signed: ctypes.c_long, lltype.Unsigned: ctypes.c_ulong, lltype.Char: ctypes.c_ubyte, rffi.DOUBLE: ctypes.c_double, rffi.FLOAT: ctypes.c_float, rffi.LONGDOUBLE: ctypes.c_longdouble, rffi.SIGNEDCHAR: ctypes.c_byte, rffi.UCHAR: ctypes.c_ubyte, rffi.SHORT: ctypes.c_short, rffi.USHORT: ctypes.c_ushort, rffi.INT: ctypes.c_int, rffi.INT_real: ctypes.c_int, rffi.UINT: ctypes.c_uint, rffi.LONG: ctypes.c_long, rffi.ULONG: ctypes.c_ulong, rffi.LONGLONG: ctypes.c_longlong, rffi.ULONGLONG: ctypes.c_ulonglong, rffi.SIZE_T: ctypes.c_size_t, lltype.Bool: ctypes.c_long, # XXX llmemory.Address: ctypes.c_void_p, llmemory.GCREF: ctypes.c_void_p, llmemory.WeakRef: ctypes.c_void_p, # XXX }) # for unicode strings, do not use ctypes.c_wchar because ctypes # automatically converts arrays into unicode strings. # Pick the unsigned int that has the same size. if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_wchar) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_uint16): _ctypes_cache[lltype.UniChar] = ctypes.c_uint16 else: _ctypes_cache[lltype.UniChar] = ctypes.c_uint32
def test_dirent(): dirent = configure.getstruct("struct dirent", """ struct dirent /* for this example only, not the exact dirent */ { long d_ino; int d_off; unsigned short d_reclen; char d_name[32]; }; """, [("d_reclen", ctypes.c_ushort)]) assert issubclass(dirent, ctypes.Structure) ssize = (ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long) + ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int) + ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_ushort) + 32) extra_padding = (-ssize) % ctypes.alignment(ctypes.c_long) assert dirent._fields_ == [('_alignment', ctypes.c_long), ('_pad0', ctypes.c_char), ('_pad1', ctypes.c_char), ('_pad2', ctypes.c_char), ('_pad3', ctypes.c_char), ('d_reclen', ctypes.c_ushort), ] + [ ('_pad%d' % n, ctypes.c_char) for n in range(4, 4+32+extra_padding)] assert ctypes.sizeof(dirent) == ssize + extra_padding assert ctypes.alignment(dirent) == ctypes.alignment(ctypes.c_long)
def DerefPointer(pointer, processID): # print 'POINTER!!!!! %s, pointer points to address (/has value): %s (%s)' % (type(pointer.contents), ctypes.addressof(pointer.contents), hex(ctypes.addressof(pointer.contents))) # res = [] # res.append('%s = %r' % (fieldName, pointer)) # res.append('\n') try: # ctypes.addressof(value.contents) if ctypes.addressof(pointer.contents) != 0: # if bool(pointer.contents): # contents = pointer.contents pointedAtType = type(pointer.contents) typeInstanceInLocalMem = pointedAtType() contents = ReadMem(ctypes.addressof(pointer.contents), ctypes.sizeof(pointer.contents), None, processID) fit = min(len(contents), ctypes.sizeof(typeInstanceInLocalMem)) # Copy ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(typeInstanceInLocalMem), contents, fit) return typeInstanceInLocalMem return contents else: return None except: pass return None
def __init__(self, buffer_size=1024): """Builds the tracing session properties. Parameters --------- buffer_size: int the amount of memory allocated for each trace buffer """ # allocate buffer for the trace self.max_string_len = 1024 self.buff_size = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) + 2 * sizeof(c_wchar) * self.max_string_len self._buff = (c_char * self.buff_size)() self._props = cast(pointer(self._buff), POINTER(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES)) # set trace properties self._props.contents.wnode.buffer_size = self.buff_size self._props.contents.wnode.guid = KERNEL_TRACE_CONTROL_GUID self._props.contents.wnode.flags = WNODE_FLAG_TRACED_GUID self._props.contents.logger_name_offset = sizeof(EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES) self._props.contents.log_file_name_offset = 0 self._props.contents.log_file_mode = PROCESS_TRACE_MODE_REAL_TIME self._props.contents.buffer_size = buffer_size
