def processremotedata(datadict, stringmessage): import cupid.pilib as pilib if 'nodeid' in datadict: # We are going to search for keywords. Message type will not be explicitly declared so # as not to waste precious message space in transmission. Or we could tack these on in # the gateway, but we won't yet. # Then we have to construct a query where we will replace a unique item # This will take the form : # update or replace in remotes where nodeid=3 and msgtype='iovalue' and iopin=3 # update or repalce in remotes where nodeid=2 and msgtype='owdev' and owrom='28XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' # (and later which IO on this device) # update or replace in remotes where nodeid=2 and msgtype='chanstat' channum=1 # (need to see if all channel variables can be fit into one message: # channum, sv,pv,mode,state runquery = False nodeid = datadict['nodeid'] querylist = [] if 'iovalue' in datadict: # check to see if entry exists with node and ionum. Need to generalize these. # Might make sense to put then into an ID to compare. Other database, compatible? # iovalue type message try: msgtype = 'iovalue' keyvalue = datadict['iopin'] keyvaluename = 'iopin' except: print('oops') else: runquery = True elif 'owdev' in datadict: try: msgtype = 'owdev' keyvalue = datadict['owrom'][2:] keyvaluename = 'owrom' except: print('oops') else: runquery = True if runquery: deletequery = pilib.makedeletesinglevaluequery( 'remotes', { 'conditionnames': ['nodeid', 'keyvalue', 'keyvaluename'], 'conditionvalues': [nodeid, keyvalue, keyvaluename] }) insertquery = pilib.makesqliteinsert('remotes', [ nodeid, msgtype, keyvaluename, keyvalue, stringmessage, pilib.gettimestring() ], [ 'nodeid', 'msgtype', 'keyvaluename', 'keyvalue', 'data', 'time' ]) querylist.append(deletequery) querylist.append(insertquery) pilib.sqlitemultquery(pilib.controldatabase, querylist) return 'all done' else: print('not running query')
def application(environ, start_response): import cgi import json import os,sys,inspect # Set top folder to allow import of modules top_folder = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.split(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe() ))[0])))[0] if top_folder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0,top_folder) from cupid.pilib import sqlitequery, gettimestring import cupid.controllib as controllib post_env = environ.copy() post_env['QUERY_STRING'] = '' post = cgi.FieldStorage( fp=environ['wsgi.input'], environ=post_env, keep_blank_values=True ) formname=post.getvalue('name') d={} for k in post.keys(): d[k] = post.getvalue(k) status = '200 OK' if 'sessionid' in post.keys() and 'event' in post.keys() and 'realIP' in post.keys() and 'apparentIP' in post.keys(): # sessionid contains the session id sessionid = post.getvalue('sessionid') if post.getvalue('event') == 'access': accesstime = gettimestring() username = post.getvalue('username') apparentIP = post.getvalue('apparentIP') realIP = post.getvalue('realIP') sqlitequery('/var/www/data/authlog.db',"insert into sessionlog values ( \'" + username + "\',\'" + sessionid + "\',\'" + accesstime + "\'," + "\'access\' ,\'" + apparentIP + "\',\'" + realIP + "\' )") output = "Output processed for " + realIP + " & " + apparentIP else: output = 'error: no session field sent' response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length',str(len(output)))] start_response(status,response_headers) return [output]
__status__ = "Development" # do this stuff to access the pilib for sqlite import os, sys, inspect top_folder = \ os.path.split(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.split(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))[0])))[0] if top_folder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, top_folder) from datetime import datetime import time from cupid.updateio import updateiodata import cupid.pilib as pilib import pigpio pi = pigpio.pi() theabsolutestarttime = datetime.utcnow() cycle = 0 while True: print(' ***** Cycle ' + str(cycle) + ' *****') cycle += 1 starttime = datetime.utcnow() print(pilib.gettimestring() + ' : Running updateio') updateiodata(pilib.controldatabase, piobject=pi) print('elapsed time: ' + str((datetime.utcnow()-starttime).total_seconds())) print('total elapsed time: ' + str((datetime.utcnow()-theabsolutestarttime).total_seconds())) time.sleep(0.1)
def application(environ, start_response): import cgi import json import os, sys, inspect # Set top folder to allow import of modules top_folder = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.split(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe() ))[0])))[0] if top_folder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0,top_folder) import cupid.pilib as pilib import cupid.controllib as controllib post_env = environ.copy() post_env['QUERY_STRING'] = '' post = cgi.FieldStorage( fp=environ['wsgi.input'], environ=post_env, keep_blank_values=True ) formname=post.getvalue('name') output = {} output['message'] = 'Output Message: ' d = {} for k in post.keys(): d[k] = post.getvalue(k) status = '200 OK' wsgiauth = False authverified = False if wsgiauth: # Verfiy that session login information is legit: hashed password, with salt and username, match # hash stored in database. import hashlib from pilib import salt try: userdata = pilib.datarowtodict(pilib.usersdatabase, 