def update_tree(self, ed, lexer): getter = self.get_getter(lexer) if not getter: return filename = ed.get_filename() lines = ed.get_text_all().split("\n") heads = list(getter(filename, lines)) ed.set_prop(app.PROP_CODETREE, False) app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_LOCK) app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_ITEM_DELETE, 0) last_levels = {0: 0} for index, data in enumerate(heads): pos = data[0] level = data[1] header = data[2] icon_index = data[3] if len(data) > 3 else -1 for test_level in reversed(range(level)): parent = last_levels.get(test_level) if parent is None: continue identity = app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_ITEM_ADD, parent, index=-1, text=header, image_index=icon_index) # when adding level K, forget all levels > K last_levels = { k: v for k, v in last_levels.items() if k <= level } last_levels[level] = identity if type(pos) == int: if index == len(heads) - 1: end_y = len(lines) - 1 s = ed.get_text_line(end_y) if s is None: end_x = 0 else: end_x = len(s) else: end_y = heads[index + 1][0] # line_index of next header end_x = 0 rng = (0, pos, end_x, end_y) else: rng = pos app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_ITEM_SET_RANGE, identity, index=-1, text=rng) break app.tree_proc(self.h_tree, app.TREE_UNLOCK)
def run(self, mcr_id, times=1, waits=0, while_chngs=False, till_endln=False): ''' Main (and single) way to run any macro ''' pass; LOG and log('mcr_id, times, waits, while_chngs, till_endln={}',(mcr_id, times, waits, while_chngs, till_endln)) mcr = self.mcr4id.get(str(mcr_id)) if mcr is None: pass; LOG and log('no id',) return app.msg_status(_('No macros: {}').format(mcr_id)) cmds4eval = ';'.join(mcr['evl']) pass; LOG and log('nm, cmds4eval={}',(mcr['nm'], cmds4eval)) how_t = 'wait' rp_ctrl = self.tm_ctrl.get('rp_ctrl', 1000) # testing one of 1000 execution tm_wait = waits if waits>0 else self.tm_ctrl.get('tm_wait', 10) # sec start_t = pre_body = '' if not while_chngs else ed.get_text_all() for rp in range(times if times>0 else 0xffffffff): exec(cmds4eval) if till_endln and ed.get_carets()[0][1] == ed.get_line_count()-1: pass; LOG and log('break endln',) break #for rp if while_chngs: new_body = ed.get_text_all() if pre_body == new_body: pass; LOG and log('break no change',) break #for rp pre_body = new_body if (how_t=='wait' and (rp_ctrl-1) == rp % rp_ctrl and tm_wait < ( cnts = ([ dict( tp='lb' ,t=GAP ,l=GAP ,w=400 ,cap=_('Macro "{}" playback time is too long'.format(mcr['nm']))) ,dict(cid='wait' ,tp='bt' ,t=GAP*2+25*1 ,l=GAP ,w=400 ,cap=_('Wait &another {} sec').format(tm_wait) ,props='1' ) # default ,dict(cid='cont' ,tp='bt' ,t=GAP*3+25*2 ,l=GAP ,w=400 ,cap=_('Continue &without control') ) ,dict(cid='stop' ,tp='bt' ,t=GAP*6+25*3 ,l=GAP ,w=300 ,cap=_('&Cancel playback [ESC]') ) ]) btn,vals,chds= dlg_wrapper(_('Playback macro'), GAP*2+400, GAP*7+4*25, cnts, {}) if btn is None or btn=='stop': pass; LOG and log('break by user',) app.msg_status(_('Cancel playback macro: {}'.format(mcr['nm']))) break #for rp if btn=='cont': #ans=='cont': how_t = 'work' if btn=='wait': #ans=='wait': start_t = #for rp self.last_mcr_id = mcr_id
def run(self, mcr_id, times=1, waits=0, while_chngs=False, till_endln=False): ''' Main (and single) way to run any macro ''' pass; LOG and log('mcr_id, times, waits, while_chngs, till_endln={}',(mcr_id, times, waits, while_chngs, till_endln)) mcr = self.mcr4id.get(str(mcr_id)) if mcr is None: pass; LOG and log('no id',) return app.msg_status('No macros: {}'.format(mcr_id)) cmds4eval = ';'.join(mcr['evl']) pass; LOG and log('nm, cmds4eval={}',(mcr['nm'], cmds4eval)) how_t = 'wait' rp_ctrl = self.tm_ctrl.get('rp_ctrl', 1000) # testing one of 1000 execution tm_wait = waits if waits>0 else self.tm_ctrl.get('tm_wait', 10) # sec start_t = pre_body = '' if not while_chngs else ed.get_text_all() for rp in range(times if times>0 