def _get_taskinfo(self): integer_t = ctypes.c_int natural_t = ctypes.c_uint vm_size_t = ctypes.c_ulong class time_value_t(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [("seconds", integer_t), ("microseconds", integer_t)] def __repr__(self): return "%s.%s" % (self.seconds, self.microseconds) policy_t = ctypes.c_int class task_basic_info(ctypes.Structure): _pack_ = 4 _fields_ = [("suspend_count", integer_t), ("virtual_size", vm_size_t), ("resident_size", vm_size_t), ("user_time", time_value_t), ("system_time", time_value_t), ("policy", policy_t)] def __repr__(self): return repr(dict((key, getattr(self, key)) for key in dir(self) if not key.startswith("_"))) kern_return_t = ctypes.c_int mach_port_t = natural_t task_name_t = ctypes.c_uint task_flavor_t = ctypes.c_uint task_info_t = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int) mach_msg_type_number_t = natural_t TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT = ctypes.sizeof( task_basic_info) / ctypes.sizeof(natural_t) TASK_BASIC_INFO = 5 KERN_SUCCESS = 0 libkern = ctypes.CDLL("/usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib") task_info = libkern.task_info task_info.restype = kern_return_t task_info.argtypes = [task_name_t, task_flavor_t, ctypes.POINTER(task_basic_info), ctypes.POINTER(mach_msg_type_number_t)] mach_task_self = libkern.mach_task_self mach_task_self.restype = mach_port_t mach_task_self.argtypes = [] ti = task_basic_info() count = mach_msg_type_number_t(TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT) kr = task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_BASIC_INFO, ctypes.byref(ti), ctypes.byref(count)) if kr != KERN_SUCCESS: return None return ti
def ReadStructureFromOtherProcessMemory(address, structureType, processID): # Buffer to store the read bytes. outBufferAddr = ctypes.create_string_buffer(ctypes.sizeof(structureType)) # bytesRead = ctypes.c_size_t() c_structure = structureType() # Allocate a structure in the *current* (!) process to mirror the structure from the *other* process. ReadMem(address, ctypes.sizeof(structureType), ctypes.byref(c_structure), processID) return c_structure
def _get_properties(properties, length): """ Convenience Function to get the material properties as a dict and values in a python format. """ result = {} #read all properties for p in [properties[i] for i in range(length)]: #the name p = p.contents key = str( #the data from ctypes import POINTER, cast, c_int, c_float, sizeof if p.mType == 1: arr = cast(p.mData, POINTER(c_float * int(p.mDataLength/sizeof(c_float)) )).contents value = numpy.array([x for x in arr]) elif p.mType == 3: #string can't be an array value = cast(p.mData, POINTER(structs.String)) elif p.mType == 4: arr = cast(p.mData, POINTER(c_int * int(p.mDataLength/sizeof(c_int)) )).contents value = numpy.array([x for x in arr]) else: value = p.mData[:p.mDataLength] result[key] = value return result
def decode(self, file, filename): if not file: file = open(filename, 'rb') bytes = buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(bytes) if bytes[:2] != 'BM': raise ImageDecodeException('Not a Windows bitmap file: %r' % (filename or file)) file_header = to_ctypes(buffer, 0, BITMAPFILEHEADER) bits_offset = file_header.bfOffBits info_header_offset = ctypes.sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) info_header = to_ctypes(buffer, info_header_offset, BITMAPINFOHEADER) palette_offset = info_header_offset + info_header.biSize if info_header.biSize < ctypes.sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER): raise ImageDecodeException('Unsupported BMP type: %r' % (filename or file)) width = info_header.biWidth height = info_header.biHeight if width <= 0 or info_header.biPlanes != 1: raise ImageDecodeException('BMP file has corrupt parameters: %r' % (filename or file)) pitch_sign = height < 0 and -1 or 1 height = abs(height) compression = info_header.biCompression if compression not in (BI_RGB, BI_BITFIELDS): raise ImageDecodeException('Unsupported compression: %r' % (filename or file)) clr_used = 0 bitcount = info_header.biBitCount if bitcount == 1: pitch = (width + 7) // 8 bits_type = ctypes.c_ubyte decoder = decode_1bit elif bitcount == 4: pitch = (width + 1) // 2 bits_type = ctypes.c_ubyte decoder = decode_4bit elif bitcount == 8: bits_type = ctypes.c_ubyte pitch = width decoder = decode_8bit elif bitcount == 16: pitch = width * 2 bits_type = ctypes.c_uint16 decoder = decode_bitfields elif bitcount == 24: pitch = width * 3 bits_type = ctypes.c_ubyte decoder = decode_24bit elif bitcount == 32: pitch = width * 4 if compression == BI_RGB: decoder = decode_32bit_rgb bits_type = ctypes.c_ubyte elif compression == BI_BITFIELDS: decoder = decode_bitfields bits_type = ctypes.c_uint32 else: raise ImageDecodeException('Unsupported compression: %r' % (filename or file)) else: raise ImageDecodeException('Unsupported bit count %d: %r' % (bitcount, filename or file)) pitch = (pitch + 3) & ~3 packed_width = pitch // ctypes.sizeof(bits_type) if bitcount < 16 and compression == BI_RGB: clr_used = info_header.biClrUsed or (1 << bitcount) palette = to_ctypes(buffer, palette_offset, RGBQUAD * clr_used) bits = to_ctypes(buffer, bits_offset, bits_type * packed_width * height) return decoder(bits, palette, width, height, pitch, pitch_sign) elif bitcount >= 16 and compression == BI_RGB: bits = to_ctypes(buffer, bits_offset, bits_type * (packed_width * height)) return decoder(bits, None, width, height, pitch, pitch_sign) elif compression == BI_BITFIELDS: if info_header.biSize >= ctypes.sizeof(BITMAPV4HEADER): info_header = to_ctypes(buffer, info_header_offset, BITMAPV4HEADER) r_mask = info_header.bV4RedMask g_mask = info_header.bV4GreenMask b_mask = info_header.bV4BlueMask else: fields_offset = info_header_offset + \ ctypes.sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) fields = to_ctypes(buffer, fields_offset, RGBFields) r_mask = g_mask = b_mask = class _BitsArray(ctypes.LittleEndianStructure): _pack_ = 1 _fields_ = [ ('data', bits_type * packed_width * height), ] bits = to_ctypes(buffer, bits_offset, _BitsArray).data return decoder(bits, r_mask, g_mask, b_mask, width, height, pitch, pitch_sign)
def ensure_size(self, size): while ctypes.sizeof(self.buf) - self.wpos < size: ctypes.resize(self.buf, ctypes.sizeof(self.buf) * 2)
def test_dns_record_flags_size(): assert ctypes.sizeof(gdef.DNS_RECORD_FLAGS) == 4
class CTypesEncoder(json.JSONEncoder): def default(self, obj): if isinstance(obj, ctypes.Structure): jsonDict = {} for name in obj.__dict__: value = getattr(obj, name) jsonDict[name] = value for field in obj._fields_: name, type = field value = getattr(obj, name) jsonDict[name] = value return jsonDict elif isinstance(obj, ctypes.Array): return [ item for item in obj ] print obj.__class__ return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj) header.data_offset = ctypes.sizeof(HEADER) + ctypes.sizeof(attrib_desc_t) print CTypesEncoder().encode( [ header, attrib_desc ] ) print ""
def xtf_read_gen( path: str, types: List[XTFHeaderType] = None ) -> Generator[Union[XTFFileHeader, XTFPacket], None, None]: """ Generator object which iterates over the XTF file, return first the file header and then subsequent packets :param path: The path to the XTF file :param types: Optional list of XTFHeaderTypes to keep. Default (None) returns all types. Can improve performance :return: None """ # Read index file if it exists (path_root, _) = splitext(path) path_idx = path_root + '.pyxtf_idx' has_idx = isfile(path_idx) if has_idx: with open(path_idx, 'rb') as f_idx: xtf_idx = pickle.load( f_idx) # type: Dict[XTFHeaderType, List[int]] else: xtf_idx = {} # Read XTF file with open(path, 'rb') as f: # Read initial file header file_header = XTFFileHeader.create_from_buffer(buffer=f) n_channels = file_header.channel_count() if n_channels > 6: raise NotImplementedError( "Support for more than 6 channels not implemented.") # Return the file header before starting packet iteration yield file_header # Loop through XTF packets and handle according to type if has_idx: # Only return packets that matches types arg (if None, return all) for packet_start_loc, p_headertype in xtf_idx_pos_iter( xtf_idx, types): # Get the class associated with this header type (if any) # How to read and construct each type is implemented in the class (default impl. in XTFBase.