'users', pilib.sqlitequery(pilib.usersdatabase, "select * from users where name='" + d['sessionuser'] + "'")[0]) except: output['message'] += 'error in user sqlite query. ' # unsuccessful authentication # Get session hpass to verify credentials hashedpassword = d['sessionhpass'] hname ='sha1') hname.update(d['sessionuser']) hashedname = hname.hexdigest() hentry ='md5') hentry.update(hashedname + salt + hashedpassword) hashedentry = hentry.hexdigest() if hashedentry == userdata['password']: # successful auth output['message'] += 'Password verified. ' authverified = True else: output['message'] += 'WSGI authorization not enabled. ' if authverified or not wsgiauth: # Perform requested actions if 'action' in d: action = d['action'] output['message'] += 'Found action. ' if action == 'runquery': output['message'] += 'Query keyword found. ' if 'query' in d: # Take plain single query result = pilib.sqlitequery(d['database'], d['query']) output['response'] = result output['message'] += 'Query executed. ' elif 'queryarray[]' in d: # Take query array, won't find result = [] queryarray = d['queryarray[]'] for query in queryarray: result.append(pilib.sqlitequery(d['database'], query)) output['response'] = result output['message'] += 'Query array executed. ' elif action == 'testmodule': output['message'] += 'Testing module: ' if 'modulename' in d: import cupid.cupidunittests output['message'] += d['modulename'] output['data'] = cupid.cupidunittests.testmodule(d['modulename']) else: output['message'] += 'Modulename not found. ' elif action == 'testfunction': output['message'] += 'Testing function: ' if 'testname' in d: import cupid.cupidunittests output['message'] += d['testname'] # output['data'] = cupid.tests.testfunction(d['testname']) output['data'] = cupid.cupidunittests.testfunction(d['testname']) # output['data'] = str(cupid.tests.testfunction('systemstatus')) else: output['message'] += 'Testname not found. ' elif action == 'dump': if 'database' in d and 'tablelist' in d and 'outputfile' in d: pilib.sqlitedatadump(d['database'],d['tablelist'],d['outputfile']) output['message'] = 'data dumped' elif 'database' in d and 'tablename' in d and 'outputfile' in d: pilib.sqlitedatadump(d['database'],[d['tablename']],d['outputfile']) output['message'] = 'data dumped' else: data = 'keys not present for dump' elif action in ['userdelete', 'useradd', 'usermodify']: # Ensure that we are authorized for this action if userdata['authlevel'] >= 4: output['message'] += 'User selected has sufficient authorizations. ' if action == 'userdelete': try: pilib.sqlitequery(pilib.usersdatabase, "delete from users where name='" + d['usertodelete'] + "'") except: output['message'] += 'Error in delete query. ' else: output['message'] += 'Successful delete query. ' elif action == 'usermodify': if 'usertomodify' in d: querylist=[] if 'newpass' in d: # Get session hpass to verify credentials hashedpassword = d['newpass'] hname ='sha1') hname.update(d['usertomodify']) hashedname = hname.hexdigest() hentry ='md5') hentry.update(hashedname + salt + hashedpassword) hashedentry = hentry.hexdigest() querylist.append('update users set password='******'" + d['usertomodify'] + "'") if 'newemail' in d: querylist.append("update users set email='" + d['newemail'] + "' where name='" + d['usertomodify'] + "'") if 'newauthlevel' in d: querylist.append("update users set authlevel='" + d['newauthlevel'] + "' where name='" + d['usertomodify'] + "'") try: pilib.sqlitemultquery(pilib.usersdatabase, querylist) except: output['message'] += 'Error in modify/add query: ' + ",".join(querylist) else: output['message'] += 'Successful modify/add query. ' + ",".join(querylist) else: output['message'] += 'Need usertomodify in query. ' elif action == 'useradd': try: username = d['newusername'] except: username = '******' try: newemail = d['newemail'] except: newemail = '*****@*****.**' try: newauthlevel = d['newauthlevel'] except: newauthlevel = 0 query = "insert into users values(NULL,'" + username + "','','" + newemail + "',''," + str(newauthlevel) + ")" try: pilib.sqlitequery(pilib.usersdatabase, query) except: output['message'] += "Error in useradd sqlite query: " + query + ' . ' else: output['message'] += "Successful query: " + query + ' . ' else: output['message'] += 'Unable to verify password. ' else: output['message'] = 'insufficient authorization level for current user. ' elif action == 'getfiletext': try: filepath = d['filepath'] if 'numlines' in d: numlines = int(d['numlines']) else: numlines = 9999 output['message'] += 'Using numlines: ' + str(numlines) + ' for read action. ' if 'startposition' in d: startposition = d['startposition'] else: startposition = 'end' output['message'] += 'Reading from position ' + startposition + '. ' except KeyError: output['message'] += 'Sufficient keys for action getfile text do not exist. ' except: output['message'] += 'Uncaught error in getfiletext. ' else: try: file = open(filepath) lines = file.readlines() except: output['message'] += 'Error reading file in getfiletext action. ' else: output['data'] = [] if startposition == 'end': try: output['data'] = pilib.tail(file, numlines)[0] except: output['message'] += 'Error in tail read. ' else: linecount = 0 for line in lines: linecount += 1 if linecount > numlines: break else: output['data'].append(line) elif action == 'getmbtcpdata': try: clientIP = d['clientIP'] register = d['register'] length = d['length'] except KeyError: output['message'] += 'Sufficient keys do not exist for the command. Requires clientIP, register, and length. ' else: from cupid.netfun import readMBcodedaddresses # try: output['response'] = readMBcodedaddresses(clientIP, int(register), int(length)) elif action == 'queuemessage': output['message'] += 'Queue message. ' if 'message' in d: try: pilib.sqliteinsertsingle(pilib.motesdatabase, 'queuedmessages', [pilib.gettimestring(), d['message']]) except Exception, e: output['message'] += 'Error in queue insert query: ' + str(e) else: output['message'] += 'Message insert successful' else: output['message'] += 'No message present. ' elif action == 'setsystemflag' and 'systemflag' in d: database = pilib.systemdatadatabase pilib.setsinglevalue(database, 'systemflags', 'value', 1, "name=\'" + d['systemflag'] + "'") elif action == 'rundaemon': from cupiddaemon import rundaemon rundaemon() elif action == 'setvalue': pilib.log(pilib.controllog, "Setting value in wsgi", 1, 1) # we use the auxiliary 'setsinglecontrolvalue' to add additional actions to update if all(k in d for k in ('database', 'table', 'valuename', 'value')): output['message'] += 'Carrying out setvalue. ' if 'condition' in d: pilib.setsinglecontrolvalue(d['database'], d['table'], d['valuename'], d['value'], d['condition']) elif 'index' in d: condition = 'rowid= ' + d['index'] pilib.setsinglecontrolvalue(d['database'], d['table'], d['valuename'], d['value'], condition) else: pilib.setsinglecontrolvalue(d['database'], d['table'], d['valuename'], d['value']) else: output['message'] += 'Insufficient data for setvalue ' elif action == 'updateioinfo': if all(k in d for k in ['database', 'ioid', 'value']): query = pilib.makesqliteinsert('ioinfo', [d['ioid'], d['value']], ['id', 'name']) try: pilib.sqliteinsertsingle(pilib.controldatabase, 'ioinfo', [d['ioid'], d['value']], ['id', 'name']) except: output['message'] += 'Error in updateioinfo query execution: ' + query +'. ' output['message'] += 'ioid: ' + d['ioid'] + ' . ' else: output['message'] += 'Executed updateioinfo query. ' else: output['message'] += 'Insufficient data for updateioinfo query ! ' # These are all very specific actions that could be rolled up or built into classes elif action == 'spchange' and 'database' in d: output['message'] += 'Spchanged. ' if 'subaction' in d: if d['subaction'] == 'incup': controllib.incsetpoint(d['database'], d['channelname']) output['message'] += 'incup. ' if d['subaction'] == 'incdown': controllib.decsetpoint(d['database'], d['channelname']) output['message'] += 'incdown. ' if d['subaction'] == 'setvalue': controllib.setsetpoint(d['database'], d['channelname'], d['value']) output['message'] += 'Setvalue: ' + d['database'] + ' ' + d['channelname'] + ' ' + d['value'] else: output['message'] += 'subaction not found. ' elif action == 'togglemode' and 'database' in d: controllib.togglemode(d['database'], d['channelname']) elif action == 'setmode' and 'database' in d: controllib.setmode(d['database'], d['channelname'], d['mode']) elif action == 'setrecipe': controllib.setrecipe(d['database'], d['channelname'], d['recipe']) elif action == 'setcontrolinput': controllib.setcontrolinput(d['database'], d['channelname'], d['controlinput']) elif action == 'setchannelenabled': controllib.setchannelenabled(d['database'], d['channelname'], d['newstatus']) elif action == 'setchanneloutputsenabled': controllib.setchanneloutputsenabled(d['database'], d['channelname'], d['newstatus']) elif action == 'manualactionchange' and 'database' in d and 'channelname' in d and 'subaction' in d: curchanmode = pilib.controllib.getmode(d['database'], d['channelname']) if curchanmode == 'manual': if d['subaction'] == 'poson': controllib.setaction(d['database'], d['channelname'], '100.0') elif d['subaction'] == 'negon': controllib.setaction(d['database'], d['channelname'], '-100.0') else: controllib.setaction(d['database'], d['channelname'], '0.0') elif action == 'setposoutput' and 'database' in d and 'channelname' in d and 'outputname' in d: controllib.setposout(d['database'], d['channelname'], d['outputname']) elif action == 'setnegoutput' and 'database' in d and 'channelname' in d: controllib.setnegout(d['database'], d['channelname'], d['outputname']) elif action == 'actiondown' and 'database' in d and 'channelname' in d: curchanmode = controllib.getmode(d['database'], d['channelname']) if curchanmode == "manual": curaction = int(controllib.getaction(d['database'], d['channelname'])) if curaction == 100: nextvalue = 0 elif curaction == 0: nextvalue = -100 elif curaction == -100: nextvalue = -100 else: nextvalue = 0 controllib.setaction(d['database'], d['channelname'], d['nextvalue']) elif action == 'actionup' and 'database' in d and 'channelname' in d: curchanmode = controllib.getmode(d['database'], d['channelname']) if curchanmode == "manual": curaction = int(controllib.getaction(d['database'], d['channelname'])) if curaction == 100: nextvalue = 100 elif curaction == 0: nextvalue = 100 elif curaction == -100: nextvalue = 0 else: nextvalue = 0 controllib.setaction(d['database'], d['channelname'], nextvalue) elif action == 'deletechannelbyname' and 'database' in d and 'channelname' in d: pilib.sqlitequery(d['database'], 'delete channelname from channels where name=\"' + d['channelname'] + '\"') else: output['message'] += 'Action keyword present(' + action + '), but not handled. ' else: output['message'] += 'action keyword not present. '
