def _parse_token(self, token): """Concrete implementation of parent abstract method. :Parameters: according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQueryAggregator._parse_token`. """ if not isinstance(token, pp.ParseResults): # pragma: no cover - this should never happen raise InvalidQueryError('Expecting ParseResults object, got {type}: {token}'.format( type=type(token), token=token)) token_dict = token.asDict() self.logger.trace('Token is: %s | %s', token_dict, token) if 'hosts' in token_dict: element = self._get_stack_element() element['hosts'] = nodeset_fromlist(token_dict['hosts']) if 'bool' in token_dict: element['bool'] = token_dict['bool'] self.stack_pointer['children'].append(element) elif 'open_subgroup' in token_dict and 'close_subgroup' in token_dict: self._open_subgroup() if 'bool' in token_dict: self.stack_pointer['bool'] = token_dict['bool'] for subtoken in token: if isinstance(subtoken, str): # Grammar literals, boolean operators and parentheses continue self._parse_token(subtoken) self._close_subgroup() else: # pragma: no cover - this should never happen raise InvalidQueryError('Got unexpected token: {token}'.format(token=token))
def _parse_token(self, token): """Concrete implementation of parent abstract method. :Parameters: according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQuery._parse_token`. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: on internal parsing error. """ if not isinstance(token, pp.ParseResults ): # pragma: no cover - this should never happen raise InvalidQueryError( 'Expecting ParseResults object, got {type}: {token}'.format( type=type(token), token=token)) token_dict = token.asDict() self.logger.trace('Token is: %s | %s', token_dict, token) if 'key' in token_dict and 'value' in token_dict: if token_dict['key'] == 'project': self.search_project = token_dict['value'] else: self.search_params[token_dict['key']] = token_dict['value'] elif 'all' in token_dict: pass # nothing to do, search_project and search_params have the right defaults else: # pragma: no cover - this should never happen raise InvalidQueryError( 'Got unexpected token: {token}'.format(token=token))
def endpoint(self, value): """Setter for the `endpoint` property. The relative documentation is in the getter.""" if value not in self.endpoints.values(): raise InvalidQueryError( "Invalid value '{endpoint}' for endpoint property".format( endpoint=value)) if self._endpoint is not None and value != self._endpoint: raise InvalidQueryError( 'Mixed endpoints are not supported, use the global grammar to mix them.' ) self._endpoint = value
def _get_resource_query(self, key, value=None, operator='='): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Build a resource query based on the parameters, resolving the special cases for ``%params`` and ``@field``. Arguments: key (str): the key of the resource. value (str, optional): the value to match, if not specified the key itself will be matched. operator (str, optional): the comparison operator to use, one of :py:const:`OPERATORS`. Returns: str: the resource query. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: on invalid combinations of parameters. """ if all(char in key for char in ('%', '@')): raise InvalidQueryError(( "Resource key cannot contain both '%' (query a resource's parameter) and '@' " "(query a resource's field)")) if '%' in key: # Querying a specific parameter of the resource if operator == '~' and self.api_version == 3: raise InvalidQueryError( 'Regex operations are not supported in PuppetDB API v3 for resource parameters' ) key, param = key.split('%', 1) query_part = ', ["{op}", ["parameter", "{param}"], {value}]'.format( op=operator, param=param, value=value) elif '@' in key: # Querying a specific field of the resource key, field = key.split('@', 1) query_part = ', ["{op}", "{field}", {value}]'.format(op=operator, field=field, value=value) elif value is None: # Querying a specific resource type query_part = '' else: # Querying a specific resource title if key.lower() == 'class' and operator != '~': value = value.capwords('::') # Auto ucfirst the class title query_part = ', ["{op}", "title", {value}]'.format(op=operator, value=value) query = '["and", ["=", "type", "{type}"]{query_part}]'.format( type=capwords(key, '::'), query_part=query_part) return query