__new__) p_class = XTFPacketClasses.get(p_headertype, None) if p_class: p_header = p_class.create_from_buffer( buffer=f, file_header=file_header) yield p_header else: warning_str = 'Unsupported packet type \'{}\' encountered'.format( str(p_headertype)) warn(warning_str) else: # Preallocate, as it is assigned to at every iteration p_start = XTFPacketStart() while True: # Test for file end without advancing the file position if not f.peek(1): break # Save packet start location packet_start_loc = f.tell() # Read the first few shared packet bytes without advancing file pointer bytes_read = f.readinto(p_start) if bytes_read < ctypes.sizeof(XTFPacketStart): raise RuntimeError( 'XTF file shorter than expected while reading packet.') # Only return packets that matches types arg (if None, return all) p_headertype = XTFHeaderType(p_start.HeaderType) if not types or p_headertype in types: # Get the class associated with this header type (if any) # How to read and construct each type is implemented in the class (default impl. in XTFBase.__new__) p_class = XTFPacketClasses.get(p_headertype, None) if p_class: p_header = p_class.create_from_buffer( buffer=f, file_header=file_header) yield p_header else: warning_str = 'Unsupported packet type \'{}\' encountered'.format( str(p_headertype)) warn(warning_str) # Skip over any data padding before next iteration + p_start.NumBytesThisRecord) # Store index file information try: xtf_idx[p_headertype].append(packet_start_loc) except KeyError: xtf_idx[p_headertype] = [packet_start_loc] # Pickle index file with open(path_idx, mode='wb') as f_idx: pickle.dump(xtf_idx, f_idx) return
def _get_total_physmem(): retval = None try: if IS_WIN: import ctypes kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 c_ulong = ctypes.c_ulong class MEMORYSTATUS(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('dwLength', c_ulong), ('dwMemoryLoad', c_ulong), ('dwTotalPhys', c_ulong), ('dwAvailPhys', c_ulong), ('dwTotalPageFile', c_ulong), ('dwAvailPageFile', c_ulong), ('dwTotalVirtual', c_ulong), ('dwAvailVirtual', c_ulong)] memory_status = MEMORYSTATUS() memory_status.dwLength = ctypes.sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS) kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatus(ctypes.byref(memory_status)) retval = memory_status.dwTotalPhys else: retval = 1024 * int("(?i)MemTotal:\s+(\d+)\skB", open("/proc/meminfo").read()).group(1)) except: pass if not retval: try: import psutil retval = psutil.virtual_memory().total except: pass if not retval: try: retval = int("real mem(ory)?\s*=\s*(\d+) ", open("/var/run/dmesg.boot").read()).group(2)) except: pass if not retval: try: retval = int( r"hw\.(physmem|memsize):\s*(\d+)", subprocess.check_output( "sysctl hw", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)).group(2)) except: pass if not retval: try: retval = 1024 * int( r"\s+(\d+) K total memory", subprocess.check_output( "vmstat -s", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)).group(1)) except: pass if not retval: try: retval = int( r"Mem:\s+(\d+)", subprocess.check_output( "free -b", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)).group(1)) except: pass if not retval: try: retval = 1024 * int( r"KiB Mem:\s*\x1b[^\s]+\s*(\d+)", subprocess.check_output( "top -n 1", shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)).group(1)) except: pass return retval
def evaluate(text): b = text if isinstance(text, bytes) else bytes(str(text), 'utf-8') pt = ctypes.create_string_buffer(b) return przetak.evaluate(GoString(pt.raw, ctypes.sizeof(pt)))
OnigCodePoint = ctypes.c_uint class OnigRegexType(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [] regex_t = OnigRegexType OnigRegex = ctypes.POINTER(OnigRegexType) try: # Python 2.7 _c_ssize_t = ctypes.c_ssize_t except AttributeError: # Python 2.6 if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p): _c_ssize_t = ctypes.c_int elif ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_long) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p): _c_ssize_t = ctypes.c_long elif ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_longlong) == ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p): _c_ssize_t = ctypes.c_longlong class OnigRegion(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("allocated", ctypes.c_int), ("num_regs", ctypes.c_int), ("beg", ctypes.POINTER(_c_ssize_t)), ("end", ctypes.POINTER(_c_ssize_t)), ("history_root", ctypes.c_void_p), ]