def processremotedata(datadict, stringmessage): import cupid.pilib as pilib if 'nodeid' in datadict: # We are going to search for keywords. Message type will not be explicitly declared so # as not to waste precious message space in transmission. Or we could tack these on in # the gateway, but we won't yet. # Then we have to construct a query where we will replace a unique item # This will take the form : # update or replace in remotes where nodeid=3 and msgtype='iovalue' and iopin=3 # update or repalce in remotes where nodeid=2 and msgtype='owdev' and owrom='28XXXXXXXXXXXXXX' # (and later which IO on this device) # update or replace in remotes where nodeid=2 and msgtype='chanstat' channum=1 # (need to see if all channel variables can be fit into one message: # channum, sv,pv,mode,state runquery = False nodeid = datadict['nodeid'] querylist = [] # Command responses, including value requests if 'cmd' in datadict: if datadict['cmd'] == 'lp': # Remove command key and process remaining data del datadict['cmd'] motetablename = 'node_' + nodeid + '_status' # Create table if it doesn't exist query = 'create table if not exists \'' + motetablename + '\' ( time text, message text primary key, value text)' pilib.sqlitequery(pilib.motesdatabase, query) for key in datadict: thetime = pilib.gettimestring() if key in ['iov', 'iov2', 'iov3', 'pv', 'pv2', 'sv', 'sv2', 'iomd', 'ioen', 'iordf', 'iorpf', 'chen', 'chmd', 'chnf', 'chpf', 'chdb', 'chsv', 'chsv2', 'chpv', 'chpv2']: # We need to process these specially, going back to the original message values = datadict[key] valuelist = values.split('|') print(valuelist) index = 0 if key in ['iov', 'iov2', 'iov3']: base = 'iov_' if key == 'iov2': index = 5 elif key == 'iov3': index = 9 elif key in ['pv', 'pv2']: base = 'pv_' if key == 'pv2': index = 5 elif key in ['sv', 'sv2']: base = 'sv_' if key == 'sv2': index = 5 else: base = key + '_' querylist = [] for value in valuelist: querylist.append(pilib.makesqliteinsert(motetablename, [thetime, base + str(index), value])) index += 1 pilib.sqlitemultquery(pilib.motesdatabase, querylist) # Update table entry. Each entry has a unique key # updatetime, keyname, data else: pilib.sqliteinsertsingle(pilib.motesdatabase, motetablename, [thetime, key, datadict[key]]) print('inserted ' + thetime + ' ' + key + ' ' + datadict[key]) # This is for values that are reported by the node elif 'ioval' in datadict: # check to see if entry exists with node and ionum. Need to generalize these. # Might make sense to put then into an ID to compare. Other database, compatible? # iovalue type message try: msgtype = 'iovalue' keyvalue = datadict['iopin'] keyvaluename = 'iopin' except: print('oops') else: runquery = True elif 'owdev' in datadict: try: msgtype = 'owdev' keyvalue = datadict['owrom'][2:] keyvaluename = 'owrom' if len(keyvalue) != 16: raise NameError('invalid ROM length') else: for romcbar in keyvalue: hexchars = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','F','a','b','c','d','e','f'] if romcbar not in hexchars: raise NameError('Invalid ROM hex character') except: print("oops") else: runquery = True elif 'chan' in datadict: # insert or update remotes database value # first need to get existing entry if one exists msgtype = 'channel' keyvalue = str(int(datadict['chan'])) # Zeroes bad keyvaluename = str(int(datadict['chan'])) # conditions = '"nodeid"=2 and "msgtype"=\'channel\' and "keyvalue"=\'' + keyvalue + '\'"' # Should be able to offer all conditions, but it is not working for some reason, so we will # iterate over list to find correct enty conditions = '"nodeid"=\''+ datadict['nodeid'] + '\' and "msgtype"=\'channel\'' chanentries = pilib.readalldbrows(pilib.controldatabase, 'remotes', conditions) # parse through to get data from newdata newdata = {} for key, value in datadict.iteritems(): if key not in ['chan','nodeid']: newdata[key] = value updateddata = newdata.copy() # This does not take time into account. This should not be an issue, as there should only be one entry for chanentry in chanentries: if (str(int(chanentry['keyvalue']))) == keyvalue: print('I FOUND') # newdata = {'fakedatatype':'fakedata', 'anotherfakedatatype':'morefakedata'} olddata = pilib.parseoptions(chanentry['data']) olddata.update(updateddata) updateddata = olddata.copy() newqueries = [] conditions += ' and "keyvalue"=\'' + keyvalue +"\'" # Ok, so here we are. We have either added new data to old data, or we have the new data alone. # We take our dictionary and convert it back to json and put it in the text entry updatedjsonentry = pilib.dicttojson(updateddata) conditions += 'and "keyvalue"=\'' + keyvalue +'\'' deletequery = pilib.makedeletesinglevaluequery('remotes',conditions) # hardcode this for now, should supply valuename list. addquery = pilib.makesqliteinsert('remotes',[datadict['nodeid'],'channel',keyvalue,'channel',updatedjsonentry,pilib.gettimestring()]) pilib.sqlitemultquery(pilib.controldatabase, [deletequery, addquery]) # pass elif 'scalevalue' in datadict: querylist.append('create table if not exists scalevalues (value float, time string)') querylist.append(pilib.makesqliteinsert('scalevalues',[datadict['scalevalue'], pilib.gettimestring()],['value','time'])) pilib.sqlitemultquery(pilib.logdatabase, querylist) if runquery: deletequery = pilib.makedeletesinglevaluequery('remotes', {'conditionnames': ['nodeid', 'keyvalue', 'keyvaluename'], 'conditionvalues': [nodeid ,keyvalue, keyvaluename]}) insertquery = pilib.makesqliteinsert('remotes', [nodeid, msgtype, keyvaluename, keyvalue, stringmessage.replace('\x00', ''), pilib.gettimestring()], ['nodeid', 'msgtype', 'keyvaluename', 'keyvalue', 'data', 'time']) querylist.append(deletequery) querylist.append(insertquery) pilib.sqlitemultquery(pilib.controldatabase, querylist) return else: # print('not running query') pass
