Пример #1
def list_processes():
    global _process_cache

    if _process_cache:
        return _process_cache

    added = False
    result = []
    dir_list = get_config("App", "extra_path")
    if dir_list != "":
        parts = dir_list.split(';')
        for p in parts:
            if p not in sys.path:
                logger.info(f"adding {p} to python path")
            for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(p, topdown=True):
                for f in files:
                    if f.endswith(".py"):
                            result += load_module(root, f, p)
                        except Exception as e:
                            logger.warning(f"could not load {root}/{f} due to {e} skipping")

    if added:

    _process_cache = result
    logging.info(f"found {[f['name'] for f in result]}")
    return result
Пример #2
    def calculate_result(self, **kwargs):
        This is the entry point for a task run. Will be called by celery.

        :param kwargs: arguments to the tasks.

        # connect to the datacube and pass that in to the users function.
        # Everything should be talking to the datacube here so makes sense to pull it out and make things
        # easier for the users.
        result_dir = get_config("App", "result_dir")
        path_prefix = path.join(result_dir, self.request.id)

        os.makedirs(path_prefix, exist_ok=True)

        dc = datacube.Datacube(app=self.name)
        outputs = self.generate_product(dc, path_prefix,
        logging.info(f"got result of {outputs}")
        self.zip_outputs(path_prefix, outputs)
        # TODO: put the results some where, send notifications etc.
        output_url = self.upload_results(path_prefix)

Пример #3
def get_token():
    payload = request.get_json()
    if not payload:
        abort(403, "no payload")

    if not payload['name']:
        abort(403, "name required")

    user = payload['name']
    if user in payload:
        user = payload['user']

    if not payload['pass']:
        abort(403, "pass required")

        f"log in request for {payload['name']} from {request.remote_addr}")

    if not users.check_user(user, payload['pass'], request.remote_addr):
        abort(403, "bad creds")

    s = Serializer(get_config("App", "secret_key"),
                   expires_in=int(get_config("App", "token_duration")))
    return jsonify({'token': s.dumps({'id': payload['name']})})
Пример #4
def validate_app_key():
    Get the app key parameter from a request and check that it is a valid token.
    :return: Bool, True if and only if the requests app key is a valid token

    if 'APP_KEY' in request.args:
        s = Serializer(get_config("App", "secret_key"))
            data = s.loads(request.args['APP_KEY'])
            # TODO: look up the id and make sure its a real one.
            return data['id']
        except SignatureExpired:
            abort(403, "Token expired")
        except BadSignature:
            abort(403, "Invalid token")
    abort(403, "No token")
Пример #5
    def upload_results(self, path_prefix):
        source_file_path = os.path.join(path_prefix,
                                        self.request.id + "_output.zip")
        dest_file_path = os.path.join(get_config("AWS", "path_prefix"),
                                      self.request.id + "_output.zip")

        access_key = get_config("AWS", "access_key_id")
        secret_key = get_config("AWS", "secret_access_key")
        bucket = get_config("AWS", "bucket")

        s3_tools = S3Utils(access_key, secret_key, bucket,
                           get_config("AWS", "end_point"),
                           get_config("AWS", "region"))

        s3_tools.put_file(source_file_path, dest_file_path)

        return dest_file_path
Пример #6
 def ping_results(self, output_url):
     result_url = get_config("App", "result_url")
     if result_url:
         payload = {"url": output_url, "name": ""}
Пример #7
def get_result(task_id):
    result_dir = get_config("App", "result_dir")
    file_name = f"{task_id}_output.zip"
    target = path.join(result_dir, task_id, file_name)
    return send_file(target, attachment_filename=file_name)
Пример #8
from flask_caching import Cache
from flask_cors import CORS
from itsdangerous import TimedJSONWebSignatureSerializer as Serializer, SignatureExpired, BadSignature
from jobtastic.cache import WrappedCache

from cubequery import get_config, users
from cubequery.packages import is_valid_task, load_task_instance, list_processes

def _to_bool(input):
    return input.lower() in [
        'true', '1', 't', 'y', 'yes', 'yeah', 'yup', 'certainly', 'uh-huh'

redis_url = get_config("Redis", "url")
config = {
    "DEBUG": _to_bool(get_config("App", "debug")),
    "CACHE_TYPE": "redis",
    "CACHE_REDIS_URL": redis_url,

template_dir = os.path.abspath('./webroot/templates')
static_dir = os.path.abspath('./webroot/static')

app = Flask(__name__, template_folder=template_dir, static_folder=static_dir)
cache = WrappedCache(Cache(app))
cors = CORS(app,
            origin=get_config("App", "cors_origin"),