WEIGHT_TYPE = np.float64 INVTT_TYPE = np.float64 TIMESTAMP_TYPE = np.float64 PSD_TYPE = np.float64 try: _mappraiser = ct.CDLL("") except OSError: path = ctu.find_library("mappraiser") if path is not None: _mappraiser = ct.CDLL(path) available = _mappraiser is not None try: if MPI._sizeof(MPI.Comm) == ct.sizeof(ct.c_int): MPI_Comm = ct.c_int else: MPI_Comm = ct.c_void_p except Exception as e: raise Exception( 'Failed to set the portable MPI communicator datatype: "{}". ' "MPI4py is probably too old. ".format(e)) def encode_comm(comm): comm_ptr = MPI._addressof(comm) return MPI_Comm.from_address(comm_ptr) _mappraiser.MLmap.restype = None
def to_ctypes(buffer, offset, type): if offset + ctypes.sizeof(type) > len(buffer): raise ImageDecodeException('BMP file is truncated') ptr = ptr_add(ctypes.pointer(buffer), offset) return ctypes.cast(ptr, ctypes.POINTER(type)).contents
def SendInput(*inputs): nInputs = len(inputs) LPINPUT = INPUT * nInputs pInputs = LPINPUT(*inputs) cbSize = ctypes.c_int(ctypes.sizeof(INPUT)) return ctypes.windll.user32.SendInput(nInputs, pInputs, cbSize)
def __init__(self, options, minidump_name): self.minidump_name = minidump_name self.minidump_file = open(minidump_name, "r") self.minidump = mmap.mmap(self.minidump_file.fileno(), 0, mmap.MAP_PRIVATE) self.header = MINIDUMP_HEADER.Read(self.minidump, 0) if self.header.signature != MinidumpReader._HEADER_MAGIC: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: unsupported minidump header magic" DebugPrint(self.header) directories = [] offset = self.header.stream_directories_rva for _ in xrange(self.header.stream_count): directories.append(MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY.Read(self.minidump, offset)) offset += MINIDUMP_DIRECTORY.size self.arch = None self.exception = None self.exception_context = None self.memory_list = None self.memory_list64 = None self.thread_map = {} # Find MDRawSystemInfo stream and determine arch. for d in directories: if d.stream_type == MD_SYSTEM_INFO_STREAM: system_info = MINIDUMP_RAW_SYSTEM_INFO.Read( self.minidump, d.location.rva) self.arch = system_info.processor_architecture assert self.arch in [ MD_CPU_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64, MD_CPU_ARCHITECTURE_X86 ] assert not self.arch is None for d in directories: DebugPrint(d) if d.stream_type == MD_EXCEPTION_STREAM: self.exception = MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_STREAM.Read( self.minidump, d.location.rva) DebugPrint(self.exception) if self.arch == MD_CPU_ARCHITECTURE_X86: self.exception_context = MINIDUMP_CONTEXT_X86.Read( self.minidump, self.exception.thread_context.rva) elif self.arch == MD_CPU_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64: self.exception_context = MINIDUMP_CONTEXT_AMD64.Read( self.minidump, self.exception.thread_context.rva) DebugPrint(self.exception_context) elif d.stream_type == MD_THREAD_LIST_STREAM: thread_list = MINIDUMP_THREAD_LIST.Read( self.minidump, d.location.rva) assert ctypes.sizeof(thread_list) == d.location.data_size DebugPrint(thread_list) for thread in thread_list.threads: DebugPrint(thread) self.thread_map[] = thread elif d.stream_type == MD_MEMORY_LIST_STREAM: print >> sys.stderr, "Warning: not a full minidump" assert self.memory_list is None self.memory_list = MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST.Read( self.minidump, d.location.rva) assert ctypes.sizeof(self.memory_list) == d.location.data_size DebugPrint(self.memory_list) elif d.stream_type == MD_MEMORY_64_LIST_STREAM: assert self.memory_list64 is None self.memory_list64 = MINIDUMP_MEMORY_LIST64.Read( self.minidump, d.location.rva) assert ctypes.sizeof( self.memory_list64) == d.location.data_size DebugPrint(self.memory_list64)
def Keyboard(code, flags=0): input = Input(KeybdInput(code, flags)) ctypes.windll.user32.SendInput(1, ctypes.pointer(input), ctypes.sizeof(input)) return input
HANDLED_TYPES = (_bytes.unicode, ) @classmethod def from_param(cls, value, typeCode=None): # TODO: raise CopyError if the flag is set! converted = _bytes.as_8_bit(value) result = StringHandler.from_param(converted) if converted is not value: if ERROR_ON_COPY: raise error.CopyError( """Unicode string passed, cannot copy with ERROR_ON_COPY set, please use 8-bit strings""" ) result._temporary_array_ = converted return result def asArray(self, value, typeCode=None): value = _bytes.as_8_bit(value) return StringHandler.asArray(self, value, typeCode=typeCode) BYTE_SIZES = { GL_1_1.GL_DOUBLE: ctypes.sizeof(_types.GLdouble), GL_1_1.GL_FLOAT: ctypes.sizeof(_types.GLfloat), GL_1_1.GL_INT: ctypes.sizeof(_types.GLint), GL_1_1.GL_SHORT: ctypes.sizeof(_types.GLshort), GL_1_1.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE: ctypes.sizeof(_types.GLubyte), GL_1_1.GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT: ctypes.sizeof(_types.GLshort), GL_1_1.GL_BYTE: ctypes.sizeof(_types.GLbyte), GL_1_1.GL_UNSIGNED_INT: ctypes.sizeof(_types.GLuint), }