def lograwmessages(message): from cupid.pilib import sqliteinsertsingle, motesdatabase, gettimestring # try: strmessage = str(message).replace('\x00','').strip() print(repr(strmessage)) sqliteinsertsingle(motesdatabase, 'readmessages', [gettimestring(), strmessage])
def monitor(port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=115200, timeout=1, checkstatus=True): import serial import cupid.pilib as pilib from time import mktime, localtime data = [] if checkstatus: systemstatus = pilib.readonedbrow(pilib.controldatabase, 'systemstatus')[0] runhandler = systemstatus['serialhandlerenabled'] checktime = mktime(localtime()) checkfrequency = 15 # seconds if runhandler: pilib.log(pilib.iolog, "Starting monitoring of serial port", 1, pilib.iologlevel) else: pilib.log(pilib.iolog, "Not starting monitoring of serial port. How did I get here?", 1, pilib.iologlevel) else: runhandler = True if runhandler: ser = serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=timeout) print("Monitoring serial port " + else: print('not monitoring serial port ') while runhandler: ch = if len(ch) == 0: # rec'd nothing print all if len(data) > 0: s = '' for x in data: s += '%s' % x # ord(x) # Here for diagnostics # print '%s [len = %d]' % (s, len(data)) # now process data # print(s) # print(s.split('\n')) try: # print('*************** processing datadict') datadicts, messages = processserialdata(s) # print('ALL MY DATADICTS') # print(datadicts) # print('END OF DICTS') except IOError: print('error processing message') except Exception as ex: template = "An exception of type {0} occured. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) print message else: for datadict, message in zip(datadicts, messages): if datadict: print("datadict: ") print(datadict) # print("message: ") # print(message) publish = False for k in datadict: # print(k + datadict[k]) if k not in ['nodeid','RX_RSSI']: pass # if 'cmd' in datadict: publish = True if publish: print('publishing message') statusresult = lograwmessages(message) pilib.sizesqlitetable(pilib.motesdatabase, 'readmessages', 1000) statusresult = processremotedata(datadict, message) else: if message: print('message: ') print(message) # except: # print('error processing returned datadict, message:') # print(message) # else: # print("message parse was successful") # print(message) else: # no data, let's see if we should send message try: lastqueuedmessage = pilib.getfirsttimerow(pilib.motesdatabase, 'queuedmessages', 'queuedtime')[0] except IndexError: # no rows # print('we have an error getting a queued message. Could be just no message.') pass else: # send queued message print(lastqueuedmessage) try: print('going to send message:') print(lastqueuedmessage['message']) ser.write(lastqueuedmessage['message'].encode()) # sendserialmessage(ser, lastqueuedmessage['message']) except: print('oops') else: print('that worked out. remove message from queue') conditionnames = ['queuedtime', 'message'] conditionvalues = [lastqueuedmessage['queuedtime'], lastqueuedmessage['message']] delquery = pilib.makedeletesinglevaluequery('queuedmessages', {'conditionnames':conditionnames, 'conditionvalues':conditionvalues}) pilib.sqlitequery(pilib.motesdatabase, delquery) print('move to sent messages') pilib.sqliteinsertsingle(pilib.motesdatabase, 'sentmessages', [lastqueuedmessage['queuedtime'], pilib.gettimestring(), lastqueuedmessage['message']]) data = [] else: data.append(ch) if checkstatus: thetime = mktime(localtime()) if thetime-checktime > checkfrequency: print('checking control status') systemstatus = pilib.readonedbrow(pilib.controldatabase, 'systemstatus')[0] runserialhandler = systemstatus['serialhandlerenabled'] if runserialhandler: checktime = thetime pilib.log(pilib.iolog, 'Continuing serialhandler based on status check',3,pilib.iologlevel) else: runhandler=False pilib.log(pilib.iolog, 'Aborting serialhandler based on status check',3,pilib.iologlevel)
def updateifacestatus(): import resource.pyiface.iface as pyiface from cupid.pilib import sqlitemultquery, setsinglevalue, systemdatadatabase, readonedbrow, gettimestring import subprocess netconfigdata = readonedbrow(systemdatadatabase, 'netconfig')[0] netstatus = readonedbrow(systemdatadatabase, 'netstatus')[0] # Networking check querylist = [] table = 'netifaces' querylist.append('drop table if exists ' + table) querylist.append( "create table " + table + " (name text, hwaddr text, address text, ifaceindex integer, bcast text, mask text, flags text)") pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Reading ifaces with pyiface. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) allIfaces = pyiface.getIfaces() pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Got ifaces data. ', 5, pilib.networkloglevel) runquery=False for iface in allIfaces: runquery=True querylist.append( "insert into " + table + " values ( \'" + + "\' , \'" + iface.hwaddr + "\' , \'" + iface._Interface__sockaddrToStr( iface.addr) + "\' , \'" + str(iface.index) + "\' , \'" + iface._Interface__sockaddrToStr( iface.broadaddr) + "\' , \'" + iface._Interface__sockaddrToStr( iface.netmask) + "\' , \'" + pyiface.flagsToStr(iface.flags) + "\')") if runquery: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Sending ifaces query. ', 5, pilib.networkloglevel) sqlitemultquery(systemdatadatabase, querylist) else: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Empty ifaces query. ', 5, pilib.networkloglevel) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Completed pyiface ifaces. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) # Interfaces check # WAN check pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Checking pingtimes. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) okping = float(netconfigdata['pingthreshold']) from netfun import runping pingresults = runping('') # pingresults = [20, 20, 20] pingresult = sum(pingresults)/float(len(pingresults)) if pingresult == 0: wanaccess = 0 latency = 0 else: if pingresult < okping: wanaccess = 1 else: wanaccess = 0 latency = pingresult querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'latency', str(latency))) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Done checking pings. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) # Check supplicant status, set on/offtime if necessary. wpastatusdict = netconfig.getwpaclientstatus() try: if wpastatusdict['wpa_state'] == 'COMPLETED': wpaconnected = 1 if netstatus['connected'] == 0 or netstatus['onlinetime'] == '': pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'setting online time', 2, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'onlinetime', gettimestring())) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'offlinetime', '')) else: wpaconnected = 0 except KeyError: wpaconnected = 0 if wpaconnected == 0: if netstatus['connected'] == 1 or netstatus['offlinetime'] == '': if netconfigdata['mode'] == "station": pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'setting offline time', 2, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'offlinetime', gettimestring())) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'onlinetime', '')) else: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'setting online time', 2, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'offlinetime', '')) # Check dhcp server status pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Checking dhcp server status ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) try: result = subprocess.Popen(['service', 'isc-dhcp-server', 'status'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except: dhcpstatus = 0 pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Error in reading dhcp server status.', 1, pilib.networkloglevel) else: for line in result.stdout: if line.find('not running') > 0: dhcpstatus = 0 elif line.find('is running') > 0: dhcpstatus = 1 else: dhcpstatus = '\?' pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Done checking dhcp server status. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Updating netstatus. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) wpastatusdict['connected'] = wpaconnected try: wpastatusdict['dhcpstatus'] = dhcpstatus except: wpastatusdict['dhcpstatus'] = 0 dhcpstatus = 0 try: mode = wpastatusdict['mode'] except KeyError: mode = 'none' try: ssid = wpastatusdict['ssid'] except KeyError: ssid = 'none' try: address = wpastatusdict['ip_address'] except KeyError: address = 'none' # print('myaddress is ' + address) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'dhcpstatus', dhcpstatus)) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'connected', str(wpaconnected))) if netconfigdata['mode'] in ['ap','tempap']: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Updating netstatus to AP mode', 1, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'mode', netconfigdata['mode'])) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'SSID', 'cupidwifi')) else: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Updating netstatus to station mode', 1, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'mode', str(mode))) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'SSID', str(ssid))) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'WANaccess', str(wanaccess))) querylist.append(pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'address', str(address))) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Running netstatus query. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) pilib.sqlitemultquery(pilib.systemdatadatabase, querylist) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Completed netstatus query. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Completed netstatus update. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) return wpastatusdict