def _get_special_resource_query(self, category, key, value, operator): """Build a query for Roles and Profiles, resolving the special cases for ``%params`` and ``@field``. Arguments: category (str): the category of the token, one of :py:data:`category_prefixes` keys. key (str): the key of the resource to use as a suffix for the Class title matching. value (str, optional): the value to match in case ``%params`` or ``@field`` is specified. operator (str, optional): the comparison operator to use if there is a value, one of :py:const:`OPERATORS`. Returns: str: the resource query. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: on invalid combinations of parameters. """ if all(char in key for char in ('%', '@')): raise InvalidQueryError(( "Resource key cannot contain both '%' (query a resource's parameter) and '@' " "(query a resource's field)")) if '%' in key: special = '%' key, param = key.split('%') elif '@' in key: special = '@' key, param = key.split('@') else: special = None if value is not None: raise InvalidQueryError(( "Invalid query of the form '{category}:key = value'. The matching of a value " "is accepted only when using %param or @field.").format( category=category)) if self.category_prefixes[category]: title = ParsedString( '{prefix}::{key}'.format( prefix=self.category_prefixes[category], key=key), True) else: title = ParsedString(key, True) query = self._get_resource_query('Class', title, '=') if special is not None: param_query = self._get_resource_query( ''.join(('Class', special, param)), value, operator) query = '["and", {query}, {param_query}]'.format( query=query, param_query=param_query) return query
def __init__(self, config): """Query constructor for the PuppetDB backend. :Parameters: according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQuery.__init__`. """ super().__init__(config) self.grouped_tokens = None self.current_group = self.grouped_tokens self._endpoint = None puppetdb_config = self.config.get('puppetdb', {}) base_url = self.base_url_template.format( scheme=puppetdb_config.get('scheme', 'https'), host=puppetdb_config.get('host', 'localhost'), port=puppetdb_config.get('port', 443)) self.api_version = puppetdb_config.get('api_version', 4) if self.api_version == 3: self.url = base_url + '/v3/' self.hosts_keys = {'nodes': 'name', 'resources': 'certname'} elif self.api_version == 4: self.url = base_url + '/pdb/query/v4/' self.hosts_keys = {'nodes': 'certname', 'resources': 'certname'} else: raise InvalidQueryError( 'Unsupported PuppetDB API version {ver}'.format( ver=self.api_version)) for exception in puppetdb_config.get('urllib3_disable_warnings', []): urllib3.disable_warnings( category=getattr(urllib3.exceptions, exception))
def _query_default_backend(self, query_string): """Execute the query with the default backend, according to the configuration. Arguments: query_string (str): the query string to be parsed and executed with the default backend. Returns: ClusterShell.NodeSet.NodeSet: with the FQDNs of the matching hosts. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: if unable to get the default backend from the registered backends. """ for registered_backend in self.registered_backends.values(): if == self.config['default_backend']: backend = registered_backend break else: raise InvalidQueryError( "Default backend '{name}' is not registered: {backends}". format(name=self.config['default_backend'], backends=self.registered_backends)) query = backend.cls(self.config) return query.execute(query_string)
def _replace_alias(self, token_dict): """Replace any alias in the query in a recursive way, alias can reference other aliases. Arguments: token_dict (dict): the dictionary of the parsed token returned by the grammar parsing. Returns: bool: :py:data:`True` if a replacement was made, :py:data`False` otherwise. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: if unable to replace an alias. """ if 'alias' not in token_dict: return False alias_name = token_dict['alias'] if alias_name not in self.config.get('aliases', {}): raise InvalidQueryError( "Unable to find alias replacement for '{alias}' in the configuration" .format(alias=alias_name)) self._open_subgroup() if 'bool' in token_dict: self.stack_pointer['bool'] = token_dict['bool'] # Calling BaseQuery._build() directly and not the parent's one to avoid resetting the stack BaseQuery._build(self, self.config['aliases'][alias_name]) # pylint: disable=protected-access self._close_subgroup() return True
def _parse_token(self, token): """Concrete implementation of parent abstract method. :Parameters: according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQueryAggregator._parse_token`. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: on internal parsing error. """ if not isinstance( token, ParseResults): # pragma: no cover - this should never happen raise InvalidQueryError( 'Expecting ParseResults object, got {type}: {token}'.format( type=type(token), token=token)) token_dict = token.asDict() self.logger.trace('Token is: %s', token_dict) if self._replace_alias(token_dict): return # This token was an alias and got replaced if 'backend' in token_dict and 'query' in token_dict: element = self._get_stack_element() query = self.registered_backends[token_dict['backend']].cls( self.config) element['hosts'] = query.execute(token_dict['query']) if 'bool' in token_dict: element['bool'] = token_dict['bool'] self.stack_pointer['children'].append(element) elif 'open_subgroup' in token_dict and 'close_subgroup' in token_dict: self._open_subgroup() if 'bool' in token_dict: self.stack_pointer['bool'] = token_dict['bool'] for subtoken in token: if isinstance(subtoken, str): continue self._parse_token(subtoken) self._close_subgroup() else: # pragma: no cover - this should never happen raise InvalidQueryError( 'Got unexpected token: {token}'.format(token=token))