ERROR_IO_PENDING = 997 ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER = 1784 READ_CONTROL = 0x00020000 STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ = READ_CONTROL KEY_QUERY_VALUE = 0x0001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = 0x80000002 SYNCHRONIZE = 0x00100000 KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS = 0x0008 KEY_NOTIFY = 0x0010 KEY_READ = ((STANDARD_RIGHTS_READ | KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS | KEY_NOTIFY) & (~SYNCHRONIZE)) KEY_EXECUTE = KEY_READ & ~SYNCHRONIZE if ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) == 8: ULONG_PTR = ctypes.c_int64 else: ULONG_PTR = ctypes.c_ulong #Structyres. class DUMMYSTRUCTNAME(ctypes.Structure): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods _fields_ = [('Offset', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),\ ('OffsetHigh', ctypes.wintypes.DWORD),] class DUMMYUNIONNAME(ctypes.Union): # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods _fields_ = [('_0', DUMMYSTRUCTNAME),\
def Hardware(message, parameter=0): input = Input(HardwareInput(message, parameter)) ctypes.windll.user32.SendInput(1, ctypes.pointer(input), ctypes.sizeof(input)) return input
the spaces replaced by underscores. """ return p_name.lower().replace(" ", "_") class DCAMException(halExceptions.HardwareException): pass # # Initialization # dcam = ctypes.windll.dcamapi paraminit = DCAMAPI_INIT(0, 0, 0, 0, None, None) paraminit.size = ctypes.sizeof(paraminit) error_code = dcam.dcamapi_init(ctypes.byref(paraminit)) if (error_code != DCAMERR_NOERROR): raise DCAMException("DCAM initialization failed with error code " + str(error_code)) n_cameras = paraminit.iDeviceCount class HCamData(object): """ Hamamatsu camera data object. Initially I tried to use create_string_buffer() to allocate storage for the data from the camera but this turned out to be too slow. The software kept falling behind the camera and create_string_buffer() seemed to be the
def Mouse(flags, x=0, y=0, data=0): input = Input(MouseInput(flags, x, y, data)) ctypes.windll.user32.SendInput(1, ctypes.pointer(input), ctypes.sizeof(input)) return input
def _shutdown_with_windows_restart_manager(self, pid): """ Shut down a process using the Windows Restart Manager. When Windows shuts down, it uses a protocol including the WM_QUERYENDSESSION and WM_ENDSESSION messages to give applications a chance to shut down safely. The best way to simulate this is via the Restart Manager, which allows a process (such as an installer) to use the same mechanism to shut down any other processes which are using registered resources. This function starts a Restart Manager session, registers the process as a resource, and shuts down the process. :param pid: The process id (int) of the process to shutdown :raises: WindowsError: if a Windows API call fails """ import ctypes from ctypes import Structure, POINTER, WINFUNCTYPE, windll, pointer, WinError from ctypes.wintypes import HANDLE, DWORD, BOOL, WCHAR, UINT, ULONG, LPCWSTR # set up Windows SDK types OpenProcess = windll.kernel32.OpenProcess OpenProcess.restype = HANDLE OpenProcess.argtypes = [ DWORD, # dwDesiredAccess BOOL, # bInheritHandle DWORD ] # dwProcessId PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = 0x0400 class FILETIME(Structure): _fields_ = [('dwLowDateTime', DWORD), ('dwHighDateTime', DWORD)] LPFILETIME = POINTER(FILETIME) GetProcessTimes = windll.kernel32.GetProcessTimes GetProcessTimes.restype = BOOL GetProcessTimes.argtypes = [ HANDLE, # hProcess LPFILETIME, # lpCreationTime LPFILETIME, # lpExitTime LPFILETIME, # lpKernelTime LPFILETIME ] # lpUserTime ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 class RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS(Structure): _fields_ = [('dwProcessId', DWORD), ('ProcessStartTime', FILETIME)] RmStartSession = windll.rstrtmgr.RmStartSession RmStartSession.restype = DWORD RmStartSession.argtypes = [ POINTER(DWORD), # pSessionHandle DWORD, # dwSessionFlags POINTER(WCHAR) ] # strSessionKey class GUID(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [('Data1', ctypes.c_ulong), ('Data2', ctypes.c_ushort), ('Data3', ctypes.c_ushort), ('Data4', ctypes.c_ubyte * 8)] CCH_RM_SESSION_KEY = ctypes.sizeof(GUID) * 2 RmRegisterResources = windll.rstrtmgr.RmRegisterResources RmRegisterResources.restype = DWORD RmRegisterResources.argtypes = [ DWORD, # dwSessionHandle UINT, # nFiles POINTER(LPCWSTR), # rgsFilenames UINT, # nApplications POINTER(RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS), # rgApplications UINT, # nServices POINTER(LPCWSTR) ] # rgsServiceNames RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK = WINFUNCTYPE(None, UINT) RmShutdown = windll.rstrtmgr.RmShutdown RmShutdown.restype = DWORD RmShutdown.argtypes = [ DWORD, # dwSessionHandle ULONG, # lActionFlags RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK ] # fnStatus RmEndSession = windll.rstrtmgr.RmEndSession RmEndSession.restype = DWORD RmEndSession.argtypes = [DWORD] # dwSessionHandle # Get the info needed to uniquely identify the process hProc = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, False, pid) if not hProc: raise WinError() creationTime = FILETIME() exitTime = FILETIME() kernelTime = FILETIME() userTime = FILETIME() if not GetProcessTimes(hProc, pointer(creationTime), pointer(exitTime), pointer(kernelTime), pointer(userTime)): raise WinError() # Start the Restart Manager Session dwSessionHandle = DWORD() sessionKeyType = WCHAR * (CCH_RM_SESSION_KEY + 1) sessionKey = sessionKeyType() if RmStartSession(pointer(dwSessionHandle), 0, sessionKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS: raise WinError() try: UProcs_count = 1 UProcsArrayType = RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS * UProcs_count UProcs = UProcsArrayType(RM_UNIQUE_PROCESS(pid, creationTime)) # Register the process as a resource if RmRegisterResources(dwSessionHandle, 0, None, UProcs_count, UProcs, 0, None) != ERROR_SUCCESS: raise WinError() # Shut down all processes using registered resources if RmShutdown( dwSessionHandle, 0, ctypes.cast(None, RM_WRITE_STATUS_CALLBACK)) != ERROR_SUCCESS: raise WinError() finally: RmEndSession(dwSessionHandle)
def newFrames(self): """ Return a list of the ids of all the new frames since the last check. Returns an empty list if the camera has already stopped and no frames are available. This will block waiting for at least one new frame. """ captureStatus = ctypes.c_int32(0) self.checkStatus( dcam.dcamcap_status(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(captureStatus))) # Wait for a new frame if the camera is acquiring. if captureStatus.value == DCAMCAP_STATUS_BUSY: paramstart = DCAMWAIT_START( 0, 0, DCAMWAIT_CAPEVENT_FRAMEREADY | DCAMWAIT_CAPEVENT_STOPPED, 100) paramstart.size = ctypes.sizeof(paramstart) self.checkStatus( dcam.dcamwait_start(self.wait_handle, ctypes.byref(paramstart)), "dcamwait_start") # Check how many new frames there are. paramtransfer = DCAMCAP_TRANSFERINFO(0, DCAMCAP_TRANSFERKIND_FRAME, 0, 0) paramtransfer.size = ctypes.sizeof(paramtransfer) self.checkStatus( dcam.dcamcap_transferinfo(self.camera_handle, ctypes.byref(paramtransfer)), "dcamcap_transferinfo") cur_buffer_index = paramtransfer.nNewestFrameIndex cur_frame_number = paramtransfer.nFrameCount # Check that we have not acquired more frames than we can store in our buffer. # Keep track of the maximum backlog. backlog = cur_frame_number - self.last_frame_number if (backlog > self.number_image_buffers): print( ">> Warning! hamamatsu camera frame buffer overrun detected!") if (backlog > self.max_backlog): self.max_backlog = backlog self.last_frame_number = cur_frame_number # Create a list of the new frames. new_frames = [] if (cur_buffer_index < self.buffer_index): for i in range(self.buffer_index + 1, self.number_image_buffers): new_frames.append(i) for i in range(cur_buffer_index + 1): new_frames.append(i) else: for i in range(self.buffer_index, cur_buffer_index): new_frames.append(i + 1) self.buffer_index = cur_buffer_index if self.debug: print(new_frames) return new_frames