def monitor(port='/dev/ttyAMA0', baudrate=115200, timeout=1, checkstatus=True): import serial import cupid.pilib as pilib from time import mktime, localtime from time import sleep data = [] stringmessage = '' rawseriallog = True if rawseriallog: print('serial logging is enabled.') logfile = open(pilib.seriallog, 'a', 1) logfile.write('\n' + pilib.gettimestring() + ": Initializing serial log\n") if checkstatus: systemstatus = pilib.readonedbrow(pilib.controldatabase, 'systemstatus')[0] runhandler = systemstatus['serialhandlerenabled'] checktime = mktime(localtime()) checkfrequency = 15 # seconds if runhandler: pilib.log(pilib.iolog, "Starting monitoring of serial port", 1, pilib.iologlevel) else: pilib.log(pilib.iolog, "Not starting monitoring of serial port. How did I get here?", 1, pilib.iologlevel) else: runhandler = True if runhandler: ser = serial.Serial(port=port, baudrate=baudrate, timeout=timeout) print("Monitoring serial port " + else: print('not monitoring serial port ') while runhandler: # This reading has to happen faster than the messages come, or they will all be stuck together try: ch = # if ch == '\x0D': # print('carriage return') # elif ch == '\x00': # print('null character') if len(ch) == 0 or ch == '\x0D': # print('LEN ZERO OR END CHAR: PROCESS TIME') # rec'd nothing print all if len(data) > 0: s = '' for x in data: s += '%s' % x # ord(x) # Here for diagnostics # print '%s [len = %d]' % (s, len(data)) # now process data # print(s) # print(s.split('\n')) try: # print('*************** processing datadict') datadicts, messages = processserialdata(s) # print('ALL MY DATADICTS') # print(datadicts) # print('END OF DICTS') except IOError: print('error processing message') except Exception as ex: template = "An exception of type {0} occured. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) print message else: for datadict, message in zip(datadicts, messages): if datadict: # print("datadict: ") # print(datadict) # print("message: ") # print(message) publish = False for k in datadict: # print(k + datadict[k]) if k not in ['nodeid','RX_RSSI']: pass # if 'cmd' in datadict: publish = True if publish: # print('publishing message') statusresult = lograwmessages(message) pilib.sizesqlitetable(pilib.motesdatabase, 'readmessages', 1000) statusresult = processremotedata(datadict, message) else: if message: print('message: ') print(message) # Log message if rawseriallog: try: logfile.write(pilib.gettimestring() + ' : ' + message + '\n') except Exception as e: template = "An exception of type {0} occured. Arguments:\n{1!r}" message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) print message else: # no data, let's see if we should send message # print('no data, try sending') pass pilib.log(pilib.seriallog, "Attempting send routine", 1, 1) # See if there are messages to send. # try: runsendhandler(ser) # except Exception as e: # pilib.log(pilib.seriallog, "Error in send routine", 1, 1) # # template = "An exception of type {0} occured. Arguments:\n{1!r}" # message = template.format(type(ex).__name__, ex.args) # pilib.log(pilib.seriallog, message, 1, 1) # print message data = [] else: # print('DATA NOT ZERO') # print(ch) data.append(ch) stringmessage += str(ch) if checkstatus: print('checking status') thetime = mktime(localtime()) if thetime-checktime > checkfrequency: print('checking control status') systemstatus = pilib.readonedbrow(pilib.controldatabase, 'systemstatus')[0] runserialhandler = systemstatus['serialhandlerenabled'] if runserialhandler: checktime = thetime pilib.log(pilib.iolog, 'Continuing serialhandler based on status check',3,pilib.iologlevel) else: runhandler=False pilib.log(pilib.iolog, 'Aborting serialhandler based on status check',3,pilib.iologlevel) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n Exiting on keyboard interrupt\n') logfile.close() return except: # print('no characters available!') sleep(0.5) # return #runsendhandler(ser) logfile.close() ser.close() return
def runsendhandler(ser): # print('looking for message to send') try: lastqueuedmessage = pilib.getfirsttimerow(pilib.motesdatabase, 'queuedmessages', 'queuedtime')[0] except IndexError: # no rows # print('we have an error getting a queued message. Could be just no message.') pass else: print('I HAVE A MESSAE') # send queued message pilib.log(pilib.seriallog, 'Sending serial message: ' + lastqueuedmessage['message'], 1, 1) try: # print('going to send message:') # print(lastqueuedmessage['message']) ser.write(lastqueuedmessage['message'].encode()) # sendserialmessage(ser, lastqueuedmessage['message']) except: pilib.log(pilib.seriallog, 'Error sending message', 1, 1) else: pilib.log(pilib.seriallog, 'Success sending message', 1, 1) conditionnames = ['queuedtime', 'message'] conditionvalues = [lastqueuedmessage['queuedtime'], lastqueuedmessage['message']] delquery = pilib.makedeletesinglevaluequery('queuedmessages', {'conditionnames':conditionnames, 'conditionvalues':conditionvalues}) pilib.sqlitequery(pilib.motesdatabase, delquery) pilib.sqliteinsertsingle(pilib.motesdatabase, 'sentmessages', [lastqueuedmessage['queuedtime'], pilib.gettimestring(), lastqueuedmessage['message']]) return
