Пример #1
def get_book(isbn):
    url = ISBNDB_URL % (KEY, isbn)
    dom = minidom.parse(urllib.urlopen(url))
    get = dom.getElementsByTagName
    errors = get("ErrorMessage")
    if errors: raise ISBNException(get_text(errors))
    titles = get("Title")
    authors = get("AuthorsText")
    if not (titles and authors): raise ISBNException("Book not found")
    metabook = MetaBook()
    metabook.title = get_text(titles)
    metabook.author = get_text(authors)
    return metabook
Пример #2
def get_book(isbn):
    url = ISBNDB_URL % (KEY, isbn)
    dom = minidom.parse(urllib.urlopen(url))
    get = dom.getElementsByTagName
    errors = get("ErrorMessage")
    if errors: raise ISBNException(get_text(errors))
    titles = get("Title")
    authors = get("AuthorsText")
    if not (titles and authors): raise ISBNException("Book not found")
    metabook = MetaBook()
    metabook.title = get_text(titles)
    metabook.author = get_text(authors)
    return metabook
Пример #3
def attach_book(request):
        - GETTest
        - SecurityTest
        - NotAllowedTest
    # User must be staff or admin to get to this page
    if not request.user.is_staff:
        t = loader.get_template('403.html')
        c = RC(request)
        return HttpResponseForbidden(t.render(c))
    if not request.method == 'POST':
        t = loader.get_template('405.html')
        c = RC(request)
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed(t.render(c), ['POST'])
    form = NewBookForm(request.POST)
    if not form.is_valid():
        # The form has bad data. send the user back
        var_dict = {'form' : form}
        template = 'books/attach_book.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    # shorten our code line lengths below
    goc = Course.objects.get_or_create
    cd = form.cleaned_data

    # Get the course if it exists, otherwise create it.
    tpl = goc(department=cd['department'], number=cd['course_number'])
    course = tpl[0]

    metabook = MetaBook()
    metabook.title = form.cleaned_data['title']
    metabook.author = form.cleaned_data['author']
    metabook.barcode = form.cleaned_data['barcode']
    metabook.edition = form.cleaned_data['edition']

    book = Book.objects.get(pk=form.cleaned_data['book_id'])
    book.metabook = metabook
    var_dict = {'book' : book}
    template = 'books/attached.html'
    return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
Пример #4
def attach_book(request):
        - GETTest
        - SecurityTest
        - NotAllowedTest
    # User must be staff or admin to get to this page
    if not request.user.is_staff:
        t = loader.get_template('403.html')
        c = RC(request)
        return HttpResponseForbidden(t.render(c))
    if not request.method == 'POST':
        t = loader.get_template('405.html')
        c = RC(request)
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed(t.render(c), ['POST'])
    form = NewBookForm(request.POST)
    if not form.is_valid():
        # The form has bad data. send the user back
        var_dict = {'form': form}
        template = 'books/attach_book.html'
        return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))
    # shorten our code line lengths below
    goc = Course.objects.get_or_create
    cd = form.cleaned_data

    # Get the course if it exists, otherwise create it.
    tpl = goc(department=cd['department'], number=cd['course_number'])
    course = tpl[0]

    metabook = MetaBook()
    metabook.title = form.cleaned_data['title']
    metabook.author = form.cleaned_data['author']
    metabook.barcode = form.cleaned_data['barcode']
    metabook.edition = form.cleaned_data['edition']

    book = Book.objects.get(pk=form.cleaned_data['book_id'])
    book.metabook = metabook
    var_dict = {'book': book}
    template = 'books/attached.html'
    return rtr(template, var_dict, context_instance=RC(request))