def execute(self, query_string): """Override parent class execute method to implement the multi-query capability. :Parameters: according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQueryAggregator.execute`. Returns: ClusterShell.NodeSet.NodeSet: with the FQDNs of the matching hosts. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: if unable to parse the query. """ if 'default_backend' not in self.config: try: # No default backend set, using directly the global grammar return super().execute(query_string) except ParseException as e: raise InvalidQueryError(( "Unable to parse the query '{query}' with the global grammar and no " "default backend is set:\n{error}").format( query=query_string, error=e)) try: # Default backend set, trying it first hosts = self._query_default_backend(query_string) except ParseException as e_default: try: # Trying global grammar as a fallback hosts = super().execute(query_string) except ParseException as e_global: raise InvalidQueryError(( "Unable to parse the query '{query}' neither with the default backend '{name}' nor with the " "global grammar:\n{name}: {e_def}\nglobal: {e_glob}" ).format(query=query_string, name=self.config['default_backend'], e_def=e_default, e_glob=e_global)) return hosts
def _parse_token(self, token): """Concrete implementation of parent abstract method. :Parameters: according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQuery._parse_token`. """ if isinstance(token, str): return token_dict = token.asDict() try: with open(token_dict['filename'], 'r') as f: self.hosts = NodeSet.fromlist(f.readlines(), resolver=RESOLVER_NOGROUP) except Exception as e: raise InvalidQueryError(e)
def _add_bool(self, bool_op): """Add a boolean AND or OR query block to the query and validate logic. Arguments: bool_op (str): the boolean operator to add to the query: ``and``, ``or``. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: if an invalid boolean operator was found. """ if self.current_group['bool'] is None: self.current_group['bool'] = bool_op elif self.current_group['bool'] == bool_op: return else: raise InvalidQueryError( "Got unexpected '{bool}' boolean operator, current operator was '{current}'" .format(bool=bool_op, current=self.current_group['bool']))
def _parse_token(self, token): """Concrete implementation of parent abstract method. :Parameters: according to parent :py:meth:`cumin.backends.BaseQuery._parse_token`. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: on internal parsing error. """ if isinstance(token, str): return token_dict = token.asDict() # post-process types if 'quoted' in token_dict: token_dict['value'] = ParsedString(token_dict['quoted'], True) del token_dict['quoted'] elif 'value' in token_dict: token_dict['value'] = ParsedString(token_dict['value'], False) # Based on the token type build the corresponding query object if 'open_subgroup' in token_dict: self._open_subgroup() for subtoken in token: self._parse_token(subtoken) self._close_subgroup() elif 'bool' in token_dict: self._add_bool(token_dict['bool']) elif 'hosts' in token_dict: token_dict['hosts'] = nodeset(token_dict['hosts']) self._add_hosts(**token_dict) elif 'category' in token_dict: self._add_category(**token_dict) else: # pragma: no cover - this should never happen raise InvalidQueryError( "No valid key found in token, one of bool|hosts|category expected: {token}" .format(token=token_dict))
def _add_category(self, category, key, value=None, operator='=', neg=False): """Add a category token to the query 'F:key = value'. Arguments: category (str): the category of the token, one of :py:const:`CATEGORIES`. key (str): the key for this category. value (str, optional): the value to match, if not specified the key itself will be matched. operator (str, optional): the comparison operator to use, one of :py:const:`OPERATORS`. neg (bool, optional): whether the token must be negated. Raises: cumin.backends.InvalidQueryError: on internal parsing error. """ self.endpoint = self.endpoints[category] if operator == '~': # PuppetDB API requires to escape every backslash # See: value = value.replace('\\', '\\\\') if category in ('C', 'O', 'P'): query = self._get_special_resource_query(category, key, value, operator) elif category == 'R': query = self._get_resource_query(key, value, operator) elif category == 'F': query = '["{op}", ["fact", "{key}"], {val}]'.format(op=operator, key=key, val=value) else: # pragma: no cover - this should never happen raise InvalidQueryError( "Got invalid category '{category}', one of F|O|P|R expected". format(category=category)) if neg: query = '["not", {query}]'.format(query=query) self.current_group['tokens'].append(query)