def updateifacestatus(): import resource.pyiface.iface as pyiface from cupid.pilib import sqlitemultquery, setsinglevalue, systemdatadatabase, readonedbrow, gettimestring import subprocess netconfigdata = readonedbrow(systemdatadatabase, 'netconfig')[0] netstatus = readonedbrow(systemdatadatabase, 'netstatus')[0] # Networking check querylist = [] table = 'netifaces' querylist.append('drop table if exists ' + table) querylist.append( "create table " + table + " (name text, hwaddr text, address text, ifaceindex integer, bcast text, mask text, flags text)" ) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Reading ifaces with pyiface. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) allIfaces = pyiface.getIfaces() pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Got ifaces data. ', 5, pilib.networkloglevel) runquery = False for iface in allIfaces: runquery = True querylist.append("insert into " + table + " values ( \'" + + "\' , \'" + iface.hwaddr + "\' , \'" + iface._Interface__sockaddrToStr(iface.addr) + "\' , \'" + str(iface.index) + "\' , \'" + iface._Interface__sockaddrToStr(iface.broadaddr) + "\' , \'" + iface._Interface__sockaddrToStr(iface.netmask) + "\' , \'" + pyiface.flagsToStr(iface.flags) + "\')") if runquery: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Sending ifaces query. ', 5, pilib.networkloglevel) sqlitemultquery(systemdatadatabase, querylist) else: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Empty ifaces query. ', 5, pilib.networkloglevel) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Completed pyiface ifaces. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) # Interfaces check # WAN check pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Checking pingtimes. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) okping = float(netconfigdata['pingthreshold']) from netfun import runping pingresults = runping('') # pingresults = [20, 20, 20] pingresult = sum(pingresults) / float(len(pingresults)) if pingresult == 0: wanaccess = 0 latency = 0 else: if pingresult < okping: wanaccess = 1 else: wanaccess = 0 latency = pingresult querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'latency', str(latency))) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Done checking pings. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) # Check supplicant status, set on/offtime if necessary. wpastatusdict = netconfig.getwpaclientstatus() try: if wpastatusdict['wpa_state'] == 'COMPLETED': wpaconnected = 1 if netstatus['connected'] == 0 or netstatus['onlinetime'] == '': pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'setting online time', 2, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'onlinetime', gettimestring())) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'offlinetime', '')) else: wpaconnected = 0 except KeyError: wpaconnected = 0 if wpaconnected == 0: if netstatus['connected'] == 1 or netstatus['offlinetime'] == '': if netconfigdata['mode'] == "station": pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'setting offline time', 2, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'offlinetime', gettimestring())) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'onlinetime', '')) else: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'setting online time', 2, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'offlinetime', '')) # Check dhcp server status pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Checking dhcp server status ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) try: result = subprocess.Popen(['service', 'isc-dhcp-server', 'status'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except: dhcpstatus = 0 pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Error in reading dhcp server status.', 1, pilib.networkloglevel) else: for line in result.stdout: if line.find('not running') > 0: dhcpstatus = 0 elif line.find('is running') > 0: dhcpstatus = 1 else: dhcpstatus = '\?' pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Done checking dhcp server status. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Updating netstatus. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) wpastatusdict['connected'] = wpaconnected try: wpastatusdict['dhcpstatus'] = dhcpstatus except: wpastatusdict['dhcpstatus'] = 0 dhcpstatus = 0 try: mode = wpastatusdict['mode'] except KeyError: mode = 'none' try: ssid = wpastatusdict['ssid'] except KeyError: ssid = 'none' try: address = wpastatusdict['ip_address'] except KeyError: address = 'none' # print('myaddress is ' + address) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'dhcpstatus', dhcpstatus)) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'connected', str(wpaconnected))) if netconfigdata['mode'] in ['ap', 'tempap']: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Updating netstatus to AP mode', 1, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'mode', netconfigdata['mode'])) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'SSID', 'cupidwifi')) else: pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Updating netstatus to station mode', 1, pilib.networkloglevel) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'mode', str(mode))) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'SSID', str(ssid))) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'WANaccess', str(wanaccess))) querylist.append( pilib.makesinglevaluequery('netstatus', 'address', str(address))) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Running netstatus query. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) pilib.sqlitemultquery(pilib.systemdatadatabase, querylist) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Completed netstatus query. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) pilib.writedatedlogmsg(pilib.networklog, 'Completed netstatus update. ', 4, pilib.networkloglevel) return wpastatusdict