def CMSG_SPACE(length): # bits/socket.h ret = CMSG_ALIGN(length).value + CMSG_ALIGN(ctypes.sizeof(cmsghdr)).value return ctypes.c_size_t(ret)
import struct class InotifyEvent(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("wd", c_int), ("mask", c_uint32), ("cookie", c_uint32), ("len", c_uint32), ("name", c_char_p), ] s_size = 16 # default 2048 events INOTIFY_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048 * (ctypes.sizeof(InotifyEvent) + s_size) event_types = { "IN_CLOSE_WRITE": 0x00000008, "IN_CREATE": 0x00000100, "IN_MOVED_FROM": 0x00000040, "IN_MOVED_TO": 0x00000080, "IN_DELETE": 0x00000200, "IN_DELETE_SELF": 0x00000400, "IN_IGNORED": 0x8000 } IN_NONBLOCK = 0x00004000 def parse_inotify_buffer(event_buffer):
def CMSG_LEN(length): sizeof_cmshdr = ctypes.sizeof(cmsghdr) return ctypes.c_size_t(CMSG_ALIGN(sizeof_cmshdr).value + length)
def __init__(self): Structure.__init__(self) self.cb = sizeof(self)
class MPIMsg(CompositeObject): _C_field_bufs = 'bufs' _C_field_bufg = 'bufg' _C_field_sizes = 'sizes' _C_field_rrecv = 'rrecv' _C_field_rsend = 'rsend' if MPI._sizeof(MPI.Request) == sizeof(c_int): c_mpirequest_p = type('MPI_Request', (c_int,), {}) else: c_mpirequest_p = type('MPI_Request', (c_void_p,), {}) fields = [ (_C_field_bufs, c_void_p), (_C_field_bufg, c_void_p), (_C_field_sizes, POINTER(c_int)), (_C_field_rrecv, c_mpirequest_p), (_C_field_rsend, c_mpirequest_p), ] def __init__(self, name, target, halos, language=None): self._target = target self._halos = halos self._language = language super().__init__(name, 'msg', self.fields) # Required for buffer allocation/deallocation before/after jumping/returning # to/from C-land self._allocator = default_allocator(language) self._memfree_args = [] def __del__(self): self._C_memfree() def _C_memfree(self): # Deallocate the MPI buffers for i in self._memfree_args:*i) self._memfree_args[:] = [] def __value_setup__(self, dtype, value): # We eventually produce an array of `struct msg` that is as big as # the number of peers we have to communicate with return (dtype._type_*self.npeers)() @property def target(self): return self._target @property def halos(self): return self._halos @property def language(self): return self._language @property def npeers(self): return len(self._halos) def _arg_defaults(self, alias=None): target = alias or for i, halo in enumerate(self.halos): entry = self.value[i] # Buffer size for this peer shape = [] for dim, side in zip(*halo): try: shape.append(getattr(target._size_owned[dim], except AttributeError: assert side is CENTER shape.append(target._size_domain[dim]) entry.sizes = (c_int*len(shape))(*shape) # Allocate the send/recv buffers size = reduce(mul, shape) ctype = dtype_to_ctype(target.dtype) entry.bufg, bufg_memfree_args = self._allocator._alloc_C_libcall(size, ctype) entry.bufs, bufs_memfree_args = self._allocator._alloc_C_libcall(size, ctype) # The `memfree_args` will be used to deallocate the buffer upon returning # from C-land self._memfree_args.extend([bufg_memfree_args, bufs_memfree_args]) return { self.value} def _arg_values(self, args=None, **kwargs): return self._arg_defaults(alias=kwargs.get(, def _arg_apply(self, *args, **kwargs): self._C_memfree() # Pickling support _pickle_args = ['name', 'target', 'halos'] _pickle_kwargs = CompositeObject._pickle_kwargs + ['language']
def CMSG_ALIGN(length): # bits/socket.h ret = (length + ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_size_t) - 1 & ~(ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_size_t) - 1)) return ctypes.c_size_t(ret)
def CMSG_SPACE(sz): return CMSG_ALIGN(sz) + CMSG_ALIGN(ct.sizeof(cmsghdr))
# Copyright (C) 2017-present Pinterest Inc. # # This module is part of ptracer and is released under # the Apache 2.0 License: import ctypes import sys PLATFORM = None WORD_SIZE = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_void_p) BITS = WORD_SIZE * 8 if sys.platform.startswith('linux'): PLATFORM = 'linux' if PLATFORM is None or BITS != 64: raise RuntimeError('unsupported platform: {} ({} bit)'.format( sys.platform, BITS))
def CMSG_ALIGN(sz): i = ct.sizeof(ct.c_size_t) return ((sz + i - 1) // i) * i
def CMSG_LEN(sz): return CMSG_ALIGN(ct.sizeof(cmsghdr)) + sz