Пример #1
def transpose_headlines(value, x):
    Transpose existing headlines within the given html by the given
    amount of levels, for example a transpose of headlines by a level of 1
    would change every h1 headline into a h2 headline, every h2 headline into
    a h3 headline and so forth. The max. number of headlines supported by html
    is h6, therefore transposing an h6 would result into an h6.
        level = int(x)
    except ValueError:
        return value

    return transpose_html_headlines(value, level)
Пример #2
def cms_content(context, content, headline_transpose=0, image_shape=None):
    Renders cms content.
    if content is None:
        return ''

    # run through content pipeline
    cms = get_cms()
    request = context.get('request')
    content = cms.on_render_content_pipeline(request, content, context)

    # make sure that headline transpose is an integer we can work with
        headline_transpose = int(headline_transpose)
    except ValueError:
        headline_transpose = 0

    preview = value_or_default('cms_preview', context, False)

    # lazy-loaded images (not in preview mode)
    if not preview and 'cubane.media' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
        from cubane.media.templatetags.media_tags import render_image
        images = context.get('images', {})
        images = load_images_for_content(content, images)
        noscript = value_or_default('noscript', context, False)
        content = rewrite_images(content, images, render_image, noscript,

    # page links
    if not preview:
        page_links = context.get('page_links', {})
        page_links = get_page_links_from_content(content, preview)
        content = rewrite_page_links(content, page_links)

    # transpose headlines
    if headline_transpose > 0:
        content = transpose_html_headlines(content, headline_transpose)

    # cleanup markup
    content = cleanup_html(content)

    # frontend editing
    return mark_safe(content)
Пример #3
    def render(self, context):
        Render slot content.
        slotname = value_or_literal(self.slotname, context)
        headline_transpose = value_or_literal(self.headline_transpose, context)
        image_shape = value_or_literal(self.image_shape, context)
        page = value_or_none('page', context)
        child_page = value_or_none('child_page', context)
        preview = value_or_default('cms_preview', context, False)
        noscript = value_or_default('noscript', context, False)
        images = context.get('images', {})
        is_enquiry_template = value_or_default('is_enquiry_template', context,

        # make sure that this slot actually exists
        if slotname not in settings.CMS_SLOTNAMES:
            return template_error(
                "Slot '%s' does not exist (referenced via %s)" %
                (slotname, self.slotname))

        # switch page to child_page if present
        if child_page:
            page = child_page

        # extract correct content from page based on the slotname provided
        if page:
            content = page.get_slot_content(slotname)
            content = ''

        # make sure that headline transpose is an integer we can work with
            headline_transpose = int(headline_transpose)
        except ValueError:
            headline_transpose = 0

        # run through content pipeline
        cms = get_cms()
        request = context.get('request')
        content = cms.on_render_content_pipeline(request, content, context)

        # rewrite image url to use responsive lazy-load mechanism for images,
        # (we are not doing this in preview mode).
        if not preview and not is_enquiry_template and 'cubane.media' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
            from cubane.media.templatetags.media_tags import render_image
            content = rewrite_images(content, images, render_image, noscript,

        # page links
        if not preview:
            page_links = context.get('page_links', {})
            content = rewrite_page_links(content, page_links)

        # transpose headlines
        content = transpose_html_headlines(content, headline_transpose)

        # cleanup markup
        content = cleanup_html(content)

        # mark content as safe
        content = mark_safe(content)

        # wrap content into a seperate slot container if we are configured
        # to do so...
        if settings.CMS_RENDER_SLOT_CONTAINER:
            content = '<div class="cms-slot-container">' + content + '</div>'

        # frontend editing?
        if settings.CUBANE_FRONTEND_EDITING:
            ref = get_edit_reference(request, page, ['slot_%s' % slotname])
            if ref:
                content = '<div edit="%s">%s</div>' % (ref, content)

        # in preview mode, we wrap the content into a container, so that we
        # can identify the content in the backend and provide live-editing
        # preview capabilities...
        if preview:
            return '<div class="cms-slot" data-slotname="%s" data-headline-transpose="%d">%s</div>' % (
                slotname, headline_transpose, content)
            return content
Пример #4
 def test_should_not_transpose_h6_any_further(self):
         transpose_html_headlines('<h4>4</h4> <h5>5</h5> <h6>6</h6>', 2),
         '<h6>4</h6> <h6>5</h6> <h6>6</h6>')
Пример #5
 def test_should_transpose_case_insensetively(self):
             '<H1>1</h1> <H2>2</h2> <h3>3</H3> <h4>4</H4> <H5>5</H5>', 1),
         '<h2>1</h2> <h3>2</h3> <h4>3</h4> <h5>4</h5> <h6>5</h6>')
Пример #6
 def test_should_transpose_by_level(self):
             '<h1>1</h1> <h2>2</h2> <h3>3</h3> <h4>4</h4> <h5>5</h5>', 1),
         '<h2>1</h2> <h3>2</h3> <h4>3</h4> <h5>4</h5> <h6>5</h6>')
Пример #7
 def test_should_not_transpose_by_zero_or_negative_levels(self):
     for i in range(0, 2):
         self.assertEqual(transpose_html_headlines('<h3>x</h3>', -i),