else 0xffffffff): exec(cmds4eval) if till_endln and ed.get_carets()[0][1] == ed.get_line_count()-1: pass; LOG and log('break endln',) break #for rp if while_chngs: new_body = ed.get_text_all() if pre_body == new_body: pass; LOG and log('break no change',) break #for rp pre_body = new_body if (how_t=='wait' and (rp_ctrl-1) == rp % rp_ctrl and tm_wait < ( WD_BTN = 220 ans = app.dlg_custom( 'Playback macro', GAP*2+WD_BTN, GAP*7+4*25, '\n'.join([] +[C1.join(['type=label' ,POS_FMT(l=GAP, t=GAP*1+25*0+3, r=GAP+WD_BTN, b=0) ,'cap=Macro playback time is too long' ] # i=0 )] +[C1.join(['type=button' ,POS_FMT(l=GAP, t=GAP*2+25*1, r=GAP+WD_BTN, b=0) ,'cap=Wait &another {} sec'.format(tm_wait) ] # i=1 )] +[C1.join(['type=button' ,POS_FMT(l=GAP, t=GAP*3+25*2, r=GAP+WD_BTN, b=0) ,'cap=Continue &without control' ] # i=2 )] +[C1.join(['type=button' ,POS_FMT(l=GAP, t=GAP*6+25*3, r=GAP+WD_BTN, b=0) ,'cap=&Cancel playback [ESC]' ] # i=3 )] ), 1) # start focus pass; #LOG and log('ans={}',ans) ans =('break' if ans is None else 'break' if ans[0]==3 else 'wait' if ans[0]==1 else 'cont' if ans[0]==2 else 'break') if ans=='cont': how_t = 'work' if ans=='wait': start_t = if ans=='break': pass; LOG and log('break by user',) break #for rp #for rp self.last_mcr_id = mcr_id
def lineops_trim_right(self): ed.set_text_all("\n".join( map(lambda x: x.rstrip(), ed.get_text_all().split("\n"))))
def lineops_remove_dup_all(self): ed.set_text_all("\n".join(list(set(ed.get_text_all().split("\n")))))
def lineops_sort_desc(self): ed.set_text_all("\n".join( sorted(ed.get_text_all().split("\n"), reverse=True)))
def lineops_sort_asc(self): ed.set_text_all("\n".join(sorted(ed.get_text_all().split("\n"))))
def lineops_remove_empty(self): ed.set_text_all("\n".join( list(filter(None, ed.get_text_all().split("\n")))))
def run(self, mcr_id, times=1, waits=0, while_chngs=False, till_endln=False): ''' Main (and single) way to run any macro ''' pass LOG and log('mcr_id, times, waits, while_chngs, till_endln={}', (mcr_id, times, waits, while_chngs, till_endln)) mcr = self.mcr4id.get(str(mcr_id)) if mcr is None: pass LOG and log('no id', ) return app.msg_status('No macros: {}'.format(mcr_id)) cmds4eval = ';'.join(mcr['evl']) pass LOG and log('nm, cmds4eval={}', (mcr['nm'], cmds4eval)) how_t = 'wait' rp_ctrl = self.tm_ctrl.get('rp_ctrl', 1000) # testing one of 1000 execution tm_wait = waits if waits > 0 else self.tm_ctrl.get('tm_wait', 10) # sec start_t = pre_body = '' if not while_chngs else ed.get_text_all() for rp in range(times if times > 0 else 0xffffffff): exec(cmds4eval) if till_endln and ed.get_carets()[0][1] == ed.get_line_count() - 1: pass LOG and log('break endln', ) break #for rp if while_chngs: new_body = ed.get_text_all() if pre_body == new_body: pass LOG and log('break no change', ) break #for rp pre_body = new_body if (how_t == 'wait' and (rp_ctrl - 1) == rp % rp_ctrl and tm_wait < ( - start_t).seconds): WD_BTN = 220 ans = app.dlg_custom( 'Playback macro', GAP * 2 + WD_BTN, GAP * 7 + 4 * 25, '\n'.join([] + [ C1.join([ 'type=label', POS_FMT(l=GAP, t=GAP * 1 + 25 * 0 + 3, r=GAP + WD_BTN, b=0), 'cap=Macro playback time is too long' ] # i=0 ) ] + [ C1.join([ 'type=button', POS_FMT( l=GAP, t=GAP * 2 + 25 * 1, r=GAP + WD_BTN, b=0 ), 'cap=Wait &another {} sec'.format(tm_wait) ] # i=1 ) ] + [ C1.join([ 'type=button', POS_FMT( l=GAP, t=GAP * 3 + 25 * 2, r=GAP + WD_BTN, b=0), 'cap=Continue &without control' ] # i=2 ) ] + [ C1.join([ 'type=button', POS_FMT( l=GAP, t=GAP * 6 + 25 * 3, r=GAP + WD_BTN, b=0), 'cap=&Cancel playback [ESC]' ] # i=3 ) ]), 1) # start focus pass #LOG and log('ans={}',ans) ans = ('break' if ans is None else 'break' if ans[0] == 3 else 'wait' if ans[0] == 1 else 'cont' if ans[0] == 2 else 'break') if ans == 'cont': how_t = 'work' if ans == 'wait': start_t = if ans == 'break': pass LOG and log('break by user', ) break #for rp #for rp self.last_mcr_id = mcr_id